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Chapter 8: The Arrival

When Ella crossed the castle's threshold, she was immediately enchanted by the majesty of the place. The centuries-old walls seemed to whisper forgotten tales, while the lush green gardens offered a bewitching array of colors.

Her welcome was not what she had hoped for. Candice, one of the King's nieces.

Candice, a glint of coldness in her eyes, gracefully approached Ella at the majestic threshold of the castle.

Candice: "Ella, welcome. Your complexion radiates with a dazzling freshness, a striking contrast to mine, which seems rather pale. I presume you come from the south, don't you?"

Ella, trying to hide her discomfort behind a smile, sincerely replied: "Thank you, Candice. Indeed, I come from the south. Sunlit lands have a particular magic."

Candice, wearing a superficial smile, subtly continued: "The South... a place where people surely live at a different pace. However, it must be challenging to compete with the sophistication of the north."

Ella, maintaining her composure, calmly retorted: "Every region has its unique charm. I am eager to discover the wonders of this part of the kingdom."

Candice, changing her tone with a hint of theatricality, added: "Let's hope you'll find your place here. Life in nobility can be complex; you'll learn that quickly."

Ella, without losing her dignity, replied confidently: "I am ready to face the challenges ahead, Candice. Thank you for your advice."

The two women then moved away, each wrapped in her own thoughts, leaving behind the prelude to a relationship as delicate as the noble world in which they moved.

The castle servants approached Ella eagerly, each trying to distinguish themselves through dedication. A maid came forward with a carafe of fresh water.

Maid: "Your Highness, may I offer you a refreshment? Perhaps a glass of water?"

Touched by their solicitousness, Ella responded with gratitude: "Thank you, that's very kind. A glass of water would be perfect."

A butler, with a composed voice, continued: "And perhaps something to eat after your journey, princess? We can prepare a snack instantly."

Ella, slightly embarrassed by all the attention, smiled warmly: "It's truly thoughtful of you, but for now, I am content. Thank you."

Questions and propositions flowed, creating a whirlwind of attentiveness around Ella. The mention of "Your Highness" embarrassed her, aware that she had not yet acquired that status. She responded politely to each solicitation, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by this lavish reception.

Ella, in a barely audible whisper, sighed: "Thank you all, but I am not yet a princess. You can simply call me Ella."

The servants respectfully bowed, acknowledging Ella's wish. The newcomer felt surrounded by excessive kindness, giving rise to a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment in the face of this grandiose welcome.

Taking advantage of the servants' confusion, Ella skillfully slipped away into the meanders of the majestic castle. The vast corridors enchanted her, filled with a cold yet magnificent majesty. Her gaze wandered over refined details, from ceiling moldings to artworks adorning the walls.

Immersed in her reverie, Ella was suddenly surprised by the silent appearance of Damian, emerging from the shadows like a specter.

Damian, emerging gracefully from the shadows, bowed slightly to Ella. "What an exquisite surprise to find you here, in these majestic corridors, Ella. You have brought an unexpected light to our royal abode."

Ella, surprised but slightly captivated, responded with measured politeness. "Thank you, um... I'm sorry, I don't believe I've had the pleasure of knowing your name."

A mysterious smile crossed Damian's face. "Damian, at your service, lovely lady. You come from the southern part of the country, don't you? Your complexion radiates a warmth that our northern realm might envy."

Ella, smiling slightly, replied: "Yes, indeed. Thank you for the compliment on my complexion."

Meanwhile, Alexander, having observed the scene from afar, approached quickly.

Alexander, firmly holding Ella's wrist, gave Damian a cold look. "Come on, Damian, this is my fiancée." Ella, bewildered but intrigued, had not yet had the opportunity to see the face of the prince.

Damian, with a hint of irony, apologized while intensely gazing at Ella, "My sincere apologies, my prince. Lady Ella, please accept my apologies, and allow me to welcome you to the castle."

Ella, feeling somewhat taken aback by the turn of events, responded with a polite smile: "Thank you."

Alexander, not releasing Ella's wrist, advanced quickly. "Your journey must have been exhausting. Allow me to take you to your room." Ella, captivated by the scene, did not have time to detail the face of the mysterious prince.

Ella fixed her grip, then turned her gaze to the man standing beside her.

Ella: "You?"

Alexander, flashing a playful smile, replied in a teasing tone, "In the flesh. Apparently, destiny likes to play with us."

Ella, attempting to conceal her unease, retorted with a forced laugh, "Destiny or irony, perhaps. You are Prince Alexander, I presume."

Alexander, tilting his head slightly, confirmed, "Indeed, your future husband. Let's hope our future encounters are less... dramatic."

Ella, trying to lighten the mood, joked, "Hopefully, the next chapters of our story will be lighter."

Alexander, playing along, added with a wink, "I completely agree, Ella. But enough banter, allow me to escort you to your chamber. The castle holds many mysteries, and I'm sure you're eager to uncover them."

They moved together through the majestic corridors of the castle, exchanging light glances to dispel the tension. As they approached the door, Alexander paused.

Alexander: "Allow me to give you a piece of advice. Don't venture out at night in the castle. If you need anything, just ring this bell. The staff will be delighted to assist you."

Surprised by this unusual recommendation, Ella simply nodded. Before she could ask questions, Alexander bowed slightly and added playfully, "I have an urgent matter to attend to. Look forward to seeing you soon, princess. You look absolutely enchanting tonight."

Without waiting for a response, he disappeared into the castle corridors, leaving Ella alone and perplexed in front of the door.

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