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Chapter 86: Product 85 - Cliche Novel

Eve von Roengreen infrequently frequents convenience stores, but when she does, it is usually due to her running out of candy and requiring a restock of her sugar provisions.

While gazing into the store's mirror and observing the visage of my bloodline counterpart, I couldn't help but notice our striking resemblance. This prompted a question that had recently crossed my mind.

My inquiry pertained to the royal bloodline.

"Royal bloodline ability?"

"Well, it pertains to an incident that occurred during my previous attendance at a tea party at your residence."

I proceeded to provide Eve with a concise account of the events from that time, to which she responded with a nod.

"The royal bloodline is an attribute shared by all direct descendants of the royal family, but the tier and the nature of skill manifestation differ substantially."

"I am aware of that. My uncertainty lies in my own manifestation capabilities."

The royal bloodline harbors several concealed facets, attesting to its complexity beyond just a Tier 1 classification.

However, I possess limited knowledge regarding the hidden attributes of Wolfram's royal bloodline.

In truth, my familiarity is greater with Eve's lineage. One of the concealed traits of Eve's royal bloodline is the "Reincarnation of the Demon God."

It constitutes a straightforward yet potent countermeasure, bearing a certain resemblance to Wolfram's royal bloodline.

Eve possesses an innate ability to automatically counter any magic below Tier 4 that is directed towards her, with a certain probability.

"Is there no way to determine precisely how this ability manifests?"

"Yes, that's one of the mysteries of the royal bloodline. I don't have much information about it either."

"I understand."

I perused the description of the royal bloodline.

[Royal Bloodline]

[Tier 1]

[Wolfram von Roengreen consistently conducts himself in a manner befitting the dignity of the royal family in all circumstances.

Automatically counters all attempts at mind control magic with a certain probability.

Prohibited from using offensive language or behaviors.

When his bloodline surpasses that of his opponent, he gains a significant advantage in negotiations, intimidation, coercion, persuasion, and all forms of cunning tactics.

The effect is heightened by the difference in bloodline tier.]

It's an impressive skill indeed.

When paired with a primary skill, it is undoubtedly worth harnessing.

However, the issue lies in Wolfram having no other skills and simply being a convenience store owner, which presents a challenge.

"The more frequently the royal bloodline is invoked, the more proficient it becomes."

"Yes, that seems logical, doesn't it?"


I nodded.

Since I've used the royal bloodline quite frequently since Zolf's time, the skill's proficiency may have increased somewhat.

Because, during Eve's usurpation of my position as the student council president and when Sylphia was causing a ruckus beside me, such messages did not appear.

"I'm truly thankful for this skill."

"Me too."

Royal Bloodline.

The reason the Roengreen Empire, despite its 300-year history, has never faced a rebellion.

Imagine the tremendous advantage it is for anyone of true blood to possess a Tier 1 skill from birth.

But for Wolfram, it may have been a source of despair.

Wolfram's collection of magic books and swords might have been influenced by his royal bloodline.

He might have held a futile hope that if his royal bloodline manifested in magic or swordsmanship, he could compensate for his lack of status with skill.


Ultimately, I decided to thoroughly investigate any hidden facets of Wolfram's royal bloodline at a later time. For now, I had other priorities.

"Canvas, paints, and brushes."

I was focused on expanding my means to enhance my talent.

Soon, once my talent reached a level of 10, I wouldn't be able to benefit from the beginner's set anymore. Therefore, I needed to swiftly find ways to boost my talent. Staying at 9 wouldn't suffice; I should aim for 13 expeditiously.

Handy Work, Magical Patissier, Cooking, Mix Beans, and more.

Every manual action I performed with my hands would influence my talent. Music and painting were no exceptions.

"Patrasch, prepare to go out."

"Can't Maester have it delivered? Must I really go out, master?"


Is he genuinely a wolf?

If I unzipped that, would I find a 300-year-old unemployed old man scratching his belly?

Unable to withstand my gaze, Patrasch sighed, and the cart embarked on its leisurely journey.

Let's proceed to the street of artists.


The inner section of the Knight Department zone 6. A street frequented by artists.

A street I often visited when honing my artistic talents.

