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Chapter 5: The beginning of the preliminaries

The chapter opens with Ryo waking up to the sound of his alarm, the digital display reading 6:00 AM. He curses under his breath, "Damn, another night with barely any sleep." Rising from his bed with a sense of resignation, he trudges towards the bathroom and splashes cold water on his face. As he looks up into the mirror, the reflection staring back at him is tired, with dark circles under his green eyes—a testament to the restless nights he's been having.

Changing into his running gear, Ryo steps out into the crisp morning air, ready to clear his head with a run. The streets are quiet, with only the soft whisper of the dawn breeze and the occasional early riser out and about. As he jogs, his thoughts drift to the impending preliminaries. Today, Coach Riko would announce their first opponent in their quest for the summer tournament title.

The thought of the competition stirs a mixture of excitement and anxiety within him. The preliminaries represent more than just a series of basketball games; they are a test of his commitment to his new sport, his teammates, and himself. Each step he takes on his morning run feels like a step closer to the challenge that lies ahead.

The anticipation of Riko's announcement weighs heavily on his mind. Who will their first opponent be? Are they prepared enough? These questions churn within him as he picks up the pace, the rhythmic pounding of his feet on the pavement mirroring the racing of his heart.

Despite the uncertainty and the sleepless nights, Ryo feels a growing sense of determination. The journey to the tournament is a chance to prove his worth, to show his father, his teammates, and most importantly, himself, that he has what it takes to succeed in basketball. With each breath of the cool morning air, he resolves to face the coming challenges head-on, ready to do whatever it takes to help Seirin achieve victory.

As Ryo rounds the corner back to his house, the sun begins to rise, casting a soft golden glow over the city. The new day brings with it the promise of new challenges and the anticipation of the journey ahead. Ryo knows that the road to the summer tournament will be tough, but he also knows that with hard work, dedication, and the support of his teammates, anything is possible.

As Ryo steps out of his house, dressed in his school uniform, the sight that greets him has become a familiar one in the past few days. There stands Riko, ready and waiting, her presence a constant in the routine that's quickly becoming his new normal. "Good morning, Seirin's talent," Riko greets him, her voice carrying a mix of cheerfulness and anticipation.

"Morning," Ryo replies, his voice tinged with the weight of his restless night.

Riko observes him closely, her eyes narrowing slightly in concern. "You look tired. Are my training sessions too tough?" she asks, a playful smile dancing on her lips, even as she gauges his state.

Ryo, unable to suppress a yawn, answers with a mix of honesty and exhaustion, "Something like that." His response, though brief, speaks volumes of the rigorous practices and the sleepless nights filled with anticipation and anxiety for the upcoming games.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, the Seirin High basketball team's practice came to an end. Riko gathered the team for one final announcement before they could disperse.

"Alright, everyone, that's it for today. You can head home," Riko said, her voice echoing in the now quiet gymnasium. The team members began collecting their belongings, the sounds of zippers and chatter filling the space. Before Ryo could follow suit, Riko called out to him, "Ryo, hold on a second."

Ryo paused, turning back to face his coach. "What's up, Coach?"

Riko approached him, her expression serious. "I want you to practice your shooting a bit more. But since we have to close the gym for the night, I was thinking you could head to the park to practice. It's still open and has a decent court."

Ryo nodded, understanding the importance of the extra practice, especially with the preliminaries looming on the horizon. "Sure, I can do that. Do you want to come with to give me some pointers?"

Riko smiled, pleased with his willingness. "Yes, I'll join you. It'll be good to focus on your technique without the distraction of the entire team."

Together, they made their way to the local park, the evening air cool and refreshing. The park was quiet, with only a few people scattered around, enjoying the tranquility of the night. The basketball court, lit by a few overhead lights, offered a perfect spot for some one-on-one training.

As they reached the court, Riko grabbed a basketball from her bag and tossed it to Ryo. "Let's start with some free throws. Focus on your form and follow through."

Ryo positioned himself at the free-throw line, bouncing the ball a few times to get a feel for it. He took a deep breath, aimed, and shot. The ball hit the rim and bounced away.

