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Chapter 18: The Trip Back

"Glad to hear ya can keep Atlas, Sebastian!" Hagrid chuckled heartily as the trio rode a cart back to Hogwarts.

"Thank you, Hagrid." Sebastian smiled, but the oldest inside the cart could notice the pain that he was masking with the smile.

"But how'd ya manage that?" Hagrid inquired, his curiosity piqued. "I've never seen anyone beat the old men o' the council in such a short time!"

Not wanting to stir up unwanted memories, Dumbledore intervened. "That is enough questioning, Hagrid. Let the boy rest, he is tired from being in court."

One of the reasons Dumbledore decided for the cart instead of teleportation was to let Sebastian relax before going back into another hectic place.

He knew that the boy had gone through a lot, and he didn't want to give him more stress.

"You can take the whole day off, Sebastian." Dumbledore suggested, "And tomorrow you and I will go shopping for your school year."

This surprised Hagrid, "Will ya go personally?"

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded, "There are a few things that I need to help him with."

Dumbledore hid half of the reasons, but he knew that there was no point in explaining it just yet.

"Ya didn't even go with Harry!" Hagrid exclaimed, utterly surprised.

"Harry?" Sebastian finally paid a little attention to the discussion, "I have heard that name before. Is he someone famous?"

"Yer haven't met Harry?" Hagrid almost gasped. "Course y' haven't!"

"Hagrid." Dumbledore signed, "That is enough, let the boy rest."

"No, it is fine, professor." Sebastian smiled, "I want to know a little more about Hogwarts and the people in it."

Dumbledore looked at Sebastian, "Just do make sure that you rest. You have been through a lot today."

"I will keep that in mind, sir." Sebastian tried to show an expression that appeared free of worries, but between him and Dumbledore, both knew that it was all a hoax.

"So, Hagrid. Tell me about Harry."

This immediately lit up Hagrid's eyes. If there was something other than magical beasts that he loved talking about, that would be talking about Harry.

No one could explain why Hagrid was so invested into Harry's life, but he was.

"Harry's a lovely lad," the half-giant remarked. "Kind and right innocent, he is, despite it all. And strong, too."

"Oh?" This made Sebastian a little curious. "How strong are we talking about?"

"Possibly the strongest of the new–" Hagrid was about to crown Harry to be the strongest of the first years, but recalling the event he went through with Sebastian, he knew that Harry was not the strongest.

So, he improvised his statement mid sentence. "He's one o' the strongest. I reckon you'll enjoy dueling with him."

"They have not been taught about dueling, Hagrid." Dumbledore added with a sigh, but it was an amused sigh rather than a tired or disappointed one.

"Oh, I know quite a bit about duels." Sebastian said, recalling all the gruesome duels he had with wizards thrice his age.

Just to please his grandfather.

"Ya do?"

"You do."

Two replies to the statement, two similar statements yet entirely different.

Hagrid was stunned at the news while Dumbledore felt stupid to even consider Sebastian was not trained in the art of dueling.

"Then I stand corrected," Dumbledore's expression softened a little, "One of the two does not know about dueling, Hagrid. So, do not bring it up until Harry is trained in that field."

"What made you say that Harry is strong?" Sebastian was honestly curious, "Does he possess strong magic or did he achieve some extraordinary feat?"

"A little of both." Dumbledore said.

"Oh?" Sebastian's curiosity only grew bigger at Dumbledore's statement.

And seeing this Hagrid decided to intervene.

"Harry's a lad who had a rough past. Lost his parents while they were tryin' to protect 'im,"

"That's enough, Hagrid." Dumbledore tried to stop Hagrid from reopening an old wound, but Hagrid had his reasons to talk about it.

"Isn't it only fair for 'im to know 'bout it, Headmaster?" Hagrid inquired. "Everyone from purebloods to muggle-born children knows his story. It ain't fair for 'im to be entirely in the dark, 'specially when they'll be classmates, maybe even friends, startin' this semester."

Dumbledore thought about it for a second before nodding, "I guess you are right."

This made Hagrid grin and nod aggressively.

"So, Harry..." Hagrid began, trying to remember everything he knew. "Even before he was born, there was a prophecy about 'im—that he'd defeat a dark lord."

'Dark lord?' Sebastian was intrigued, "Isn't that a term that is used for wizards capable of waging wars on their own and they do so for their evil causes?"

Hagrid nodded, "Aye, I reckon that's the definition."

"The present definition would be that alongside that individual being a user of the dark and forbidden arts." Dumbledore clarified.

"Oh, makes sense." Sebastian said and went back to focusing on the story.

"So, there was a dark lord... one who shall not be named," Hagrid mentioned, hinting at the ominous figure without uttering their name.

