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Chapter 9: Chapter 8 - Awakener Exam: Part 3

The red haired guild master immediately dropped the bag of popcorn at the sight of the white cloud of smoke. "Shit! Fuck! Shit! Shit! Fucking hell! Please be okay, kid! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!"

Billy kept cursing under his breath as he exploded towards Puck's location like a guided missile, hoping the entire time that the new and first potential S Rank Gacha user died in his watch.

He soon realized his worries were unneeded and unfounded as a humongous red tail swung out from the smoke cloud, catching him off guard and throwing him a distance away.


Back With Puck~

Puck had to shield his eyes once the cloud of smoke had appeared, but upon opening his eyes....

He soon came to realize that he was no longer standing on the ground, which caused a small knowing smile to grace his face.

"Thanks for answering my call.... Kurama."

A sudden soul shattering roar suddenly blew the the smoke cloud away, revealing a unbelievably massive, fiery red, nine tailed fox.

Puck crossed his arms triumphantly as he stood atop the vulpine bijuu.

He was seriously debating whether or not to summon this or a character from an entirely different series like Dragon Ball....

But he doesn't think he could handle that at the moment. He'd probably fanboy to the point of embarrassment, and he doesn't want to show that side to the examiner.

Especially since he'll definitely report it back to the Awakener Bureau....

"Yeah....that's not something I want on my record.... Especially when I have such a good reputation already!"

His thoughts were interrupted as a quick movement from the giant kitsune knocked him off his feet. He watched with amusement as the fox easily knocked the reapers away like flies, a vicious smile making it's way onto his face.

"Man! No wonder why Madara and Obito love summoning you to wreak havoc! You're so fucking good at it!" He exclaims with a laugh before finally taking in the landscape around him.

The dungeon wasn't that big, in fact, the forest that he was in was just barely the outskirts before it bled into a massive cemetery with a humongous mausoleum at the center.

The mausoleum itself gave off a every vibe and Puck could already see the army of high ranking undead waiting for him from his new vantage point.

"That's probably where the boss is...." He mumbled to himself before his eyes suddenly light up as an idea pops in his head.

A massive grins splits Puck's face as he taps the fox's head to get it's attention. "Hey, Kurama! You see that over there?" He points at the massive mausoleum as the fox follows his line of sight. "You think you could fire full powered a tailed beast ball at it from here?"

The fox gave Puck a massive toothy grin in response before releasing a low demonic chuckle. "For the first time since I can remember.... I'm actually glad to be summoned for once! You're alright, kit! Just don't push your luck! I don't know how you know my name, but you're lucky that I'm in a good mood!" The massive fox exclaims in a deep and intimidating voice before beginning to power up a massive purple ball of destructive energy, all nine of it's long red tails curling up to help empower the ball of energy.

Puck couldn't feel any maliciousness from the massive fox's words, but he still took them to heart. He somehow knew though that deep down....

The fox had opened it's heart up to him. He didn't know if it was because he summoned it or if the fox genuinely thought of him as a comrade.

But it didn't matter, all that mattered was that Puck was actually able to live out one of his many life long fantasies!

A year rolled down Puck's face as he sniffles loudly, a wide grin making it's way onto his face as he points a finger gun at the mausoleum.



Some Distance Away~

Billy let out a small pained groan as he pulled himself out of the crater he landed in. He shook his head to help clear it as he stood to his feet, looking at the trail of destruction he left in his wake when he skipped across the ground and skid to a halt.

He had no idea what the hell had hit him, but one thing was for sure....

Whatever it was....

He was gonna find it....

And he was going to rip it apart!

He let out a low growl as his dark blood red and gold energy began to swirl to life around him. Veins popping out of his head as he let out a loud roar of anger, the ground shattering underneath him as he jump upwards.

First he had to fin-


Billy had jump up just in time to see a massive ball of dark purple energy consume the area that was supposed to be the final boss room.

The explosion and shockwaves that emanated from it we're unbelievably intense, but Billy was more than prepared for it. Two massive gold chains launched themselves from his golden gauntlets and hooked into the ground, keeping him from being blown away from the force of the blast.

"W-What in the actual fuck was that?!" He exclaimed, his eyes widening slightly in shock.

That attack was easily equal to one of his strongest S Ranked attacks, if not stronger!

And that was saying something since he was known to be one of the most destructive among the top rankers!

Billy finally managed to land on the ground after the explosion settled down, dusting himself off. That was a nice way to sober up, his anger was long forgotten.

Now all he wanted to do was find his trainee and get the hell out of here!

Sure, he was crazy and craved bloodshed. Hell! Most would call him a battle junkie!

But he wasn't stupid.

Sure he'd try to fight the being that caused the explosion if he ever managed to mee-....

~CONGRATULATIONS! You have cleared the A Ranked Dungeon: Lich Kingdom! The rewards will be distributed evenly based on contribution! The exit will close in approximately: 9 mins 59 secs~

Billy's eyes widened at this. "W-Wait a minute! But I didn't even do anything though! That's so fuckin unfair!" He let out a frustrated growl.

For the first time since becoming a awakener, Billy had actually managed to do absolutely nothing in a dungeon in order to clear it!

"But wait.... doesn't that mean....?"

His thoughts were interrupted as the sound of what seemed like booming footsteps began to approach his location.

Billy narrowed his eyes at this as he prepared himself to fight whatever it was that was quickly approaching his location.

He slammed his hand into the ground before suddenly pulling out a unbelievably long gold and black katana.