"Again," Riko said, retrieving the ball and passing it back to him. "This time, pay more attention to your elbow alignment and wrist flick."

Shot after shot, Ryo worked on his technique, with Riko providing feedback and encouragement. They moved on to three-pointers, layups, and jump shots, the repetition helping Ryo refine his skills.

As the practice session progressed, Riko observed, "Your determination is one of your strongest assets. You've improved a lot since you joined the team, but there's always room for more. Remember, basketball isn't just about physical strength; it's about precision, timing, and understanding the game."

Ryo, wiping sweat from his brow, replied, "I know I have a lot to learn, especially about the strategic side of basketball. But I'm ready to put in the work. I don't want to let the team down."

Riko placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You won't. Your progress is evident, and your attitude is exactly what we need. Keep this up, and you'll be a key player in the preliminaries."

Their conversation, interspersed with practice shots and drills, continued until the park's lights began to dim, signaling the end of their impromptu training session.

As they collected their things to leave, Riko said, "I'm glad we did this. Nighttime practice has a different feel, doesn't it? It's quieter, more focused."

Ryo, a slight smile on his face, agreed. "It does. Thanks for taking the time, Coach. I feel more prepared for the preliminaries now."

Together, they left the park, the night's practice session leaving Ryo feeling more confident and determined. The road to the tournament was daunting, but with Riko's guidance and his own resolve, he was ready to face the challenge head-on.

Ryo arrived home, his body still feeling the residual effects of the intense practice session. As he entered, the comforting aroma of dinner filled the air. His mother greeted him with a smile, "Dinner's ready."

Ryo, however, was too exhausted to eat. He managed a weary smile and said, "I'm not hungry right now." Without waiting for a response, he made his way to the bathroom, longing for the soothing touch of a hot shower.

As the water cascaded down his neck, the warmth and the rhythmic sound of the droplets hitting the floor transported Ryo back to a memory from two years ago. He was in the backyard, kicking a soccer ball back and forth with his older brother, Kenshin. Laughter and the sound of the ball being passed filled the air until their father appeared at the doorway, a broad smile on his face.

"Kenshin! Good news!" their father, Yuno, announced, his voice carrying a mixture of excitement and pride.

"What is it?" Kenshin asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Come inside, both of you. It's wonderful news," Yuno beckoned.

Once seated in the living room, their mother and father stood before them, the anticipation palpable. "Kenshin, we have some good news," their mother began, her eyes twinkling with happiness.

Yuno took over, his voice steady and clear. "Son, Real Madrid wants you to try out for them at Castilla. They saw your game at the nationals and would love for you to be part of their youth academy."

Ryo, overwhelmed with joy for his brother, hugged Kenshin tightly. "Kenshin, that's incredible! You'll get to meet Cristiano Ronaldo, Modric, Bale!"

Kenshin, still in shock, managed to say, "I can't believe it. I'm going to play for the best team in the world!"

Yuno, always the realist, added, "Yes, son, but remember, these are just trials. You have to give it your best."

The memory faded as Ryo opened his eyes, the shower still running over him. He turned off the water and whispered to himself, "Has it been two years already?"

Emerging from the shower, Ryo was enveloped in a mix of emotions. The memory of his brother's opportunity, his family's joy, and the path his life had taken since then filled him with a sense of nostalgia and reflection. Kenshin's journey had been a source of pride for their family, but it also reminded Ryo of the expectations placed upon him, the shadows of comparison, and his own search for identity and success in a different sport.

Wrapped in a towel and lost in thought, Ryo couldn't help but wonder where his own path would lead. The memory of his brother's success was a bittersweet reminder of his own struggles and the challenges ahead. But as he dried off and prepared for bed, Ryo felt a renewed sense of determination. Like Kenshin, he too would strive for greatness, but on his own terms, on the basketball court with Seirin.

The clock read 6 AM when Ryo's eyes fluttered open, and he whispered to the stillness of his room, "Another night I couldn't sleep." He reached for the pills on his nightstand, contemplating, "Do I need a stronger dose?" With a heavy sigh, he stretched his arms above his head, deciding to start his day despite the lack of rest. He changed into his athletic wear, aware that it was Tuesday morning, and the game was looming on Saturday.