"Why?" Sebastian asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's forbidden," Hagrid said solemnly. "But gettin' back to the story, the dark lord believed it was 'im that was meant. So, right after Harry was born, he went to kill the infant."

Sebastian's eyes widened, 'Killing a baby? Quite evil but also smart.'

After all, a baby cannot fight back.

"He tried to kill Harry, but his parents fought for his life. Sadly, they were killed in that confrontation," Hagrid explained, recounting the tragic events.

"Oh…" Hearing Hagrid, Sebastian felt a little bad for Harry. However, he was also curious. "Then how did Harry survive?"

"That's the miracle!" Hagrid exclaimed. "The infant Harry released a magical power so strong and potent that it burned through the dark powers of the dark lord and slew 'im!"

At this statement, Sebastian was left baffled.

"Huh?" He looked at Dumbledore almost immediately, "That is interesting."

However, that was not a look of surprise but a look that requested a proper explanation.


Because, Sebastian knew about magic more than most wizards and one thing that he was certain about was the fact that a baby, no matter how powerful or magical, was not capable of slaying a dark lord –a wizard who could single handedly wage wars.

Dumbledore stared at Sebastian, fully aware that the boy looked at him for a proper explanation.

Now, Dumbledore would have either not said a word or would have just agreed with Hagrid if it was anyone else.

However, with Sebastian it was different. Dumbledore knew that the boy was not easy to fool. And considering he was going to be the lord of Slytherin sooner or later, he did have to be filled in about the proper wizarding world history.

Not simple politics, but the usually omitted parts as well.

Dumbledore raised his hand and snapped his fingers, creating a sort of wave that was felt by Sebastian.

"I know what you are thinking and you are correct."

"Oh, Professor..." Hagrid huffed, "Why go and build a noise cancellation chamber just for you two?"

While Dumbledore felt a little bad about leaving Hagrid out, it was not something he could just talk with everyone about. And if not for the scene he saw with Sebastian, especially the memory part, he would have not talked to Sebastian about it either.

"Harry was most likely not the one that killed the dark lord." The old man said, only increasing the boy's curiosity.

"So, what was the actual cause?" Sebastian asked, hoping for a better reason.

"We don't know the actual story but assumptions are that his father or mother, most likely his mother used some sort of charm at the expense of her life that likely deflected the attack made by the dark lord, ultimately slaying him." Dumbledore said, a sliver of pain prominent in his voice.

"I assume… you knew his parents quite well?" Sebastian asked, fully invested into the story.

"His parents, Lily and James, were students of Hogwarts. His father was the heir of the house of Potter and his mother, while born to muggles, possessed great magical gifts especially in charms." Dumbledore's expression softened, "They were special children so it does hurt to know that they are not with us anymore."

Sebastian nodded but decided not to speak, believing he would say something insensitive.

"But it is not a story that everyone knows, so I hope you can keep it to yourself." Dumbledore requested.

"Of course. It does me no good to talk about it." Sebastian assured, but in truth he was interested in something else. "But why is this dark lord… why is his name not taken."

"It is said to be cursed." Dumbledore answered, "People say that there is a jinx placed on the name and each time someone takes that name, despair follows them."

"And is that the truth?" Sebastian asked and Dumbledore nodded.

"It is."

But something told Sebastian that Dumbledore was not telling him the entire story, there was something that he was not saying.

"Considering that we are in a sound barrier and jinxes usually do not activate under such scenarios, may I still enquire his name?" Sebastian asked with a smirk, aware that there were not many excuses that Dumbledore could give in that situation.

"You are sometimes too smart for your own good, Sebastian." Dumbledore stared at him, "And that is not a praise."

"Better to be smarter than to be dumber."

Dumbledore shook his head, "Promise me that you will not take this name in front of anyone else."

Sebastian agreed immediately. "Of course!"

Dumbledore still wasn't sure but seeing the glowing eyes of curiosity and realizing that in a way he had been successful in lifting up Sebastian's mood —he decided to reveal it.

"His name… was Lord Voldemort, one of the most evil wizards in the history of magical Britain."

"That's…" Sebastian sounded impressed, but not by the title of him being one of the most evil wizards, instead it was because of his name. "That is a rather interesting name."

"It is." Dumbledore agreed, "As for most of the war that he waged, you can read about it in the library, so I will not go into that."


And just as he said that, they heard Hagrid say.

"We are almost there, professor."

Dumbledore finally gave a smile, "Rest for today, Sebastian and tomorrow we will be visiting the Diagon Alley to shop for your robes and possibly a wand that suits you."

"Thank you, professor."

Sebastian was excited about finally getting a wand and starting his school life.

But if there was something that he was more excited about, that was the Book of Salazar.

The book that he had no time to open because of all the continuous chain of events.

'Finally, I can check it tonight.'


[[A/N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead of WN on Patreon.

25 Advanced Chapters for Harry Potter on



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