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Chapter 7: Academy (1)

The I woke up and immediately ran in the shower washed up and dressed and ran down to the living room to wait for my parents to finish getting ready so we can go to the academy.

"Honey I know you're excited but you're really ready to go huh?" My mom asked as her and my father came down stairs

"Yup Im very excited lets go!" I yelled as I ran out of the house


Me and my family walked into the main gate and waited with the other families for the opening ceremony to start.

As I was looking around I could spot a couple of the main cast.

Standing in the very front were the ino-shika-cho families with their kids, an lazy looking kid with black hair that is in a high ponytail with spiked ends and an overweight boy with. spikey brown hair shikamaru nara, and choji akimichi were standing next to ino also waiting for the opening ceremony

Ino was glaring at me but I ingnored her which only pissed her off more, normally I'd be worried but this is the ninja world, I wont get into too much trouble if a fight breaks out, and even if nothing is done this world respects strength so if we do fight and if I kick her ass enough times she'll learn her lesson.

As much as I wanted to try to have a good relationship with most of the main cast I won't go out of my comfort zone or bend over backwards to make friends like the original sakura did

I continued to look around and as I looked further in the back and saw a cute faced boy who would definitely be handsome in the future with long spiky black hair and black eyes that looked almost soulless, this was sasuke uchiha and damn now i see why the girls will be over the moon for him he's gorgeous.

Moving on i even seen the huyga also in the back along with a small and shy girl with dark blue almost black straight hair with white eyes with a purple hue with no visiable pupils, its the former princeses of the huyga hinata she's a kind girl with a bad case of stalker syndrome.

As well as kiba inazuka a young boy with short spikey brown hair thats covered by a grey hood and a puppy on top of his head, and shino aburame another kid with short spikey hair that's slightly longer than kiba's with a grey coat that covers the lower half of his face and black round sunglasses on his eyes.

And all the way in the back sitting alone on the swing was a also a cute boy with yellow blonde hair with big blue eyes and and three whisker marks on his cheeks, the child of prophecy Naruto Uzumaki, damn he's pretty cute too I think if it wasn't for the rumors and his attitude he will probably be a decent chick magnet as well.

I know for a fact that he's very nice and I'm pretty sure he's going to have a crush on me if the anime is anything to go by, but I cannot hang out with him even though I want to especially because my grandparents they already warned me to stay away from the "demon brat".

So as much as I feel bad for him and I want to talk to him I got to put me first at least until we get put on a team, which hopefully will still happen even though I'm not planning on hiding my prowess as a ninja.

The original sakura was put on the team because with sasuke's "genius" and naruto's i charka capacity they were guaranteed to become top of the line Ninja with the right training, Sakura on the other hand was not only the dead weight they had hoped that she would be able to make the two see a reason and become friends by protecting her together.

She was pretty much supposed to be the bread and butter of the team keeping them together by needing both of their protection the same situation that happened with Rin, but I'm not going to get stabbed in the chest trying to bring these two together I got dreams too.

Hopefully though because of my civilian status they'll still add me on the team even though I plan to be rookie of the year, I won't stand for being anything but first place I'll settle for second place and I'll lament and third but nothing lower than the top five for me.

Yeah I don't plan on holding back especially in this world where strong women aren't as undesirable as back in my old world, I was very serious when I said I planned on being the strongest kunoichi in the village Tsunade be damned.

'Well lets not damn tsuna too much I still need her to train me' I thought while praying to the god of Shinobi.

Speaking of the god of shinobi or the fake one hiruzen walked on stage and began the academy speech, listening to him talk about the will of fire was very inspiring even tho I knew it was bologna but one things for sure that speech sure works, even the uchiha and huyga clan leadwrs had slight smiles on their faces while listening although Im not sure if their smiles were because of the speech or not.

After that rousing speech whe were escorted into the training grounds, apparently theirs an entrance exam in the form of an aptitude test, fitness, stamina, and even an ninjutsu test which was optional because not everyone knew jutsu let alone even unlocked their chakra.

I watched the others do their tests while I waited for my turn, the first test was an an obstacle course followed by a race both of which I was confident in winning, sone people might find it weird that Im being competitive with 6 year olds but I've always been a competitive person grades, athleticism, and even in things as mundane as who finished their dinner first, im not gonna deny that part of me for some kids also Im a kid now so its all fair in love and war at this point.

Anyways back to the tests, most of the results were as expected shikamaru lazed his way through the test just barely passing the same for choji but that was probably because of his weight he looked like he was trying his best to get back to his chips as opposed to being the best when it came to the Ninjutsu part of the test Shikamaru used to Shadow possession Jutsu although it looked very weak and choji just expanded his arm to show his Clans Jutsu.

Kiba excelled in the physical portions as expected of any inazuka, while Shino struggled before the Ninjutsu part shino showed good mastery of his bugs while kiba just grew claws and transformed his dog into a clone of him self but didn't show the fang over fang.

Then it was my turn and of course I got paired with ino and hinata and worst of all they were both on either sides of me, ino stayed quiet but would stare at me from the corner of her eye from time to time while hinata seemed to be looking for someone, Im gonna asume it was naruto because her father was in the front not to far from my own parents who were embarrassing me by cheering my name loudly and surprisingly holding signs of my name on them.

I kept my eyes focused on the field and prepared to run the obstacle course but I could not hide the blush that was on my cheeks, ino most likely thought she was the cause because she had a smug smirk on her face.

"Students get ready!!" The teacher said as we got into position

"On your mark, get set, GO!!" The teacher said

I already had chakra channeled through my legs and feet when i heard go i took off running without hesitation, the ground cracked under my feet as I took off to those watching it looked like I glided across the field.

When I crossed the finish line the once cheering crowd was now silently gapping at me while my parents cheers only turned louder, I turned around to see how the others were fairing, hinata was at the front of the pack she was looking at me with wide eyes but she didn't lose her concentration and easily got second.

The rest of the other kids who were lined up with us crossed layer on the only one left was ino who was still at the starting line looking wide eyed at me in shock, I turned to the crowd as saw shikamaru, choji, kiba, shino, and naruto looking wide eyed at me as well, even sasuke had a slight shocked look on his face that he quickly hid away.

I looked over towards the judges desk and they were flabergasted as well, the hokage was shocked while danzo, homura and koharu were frowning the teacher snaped out of his shock and told ino to finish the race, ino snapped out of it and finished the race as fast as she could all while glaring at me.

The obstacle course was a breeze as well I cleared that in seconds with minimal effort,

when it came time for the ninjutsu segment most were surprised that I stepped up to the field, the only ones who weren't surprised besides my parents were the hokage and the elders.

"Ok miss haruno when ever your ready fire you're jutsu at the target" iruka said while pointing at the target across the field

I nodded at him and then performed the hand seals at a fast speed, I heard gasps at the speed I used the hand seals with

[Water style water bullet]

Three water bullets came out of my mouth and hit the targets at a fast speed, after that I didn more hand seals and summoned an thick earth wall in front of myself after that I turned and left the field and walked towards my parents who were still cheering my name.

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