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Chapter 26: Wasted

Nial stood still in the massive hotel suite, staring at the table in the bedroom that was covered in merchandise, and the long rack of clothing hanging beside it.

So fucking cool.

He'd already looked through everything once, trying to not to squeal like a girl because Dorian was hovering over his shoulder. He wanted to go through it again, but he could tell the guy was impatient.

Instead he walked over to the rolling rack where there were a dozen pieces of clothing hanging in clear plastic covers.

"Oh my god," he laughed. "They even gave me a cape like yours."

"It's a fucking cloak! And it has a great many practical applications," Dorian muttered, pacing the floor between the bed and the window.

"Like flying?" Nial snorted. "Do you aspire to be Superman?"

"Shut up, dick fart."

Nial kept pushing each item on the rack aside so he could see the one behind it. But it was clear that there was a theme.

There was a couple of black t-shirts that advertised the game. But most of the clothing was very reminiscent of Dorian.

Nial shook his head when he found the rest of the outfit to go with the cape—a black leather jacket with a high collar and two loops to connect the cape behind the shoulders, a black button-down shirt with a holster strap and knife sheath built in at the ribs, leather pants that matched the jacket, a belt, and black leather boots that looked like they belonged on a motorcycle gang member.

Laughing, Nial hurriedly undressed and began to put the clothes on. He couldn't decide if he'd look awesome, or like a complete douchebag. 

"They want me to dress like you."

Dorian scoffed. "You are nothing like me. You have the charisma of a wet sock. Do not let them fluff your ego: The costume does not make the man."

"Maybe not, but it definitely makes the occasion," Nial said, pulling the cape off its hanger and throwing it around his shoulders. "Show me a window so I can jump out."

"Shut up—"

The knock on the door startled Nial, but it was Dorian whose eyes narrowed. He followed Nial to the door where he peered out of the security hole.

"It's Scar," Nial said, uncertain whether he was relieved or angry.

"Leave the bitch out there."

Which was what made up Nial's mind. "She needs help, Dorian. She can't go to a doctor because they're going to ask how she got shot. She needs to rest. Besides, she wasn't lying about Duff, right?"

Dorian grunted but didn't reply, so Nial unlocked the door while Dorian stormed away to the living area, muttering about softhearted femboys, but Nial ignored him and opened the door wide.

He didn't smile, and neither did Scar. Well, he couldn't see her face because of the mask, but she didn't move like she was smiling. She stalked past Nial without a glance, and straight for Dorian.

"What the hell do you mean, you're going to train him?"

Somehow, Dorian was laying out on the couch like he'd been there the whole time, his elbows bent back and hands behind his head. His eyes were closed and he was smiling. At least, he was before Scar spoke.

When she stood over him and repeated the question, he frowned. Without opening his eyes, he flapped a hand around his face.

"Did you let flies in, Nial?" he said dryly. "Some kind of irritating gnat is buzzing around my head."

"Look, asshole," Scar spat, grabbing Dorian by the lapels of his jacket and yanking him up into her face. "This isn't a game—tell me! Are you serious about taking him there?"

Dorian opened his eyes and pried her hands off his shirt, brushing it off like she'd left dirt on it. But he only glared at her and didn't answer.

"Elysium, or the wasteland?" she continued as if he had.

"Why does it matter?" 

"Because… because Duff would never think you'd take the risk of getting Nial into the spectrum, so that makes it a good idea. But you have to keep him out of the wasteland. If you don't get the timing exactly right, he'll show up in the game and then Duff will know where he is."

"What is the spectrum? And… are we going to Elysium?" Nial asked quickly.

Scar turned around to face him, unbuckling her mask and pulling back her hood. He caught the pinch of pain in her eyes, but she didn't say anything about it.

"The spectrum is what we call the combination of time and space that the game draws from. It's a specific period of time in a specific place. That's the area of the Elysium wasteland, and the most recent hours that the magic draws from to replicate. If Dorian takes you too close to it, he risks getting you sucked into the game. It's… attracted to you."

Nial blinked. "The game has… desires?"

Dorian snorted, but he turned his body so he was sitting on the couch, leaning on his knees. "The spectrum is drawn to you, Nial—you created it. Scar is overreacting."

"I am not, and you know it. If he shows up in the game, Duff will be able to identify exactly when and where he is."

"Apparently he's been able to do that anyway!"

"No, he hasn't. I told you, I was bluffing back at the cabin. Trying to get you to listen!"

"And I told you, Duff was there, in that time—if not at the cabin. He almost caught us before I got Nial out of the city."

"Wait, what?" Scar snapped her head to look at Nial. "Is that true?"

Nial shrugged. "Someone was definitely chasing us. I don't know who it was, though."

Scar whirled on Dorian. "Then it's even more important that you keep him well clear of the spectrum!"

Dorian's eyes flashed. "I am not discussing my plan—or my justification for it—with you. You're a fool if you think I will."

"I can help you, Dorian! I have always been better at the precision of traveling than you are!"

"I do just fine."

"You're willing to risk all of this—everything—just for your ego?!" she shrilled. "I've been trying to make you listen and you refuse. You're the reason this will fail, Dorian!"

"My wife claiming the failure is mine? What an astonishing turn of events."

"Dorian, this isn't about us. This is about him!" she pointed at Nial without taking her eyes off Dorian.

Dorian pushed to his feet, looming over her, his lips peeled back from his teeth as he seethed, "I'm not putting up with this shit, no matter who it's about. I'll remind you, you were not invited on this foray into the future."

"I warned you, Dorian. I warned you if you kept insisting on hiding everything—"

Dorian swept past her, his arm smacking against her side when he moved. She cried out and stumbled back a step, holding her wound.

Nial sucked in a breath and stepped towards her to see if she was okay, but Dorian put himself between them and grabbed Nial's outstretched hand. The room lurched.

"Wait—" Nial gasped.

"Dorian, don't!" Scar pleaded, throwing herself towards Nial.

"Training starts now," Dorian snapped. And then the world moved.

Nial felt Scar's hand close on his other wrist a split second before the world began to spin.

Then pain rocked through his entire body.


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