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Chapter 90: Chapter 90: Three SHIELD Beauties

Clark's response to Mindy's request to join the League of Adventurers remained the same: "No!"

The reason being, "Because you're underage! As you just mentioned, you were born in 1997, and it's 2008 now. You've just turned 11, so you're definitely a minor!"

Mindy: "That was a slip of the tongue, do you understand? I was actually born in 1987, not 1997! When you first met me in 1998, was I supposed to be only a year and a half old?"

"Forgetting your own birthday shows that your mind isn't mature enough yet. Come back to me about joining the League of Adventurers when you can proficiently add and subtract four-digit numbers." He waved his hand, blinking at the young girl: "See how clever I am?"

Walking back to his room, Clark wondered why he had to proclaim his cleverness, what did it have to do with him? After a good night's sleep, Clark's injuries were fully healed.

Speaking of which, the Universal Will's temper was quite good. Despite being provoked by Clark, it only launched a warning attack without really harming him.

However, from now on, he would need to be more cautious in his actions.

"The whole world is learning Chinese, the words of Confucius are becoming more international. The whole world is speaking Chinese, our words make the world listen attentively..."

His new ringtone went off, and upon checking the caller ID, it was from Xiaobai.

"Hello, is this Clark? The new singer you asked me to select is almost decided. After several rounds of preliminaries, we're down to three. I've arranged for them to come in for a final interview today. If you have time, it would be best to come to the company and see for yourself who is the best fit in your eyes."

"Oh?" Clark perked up immediately, nodding eagerly: "I'll be right there!"

Nirvana Film's headquarters was located in Los Angeles, so after a quick breakfast, Clark immediately drove to Los Angeles.

Setting up the company headquarters in Los Angeles wasn't to avoid the New York battle four years later but because the heart of Hollywood is in Los Angeles.

It's worth mentioning that over the past few months, Clark had also taken the time to get a driver's license.

With his current physical coordination and reaction capabilities, getting a license was a breeze.

The reason he drove himself yesterday was because he anticipated needing to drink at the party, but today was different.

Even though he now had a license, constantly driving between two cities was not ideal for Clark.

He decided, "Plan B for the 'Three Caves Strategy' will be set in Los Angeles. I'll buy a big villa, following Tony's seaside house standards!"

When Clark arrived at the Nirvana Film building, Nalan Bai had been waiting at the entrance for a while. After greeting each other, they immediately got down to business.

"We've always invited popular singers for our movie theme songs, but this time you insisted on selecting a newcomer. I don't have much experience in this area, so I'll need you to make the final decision," Xiaobai said somewhat complainingly as they walked.

Clark shook his head lightly: "I'm not just looking to save money by developing new talents."

He paused briefly, then continued: "In recent years, our company has perfected animation production. To break through, we must expand into new businesses."

"Starting an entertainment subsidiary is a great choice. In the future, we can use our own artists for movie theme songs and actors."

"Not only would we save on intermediary costs, but we could also leverage the movies' popularity to boost our artists' fame. Wouldn't that be wonderful?"

As they entered the elevator, Clark continued to describe his vision for an entertainment empire: "An entertainment company is just the first step. Next, I plan to venture into live-action movies, television, newspapers, TV stations, and even cinemas to create a self-sufficient internal cycle..."

Seeing Clark ready to elaborate further, Xiaobai quickly interrupted him: "Let's talk about the rest later. First, decide on the singer for 'Let It Go.' The candidates are ready; we're just waiting for you, the chief judge. Here are the profiles of the three finalists; take a look."

Taking the tablet from Xiaobai, Clark couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Candidate 1: Natalie Norseman!

Candidate 2: Maria Hill! Candidate 3: Sharon Carter! Just by looking at the names and photos, Clark felt he had no words to describe his feelings. "Big sister, did you recruit these people from SHIELD?"

And not just any recruits, but three of SHIELD's finest beauties, spared none! Natalie Norseman, isn't that the fake name Black Widow used when infiltrating Stark Industries as a spy?

If it were just the name, it could be a coincidence, but with the photos, it's a confirmation, isn't it?

As for the others, they didn't even bother changing their names, going directly under their real identities!

What's going on here?

"There were a few other promising candidates," Clark heard Xiaobai's voice as he felt utterly baffled, "but they all encountered some issues during the elimination rounds. Some fell ill, some had inflamed throats, some suddenly went off-key, and some even quit halfway through."

Pausing, Xiaobai added, "But I think these three are also good choices. Both their voices and appearances are top-notch. With a little packaging, turning them into stars wouldn't be a problem."

Well, isn't that obvious? When it comes to acting, these ladies are the professionals! Especially Black Widow, whose daily life involves acting with her life on the line! Others might lose money for a bad performance, but she could lose her life! Sending over three strong players to his side, Fury really is willing to invest. Seeing this data for the first time, Clark's initial thought was to drive all these spies away. But then he thought, perhaps this wasn't the best solution.

The man behind this, Fury, had clearly set his sights on him. He's not like Pym, who would easily give up once a target is identified.

If these known agents were sent away, the next ones might be unknown to him. If SHIELD agents are removed this time, the next group might include HYDRA agents!

Comparatively, it seemed these three women were relatively safer.

With this in mind, Clark began to review the profiles of the three women, looking for the truth hidden within the fabricated details.

For example, Black Widow's profile stated she was a Harvard Law doctorate. While her educational background might be fabricated, her understanding of the law must be profound. Otherwise, how embarrassing would it be to get stumped by a simple legal question?


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