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Chapter 15: Shoyo's Nightmare


In the midst of a deep slumber, Shoyo was abruptly jolted awake by the sharp, piercing sound of a whistle. His eyes fluttered open, and he was met with a surreal sight that left him utterly bewildered.

He found himself standing on the polished wooden floor of a vast and bustling gymnasium, surrounded by a sea of enthusiastic spectators who were cheering and clapping with fervor. The electric atmosphere reverberated with excitement.

Before him, a high-stakes volleyball match was unfolding in all its glory. Players in their vibrant team jerseys soared gracefully through the air, their powerful spikes and expertly executed sets leaving the audience in awe.

Shoyo then read the jersey on his side of the court as "Akihiro Volleyball Team" and the jersey on the other side of the court as "Estrein Volleyball Team". He then looked at what he was wearing and found out that he was still in his pajamas, which made him embarrassed.

The court was a battleground, the net a formidable barrier, and the ball a symbol of intense competition.

As Shoyo took in his surroundings, confusion gripped him. His voice was but a whisper amidst the cacophony of the crowd as he muttered to himself, "Huh? Where am I?"

The gymnasium, though unfamiliar, felt oddly comforting yet surreal. It was as if he had stepped into a dream where reality and fantasy coalesced.

Shoyo's heart raced, not just from the adrenaline in the air but also from the disorienting realization that he had somehow been transported to this volleyball arena. Questions swirled in his mind, and a sense of unease settled over him like a heavy fog.


The shrill sound of the whistle pierced through the air once again, and Shoyo's senses sharpened as he tracked the path of the incoming volleyball, which was now soaring toward him like a guided missile.

Every muscle in Shoyo's body tensed with anticipation as he instinctively positioned himself to receive the ball. The seconds felt like an eternity as the ball drew nearer, and he could almost feel the energy coursing through it.

But then, in a split second, the ball slipped through his outstretched arms as if it were a phantom. The feeling of surprise washed over him, leaving him momentarily paralyzed.

"Huh?" Shoyo muttered, his voice barely audible over the rhythmic pounding of his heart.

"I got it!" came a confident voice from the periphery, and someone from his team skillfully intercepted the elusive ball.

Turning to see the savior, Shoyo's eyes widened in astonishment as he recognized the familiar face of his older twin brother, Sora, who was wearing the Akihiro jersey.

"Aniki!" Shoyo exclaimed, his heart swelling with warmth and longing. He reached out to embrace Sora, but to his disbelief, his arms went through his brother as though he were a mirage.

A heavy sense of disappointment washed over Shoyo, and his heart sank like an anchor dropped into the depths of the ocean. It was as if he existed in a parallel universe, observing this surreal volleyball match from the sidelines, unable to make contact with the tangible world around him, and particularly unable to embrace the brother he so dearly missed.


With a sudden and unexpected "Fwoosh!" the entire scene before Shoyo transformed into a frenzied whirlwind as if time itself had hit fast-forward. The previously steady and predictable motion of the volleyball game became a chaotic dance of rapid movements.

Shoyo's eyes struggled to keep up with the lightning pace of the game. Players darted across the court like streaks of color on a canvas, and the ball itself seemed to teleport from one player to another. The audience's voices and the squeak of sneakers on the polished gymnasium floor melded into a cacophonous symphony of chaos.

"Whoa!" Shoyo exclaimed, his voice tinged with both awe and bewilderment. His surroundings had turned into a frenetic, kaleidoscopic blur, leaving him feeling as if he were caught in the midst of a whirlwind, unable to grasp the details of the whirlwind itself.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, everything returned to normal. Shoyo's gaze fixed on the scoreboard, displaying a score of 26-25 in Estrein's favor.

Shoyo's eyes remained glued to the intense action on the court as he witnessed a crucial moment. The player from the Estrein team delivered a powerful, earth-shaking spike that left everyone in awe. The volleyball was like a missile, descending rapidly with an undeniable force.

Sora, Shoyo's older twin, leaped into action with an incredible display of determination. He soared through the air, contorting his body to reach the oncoming ball. It felt like time stood still as everyone in the gymnasium held their breath, hoping for an incredible save.

However, despite Sora's heroic efforts, the ball proved too swift and powerful to be stopped. His fingertips grazed it, so tantalizingly close to a rescue, before it slammed onto the floor with a resounding thud.

Shoyo could clearly see the mix of frustration and determination on Sora's face, with sweat glistening under the gym lights. The intense battle had left its mark, and Shoyo couldn't help but share in his brother's disappointment.


"Ah! Not again!" Shoyo exclaimed in exasperation.

Just as abruptly as before, the entire scene had once again transformed into a frenzied whirlwind, as if time itself had hit fast-forward.

