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Chapter 2: 00:02



Year 2086

The loud orchestra and the binding lights of the Chandelier greeted 02 (Second) as soon as she entered the elegant venue where the celebration is being held. It was the 13th anniversary of the organization since it was established and all of the attendees were a bunch of brilliant and elite scientists who became famous because of their invention.

While looking at them, Second couldn't believe that these high and all mighty geniuses were all slaves of him. That despite their intelligence, they chose to work for that person. Under their ravishing outfits and smiles hides their flawed and scared nature.

She couldn't help but look at everyone's figure. Suddenly, a person who just entered the venue whispered something to one of the guests. The guest exaggeratedly gasped. In just a snap, all of them already know it.

It's been just an hour since that incident happened and just like as always, the news spread like wildfire in the entire area. She knew that what Axis did will have a big impact on these pathetic people. As soon as they heard about it, they immediately started commenting which she already expected.

Unluckily, she had a tiny voice recorder on her dashing earrings, opposite to her emotionless and resting face. She is sure that whatever they are talking about, Raven can hear them, loud and clear.

"I heard he escaped and did something horrible.", one of them said while drinking his wine. His eyes kept looking at the violet liquid inside the wine glass.

"Are you sure? I thought he was aware of his responsibility, and yet he chose not to do it. Instead he prioritizes and saves his self only. What a selfish and cowardly coward." his comrade responded while shaking his head.

"Can't really blame him though. If he ever finds that out, I'm sure that he will really panic and feel betrayed. We shouldn't be surprised or shocked by his actions already. We're already expecting that reaction from and yet we still decided to depend our lives on him. To a freaking 16 year old who's just a brat and who doesn't even know what life is outside his cell." the man holding the wine added before drinking it in just one gulp.

"Do you know that he also ruined the tank?" he also added.

Number 02 suddenly heard what those two were talking about and silently gasped. So he not just escaped but also ruined the tank? Number 02 looks down and holds her pinky finger and gives a bored blank look to those two who were talking about Axis. Raven needs to know this, was the only thing she thought about until she got out of the area.

On the other part of the venue, a complete opposite event was happening in contrast to the festive aura inside. A few scientists were talking silently at the balcony and were talking about the recent hunt about Axis davina.

RAY will be mad at them, that's for sure. If there is one thing that Second (02) didn't know, is that every time the scientists fail to do their tasks or do the slightest mistake, it's either they're gonna be tortured or RAY will kill all their family including them to keep the information and traces hidden. That's how ruthless he is.

That incident often happened so most of the seniors already know how desperate and cruel RAY is to maintain the good image of the organization. They would warn every newbie to carefully watch their actions and words because one mistake could lead to a disaster.

"Looks like we're already gonna die, huh." one of them said while puffing his cigarette. Cyber exhaled the smoke as he was reminiscing back in time.

The organization isn't simple to describe from what he remembers. At first, it was too good to be true that it tempted him to enter the company. It had everything Cyber needs. From the money, to the benefits, security, and facilities. Especially unlimited opportunities to showcase your abilities.

As a scientist, he wanted something that could unleash his full potential when it comes to science, he wanted his knowledge to be acknowledged and useful to the society. The RAY Organization was the perfect company for that until he climbed up the rank. That's when everything turned upside down.

His view of the RAY went from the perfect and flawless organization to the merciless that would do anything to achieve its goal.

Cyber worked in the facilities and eventually got transferred to the secret lab. Inside there were countless illegal operations that had hidden objectives that only RAY knows.

The location of the place was something forbidden and only those registered can enter the area. It had a sleek metallic surface and was filled with all kinds of quantum machinery. It was even filled with experimental apparatus in each room.

He and his old friend were one of those people so they could enter the lab easily. Everything was complete. From the tools, tanks, and lastly the machines.

Cyber felt like he truly belonged there at first until he got a glance at who was inside the area. Both of them were really shocked when they found out. The scientists there were all young looking. Almost like they didn't age. What's weird is how they act. They don't talk to each other yet they know what to do. Almost like they can hear what each other thinks.

Observing and analyzing them feels like watching a doll play. They're like dolls that are moving without thinking. Almost like they have a string attached to their bodies. He continues to observe them everyday. From how they work, how they eat and how they move their body.

Until one time, one of them stopped moving. Almost like a malfunction. That person was standing still, not closing her eyes and her body was still like a statue. Her body eventually release a black smoke that comes from her shoulder and head. At that time, Cyber already concluded what it was.

It was a cyborg.

A maintenance team came and brought her figure to some lab. The others were looking at her but they also continued to do their task. Almost like an autopilot.

Most of them were cyborgs, a human who's been modified by technology. Reducing their ability to feel real emotions, will, desire, in exchange for beyond human abilities.

Cyber came back to the reality when the door made a creak sound. Hinting that there's a person who recklessly entered their conversation.

"I'm afraid of what it is." someone said behind their back. All of them glance at the newly arrived person and feel shivers just by his presence. A cyborg. He was smiling when he talked,

"I guess you already know why I'm here right?RAY recently heard the news. He would like to hold a second part of the party meeting tomorrow night, sharply at 8:00pm. Be ready." Number 30 (thirty) said before leaving.

Cyber could just look at him and smiled bitterly. They have no choice but to attend or else, they will face the consequences. Attending that party only means one thing, RAY would negotiate with everyone until he finds the culprit himself.

Going there was a risk because they either listen to him talk and be accused, or turn into a mindless doll that will do everything for him. The latter often happens more than the first one.

After a few minutes, their mechanical watch's black screen lightens. Words were being displayed and revealed the full details of the party. A voicemail also came along with the invitation.

"I expect everyone of you to come." was the last word they heard from him. His voice already screams danger even when it sounds like a robot, because behind those sounds, was a person who knew something that no other humans can comprehend.

"Are you guys...going?" one of them asked. What an absurd question indeed.

Most of the scientists nod, shivering and shaking by an unknown yet familiar feeling, the word fear. What other choice do they have? They know that no matter what they do, they have to abide even though they don't know RAY's objectives.

They hated it because it reminded them that no matter how high, or smart they were, they would always be at the bottom whenever he appeared.


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