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The Descent of The Thunder God! The Descent of The Thunder God! original

The Descent of The Thunder God!

Author: FriedChicken2

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Thor

There once was a time when the nine realms lived in peace and tranquility. A fragile union that none dared break in fear of the cataclysm that would without fail follow.

But, as with all things, eventually that peace was disrupted.

Then… came war.

Asgard, home of the Aesir came under attack by none other than the Fire Giants of Muspelheim. Leading them was their king, Surtr, the destined destroyer of the Gods.

Surtr had wished for nothing more than to plunge all in the heat of his legendary flames, on par with that of Hephaestus, exceeded only by the divine flames of the Shinto goddess Amaterasu and the Egyptian god Ra.

His great army charged across the Bifrost setting it alight with each step they took.

Heimdall, the all-seeing and all-hearing, and sole protector of the Bifrost in Asgard, blew his horn to warn the Aesir of the coming threat.

The warriors of Asgard met Surtr at their very walls, the battle was fierce as it raged on for five days and five nights but try as they might the defenders of Asgard could not withstand the full might of Surtr and his followers forever.

With each passing day, one by one the Aesir fell as they were forced behind the security of their walls to the last line of defense until it too was breached.

Victory was well within the Giants' grasps, Surtr's triumph was just out of reach and he would have succeeded.

But it was not meant to be as all thought.

For even as hundreds of warriors fell or fled further to Asgard, one stood his ground.

One, who was named the crown prince and the mightiest warrior in all of Asgard.

The protector and hero of its people.

The God of Thunder, Thor!

The red-haired god fought alongside his fellow brothers in arms when he saw that his people were being slaughtered.

In a desperate attempt he made a decision and called a retreat.

"Fall back!" The soldiers looked like they wanted to protest as their warrior's pride showed through but the look in their Prince's eye said that he was not to be challenged. "Fall back now!"

And so, with great reluctance, the Aesir fled. All except for one.

"What? How can you order a retreat Thor!? We must fight and drive these foul creatures back to the hell they call home!" came the voice of a God with gold-white hair and determined eyes.

This was none other than the God of Vengeance and baby brother to Thor, Vidar.

The God fired spell after spell as enemies fell left and right, the deity merely scowling as he advanced step by step towards their greatest adversary. Until he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"What are you doing Thor? If you won't stop them. Then I will!" Vidar shouted to the Thunder God who gave a resigned look, though one filled with determination.

"Brother, I ask you listen to me for just once in our immortal lives." Thor started.

"Hmm?" Vidar gave a look of confusion.

"This is not a battle so simple that we may be triumphant so easily, even beings of pride as us gods must realize that. The only way to achieve victory is by defeating Surtr here and now." Thor explained as Vidar just stared at his brother in confusion.

"Then why are we still here? Let us take down that dull giant." he said his hands filled with magic only for the red-haired God to stop him once more.

"No, in order for this to work we must first protect our people, our home. And I trust none more than you to this." the hammer-wielding God told him.

"Me? What about you?" Vidar asked in confusion before realization struck him. "You...You plan to take the bridge down?"

A nod from Thor confirmed Vidar's suspicions.

"You can't be serious Thor! That is suicide, what will happen to the people you are trying so hard to save when they will no longer have their Herald? What will Odin do? And who will succeed the throne and protect Asgard when father steps down? Baldur and I don't want the throne, and uncle will only bring us to ruin!" Vidar roared as Thor just smiled somberly.

"Vidar... for all the times that you and I may have disputed, you have always been my brother that I cherished. You have always had the best interests of Asgard in mind. That is why I know that this place which has been our home for millennia will be safe in your hands. I defended our home with everything I had. And now I pass that sacred duty onto you." He said as Vidar shook his head vehemently in denial.

"No! You can't! You mustn't if anything I'll do it. You are loved by all Thor, to make you a martyr is inconceivable. If anyone should do it then it should be me."

"You are just as strong as me with a brilliant mind Vidar, without you, our people cannot progress, and we will be heavily crippled, vulnerable to attack." Thor reminded him.

