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Chapter 7: Aftermath: Direction

Paul Bloom's POV:

I can't believe this. Oscar, known as the most talented, flunked the awakening test. A person I've always looked up to, someone I never thought I'd reach, has now fallen behind.

The first time I met him was at the school orientation. Well, before we met I already knew who he was. Everyone in the school knew him. He was always talked about even at home. I was told by my parents to curry favour from him. I'm surely not the only noble child that was told to do so, but I was successful in doing it or should I say I was lucky, because he could see through people's advances and discern their motives from their demeanour.

I was expecting my talent to be mid-grade at least, but high grade? Things worked out better than I expected. The hierarchy between us as friends has to change. Josh should be stronger than Oscar, maybe not for the moment because I know he practices some magic and has some skills. But with time Josh could beat him.

As for me, I'm stronger than Oscar, no doubt about it. What would his meagre skills do against me now that I'm a fully awakened mage with a high-grade talent? The next time we meet, I'll make sure he knows the difference between us. An ant has no right to deem himself as worthy of being my friend.

Dad always said "having powerful friends and good connections is an added advantage on your road to achieving power and influence." That was why I chose to befriend Oscar. I cannot have a friend if there are no profits.

After the ceremony I lost sight of him, I guess he left. There was no way that failure would remain till the end. I couldn't stop myself from grinning. Well, things are about to change.


Most of Oscar's peers had similar thoughts as Paul. There was no need to keep up appearances with a failure. If they knew he would only amount to this much there wouldn't be a need to hold him in such high regard.

A banquet was held at the imperial palace to celebrate the newly awakened mages. The number of high grade potentials this time is the highest turnout ever, especially with the startling discovery of a talent from the lowborn ranks of the kingdom.

All noble families attended the banquet, even the Lanes, but Oscar did not show up. The citizens were also allowed to take part in the celebration as well, making the place livelier.

After the awakening ceremony, the children would pick the paths they would take for their future. Mages with middle grade and high grade potentials would be admitted to the royal academy to gain combat experience and academic knowledge with relevance to magic. With the former having to go through combat and a theoretical examination before being admitted while the latter being admitted with immediate effect.

Low-grade talents could go to educational institutes offering applied and vocational courses instead of academic knowledge offered by the academy.

The non-mages which were quite rare but still present, could only take up menial skills that did not require magic, they were at the lowest position in the country.

One common path for these youths was the condition of a one-year mandatory public service before the age of thirty. The public service differs, while non-mages could work as porters and played minor roles, mages with low-grade aptitudes could serve as foot soldiers in the army during that period, and may also be retained in the army if their skills were deemed useful.

Mages with better aptitudes were required to serve in the army for a year and gain actual battle experience. After serving for a year, if they wanted to stay in the army, they would undergo a series of tests before being commissioned to the rank of lieutenant, which was the lowest rank for officer.

"He is not here, is he?" Sarah asked Anya while looking around the place for any signs of Oscar.

"Don't bother looking, he is not coming. Trash like that has no place here." Anya replied in a calm tone.

"Ouch, for someone who acts friendly you have a really poisonous tongue. It's true anyways, no denying the fact that he doesn't belong here. Oh hi Paul!"

"Hello guys!" Paul waved as made his way towards their midst.

Sarah noticed his expression before speaking.

"For someone whose best friend flunked you seem pretty happy."

"Why shouldn't I be? I'm not the one failed."

"How cold."

"Come on! Like you're not happy he failed. If he didn't, we would all be under his shadow even when we enrol into the academy."

"Yeah, yeah, enough of that. Have you guys noticed the new…?"

"You mean Zahad?"


"According to what I heard, the guy's an orphan. He was also the only surviving child of a fallen Baron house, hence the last name. Their barony was situated at the south-eastern border."

"Oh, that was where the knolls staged an attack last time, at the province of Duke Lane?"

"Yeah, the Baron ran away with his concubines and their children, leaving Zahad and his mother to fend for themselves. Fortunately for Zahad, the Baron and company encountered the Knolls first, giving him and his mother time to escape into the heart of the Iyun province and seek refuge there."

"Well, my father has plans for that boy." Anya chimed in.

"Oh, I thought your Dad disliked fire mages?" Sarah asked.

"He doesn't dislike them, just the ones that don't know their place." Sarah while smiling, responded in a low voice that held a tone of annoyance within.

Sarah noticing this, decided to not press further and talked about something else.

"We're getting our certificates in six months' time from the school before we go to the academy. Why does it take that long?"

"That's a dumb question." Paul answered this time.

Before Sarah could retort, he spoke once again.

"There are many reasons why we aren't heading for the academy immediately. Some of which are: the fact that we just awakened, and we need to get used to the feel of the mana in our body before using it.

Another reason is that there are almost no breaks or long holidays for us to spend time with our family. Staying too long would serve as a distraction and hinder our growth.

Third, the academy is not a playground, it's not all fun and games. It's a place where we all have to compete and train like our lives depend on it, because it does."

"Well said Paul. I didn't know you were this smart." Anya said looking at Paul expression of amusement and intrigue.

"I don't know whether to consider that a compliment or an insult."

"Consider it a compliment because it's the only sensible thing you've said since I've known you." Sara remarked, her lips curled in the shape of an inauspicious smile.

Paul felt speechless for a second. " are angry about what I said. I didn't insult I just said the question was dumb."

Sarah clenched her fist. "If this not a banquet you would be in a whole lot of pain by now.

"Are you serious?"

"Try me!"

"Alright, calm down guys." Anya tried to deescalate the situation.

"Paul, apologize for your insensitive remarks."

"Ah... I'm sorry for what I said Sarah."


"I accept your apology."

"What? Isn't she supposed to apologize too?"

"About what?"

"Ugh, forget it."

Paul walked away from the girls before they could hamper his mood any further.

The next series of events proceeded significantly well at the banquet. The king also delivered a brief speech, concerning the candidates.

"I am delighted to have new talents in the kingdom, for those of you going to the academy, do well to graduate with outstanding results. As for the others, I'll encourage you to learn and master your skills to a significant degree. Just because you do not have mid-grade or high grade talent, doesn't mean all hope is lost. You are all part of the kingdom. Everyone is important, so do not count yourselves as irrelevant. Understood?"

"Yes, your majesty!"

"Zahad" The king called out, and a boy with grayish hair came out and stood in front of the King, with his head lowered.


"Yes, your highness."

"Your result at the awakening ceremony was impressive."

"Thank you, your majesty."

"I see you are of noble origin, but the times have not been favourable to you. I know that you've been offered a scholarship, but I am willing to step in as your sponsor in the academy, I will cover any expenses outside the scope of the academy."

"I am grateful, your majesty" Zahad knelt down in appreciation.

"Do not worry about anything and focus on graduating with an excellent result."

"I shall not disappoint his highness."

"Good, because I will also induct you back into the ranks of nobility after your public service."


Audible gasps were heard from around the hall.

It was uncommon for a fallen noble house to regain their position as nobles. This was because no noble family would easily associate with commoners even though they were once seen as nobles. Thereby relegating them completely from the position of nobility.

Zahad's life changed in one day, from being looked down on, to being envied. From grass to grace. He always wanted to be like that child prodigy everyone talked about. Now, he is bigger, the limelight is his and his alone.

The situation of Zahad and Oscar could be likened to the two sides of a coin. One being blessed, the other feeling cursed. One now basking in fame and glory. The other, only possessing faded glory.

One thing is certain. If one's glory dies, it is for a long time.

Neegan Neegan

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