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# The Perfect Revenge

Ravi was furious. He was furious at Raj, his best friend, who had pranked him twice with spiders. He was furious at himself, for falling for his tricks. He was furious at the world, for laughing at his misery. He wanted revenge. He wanted payback. He wanted justice.

He decided to prank Raj back, and make him suffer as much as he had suffered. He decided to use his own fear against him. He decided to use clowns.

He knew that Raj was afraid of clowns, ever since he watched a horror movie as a kid. He knew that Raj hated their creepy faces, their weird voices, their colorful costumes. He knew that Raj avoided them at all costs, and freaked out whenever he saw one.

He had a plan to exploit his phobia. He hired a professional clown from a local agency, and gave him specific instructions. He then sneaked into Raj's house, and planted a hidden camera in his living room. He waited for Raj to come home from work, and then called him on his phone.

"Hey, Raj, how was your day?" Ravi asked casually.

"Not bad, man. Just tired and hungry. How about you?" Raj replied.

"Oh, you know, same old, same old. Hey, listen, I have something important to tell you. Can you go to your living room and check the couch? I left something there for you." Ravi said, trying to sound serious.

"What? Why? What did you leave there?" Raj asked, feeling suspicious.

"Just trust me, okay? It's a surprise. You'll love it. Go on, check it out." Ravi urged.

Raj hesitated, but curiosity got the better of him. He walked to his living room, and looked at the couch. He saw nothing but cushions and blankets. He was about to call Ravi and ask him what he was talking about, when he heard a loud honk. He turned around, and saw a huge clown standing behind him. He screamed and jumped back, dropping his phone.

Ravi heard his scream and burst into laughter. He watched the live feed from the hidden camera, and saw the clown chase Raj around the room. Raj screamed again, and ran out of the room. The clown followed him, holding a balloon and a pie.

"Gotcha! Gotcha! You should have seen your face, man! That was priceless!" Ravi taunted.

"Ravi, you jerk! That was not funny! That was cruel! How could you do that to me?" Raj yelled.

"Come on, man, it was just a prank. A harmless prank. Don't be such a baby. It's not a real clown, see?" Ravi said, showing him the clown.

"I don't care if it's fake or not. It looked real enough to me. You know I hate clowns. You know I have a phobia. You know how much they scare me. You have no idea how much you traumatized me. You're not my friend. You're my enemy. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you." Raj said, his voice trembling with anger and fear.

"Wow, wow, wow. Calm down, man. It's not that serious. It's just a joke. A joke between friends. Can't you take a joke?" Ravi said, trying to calm him down.

"No, I can't take a joke. Not this kind of joke. This was too much. This was over the line. This was unforgivable. You crossed the line, Ravi. You crossed the line." Raj said, shaking his head.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to make you mad. I just wanted to make you laugh. I just wanted to have some fun. I'm sorry, Raj. Please forgive me. Please." Ravi said, sounding sincere.

Raj looked at him, and saw the remorse in his eyes. He saw the guilt on his face. He saw the apology in his voice. He felt a pang of pity for him. He felt a twinge of guilt for being so harsh. He felt a spark of friendship for him. He sighed, and smiled.

"Okay, okay, I forgive you. I forgive you, Ravi. But don't ever do that again. Don't ever prank me like that again. Promise me." Raj said.

"I promise. I promise, Raj. I won't prank you like that again. I won't prank you at all. I'm done with pranks. I'm done with jokes. I'm done with fun. I'm done." Ravi said.

"Good. Good, Ravi. I'm glad you learned your lesson. I'm glad you realized your mistake. I'm glad you changed your ways. I'm proud of you, Ravi. I'm proud of you." Raj said.

They hugged, and made up. They laughed, and joked. They talked, and chatted. They were friends again. They were happy again.

Ravi was happy. He was happy that he had pulled off the perfect revenge. He was happy that he had fooled Raj. He was happy that he had made him scream. He was happy that he had made him run. He was happy that he had made him cry. He was happy that he had made him forgive.

He was happy that he had made him forget.

He was happy that he had made him forget the real clown that he had hired.

He was happy that he had made him forget the real clown that he had hired, who was not a professional clown, but a serial killer.

He was happy that he had made him forget the real clown that he had hired, who was not a professional clown, but a serial killer, who had escaped from prison.

He was happy that he had made him forget the real clown that he had hired, who was not a professional clown, but a serial killer, who had escaped from prison, and was looking for new victims.

He was happy that he had made him forget the real clown that he had hired, who was not a professional clown, but a serial killer, who had escaped from prison, and was looking for new victims, and had followed Raj to his bedroom.

He was happy that he had made him forget the real clown that he had hired, who was not a professional clown, but a serial killer, who had escaped from prison, and was looking for new victims, and had followed Raj to his bedroom, and waited for him to fall asleep.

He was happy that he had made him forget the real clown that he had hired, who was not a professional clown, but a serial killer, who had escaped from prison, and was looking for new victims, and had followed Raj to his bedroom, and waited for him to fall asleep, and then stabbed him in the chest.

He was happy that he had made him forget the real clown that he had hired, who was not a professional

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