"And you are the crown prince! Without you, there will be no Asgard! Is that not why we fight? For the survival of our home?" Vidar retorted as Thor laughed.

"The humans on Midgard have always had a saying, 'Before you start a war you must first know what you are fighting for', a sound logic, yet I like to think a little differently. I believe that you must fight in order to find what you are fighting for." The thunder god said cryptically as he turned his back.

"Now go, the duty to protect the people is now in your hands and know that as long as you never lose sight of what is right, Asgard will always be safe... brother..." He crouched, legs tensing as they pulsed with power ready to leap. Peeking his head over his shoulder one last time he said, "Farewell Vidar."

And with that, Thor launched into the sky.

Vidar watched his older brother charge the enemy alone while a lone tear fell from his cheek. "Farewell...Thor…"

_ _ _ _ _ _

Surtr, in his great arrogance, believed that the power of but one God would not be enough to stop his troops from finishing what they had started.

Oh how wrong he had been...

With a roar of defiance Thor charged the Fire Giants, in his hand was the legendary Mjolnir, a hammer forged within the mythical realm of Nidavellir by the Dwarven smith brothers Sindri and Brokkr.

The true might of the God of Thunder was displayed that day for the first time in centuries, and just as it had then, it struck the same feeling of reverence and fear as it did now.

With each swing of the god class weapon a hundred giants would fall, leaving nothing but husks and corpses.

Again and again they tried to bring down the red-haired god yet time and time again they were slaughtered.

Lightning danced around his body in a bright and terrifying aura of power as he continued his charge.

Suddenly, his advance was halted as a boulder came crashing into his left side, sending him flying into another horde, he threw his hammer at the giant who had thrown the giant rock, effectively caving its chest inwards as the war hammer flew further and further.

Turning around, Thor threw his fist into the face of an incoming foe, crushing its skull, and raising his knee into the gut of another causing it to hunch as he lifted the weakling and threw him into another three.

Try as they might, the forces of Muspelheim could not stop the God of Thunder's rampage as he drove into their ranks with the bravery he was known far and wide for.

Soon the Fire Giants could not hold against such power as they cowered before running back to their fiery home.

Abandoning their King to face the mighty warrior alone.

What was witnessed that day could not be explained so easily.

"Thunder God!" the giant roared as he met the son of Odin.

God clashed against Jotun as hammer met sword. Thunder and fire flying wildly as everything in their path was incinerated around them.

So destructive was this fated exchange that the mortals of Midgard could hear the roar of Thor's thunder.

Powerful as the king of the Fire Giants was, even he could not withstand the onslaught of Thor.

Soon he was driven back to the Bifrost Bridge.

"Surrender now Jotun! Return to Muspelheim and never again return. Else you shall once again taste the might of Asgard." Thor demanded. But Surtr would not have it.

"Bah! You think yourself so great. Do you truly believe that you are greater than I? How foolish, I have slain a countless number of God's over the millennium and you will be no different Aesir." Surtr exclaimed.

Raising his flaming sword he prepared to bring destruction upon Asgard, even at the cost of his own life.

The Prince of Asgard pointed his hammer towards his enemy as electricity sparked before an arc of lightning shot at the giant.

Surtr swung his sword as a giant wave of fire met the god's attack.

Their struggle for dominance continued until the force exploded in overload and sent both sides flying.

As Thor slowly stood the King of Muspelheim charged every bit of fire he could muster into a miniature sun.

Battered and bloodied, the Son of Odin saw no other choice in his last stand to protect Asgard as he used his great strength to shatter the bridge and send himself and Surtr plummeting towards the mortal realm of Midgard!

Even as they fell they continued to fight. Surtr's fiery fists pummeled Thor to try breaking free but the God refused to release him. Not until the Fire Giant was slain.

Calling upon the very last of his strength, Thor raised his hammer, fully charged of thunder and brought it down upon the giant, destroying his enemy's sword as it sent lightning flying everywhere!

The attack was so great that the people thought Ragnarok had come to Midgard.

And when the dust had settled nothing remained.

Neither Surtr, Thor, nor even Mjolnir was nowhere to be found…

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