Just in time too, for as soon as he finished pulling out the comically long sword, Kyuubi (Kurama), was already on top of him.

The red haired guild master was just about to swing his katana with a might roar towards the behemoth's neck, when he noticed something resting on its head.


With Puck~

After the notification that the dungeon was cleared, Puck decided to check his status for any changes.

He wasn't even worried about the massive smoking crater that was left in the ground from Kyuubi's attack.


Name: Puck Gier

Age: 21

Lvl: 48

Race: Human (?)

Job: Summoner (Rank: Mythical)

Status: Awakened

Class Type: Gacha (Humanoid)

Rank: SSS

Str: 509 (+20)

Int: 340 (+20)

Dex: 620 (+20)

Luck: 268 (+20)

HP: 1100/1100

Cost: 350/450

Current Titles: God of Gacha, Dragon Slayer, Bane of the Undead (New!)

Skills: Gacha Summoning, Gacha Inventory, Gacha Wave, Assimilation, Full Assimilation


"Fuck! Not even a level up?! Damn! How much will I have to grind in order to level up now?! Don't tell me I can only level from S+ Ranked dungeons now!" Puck cursed under his breath before deciding to just let it go.

It was already a miracle for him to be level 48 as is!

"At least my stats went up for some reason...." He mumbled to himself.

He let out a small huff as he clicked his new title, smirking as he checked it. "At least it wasn't a total waste of time!"

~CONGRATULATIONS! You have received a new title: Bane of the Undead! - Description: You have killed a large number of high ranking undead! All stats +20 and damage against undead increased greatly! - WARNING! - All undead creatures will have a instinctual fear of you!~

Puck's eyes lit up at this. "+20 to all stats?! Holy shit! They usually say that stat increases are rare! But I've already got two of 'em under my belt! Plus undead will fear me?!....I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing honestly.... Doesn't that mean I'm scarier than they are?...."

He quickly shook himself from his thoughts. The door to the dungeon was about to be open at any minute! He needed to find his crazy examiner and get the hell outta there!

So he gently patted the humongous fox's, surprisingly soft, head to get it's attention. "Good job, buddy! C'mon! Let's go find Billy and get out of here!"

"Oh? Are you speaking of that creature that was watching you from a distance? Hmm.... I may or may not have flattened him. But I can still sense his energy, so he must be alive." He says evenly, it sounded more like he was talking to himself than anything.

Puck was just about to question what he meant by "flattened" when he suddenly had to hold on for his life as the fox began to run in a, seemingly random, direction.

Just as they were about to reach what looked like a huge swirling blue vortex, a massive gold sword came out of nowhere and looked like it was about to strike Kurama!

Puck prepared himself for the impact, but it never came.

He slowly opened his eyes, only to come face to face with the blade inches away from his face, causing him to sweat nervously and gulp. "F-Fucking hell...." That was the only thing he could say as Kurama let's out a low threatening growl towards the origin of the katana's blade.

The blade suddenly shattered apart like glass before disappearing in golden particles.

Puck let out a small sigh of relief before asking Kurama to set him down, which the giant fox did albeit begrudgingly. The fox didn't think it was safe, but since it was nearby it could jump to action if anything happened.

As soon as Puck's feet touched the ground he was suddenly tackled by red blur.

"Holy fucking shit! Are you alright, kid?! What happened?! Please tell me you aren't hurt!" The battle loving guild master exclaim rather quickly.

It was clear he was worried if the way he was looking over Puck's body for injuries was anything to go by.

It was hard to believe that this man was nicknamed "Bloody Massacre Billy" by those in the awakener world....

He just seemed too nic-

Puck's thoughts soon were interrupted as his breath left his body as the muscles red head squeezed the life out of him in a tight hug before setting him in his feet.

"Damn! You had no idea how worried I was for you, kid! Now what the hell is this fucking thing?" Billy asks while struggling to look up at the massive fox's face, his hand shielding his eyes from the sun.

"Of course that's what he's mainly worried about...." Puck thought to himself with a sigh of defeat.

He'll probably never understand the eccentric guild masters that make up the top guilds. They all seem to be out of their fucking minds!

"That's Kurama, one of my summons." Puck explained simply.

"That's Kyuubi No Kitsune to you, redhead." Kurama suddenly growled, causing the guild master to jump slightly.

"W-Woah! It can talk?! Holy shit that's awesome! So you're like a summoner or something?! But the report said you're a Gacha user!" Billy exclaimed with excitement, looking like a child who just found a new toy.

Puck simply massages his temples at this, and just when he was about to answer Billy's questions....

~WARNING! There is currently: 2 mins and 59 secs until the exit is closed and the dungeon is reset~

Puck nearly jumped as the notification rang throughout the entire dungeon.

"What reset?! What'll happen if we're still inside when that happens?!" Puck exclaims panicked.

"It's probably best if we don't find out, kit! Hold on!" Kurama exclaims before picking both Puck and Billy up and placing them on his back, though he seemed reluctant to actually let the red haired guild master on, before sprinting towards the exit.

The speed that the giant kitsune was moving would've made any bullet train or jet look like Model Ts in comparison as they reached the portal with 2 minutes to spare!

But, to both the guild master and Puck's horror....

The fox didn't seem to be slowing down at all....

"Oh/fuck...." Puck and Billy said, finishing each other's thought as the kitsune suddenly leaped through the portal.

To be continued~


End Chapter 8~

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