"I appreciate the enchantment that suffuses this entire street; it's as if it's brimming with color. It's a fascinating place."

Patrasch chuckled contentedly.

Despite my limited magic and inability to perceive colors, the aroma of paint permeating the street provided a peculiar sense of solace.

As I strolled down the thoroughfare, ateliers lined both sides.

In front of them, handmade accessories were displayed on stands.

Not only that, portraits of notable individuals from within Jephryn were occasionally exhibited, each reflecting the artist's unique style.

Eve. Aila. Nephti was over there. And Isolde with the jewel sword.

Naturally, there was no portrait of Wolfram von Roengreen.

I abandoned hope and strolled along the street. Let's see, I didn't require pricey paints, just whatever was on clearance…

"That, isn't that a portrait of the master?"


It couldn't be,

Who on earth would create a portrait of Wolfram?

As I was about to dispute Patrasch's words, I glanced at a painting displayed in front of a shop and was left utterly speechless.

"…That's me."


Without a doubt, it was a painting of Wolfram von Roengreen.

Well, I was somewhat of a celebrity, and it wasn't uncommon to come across a painting or two of me. But why was I depicted strangling a blonde elf, her face obscured by rose petals, in a bathtub brimming with roses, with my cold, emotionless gaze?

"Is that a portrait?"


I meticulously examined the painting.

In a dimly lit bathroom, a blonde elf lay in a bathtub, her eyes veiled by rose petals, still clad in her attire.

Above her, I, donning traditional royal attire, was portrayed strangling her.

"…I'm curious about the mental state of the person who painted this."

Who in the world would paint something like this?

"Ah, please don't touch that. It's not for sale."

A voice emanated from inside the shop as I contemplated this.

So, who was the eccentric artist behind this artwork? I peered into the atelier and spotted a girl in tattered clothing, sporting round glasses, and her attire stained with ink.

"Did you create this painting?"

"Yes. It's scheduled for delivery tomorrow, so kindly refrain from touching it."

"Who would commission something like this…?"



"Is it truly you, President? Have you been well?"

The girl, with waist-length white hair and ink-stained hands, greeted me with a broad smile and grasped my hand as if we were acquainted.

I recognized her.

She was a magical engineering painter.

Not a playable character, in other words, a character who couldn't join the party.


"Yes. It's been a while, President."

But how did she know me?

"Do you know me…?"

"Oh, right, President. Just a moment. Please step inside the shop. Can you pose as a model for a while? You can do that, can't you?"

Thus, I was pulled into the store by Layer.

Why was she so strong…!?

What about the guardian wolf for such occasions…?


"Hmm. Does the master know all the women in this academy? Impressive. I respect that. Ah, I'll browse around for about three hours, then I'll return. See you later."

Hey. Patrasch!



The atelier, carrying a musty aroma, brimmed with paintings, adorning not only the walls but also the ceiling.

There wasn't a spot untouched by ink, and canvases spilled out from every available space.

Layer, the girl with white hair, remained engrossed in her artistic pursuits.

She was an NPC.

More precisely, she fell somewhere between a shop NPC and a quest-giver NPC.

To foster the affections of heroines, gifts were often required, and some heroines displayed a fondness for portraits.

Notably, Regina Ciel. She possessed a proclivity for either commissioning or showcasing paintings she favored.

When it came to portrait commissions on Atelier Street, Layer was the one to greet visitors with, "Welcome. What sort of request do you have today?"

What proved surprising was that Layer was acquainted with Wolfram von Roengreen.

Layer, an NPC unmentioned in the setting book, and Wolfram von Roengreen.

Their relationship piqued my curiosity.

However, inquiring recklessly could potentially spawn rumors of memory loss or, worse yet, spark gossip that Wolfram was behaving unusually. I could easily find myself embroiled in a significant predicament. Thus, I decided to glean clues from Layer's responses and proceed accordingly.

If I toggled the royal bloodline skill on and off, I could make approximately six inquiries.

With that approach, I aimed to piece together the puzzle.

"…[When was our last meeting?]"

"Almost four months ago? It's been around that long, I believe?"

Layer responded as she diligently worked on her art.

Good. A clue had surfaced.

The clue was four months!

"So, it was four months ago. [With so much going on, it feels like a distant memory. What did we do during that time?]"

