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Ben 10: Criminal (Lemon Book) Ben 10: Criminal (Lemon Book) original

Ben 10: Criminal (Lemon Book)

Author: Crazaur

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Premium Escape (1/2)*

Everything had become chaos for you on Earth, as the Plumbers had recently discovered your illegal activities, immediately making you a high-value target. Of course, you wouldn't have been able to carry out your criminal activities for so many years before being discovered if it weren't for your great cunning, which also allowed you to evade capture attempts in the last few weeks. However, with each passing day on Earth, your chances were diminishing, so now your top priority was to escape the planet.

For someone with your skills, it would seemingly be easy to acquire a ship or at least find someone who could get you out of the system. However, the news spread too quickly, greatly increasing the enthusiasm to capture you. Several of your enemies and even the Plumbers themselves offered a reward for your head. It seemed that things had become personal, even for the galactic authority.

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Recently, you had to return to Bellwood, a city you had avoided at all costs due to the recurrent presence of Ben Tennyson and his associates. However, you had a high-tech suit stored there that could give you the opportunity to continue avoiding your pursuers and even help you leave Earth. You had no choice but to go back. Fortunately, you managed to slip away and elude any kind of security, as Tennyson and other Plumbers seemed occupied with another matter.

As you made your escape from Bellwood, wearing a trench coat and civilian clothing to conceal the suit, you spotted a large spaceship soaring through the skies. You immediately recognized that spaceship and decided to follow it, as it could be your ticket out. After a few minutes following the ship, you saw it hover above a construction zone to deploy a combat arena over the royalty of Khoros and several Plumbers, whom you quickly recognized.

To avoid being discovered, you activated a camouflage system as you entered the interior of one of the nearby buildings. Finally, you deployed a spy drone to monitor all the activity. This way, you learned that the reason the Tetramands were there was due to the engagement of King Lord Gar's daughter, Looma Red Wind.

Minutes passed, and after an intense battle between Looma and Ben, in which Tennyson emerged victorious, the Tetramands began to withdraw. Acting swiftly, you headed towards the chamber where the aliens were, managing to enter seconds before it sealed shut. Shortly afterward, you watched as the coliseum was also retracted.

That would be the last glimpse you would have of the outside, as you quickly ventured into the ship to avoid being discovered, although you fully trust in the high-tech of the suit, making this unlikely. Despite that confidence, and knowing that the capture order was only at a planetary level, you preferred not to take risks. You entered the ventilation ducts, only having to crouch a bit thanks to their large size, necessary to supply immense amounts of air to their enormous passengers. Once inside, you traversed a few meters before sitting down and deactivating the camouflage.

You: (I can spend a few days on Khoros, then I can try my luck on Iliannus where I can get some money to fake my death and maybe return to Earth in about 2 years... Damn it.)

You muttered to yourself, quite frustrated, as you had to abandon your planet, your business, and all your wealth, at least for a while. While pondering your next steps, you were abruptly interrupted by the motion sensors of the suit, indicating that something was approaching, immediately putting you on alert. After a few seconds, a kind of bug would make its appearance right in front of you, with characteristics very similar to a cockroach, although much larger, measuring a bit more than a large dog.

Initially, both of you would act cautiously; however, in a sudden turn of events, the insect would attack, and you would respond with a blow that would instantly kill it, thanks to the enhancement provided by the suit.

You: Gross... Anyway, tell me, friend, what are you?

You said as you scanned the creature, learning in a few seconds that these beings were something like cockroaches to the Tetramands, and they always moved in swarms. Furthermore, if one was killed, the whole group would come to devour its remains, and most likely, its killer. This immediately put you on alert, especially as you began to hear the sound of their legs tapping on the metallic surface.Principio del formulario

By the sound and sensors of the suit, you immediately knew it was a gigantic group of those creatures. Although you knew you could easily defeat them, you chose to flee the area to avoid attracting the attention of the Tetramands, who would most likely throw you into the vacuum of space if they discovered you.

You quickly navigated the tangled network of ducts, hoping to lose the insects. However, they could locate you because the smell of the viscera and fluids from the one you killed earlier had strongly mixed with your body. Seeing this and already quite frustrated with fleeing, you decided to wait for them, soon witnessing a large swarm of bloodthirsty insects approaching you.

