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Chapter 2: Prologue 2- Back To Earth


-Day 1-

As my eyes opened I looked around me to the small room that mixed bedroom, kitchen, dining, and living room, leaving only the bathroom as its own thing.

However, what surprised me was not my dorm room, or anything around as I had expected those things to a certain degree, what surprised me instead was myself… And I didn't mean in a good way!

Not only was I tired, malnourished, dirty, and unkempt, I also had dry skin and my body hair was overgrown, my nails extra long, and my teeth were poorly treated. If I didn't look like a broken hobo before, I certainly did now.

The clothes I was wearing were not in a much better state, being that they were ragged, tattered, and filthy like I was being set up for failure to a ridiculous degree, and even worse is that aside from that, I could see my anime figures and posters as well as all my things from that time in the room... It was clearly my room from back then.

The only difference was this version of me, to which my memories transported… is just disgustingly bad at taking care of themselves to a hazardous level. Honestly, it's hard to believe this isn't the result of a curse.

This doesn't even make sense, yet it happened… I guess this is what the Gods meant when they said things would often go wrong in weird ways when any form of time travel was involved, and from their words traveling to the past was especially bad and could have consequences only described as worse than death.

Even so, I would not let this dictate how my life would go from now on, I'll find a way around this somehow.

First thing I did was go to the bathroom and give myself a bath, which was a fight and basically took 10 washes for me to look decently clean. My teeth were beyond saving without the help of a dentist, so tried my nails which took fighting with scissors to cut but went down, and finally, my hair as someone with no money, I couldn't go to the barbershop, so instead I did what I could in the bathroom about the beard and mustache…

While it was a disaster, it helped me, the real problem was the malnutrition and the bad skin… my body sucked, looked old, and was too weak.

The bathrooms took hours to clean after my visit, so it was not a pleasant experience, and while I looked better, it was only a slight improvement to be looking from an old homeless man to a relatively younger homeless man.

While washing my teeth didn't help me that much and hurt because my mouth was a mess, it at least helped with my breath after 15 times, but I should still avoid opening my mouth until have the money to visit a dentist, which I should find a way to go see.

Unfortunately, before I could do anything about my clothes, time to go to school arrived and so I got my things, which unlike my body were tidied up and organized… did the old me in this timeline just hate himself to such an extreme? Cause aside from my new body, all the rest was very clean and well-ordered. My hair was messy, but cutting it myself was too much of a gamble.

Moving around with messy hair, bad clothes, terrible teeth, and a malnourished body, I looked better but still looked terrible.

There was not much to eat in the fridge, so I had to make do, luckily there were some eggs, and they weren't rotten, so utilizing salt which was the only condiment in my dorm room, I managed to at least eat something, but I only have 3 more eggs, salt, and water…

I had no money, and the only reason I got to be in this dorm room was that this timeline's version of me was smarter than I was in academics during my first life, and got a scholarship of the highest degree with everything paid… so, I guess maybe I can eat at the school cafeteria… we'll see.

Not only that but there was also a major change to the world itself… apparently, from what I could gather looking online, after an interaction with another dimension or world, humans learned of cultivation, a way to rise above and become a superhuman with extraordinary powers… It reminded me that I was in another world my whole second life, but I don't remember clearly what I did while I was there… just as the Gods said I wouldn't… but it was a worthwhile sacrifice for the opportunity to finally mold my own destiny.

In time I'll definitely have to study cultivation to become stronger, but it seems not everyone is suited for it, and getting your hands on good techniques is not so simple. A broke-ass student like myself should first focus on finding a way to not starve to death then I can worry about that.

Anyway the part that really interested me about the cultivation process was that you naturally had to and would improve your body as you went along with your training, so it might just be the solution to my looking old-ass problem.

All that will have to wait as it was time for me to go to school again after so long… it's not that big a deal but somehow I felt nervous, I don't know if it's my body, me, or the me from this timeline reacting… whatever the case, looking as I did now I would definitely face some issues.

Happily, the school was aware of the problem I was already introduced to the staff, and apparently, parents got briefed on my case… This makes me feel like I'm some social experiment, but I guess that's to be expected the way I look right now as an 18-year-old. It was chopped down to a weird condition from their perspective, even so, it was still bothersome.

Oh well, can't have it all, so I'll make do.

Getting my bag, I left the room feeling like this was the beginning of a great journey.

Once I got to school, however, the treatment was as you would expect, and the people would look at me with my bag, most ignoring me or thinking I'm part of the school staff.

