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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

The lights from overhead shed my matte black car into an oasis of bright fluorescent lights with the images of crowds of people populating every bit of my rear view mirrors. This junction of people was in the main part of the city, the kings gathering.

It was like a part of the city where pretty much anything you thought of they probably had in some shape or form. Every holiday people from all seven districts would come here and sell all the goods they could transport . It was the hottest day to get your riches and hold them tight until the end of it. Predators in the form of people would come at a moment's notice to snatch your possessions if you give them time of day.

Being around this area was always interesting to me. So much happened just by idly watching. If you were good enough you could pinpoint exactly which person would rob the other.

My family and I used to do that actually. We would park somewhere next to a large open spot of land where we could see everybody, then each of us would point to a person and judge whether or not they would do it. Turns out that little skill I developed back then saved me a good amount of times when judging a person's character. It's not good to judge, it's not Christian but if you're right, you're right. Not my problem. Judge the sin not the sinner is what I say or so what I'd like to believe I'm doing.

I drove into a large p,arking garage, and on the third floor, I found a spot. It was sort of bare here which was no surprise. People that were nearby preferred to walk most of the time and those with... luggage lets say, already had people they knew around the area to assist them.

I got out of the car shoving my loose phone into the little pocket that was in my pencil skirt. The organization had it specifically tailored to my shape also including a pocket just so that in no way could you have the excuse of:

"My phone wasn't on me."

They weren't lenient when It came to that. There was little area for you to poke around in; never dared to mess with that sleeping bear. I knew what the results would be.

Off in the far right I see an elevator and a flight of stairs. A large group of people squeezed themselves into that tiny compartment and as the door closed, I feared their fate. I'd rather take the stairs.

At ground level I frowned from the sheer amount of people I was met with. I don't think I remember any year being this crowded; could hardly take a step without accidentally bumping into somebody. My only saving grace which I suppose I wasn't that proud of, was compared to everyone else I was quite... tall.

After getting into a clearing I felt a buzz on my side. I quickly grabbed my phone and flipped it open feeling a knot in my stomach.

"Oh, it's from Adiateh." He was... a friend of mine in a sense. I at least somewhat tolerated him; being alone in this city was a depressing thought, even I had some comradery to spare.

He wanted to talk, something urgent I guess. It wasn't common for him to contact me through messaging so I think that was a safe assumption to make. 

How tiring, I wish I had taken a nap before having to do this. That lingering sleepiness was coming back to me and the contest rubbing of my eyes made that apparent. But Adiateh was like all the rest of them. I couldn't refuse.

Finding that guy was as easy as it got. He was a regular at a little place called the "GOLDEN EXPERIENCE". I think anyone could fill in the gaps as to what this place held. Left nothing to the imagination.

Timing was impeccable though, It was a short walk away and it was completely separated from the rest of the crowd. With those little slits gone now I could breath a sigh of relief. But that burst of joy didn't last long as once again a violent breeze attacked my face and my bare legs.

"God it's so cold!." My teeth chattered. My hands trembled violently as I rubbed them together ,blowing a weak gust of slightly warm breath into them.

Who thought building a city in the middle of a damn Tundra was a good idea. This outfit didn't help at all; while everyone else wore these thick plaited sweaters and pants, I had to wear this professional attire just to drive a car of all things. A sadist thought of this, a sadistic freak.

I knew I was there when the light emanating from inside the Golden experience laid a yellow path way in front of it. What I didn't expect was the fact that I wasn't the only one there. Far from. I saw others wearing black suits walk inside, some in groups, some by themselves.

I swung open the doors as a gust of wind followed opening the door even further. I pushed the door with my back, my shoes sliding against the floor until I forced that door to finally close.

I slid down onto the ground and sighed. "This better be worth it." I murmured. What if I have to be in a room full of these people. God, this sucks. I'm not sure how long I can keep up this facade.

I raised my head as heavy footsteps came towards me. His stature towering over he casting a shadow around my body.

Oh, it's just you."

"Getting offlay cocky talking to me kid." This man was Adiateh Filmer. He's apart of the third grade members of the organization. Which was the level of people that I could currently drive. They were in the middle ground when it came to their overall power but looking at Adiateh I never saw him as anything but seventh. Dead last.

He had a round face with a scruffy beard that hung down almost to the base of his neck. It came to the point where it made actually figuring out how old this guy was impossible. Either he was in his early thirties or in his fifties; today I was hindering on the latter.

"You don't really give me a reason to not talk to you this way."

He rolled his eyes and then said, "I guess it doesn't matter."

He extended his hand towards me and turned to his palm

I reached out my hand and with a mighty pull he forced me back on my feet throwing me forwards.

"So what's this about?" I asked

He seemed reluctant to answer, somewhere in that expressionless gaze a distant thought made it's way through. A lump in throat formed and he shook it off.

"It's Jim Beckman."

Immediately I knew his hesitance. Even though it wasn't cold my hand trembled and although it had been years since I'd heard that name the image of his devilish appearance appeared as clear as day. 

"Excuse me?" A part of me didn't believe it.

"Suck it up, that little ignorant behavior isn't going to help you out there."

"Why did I come if I wasn't invited. I'm just an uber driver."

"Because it was a personal call. He called for you personally. I just relayed the order."

"Excuse me?" I froze up again.

"Don't start this again. Just follow me and stay close."

For some reason he seemed warmer today. Kind of how I felt around my father, something about his demeanor told me I had to follow him, not by force but because it was the safest option. 

 But, what did Jim Beckman want with me anyways? I've been good, as far as I know everyone has gotten home safe, right? right? Oh god I'm getting nervous now. I can't think clearly.


"What are you doing?" He turned around and looked at me with a blank stare.

"I-I'm nervous..."

"Do you have anything to hide."


"Then come on then! Stop wasting time." 

He grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me towards the room to which I guessed everyone else was sat. I couldn't tell whether what I saw was true or not. A part of denied it but my eyes told a different story. 

Ahead of us, on the other side of that door, a red light illuminated from every end and shed it's color onto me. A scolding heat irradiated from it and as we finally made our way inside, I couldn't help but divert my eyes.

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