You managed to eliminate several of them, keeping them at bay for several minutes. However, the insects began to arrive from all sides, gradually restricting your movements. Fortunately, the suit was virtually indestructible, rendering their bites useless. After a few minutes, you managed to break free and start running again.

After some time navigating the ducts, you saw on the floor of one of them a grille from which light and warm air emanated. This led you to believe it was the machinery area, as you hadn't mapped the ship, and you hadn't had time to send a drone to do that job.

With no other option and knowing the insects would soon find you, you decided to remove the grille and descend through it, finally getting rid of those disgusting bugs. However, your surprise was immense when you noticed the moisture and warmth of the place, as well as the appearance of the room, which looked more like a bathroom than the machinery room you were expecting, immediately putting you on alert.

You: Oh oh

Suddenly you would be held tightly and slammed against the wall and then begin to be lifted by two large red arms.

After you recovered from the blow and took off the mask of your suit you could see that the person who had subdued you was none other than Looma Red Wind who was lying there with a threatening expression, with two of his arms supporting you and two others ready to hit you, but with the particularity that she was completely naked with the drops of hot water still running over her voluptuous and toned body.

Looma: You better tell me who you are and what you want here pervert, unless you want me to separate your head from your body.

No doubt the situation had gotten out of hand, but you hadn't gotten to where you were by being someone who lost their temper in situations like that, so you would just remain with a calm expression while raising your hands to show that you're not a threat. 

You: I am ______ and I am here to ask for your hand, Princess Looma.

You said calmly and with a small smile, watching as the Tetramand's expression went from being rude and threatening to one of surprise and a certain shyness. Why did you tell him that, knowing that he could have killed you? Easy, since knowing the reason why both she and her family had gone to Earth, it was very likely that this would make her lower her guard due to shock and surprise since her desire to get married seemed to overcome her judgment. she.

You: It was not my intention to invade your privacy Princess, my idea was that once we were in Khoros I would ask for your hand in front of the King as appropriate, but due to the destruction of my ship I have no choice but to be a stowaway.

You remained calm, feeling that as the words came out of your mouth, Looma's grip was giving way, so you would slowly and delicately place your hands on hers so that she could release you. However, from one moment to the next she would increase the strength of her grip again at the same time that she would bring her face closer in a threatening manner.

Looma: Yes? Well, it's a shame, I'm already engaged to one of the strongest warriors in the universe and it seems like you're a simple, weak earthl- What's that smell?!!

Having brought her face so close, Looma could notice the terrible stench that your body had thanks to your previous battle with the insects. Her aroma would be so strong that it would force her to let go of you and take a couple of steps back to cough, which would give you a moment to think about your next move, which in a few seconds you would have coldly calculated.

You: I'm sorry, that's courtesy of the plague of insects they have in their ventilation ducts, I managed to kill several dozen, although it wouldn't hurt to fumigate from time to time.

You said with some sarcasm while Looma composed herself, her surprise being visible as soon as you mentioned having killed several of those insects.

Looma: Cof cof The Kathran?.... Do you mean that you as a simple earthling killed several of them with nothing more than your bare hands?

You: Of course, it's not like there's anything to defend myself in those ducts. Not bad for a simple, weak Earthling, right? Furthermore, I carry the proof of this with me, very literally.

The last thing would make Looma giggle a little while she could see how she was now more relaxed and even interested in you thanks to your history and physique.

Looma: So we could say you are a very capable warrior right?

You: Of course, I don't need powers or shapeshifting to be a capable fighter.

You said this in a clear dig at Tennyson, something that Looma would immediately notice, although instead of getting angry or upset she would just smile slightly as she slowly approached.

Looma: Then if you are so willing to be my fiancé, you will have to face me... I will go tell my father.

That last thing would quickly alert you, so using the strength and speed that her suit provided you, you would hold one of Looma's wrists, which would immediately make her stop, both because of your bold action and because of the strong grip that she did not expect from you.