Stepping outside, Ryo was taken aback to find Riko waiting for him. "What are you doing here?" he asked, a mix of surprise and curiosity in his tone.

"Well, you always go for a run around this time," Riko began, her voice full of purpose. "I was thinking, instead of that, we could practice with the ball," she said, brandishing a basketball. "We'll train every morning this week, in addition to your special training after regular practice."

Ryo scratched his head, overwhelmed by the intensity of the schedule Riko proposed. "Isn't that a bit much?" he questioned, the fatigue from his sleepless night evident in his voice.

Riko flashed him a teasing smile. "Be happy, you get to spend more time with a beauty like me."

Ryo, not in the mood for banter, retorted, "I'd prefer the opposite."

In response, Riko playfully threw the basketball at Ryo, catching him off guard. "Enough talk, let's get to training. We're heading to the park," she declared, setting the tone for their morning.

The early training sessions Riko proposed were no small feat, especially with the pivotal game just days away. Yet, her dedication to Ryo's improvement was clear. She understood the weight of the upcoming match and saw the potential in Ryo that perhaps he hadn't fully realized himself.

As they made their way to the park, the city was just beginning to wake. The streets were quiet, the hustle and bustle of daily life yet to start. This serene backdrop provided a stark contrast to the vigorous training that lay ahead. Riko's plan to intensify Ryo's preparation signified more than just physical readiness; it was about mental fortitude, about pushing beyond limits, and about refining skills under pressure.

Ryo, despite his initial reluctance, recognized the value in Riko's approach. The extra hours of training, the focus on ball handling, shooting, and strategic play would undoubtedly make a difference. And perhaps, deep down, he appreciated Riko's unyielding support and her unconventional methods of motivation—even if it meant enduring her playful jabs and relentless training schedule.

As they arrived at the park, the first light of dawn breaking over the horizon, Ryo and Riko stood ready to tackle the day's challenges. The path to the game on Saturday was a daunting one, but with determination, hard work, and a bit of humor, they were prepared to face it head-on.


The day dawned clear and sunny, a perfect Saturday for basketball. The warmth of the early morning sun promised a day filled with excitement and competition. As the stadium began to fill, fans from various schools made their way into the stands, their anticipation palpable in the air.

Among the crowd, Midorima stood inconspicuously, donning a cap and dark sunglasses in an attempt to blend in. His tall frame and distinctive demeanor, however, made him stand out more than he realized. It wasn't long before Kise spotted him, a bright smile spreading across his face as he approached.

"What are you doing here?" Kise inquired, his tone playful yet curious.

Midorima adjusted his glasses, a slight frown on his face. "I was on my way home and decided to stop by to check out the competition," he replied, his voice betraying a hint of interest despite his words.

Kise laughed, seeing right through his friend's attempt at nonchalance. "What are you talking about? Your house is on the other end of town. Admit it, you're curious about Seirin."

Midorima, caught in his own pretense, sighed. "Honestly, I'm only curious about this Ryo person. It would be quite dull if Seirin didn't have another potential star player."

Kise grinned, nodding in agreement. "That's true. Kurokocchi needs some company, or he'll have a hard time."

"Anyway," Midorima muttered dismissively, stepping into the stadium with an air of detached curiosity that belied his true interest.

Kise, ever the observer of his friends' subtle nuances, followed close behind. "You know, Midorimacchi, sometimes you're not very honest with yourself. Do you really hope that Ryo turns out to be the next little Kagami?" he asked, the smile on his face taking on a more serious edge as he broached the subject.

In the Seirin team locker room, the air was thick with anticipation and nervous energy. Riko stood before her team, clipboard in hand, ready to unveil the game plan. "Alright, team, this is where our journey begins again," she began, her voice steady and confident. "Our starting five will be Kuroko, Hyuga, Shun, Shinji, and Mitobe. The rest of you will be ready on the bench."

