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Chapter 62: A Rat, a Dog and a Dementor Walk Into a Bar (Part Five)

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me Harry," Dumbledore said with a smile as he leaned back in his office's chair. Harry was sitting across from him petting Fawkes who had come over to perch on Harry's shoulder. Harry had thankfully missed the flash of annoyance on Dumbledore's face as the familiar made his allegiances clear.

"Well it didn't particularly seem like I had a choice in the matter, Sir," Harry shrugged. "Is this something I need to call Professor McGonagall or Professor Babbling for?"

"Of course not, Harry," Dumbledore replied with a twinkle in his eyes. He gave a grandfatherly smile down at the boy. "I merely wished to inform you of some sad news." He saw Harry's expression harden. "I know that Sirius Black is your godfather, Harry. I understand he offered to let you live with him over the summer months as well." Dumbledore paused as he saw Harry's expression lighten. He had to proceed carefully so as not to lose the child completely. There was still a chance to salvage all this. "I am afraid that at the last Wizengamot session, it was determined that Lord Black is not a suitable guardian for you. His residency in Azkaban – unjust as it was – has affected him. He has been directed to consult with Mind Healers before being allowed to accept any sort of responsibility position for you. The period of adjustment is expected to take between two to three years."

Harry's expression had gone from annoyed to entertained. That was not right. Not right at all. The boy should be despondent and pleading. Begging for some sort of loophole. Dumbledore frowned. He had missed something. "I am very sorry, Harry. But you must return to the Dursleys again for the foreseeable future." Harry burst into laughter and Fawkes trilled along with him. Dumbledore dropped the twinkle entirely and only barely managed to prevent his confusion from showing.

"You think – you think I'm going to the Dursleys?" Harry wheezed out between his laughs. "You seriously think I'm going to Dursleys? Wow, you have got to be the single worst magical guardian in existence!"

Dumbledore had to bite his lip to avoid scowling at the child. "My boy, I assure you that it is the safest place for you. Attempting to stay with Sirius would only see the man back in trouble with the law. I will speak with the Weasleys and see if you can stay with them towards the end of the summer." Harry's laughs only increased.

"Headmaster," Harry finally said after calming enough to speak, "you are an uninformed idiot. I'm sorry, Sir, but seriously, either you just don't care or you are way too busy. The Dursleys haven't been my legal guardians since two weeks into the summer!" He started laughing again and Dumbledore frowned. The boy had to be bluffing. Surely no one had…Babbling…what had that fool of a woman done now? "Even better, the Dursleys were never really my guardians to begin with! They never filed any sort of paperwork for it and they didn't bother trying to fight for it when it got challenged. The next time I see the Dursleys will be in a courtroom or police station!"

Panicking slightly, Dumbledore glanced at one of the many instruments in his office. His eyes widened as he saw that it had indeed stopped spinning. From the amount of dust on it, it had probably stopped months ago! "Harry…who…why…?"

"Why?" Harry asked a note of frustration and anger creeping into his voice. "Seriously? Let's see, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, some physical abuse, starvation, isolation…so many reasons to choose from, Sir. The list goes on and on. Of course physical proof is a little lackluster, so I can't quite bring them up on charges yet. But I'm sure you get the picture. As to who, I'm surprised you don't know."

"Harry," Dumbledore implored the boy. "Professor Babbling is nowhere near old enough to be a suitable guardian."

"And yet she's the first one who gave two wits about me in my entire remembered life. And it's entirely legal so there is nothing you can do about it, Headmaster. No magic, no bribes, no compulsions or trickery were involved. Just plain old solicitors. As soon as I can manage it I'll be free of you as well. Sir." Dumbledore's scowl slipped across his features before he could school it back into grandfatherly disapproval. He had to try one more time. For the boy's late parents.

"Harry, I can understand your dislike of your family – "

"Oh no, Sir. I love my family," Harry said with a grin. "I just consider Professor Babbling to be my family. Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley are my relatives. Nothing more."

It took all he had to maintain the persona. "I can understand your dislike of your relatives, Harry. But they were the safest place for you. With the blood wards intact you were safe from Voldemort and his minions."

"Voldemort is a disembodied spirit and his minions have stayed quiet for over a decade. We're setting up good wards at Shiva's place and have other options as well. Those blood wards certainly never protected me from my relatives or from Aunt Marge. I'll take my chances, Sir."

"Harry you must listen to my counsel."

"No. I really don't have to. All you've done is lie, misdirect and manipulate my life. I'm fine on my own thanks."

"Harry," Dumbledore closed his eyes. This was his final attempt. "I am…concerned. The actions you have taken recently…assaulting classmates last year, continually insulting Professor Snape, befriending two Dark families, injuring an older student, threatening the entirety of Ravenclaw House, seeking out a fugitive, threatening the Minister himself! Harry, I am worried you are walking a path that others before you have treaded. A path far too easy to stumble down. You are heading down a Dark road, my boy. I implore you to please, listen to me when I tell you it is not too late to turn back."

Harry growled at him. "Dark? Seriously? How much of an idiot do you think I am, Headmaster? Every single thing you just listed I was perfectly justified doing. And I have no idea who you are talking about with Dark families – unless you mean Tracey and Daphne in which case you are blinder than I thought. Headmaster Dumbledore I am no more Dark than Professor McGonagall or Shiva. I defend myself and my friends. That's it. I think we're done here, Sir." Harry scowled and stood up walking towards the door.

"I am sorry, Harry. I am truly sorry," Dumbledore said softly as his office door slammed, Fawkes riding out with Harry leaving Dumbledore alone with his thoughts.

Harry was lost. He had fallen far enough that he no longer saw the danger of his actions or the damage resulting from them. Dumbledore's initial plans were no longer viable. He had seen this with Gellert and refused to act out of love. He had seen this with Tom and refused to act out of naivety. He would no longer refuse to act with Harry Potter. It broke his heart, but…sacrifices had to be made for the Greater Good.

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