"Hmm? It was the usual routine."

What exactly was this 'usual'?

"By 'usual,' I mean, considering everything that's happened, [I can barely recall. Could you please elaborate?]"

"You came here, engaged in conversation with us, painted, and purchased artworks… things of that sort."


Conversations and painting?

Did Wolfram von Roengreen truly engage in such activities? Really?

"…I see. I apologize for not being able to visit as often."

"You used to drop by at least once every two months."

This was a facet of Wolfram I had not been privy to.

Wasn't Wolfram von Roengreen, as per the established narrative, a tyrant who sowed discord between the Knight and Magic Departments, partook in various corrupt practices, and was ultimately removed from the student council presidency for tampering with the royal treasures?

And yet, he frequented this artistic street at least once a month and fostered cordial relations here?

Ah, I had a conjecture.

After all, this was an artistic district.

So, Wolfram might have been purchasing art under the guise of tax avoidance and subsequently using it as bribes.

That would explain why these individuals referred to me as Wolfram in a friendly manner.

"To address me as 'President,' it would vex Eve von Roengreen. I am no longer the student council president."

"What are you saying? Without the President, this street would have faced dire straits. You're the one who established the 'Jephryn Basic Pension System for Artists.' From that moment onward, you became our President!"


Did Wolfram do that?

I was so taken aback that I simply stared at Layer, but she continued to work, not even glancing in my direction.

"Thanks to you, this artistic avenue somehow endured. You said it yourself, didn't you? 'This is the fiercest battleground where talent and diligence must intersect to shine. If one can't shine just because of financial constraints, how unjust is that? I want to support all of you.' Those were your words."

"…I uttered those words, huh."

"Yes. You respected us for believing in unrecognized talents and unflinchingly following our individual paths, and you did what you could to support us."


"And from time to time, you would join us in painting, correct?"

For a moment, I was rendered speechless.

Did Wolfram genuinely engage in all of this?

To what extent did Wolfram von Roengreen, not Lee Young-jin, yearn for talent?

How deeply did he covet, while also respecting them…

"I understand."

"Naturally, your painting skills weren't exactly top-notch. They were… subtle."

"No need to elaborate."

"Haha. That's right, President. Since you're here after a long absence, why don't you try your hand at painting? I'll provide the paint and canvas."

"…Not a bad idea."

I accepted her sincere offer and picked up the brush.

"What should I paint?"

"Whatever currently captivates you the most. Something that holds a special place in your heart. The most precious thing."

"I see."

With that, I began to paint.

First, I depicted Wolfram von Roengreen, myself.

Lee Young-jin, who had transformed into Wolfram, had vowed to persist as Wolfram until the end.

Next, I dipped the brush boldly into purple.

A shade reminiscent of a dark crystal.

The strokes flowed continuously, and the brush moved with unrestrained vigor.

I poured all my effort into painting behind Wolfram.

The most precious thing to me.

Something incomparable, expansive.


Each brushstroke.

The purple at times reflected or absorbed the sunlight, creating its own luminous radiance.



An exceedingly beautiful


"That's correct."

"Why did you paint a building behind yourself?"

"Because I own that building."

"What type of building is it?"

The colossal edifice towering behind Wolfram!

A structure with three subterranean levels and seven aboveground.

The ultimate realization of my mart!

"It's known as Wolfram's Big Mart."

"What's a mart?"

"A massive store."

"A store? Was it your aspiration to become a store proprietor, President?"

I continued to paint numerous individuals in front of the immense mart.

I made sure these individuals wore contented smiles.

"It appears to be a joyful store. Is this what resides in your heart, President?"

"Ambition. To be the proprietor of a mart where everyone shops with delight."

"…You seem somewhat different, President."

"In what way?"

"In the past, you primarily painted yourself as a magic swordsman or a formidable wizard, correct? Wielding holy swords, opening magic tomes, unleashing Meteors…"

"Did I?"

I actually painted such bizarre scenes?


"Yes. However, I prefer this to the self-portraits of the so-called 'True Magic Warrior King' Wolfram von Roengreen from back then. At that time, everyone around you bowed before you, but now, they're all wearing smiles, aren't they?"


Was that truly my moniker?


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