Hyuga, ever the spirited leader, pumped his fist in the air and rallied his teammates. "Alright, let's win this game!" His enthusiasm was infectious, sparking a chorus of affirmations from the team as they prepared to head out to the court.

As the team started to move, Riko placed a reassuring hand on Ryo's back, stopping him for a moment. "Don't worry," she said softly, her gaze meeting his. "You'll play today, just wait for your moment." Ryo nodded, his nervousness momentarily eased by her words, and offered her a grateful smile.

Then, with a mischievous glint in her eye, Riko added, "Alright, big guy, if you score 20 points today, we'll go on a date." The challenge hung in the air, half-teasing, half-serious.

Ryo, taken aback but motivated by the proposition, responded with determination, "It's a promise." He then walked towards the door, his stride more confident.

Riko watched him go, her thumb raised in encouragement. She knew the power of motivation, the importance of setting goals, and the impact of personal stakes on performance. Her playful bet with Ryo wasn't just about lightening the mood; it was a strategic move to boost his focus and drive.

As the team lined up to enter the court, the sounds of the crowd reached a crescendo. The anticipation for the game was palpable, both in the stands and among the players. Seirin's journey in the tournament was about to begin, and every player, from the starters to those on the bench, knew the role they had to play.

Sitting on the bench, Ryo watched intently as the game kicked off, the sound of the bouncing ball and the sneakers squeaking against the court filling the gym with the unmistakable energy of competition. Amidst the focus, a voice broke his concentration. "Looks like we'll be watching the action from here."

Ryo turned to his side to see who had spoken. The boy next to him had chestnut brown hair styled back, though a few rebellious strands fell onto his forehead, giving him a carefree look. His brown eyes were sharp, full of intensity, set above a broad forehead. He was slightly taller than Kuroko, with a presence that was both confident and easygoing.

"Tomoya, right?" Ryo ventured, recalling the face from team meetings.

Tomoya's smile was easy and welcoming. "You still haven't memorized the names of your teammates?"

Ryo sheepishly admitted, "Sorry, I'm bad with names."

"I'm Tomoya Tsunayoshi, a first-year. I joined this team because, back in middle school, I wanted to play with the great Kagami. It's a shame he's not around anymore," Tomoya shared, a hint of disappointment in his tone.

Ryo, caught off guard by the sudden sharing, responded, "I didn't ask about your past."

Tomoya laughed at that, a genuine, hearty sound. "I like you, you know. You're straightforward."

As Tomoya fixed his gaze on the ongoing game, a hint of concern laced his voice. "Looks like we're going to lose."

Ryo, ever the optimist, questioned, "Why do you say that?"

"Well, just look at the game. We're barely competing. The score is 20 to 22, and the other team is dictating the pace," Tomoya explained, his analysis sharp and to the point.

Ryo watched the game, his expression thoughtful, taking in Tomoya's assessment. It was true; Kinga High was setting the tempo, and Seirin seemed to be struggling to keep up.

Tomoya, however, wasn't one to dwell on the negative. "Of course, if they put me in, I can turn things around," he boasted with a confident grin.

Just as he said that, Riko called out, "Tomoya, you're going in."

Tomoya's eyes widened in surprise and excitement. "Really?" he exclaimed, jumping up from the bench.

Ryo couldn't help but laugh, clapping him on the back. "Looks like it's your time to shine."

As Shinji came off the court, Tomoya took his place, ready to make his mark. Before he even touched the ball, he turned to Kinga High's team with a bold declaration. "Hey, losers, get ready to, umm," he paused, searching for the right words, "lose... I guess." The opposing team just stared back at him, puzzled and slightly amused by his attempt at trash talk.

Hyuga, seeing an opportunity, passed the ball to Tomoya, who sprinted towards the opponent's basket with surprising speed. "He's fast," Ryo observed, impressed.

Tomoya, focused on making a play, didn't see the defense closing in on him. In a moment of overeagerness, he was stripped of the ball.

From the bench, Ryo burst into laughter at the sight, not out of malice, but amusement at Tomoya's enthusiasm and immediate misstep. Tomoya, realizing his mistake, looked back at Ryo, a mix of frustration and embarrassment on his face. "That's cruel!" he shouted across the court, but there was a lightness in his voice, an acknowledgment of the humor in the situation.