You: I don't think that's necessary Princess…. It's just that I would like to be the one to do it, besides... Have you never been curious about Earth's marriage rites? I mean, I know that you were only on the planet for a moment and maybe it wouldn't be bad to share something about our cultures seeing your interest in what I can do and in the process it could get rid of this stench.

As you spoke, you would begin to gently pull Looma's wrist, slowly leading her towards the stream of hot water that continued to fall.

Your bold words and actions only made the Tetramand's heart race and her cheeks burn because she had never met anyone, much less an Earthling, who was so sure of what she did.

Looma: Mmmmm Yes…. I guess I can try…

With this answer you would begin to take off your torn clothes, revealing your completely naked body shortly after, since the suit, being made of nanotechnology, could join your body without causing any damage.

Once you were naked you would begin to clean yourself in a quite erotic way, making Looma look at you from head to toe while she lightly licked her lips.

Looma: Is this what all Earthlings do when they're interested in someone?

You: Oh yes and much more, on my planet while there is mutual interest there are no taboos about what you can and cannot do with each other's bodies…. Do you want me to show you?

You said with a flirtatious smile leaving Looma thoughtful for a few seconds before nodding her head.

Once you received the approval from the Princess, you slowly approached her to start touching and gently running over her body while you cleaned her, quickly noticing how she was somewhat tense, but despite that it was still possible to hear small moans. escaped from his mouth, as well as the slight chills that ran through his body.

You: Do you see it, Princess? There's nothing wrong. Do you want to try it?

Looma would hesitate for a moment, although after a few seconds she would stand behind you, crouching down a little and then gently hug you with her two upper arms while cleaning you while with her lower ones she would begin to touch your pectorals, your abdomen, your thighs, etc. All slowly and curiously.

With that position you could feel the warmth of her big arms surrounding you and cleaning you, her breasts and her stiff nipples pressing against your back, her warm breath blowing against your ear and her two remaining arms, exploring your body.

Even though the real reason why you were there was not the best, you could not help but enjoy the soft touch and warmth that Looma had with you, making you close your eyes to let yourself go even more. However, after a few seconds you would open them again when you felt Looma's hand touching your penis, although you would not tell her anything about her since that could ruin your alibi.

At first, Looma only gently ran his finger along your shaft, although it would not take long for him to surround it with his hand and begin to move it up and down in a slow movement, causing your member to gradually begin to become erect, which would also make you release soft moans.

Looma: This is your reproductive organ, right?

She said curiously as she continued to move her hand waiting for you to answer her question.

You: Yes….

Looma: And it's okay for me to touch him even when we're not engaged?

You: I already told you Princess, in my species there are no such taboos, I don't dislike what you are doing and if you want to continue you are free to do so.

She would give a nod in response, shortly after placing another of her hands on your testicles to gently massage them while little by little she increased the speed with her other hand, making you let out some moans and grunts more often.

The minutes passed and Looma did nothing but increase the speed at which she masturbated you since the hardness of your penis and the way it throbbed simply encouraged her to go further.

Your princess…. If you continue like this you will make me c-cum….

You said between moans as the pressure on your shaft increased every second making the Tetramand go faster in response until finally you were not able to hold on any longer and you released your thick load of semen which would mostly fall to the floor where it would go. down the drain while another would remain in Looma's hand.

Your breathing had quickened at your release and your legs had weakened a little, although since you were being held tightly by Looma you shouldn't have worried about any of that. For her part, the Tetramand observed with curiosity the semen that was lying in her hand, proceeding to bring it closer to her face to take a small amount with her tongue and begin to taste it.

What happened next was something that you did not expect at all and that is that, at the moment of tasting your sperm, the Tetramand would let out a loud moan at the same time that her body tensed and began to tremble, shortly afterwards desperately devouring the semen that still remained. In his hand. Meanwhile, you would take advantage of her distraction to free yourself by pressing yourself against the wall and beginning to analyze the situation.

You: (I know that some species can secrete substances that work as aphrodisiacs, but this doesn't make sense, Tetramands and humans are relatively-)

Your thoughts would be suddenly interrupted by Looma who would enclose you with her four arms having an expression of pure lust on her face.

Looma: Please love…. Tell me you have more!!

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