The disorienting whirlwind eventually came to an abrupt halt, and Shoyo found himself in a stark and unfamiliar locker room.

Inside the locker room, Shoyo's gaze fell upon Sora and the other members of the Akihiro Volleyball team. A palpable aura of disappointment hung in the air, evident on all their faces.

Suddenly, one of Sora's teammates approached him, his tone filled with bitterness and disappointment. "You let us down, Aubert! We relied on you, and you couldn't deliver when it mattered most," he exclaimed.

Shoyo was baffled. "Aubert? Who's Aubert?" he thought to himself, a sense of confusion creeping over him. It was Sora they were addressing, his beloved twin brother. The name "Aubert" made no sense in this context, leaving Shoyo utterly bewildered by the inexplicable turn of events.

The harsh words from Sora's teammates continued to rain down on him like a torrential storm. "We worked so hard to reach this point, and you ruined it all with that crucial mistake. How could you be so careless?"

As Shoyo watched, his heart ached. He saw Sora's confidence and spirit visibly wane, his shoulders slumping under the weight of their accusations. It was as though a dark cloud had settled over his usually determined and resilient brother.

Shoyo couldn't bear to witness Sora in such a vulnerable state. The sense of powerlessness overwhelmed him, and he couldn't stay silent any longer.

"Hey, stop that!" Shoyo cried out, trying to intervene, to push them away from his brother. But once again, he found himself unable to make any physical contact, trapped in this strange, spectral realm.

The frustration of being unable to comfort his brother, combined with the unfair criticism Sora was enduring, filled Shoyo with profound sadness. It was a helplessness that cut deep, as he longed to shield his brother from this emotional onslaught, even though he existed only as a spectral observer in this mysterious dreamlike world.

Shoyo strained to hear Sora's voice, trembling with a mixture of anger and desperation. "I-I tried my best out there, okay?! It's not easy, you know?!" Sora's words rang out, a desperate attempt to salvage his bruised reputation.

Shoyo felt a surge of empathy for his brother as he listened to the raw emotion in Sora's voice. It was a plea for understanding, a defense against the harsh judgment of his teammates.

Sora's teammate remained adamant, refusing to entertain any excuses. "Stop with the excuses! You're the reason why we lost! Best libero my ass!" The harsh words cut through the air, their biting tone intensifying the blame directed at Sora.

Shoyo winced at the cruelty of the comment. He could see the pain in Sora's eyes, his brother's pride wounded and his spirit battered by the relentless criticism. It was a painful reminder of how one moment of failure could overshadow countless moments of hard work and dedication.


"Argh!" Shoyo exclaimed in frustration as the whirlwind of chaos engulfed him once again.

This time, the chaotic whirlwind seemed relentless, and Shoyo felt as though an unseen force was forcibly dragging him away from the locker room. The sensation was disorienting, and Shoyo's heart raced with a mix of anxiety and confusion.

Then, with a sudden jolt, he was awake.

Gasping for breath, Shoyo found himself back in the comfort of his familiar bedroom. He was drenched in sweat, and his racing heart gradually began to calm.

As he took in the calming familiarity of his surroundings, he muttered to himself, "So, it was just a dream."

Shoyo's gaze then shifted to the other side of the room, where Sora lay peacefully asleep. The sight of his brother brought a sense of relief, grounding Shoyo in the reality of the present moment after the unsettling journey his dream had taken him on.

Despite the dream's unsettling nature, Shoyo still felt a strong urge to comfort Sora. He carefully got out of his bed and made his way over to his brother's sleeping form.

Gently, Shoyo leaned in and softly poked Sora's cheek, his voice filled with a mix of concern and affection. "Aniki, please wake up," he whispered, hoping to rouse his brother from his peaceful slumber.

Sora slowly blinked his eyes open, his drowsy gaze focusing on Shoyo. "Ngh, Shoyo?" he mumbled, his voice still heavy with sleep. "What is it?"

Relief washed over Shoyo as Sora opened his eyes. He gave his brother a reassuring smile and replied, "Sorry to wake you, Aniki. I just had a strange dream, and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Sora furrowed his brow, his sleep-fogged mind struggling to grasp Shoyo's question. "Strange dream?" he repeated, his confusion evident. "What are you talking about, Shoyo?"

Shoyo nodded, deciding not to dwell on the details of the peculiar dream for now. He leaned in closer to Sora, a hint of vulnerability in his voice. "Never mind about that," Shoyo said softly, "Can I sleep in the same bed as you?"

With a warm understanding, Sora responded, "Sure," accompanied by a tired yawn.

"Thanks, Aniki," Shoyo murmured gratefully as he climbed into bed beside his brother.

The warmth and comfort of being close to Sora quickly eased the residual unease from his strange dream, and the two brothers settled in for a peaceful night's sleep.

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