Then the bell rang, and I went to the first class of the week, it was Monday morning.

Inside the classroom, I found a place to sit and I was already mentally preparing for how boring this would be, but hey? got to make do.

That was until some people came to greet me.

"Hey, old man! What the hell do you think you're doing sitting here? You do realize this is the senior class at high school, not the senior home. I'll even take you there myself, if you're that lost." Some ruffian with nothing better to do came to me with his 3 followers right behind, mean-mugging me as they laughed at his comments.

He was a young man with blue eyes and brown curly hair with a fade, and had dark skin together with tattoos on his neck.

(Image Here!)

"Yeah, what the hell old man?! You can't be messing up this bad, I might end up thinking you're a perv trying to check out high school girls, that's low! So don't be a creep and piss off!" Ok, the second ruffian kinda did make a point even if he was rude about it… since I'm technically old as a ball… but I don't care, I'm here mainly to give myself a better and more enjoyable life, whatever else happens, happens!

"I'm 18, and a student in this class. You see, I have a condition and so I look like this, though if you don't believe me, you can just wait for the teacher and she'll explain." I took the calm approach and just explained my situation briefly, before making it the teacher's problem to explain.

"Bullshit! Those disgusting teeth! Can't trick me, old man! Actually, do yourself a favor and never open that mouth again! God! And I thought the sewers were bad, I guess I was too harsh on them, 'cause you, you opened my eyes to how horrid smell can be..." The first ruffian continued and his goons just laughed. Their presence apparently meant to intimidate me, but I was far from being scared of these kids.

In response, I said nothing… I'm too easy a target… they can keep finding things to make fun of, no matter what I say, so all I can really do is wait for the teacher to come to class and clarify things. Even as obnoxious as these people were, their concern was a fair one, and because of me, some of my classmates refused to enter the classroom.

Fair enough… I'm causing more commotion than I expected, but I should have seen this coming.

"Look you old sh*t! I'm not going to say this again! Get out! Or I'll make you!" He tried to pull my collar but I grabbed his hand, unfortunately, I was overpowered due to my weak body, even so, I would always fight back.

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you." The ruffian pulled his free hand back, making sure to grip my shirt tightly as he got ready to hook my face.

"What's all this commotion?! Why are you all out here?! Get into the classroom this instant!" The teacher arrived and quite honestly, I don't recall ever having such a hot teacher in my first life. Then again, I was not a good enough student to be here back then anyway.

She was a blond woman with blue eyes, a long hair and an hourglass-type figure that was well-equipped with great assets carrying volume and weight. She was also young somewhere between her early and mid-twenties though the latter is much more likely. She was wearing a black blouse, a shirt, and a bag to match.

(Image Here!)

"Teacher Shaila! There's this disgusting old man who won't leave the classroom!"

"Yeah, Raylid and the others have been trying to get him to leave, but he keeps lying about being a student. It's sick! Ewww!"

"That's why some people deserve the death penalty! Garbage like that should get disposed of at once."

"I'm not entering the classroom until he leaves!"

(Sh*t! It must be that boy I got briefed on the last week's meeting… what was his name, again? Huh… Nuno… Nino… Nini… Niv…Nivril! It was Nivril! I ended up forgetting all about him…

(Today I was supposed to come here earlier, so I could stay with him, and introduce him to the rest of the class… To avoid the exact scenario taking place right now… damnit!… I hope they didn't hurt him or might actually lose my job! Damnit!) Shaila thought to herself unbeknownst to me, since on the outside she looked mad at the students rather than worried.

"Ok! I heard you! Enough! You're all jumping to conclusions! I was going to introduce everyone to him, but since you already seem to have your made minds! I might have to register group violence as your misdemeanor and it might just stick to your curriculum… who knows…" Shaila entered the classroom as she said.

"But teacher! You can't do that!"

"That's power abuse!"

"Why does our class get all the evil teachers."

"You fool, all teachers are evil."

"Shut up you two idiots! She can hear you!"

The students just followed while complaining and the ruffians let go of me. Their leader looked at me intensely.

"Hmph! Count yourself lucky, but we're not done with you just yet." The leader of the ruffians said before taking his seat.

It took a bit but slowly everyone took their places, and we all waited for the teacher to start the lesson.

"Ok, now that everyone is seated… Nivril please come here." Shaila called me to the front, and so I went there.