As the third quarter progressed, with only 8 minutes remaining, the scoreboard displayed a disheartening 50-41 in favor of Kinga High. It was then that Riko turned to Ryo, a determined look in her eyes. "It's your time to shine," she said, and Ryo nodded, ready to accept the challenge.

He approached the sideline, where Mitobe was waiting. A quick fist bump between them, and Ryo stepped onto the court. Riko watched him closely, her thoughts a mix of hope and expectation. "Alright, Ryo, it's time to show me what you're worth. I've invested many hours in preparing you, honing your skills to become the player we need."

Ryo didn't disappoint. Within moments, he stole the ball from a Kinga player and dashed down the court. "He's fast!" thought the captain of Kinga, who then shouted, "Stop him!" But Ryo was already ahead, dodging a defender with a swift maneuver.

As he leaped into the air for a shot, a Kinga defender jumped up to block him. Ryo, realizing a direct shot would be blocked, instinctively twisted in mid-air, evading the defender and sinking the ball into the net with an impressive dunk. The crowd and players alike were stunned into silence, which was quickly broken by an uproar of excitement over the spectacular play.

Riko, amazed, found herself questioning, "When did he learn that?" But then it dawned on her—he hadn't learned it; he had adapted. "He didn't learn this; he adapted to the situation. The training polished his skills, giving him more tools. Ryo is a pure athlete; his body knows how to react, his mind can perceive the plays."

Tomoya slapped Ryo on the back, complimenting, "Nice play." Ryo, not missing a beat, retorted playfully, "Seems like the team didn't improve with you in it, shorty."

"Who are you calling shorty?!" Tomoya yelled back, though the smile on his face belied any real offense.

Kuroko approached, adding his praise, "Great play. Can I pass you the balls?"

Ryo, buoyed by the support and success of his play, responded confidently, "Give them all to me."

Meanwhile, Kinga High's coach watched from the sidelines, his strategy unraveling. "Damn it, who is that player? I thought without the 'Iron Heart' or Kagami, this would be easier. So, Seirin had a secret weapon after all."

Ryo's entry into the game had shifted the momentum, his natural athleticism and the skills honed by countless hours of practice making him a formidable force on the court. As the game continued, it was clear that Seirin was far from defeated; with Ryo's contributions, they had reignited their hopes for a comeback. The realization that Seirin still had hidden depths and untapped potential made the remainder of the game all the more thrilling to watch.

As the game progressed, Ryo's impact on the court became increasingly evident. His presence energized the Seirin team, shifting the dynamics of the match in their favor.

One particularly memorable moment came when Ryo anticipated an opponent's pass, his keen eyes tracing the trajectory before it even left the player's hands. With a burst of speed, he intercepted the ball, stealing it cleanly. The crowd gasped as Ryo took off down the court, the ball securely in his grip. Kinga High's players scrambled to catch up, but Ryo was already steps ahead. Spotting Kuroko moving into position, Ryo executed a flawless pass. Kuroko, in his signature phantom mode, caught the ball unnoticed and returned it to Ryo, who had positioned himself perfectly beyond the three-point line. Without hesitation, Ryo launched a powerful shot, the ball arcing beautifully through the air before swishing through the net. The seamless play between Ryo and Kuroko left the audience and their opponents in awe.

Another highlight was Ryo's display of physical strength. In a tussle for the rebound, Ryo found himself boxed out by two Kinga players. Yet, his determination and sheer physicality prevailed as he muscled his way between them, leaping higher than anyone else to secure the ball. With the rebound in hand, he quickly pivoted and powered his way through the defense, finishing with a thunderous dunk that rattled the backboard. His display of strength and agility not only scored points but also intimidated the opposing team, making them think twice before challenging him again.