(Good God! He's ugly!… I can't blame my students for acting the way they did… Gosh at least in the pictures his facial hair would hide that face, but now... Ewww… no, he's your student and a poor unlucky young man! It's not his fault he looks like that... All I can do is pity him and help him achieve his potential as the A+ student he is!) Shaila's face twitched a bit looking at me and I could tell she was not having happy thoughts about me whatever they were. Even still, she formed a genuine smile as she looked at me.

"So class, this is Nivril and he will be your classmate for your last year in high school, and while he might look like this… it's the result of an unfortunate special condition that has troubled him his whole life, so please be considerate. So, Nivril, why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself?" Shaila smiled at me as we looked at all of the class, most of them looking at me with either disgust, pity, anger, or indifference… how nice.

"As you heard from the teacher, I'm Nivril, Nivril Armondis Mortalis. I'm 18 and I like drawing, reading, animation, movies, series, and all that stuff. I don't really like seafood or basically anything that comes from the sea. Finally, I plan on becoming a powerful cultivator among other things… And that's about it from me." I introduced myself by being honest and I was not worried about what they would think.

"Tch! As if your ugly ass can be saved by cultivation! You're too far gone, give up, loser!" The ruffian's leader for some reason insisted on bothering me

"Raylid! You can't say those things! Apologize to Nivril right now!" Shaila got mad and scolded him.

"Fine, I'm sorry… I was just trying to be realistic… most people who are going to be cultivators already have that spark and good looks about them, but Nivril doesn't, I just didn't want him to cry in regret later on." Raylid blatantly lied with a smile on his face.

"Enough of that! Don't listen to him, I believe it's good to have great ambition and you're a smart person, you'll find your way there. Anyway, you can go back to your seat." Shaila smiled cheerfully as she gave me encouragement and even if it was out of pity, it still felt nice to have a woman smile at me like that... Maybe my memories of my second life had some trauma to heal.

From there, the class was as expected pretty boring all around, and if I didn't get to look at Shaila throughout, I would have probably fallen asleep. That, however, did not mean, I slacked off, I took notes and got as much as I could out of this lesson.

The day continued and the other teachers just mostly introduced me to the class without too much trouble, and I made sure to take notes in every class to revisit later.

"Have you heard? He looks like that even though he's just 18 years old!"

"No way! That's crazy!"

"Yeah, I guess in a world with cultivation everything is possible…"

"He's so ugly though... Definitely going to die alone, his face makes me feel better about mine, nice."

"You're not improving your chances with a girl anytime soon with that attitude."

"Yeah, I wouldn't date a jerk like him."

"Hmph! You'll come around it if the other option is that old-looking guy! Hahaha!"

"You got some issues, man…"

At the end of the day, as I was making my way back to the dorms with various students looking at me or commenting from the side, I could only ignore them and move on.

Once I was near the dorms a few turns away, I got pulled into an alleyway, by the 4 ruffians from school, what did they want?

"Look at what we have here, an ugly old man who's apparently only 18… Hahahaha! Tell me, does your life suck as much as it looks like?" Raylid asked me.

"What do you want?" I simply ask back.

"Oh so rude, I thought you would have better manners by now old man, but let me explain… You fought back against me! I give the shots and make things happen and never the other way around among students… but here you come all old and rebellious! Grow up! Old man!" As he spoke his tone and expression rose in anger until he kicked the trash can that was next to me, indenting it and causing it to roll toward the wall behind me.

"So, to make up for your bad behavior, you're going to become a beggar, I mean, you already have the look down, so why not make use of it? Then you'll give me whatever money you make from it…

"I looked into it and you're a broke scholarship child, so the only money I can get from you is your scholarship allowance, but I can't let you starve to death, I'm not that mean, so instead you'll beg for me!" Raylid explained his plan as he looked at me with anger and disgust while his goons surrounded us.

"And what if I refuse?" I calmly questioned with no fear in my eyes. Even though I didn't exactly remember my second life, I had glimpses of it, and my spirit still felt that weight in me, I would not submit to something like this, I would rather die than allow my life to be controlled like this again! My first life had more than enough of that!

"I'm not asking!" Raylid extended his hand and put on some gloves before getting a box from a bag one of his goons was carrying, then he opened the box before pulling out a knife from inside it. "This isn't the US, so I couldn't get a gun… but I'm pretty sure you understand what this means."

"What does it mean?" I was not backing down.

HaremHobo HaremHobo

It's nostalgic to be here again.

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