Ryo's defensive prowess was equally impressive. On multiple occasions, he thwarted Kinga's attempts to score, his quick reflexes allowing him to block shots and disrupt their plays. In one instance, a Kinga player attempted a layup, only for Ryo to appear seemingly out of nowhere, his arm stretching to block the shot and send it flying. The defensive stop spurred a fast break, with Ryo leading the charge. Kuroko, ever the strategic playmaker, found himself in the right spot at the right time, receiving Ryo's pass before flicking it back to him for an easy score.

Throughout the game, Ryo's synergy with Kuroko was palpable. Kuroko's ability to deliver precise passes combined with Ryo's athleticism created numerous scoring opportunities. Whether it was Kuroko slipping the ball to Ryo in the paint or setting him up for open jump shots, their teamwork showcased a deep understanding of each other's strengths and tendencies.

As the game neared its conclusion, the Kinga High team found themselves huddled during a timeout, their expressions a mix of frustration and disbelief. The topic of their conversation was none other than Seirin's unexpected powerhouse, Ryo.

"Who even is this guy?" one player muttered, wiping sweat from his brow. "Every time we think we've got a play figured out, he's there to mess it up."

Another player chimed in, his annoyance clear, "And his steals! It's like he reads our minds before we even make the pass. How are we supposed to compete with that?"

A third, leaning heavily on his knees, added, "And it's not just the defense. Have you seen those shots? It's like he doesn't miss. How did Seirin even find this guy?"

As they returned to the court, determined to narrow the gap, their focus was clear: keep the ball away from Ryo. Yet, as if on cue, Ryo demonstrated once again why he was the center of their concerns. With Kinga attempting to build momentum, Ryo anticipated a cross-court pass, his quick reflexes allowing him to intercept the ball with ease. Without hesitation, he sprinted to the three-point line, turned, and launched the ball towards the hoop. The arc was perfect, the release flawless, and as the ball swished through the net, a collective groan went up from the Kinga players.

"Come on! He can do that too?" one player exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "Is there anything he can't do?"

The final buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the game, with Seirin securing a commanding 94-70 victory over Kinga High. The scoreboard highlighted Ryo's significant contribution: 21 points, a testament to his skill and versatility on the court.

As the Kinga team trudged off the court, their disappointment was palpable, but so was their respect for the player who had turned the game on its head. Ryo's performance had not only led Seirin to victory but also left an indelible mark on their opponents, who could only wonder at the depth of talent they had encountered.

After their triumphant win against Kinga High, the Seirin team gathered in their locker room, the air buzzing with excitement and relief. The players were removing their gear, but the energy from the game still electrified the room. Riko, standing at the front, beamed with pride at her team.

"Great job out there, everyone!" Riko began, her voice carrying over the chatter. "Today's win was a team effort, but I want to give a special shout-out to Ryo for his incredible performance."

Hyuga, the team captain, nodded in agreement. "Ryo, you really stepped up today. Those 21 points were crucial. But let's not forget Kuroko's assists and everyone's defense. This was a win built on teamwork."

Kuroko, ever humble, added, "I only passed the ball. It was Ryo's scoring and our collective defense that made the difference."

Ryo, still a bit overwhelmed by the attention, managed a smile. "Thanks, everyone. But like Coach Riko and Hyuga said, this was a team win. We all played our part."

Shun, always looking for a bit of humor, chimed in, "Yeah, but those three-pointers were something else! I think I might need to take some shooting lessons from Ryo here."

Mitobe, who was quiet but always supportive, gave a thumbs up, his gesture speaking volumes of his agreement and pride in the team's effort.

Tomoya, the first-year who had tried to make his own mark during the game, laughed. "And here I thought I'd be the one making headlines. Guess I'll have to step up my game next time."

Riko clapped her hands, bringing the room's focus back to her. "This win is just the beginning, guys. We need to keep this momentum going. Kinga High was tough, but the teams are only going to get stronger from here. Ryo, your performance today has set a high bar, not just for you, but for all of us. We all need to be prepared to elevate our game."

Hyuga stood next to Riko, his expression serious. "She's right. We've got a long road ahead. Today, we celebrate, but tomorrow, we train even harder. We've got a title to win."

The room erupted into cheers, each player motivated by the victory and the challenges ahead. As they left the locker room, there was a sense of unity and determination among them. Seirin High's basketball team was more than just a group of players; they were a family, bound by their love for the game and their shared ambition to reach the top.

Ryo, walking out with Kuroko and the others, felt a renewed sense of purpose. His journey in basketball, which had started as a personal quest, had grown into something much larger. As part of Seirin, he wasn't just playing for himself; he was playing for his team, for their dreams, and for the legacy they wanted to build together.

Just as the team was about to disperse, Riko called Ryo aside. "Well, you scored 21 points, so I'll keep my promise. See you tomorrow at noon at the station," she said with a smile before turning to leave.

Tomoya, witnessing the exchange, clapped Ryo on the shoulder and teased, "Wow, buddy, I didn't know you were into older women."

Ryo, cheeks tinted with a blush, quickly retorted, "It's not like that! Darn shorty."

"Hey! Who are you calling shorty? Kuroko is shorter than me!" Tomoya protested, trying to defend his height.

"Yeah, but Kuroko is a great player," Ryo countered, unintentionally adding fuel to the fire.

Tomoya, not one to back down, shot back, "You're just showing off because you're handsome and good with balls!"

Kuroko, who had been quietly observing their banter, suddenly interjected, "I'm hungry."

Ryo, turning to address the practical concern, suggested, "Well, I guess we could grab something to eat."

"I don't have any money," Tomoya admitted, a bit sheepishly.

"Then go home," Ryo responded, his patience thinning.

"What? You're my senior; you're supposed to treat me to something!" Tomoya exclaimed, playing up the drama.

"You never respect me as a senior anyway," Ryo pointed out, the corner of his mouth twitching in amusement at Tomoya's antics.

Tomoya continued his dramatic plea, while Kuroko watched the exchange with a smile, amused by the dynamic unfolding between his teammates.

Under the cloak of night, Midorima and Kise made their way out of the stadium, their steps echoing softly on the pavement. The day's games had drawn to a close, but the excitement and analysis of the matches lingered between them.

"It seems Seirin won't have any trouble making it to the finals," Midorima finally said, breaking the silence. His voice carried a note of respect for Seirin's performance, albeit with a touch of his usual analytical detachment.

Kise, ever the competitor, couldn't let Midorima's comment pass without adding his own perspective. A playful yet confident smile spread across his face as he responded, "That might be true if they weren't facing my school before the finals. We plan to eliminate them from the competition."

Midorima glanced at Kise, his expression unreadable behind his glasses. "You seem quite confident about that outcome."

Kise's confidence didn't waver. "Of course, I am. We've been preparing specifically for Seirin. After watching them play, including your friendly match against Ryo, we've developed strategies to counter their strengths."

Midorima considered Kise's words. His own experience against Ryo in the friendly match had given him a firsthand look at the young player's capabilities. Ryo had potential, no doubt, but the game had also highlighted the difference in experience and strategic play between them. "Ryo is a promising player, but as you said, preparation and strategy often decide the outcome of these matches."

Kise nodded, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. "Exactly. And while Seirin has been improving, so have we. It's going to be an interesting match, but we're fully committed to winning and advancing to the finals."

The conversation shifted as they continued to walk, discussing potential matchups and strategies. Despite their rivalry, there was a mutual respect between them, born out of countless encounters on the court and a shared understanding of the game's demands.

As they reached the parking lot, the night's stillness seemed to envelop them, a brief respite from the intensity of their conversation. "Well, regardless of what happens, it's going to be an exciting tournament," Midorima said, offering Kise a rare nod of acknowledgment.

Kise grinned, the competitive fire in his eyes undimmed by the night's calm. "Absolutely. And when we win against Seirin, I'm looking forward to facing you on the court, Midorimacchi. It'll be a game to remember."

They parted ways, each lost in thoughts of the upcoming challenges. The night had borne witness to their rivalry, their ambitions, and the unspoken promise of epic battles to come. For Midorima and Kise, the road to the finals was more than just a series of games; it was a testament to their dedication, their skills, and the indomitable spirit of competition that drove them forward.

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