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Chapter 22: Chapter 12 Fighting for real

Elongating my fingernails, I try to swipe at my opponent, but she steps back and effortlessly dodges it.

Before I could get a second strike in, she counters by throwing a fireball at me, which I promptly block with the hand that I armoured up with Shapeshifting.

Taking advantage of my position ,she tries to pressure me by throwing hundreds of fireballs, but I put up a massive flesh wall to block all of the fireballs.

Before she could throw a third attack and pressure me even more ,I manipulate the flesh wall with my power to make thousands of medium sized tentacles, that all reach out for my opponent.

But before the tentacles could reach her, she slashes with her scythe sending out a giant wind slash, that cuts through all of my tentacles ,and the massive flesh wall, this move forces me to dodge.

Before she could attack again, I use the blood I got from the merchants, to make thousands of massive blood spears, that shoot towards her at subsonic speeds.

Of course, she easily Dodges it, but I was expecting that, so I planned for it.

While I am waiting for my plan to take, an effect on her I thought about a peculiar fact about my newly second triggered powers, the thing I discovered was I can't control biomass from a distance. I can only control biomass while touching it , but for some reason I can control blood much more precisely than biomass, therefore, I can steer the blood spears towards her, but right as I was about to hit her she notices and tries to dodge, but I keep steering the blood Spears towards her not letting her dodge.

Realising she can't dodge she instead chose, to destroy my blood spears, with a massive tornado of cutting wind, this move makes it rain blood all around us, as a result this reign of blood drenches me in blood, but I was expecting her to destroy my blood spears, and so I added a bunch of diseases and viruses to the blood, so even if the blood doesn't hit her, she should get effected anyways and should be getting sick soon.

As for me, I created the viruses, so I can destroy them easily, so that's what I do I destroy the virus and the blood on me.

[Whites point of view]

Looking around while blood rains around me, I decided to not let the blood touch an inch of my pristine white clothing , my wandering gaze spots my opponent, looking closer at her.

I spot the face of someone plotting, so as to not get caught off guard, I decided to look even closer trying to discern her intentions.

she seems to be waiting for something I thought to myself.

A moment later, I figured out what she was waiting for as I felt the effects of a disease acting on me such as dizziness and more.

But luckily I have a counter to this, I simply ask my servant to use Queen Shapers power through the network to make me immune to whatever disease affects me.




If I didn't have this counter, I would've had to use a lot of MA energy to be immune to all diseases, I thought to myself.


After waiting a little while, sure enough all of my symptoms disappeared.

Looking at my opponent again, I see she's still arrogantly waiting, for something to happen to me.

I could attack her right now, or I could start a dialogue.

After thinking about it for awhile, it would be too easy of a win, to sneak attack her so I decided, to not surprise attack her and do some dialoging.

But it wouldn't hurt to prepare something in the meantime.

[Amy's Point of view]

Looking at the white figure in the stormy sky, I wait in anticipation for my disease to affect her.

While waiting for the effects, and still on guard, I decided to take a quick look around at my surroundings.

While I was observing my surroundings, while still on guard for any attacks, I noticed the stormy sky ,I wondered why it got stormy all of a sudden ,then I remembered that tornado that my opponent used.

It must have attracted the clouds creating a stormy effect around us, this got my curiosity on the effects of our battle on our surroundings, that's why I decided to look closer at our surroundings.

And what I see, amazed and horrified me, flaming buildings, a sea of blood, a massive wall of flesh, collapsing buildings and giant tentacles laying, all around a ruined Boardwalk.

This suddenly reminded me that Taylor is still around somewhere around here, is she going to be alright I thought in a panic?

Is she already injured? She might already be dead with this amount of destruction all around us.

Suddenly my panicked thoughts was cut short as a voice echoed through the surroundings.

My eyes snapped to the white figure as she started to speak.

"Did you really think it would be that easy to defeat me"?

"Imbuing disease, viruses rot, whatever you can put in those blood spears. Did you really think that would be enough? the white figure said to me".

Looking at the white figure in disbelief, countering all my diseases and all of my viruses was simply impossible, not because they were extremely deadly and complicated.

No It was the amount and variety of poisons and diseases that makes it deadly.

I put so much Infectious diseases into those blood spears, that I don't even know how many viruses there are in those blood spears. not to mention the adapting virus a virus I made to have crawler like abilities being able to theoretically adapt to any immune system.

I was in so much disbelief that I couldn't even respond, to the white figure in the stormy sky in time.

Not gonna respond huh, I guess you're too disbelieving. Don't worry I'll snap you out of it my opponent said to me.

Before I could react, a downpour of rain, from the stormy sky assaulted me reminiscent of the end bringer leviathan. but this wasn't just any normal rain, It was a rain of water droplets that were shaped like knives, going at supersonic speeds.

This rain attack instantly punctured holes throughout my entire body, but luckily, my healing didn't seem to be dampened by this attack.

Before I could get injured even further, I quickly put up an extremely fortified dome of flesh around me for protection.

Thinking about it I was at a complete loss I didn't know what to do, I couldn't go out without getting injured and I was just a sitting duck in the dome. Even my instincts didn't scream, out anything that I can do to get out of the situation. what do I do now?

Thinking about Taylor's safety my resolve hardened, as I thought that there is no time for dilly dallying ,or being controlled by my instincts, or being arrogant, as to think my enemy is easy to defeat. no I have to use man's greatest weapon, creativity and intelligence.

Thinking for a moment, a brilliant idea struck me like a lightning bolt ,thinking fast I quickly try to implement it.

I touched the sides of my dome and quickly reinforce it, then I manipulated even further to create tentacles to move around, from the inevitable barrage of attacks from my opponent ,then I create eyes so that I can see the inevitable attacks out from my dome, then I put more biomass into my flesh dome, draining my energy reserves, a bit fast, but making it larger and larger, until it's as big as a building, then I create a torso. Then I create legs as big as a building ,then I created a head with eyes in all directions, then I create armour for the torso and the whole body like carapaces from spiders, and I created a lot of tentacles around the entire body for balance ,and eyes around the entire body for even more visibility ,I also created mouths all over the body because why not ,then I created claud hands four of them to be precise, then I create a brain around my hands to control the entire bio meck suit ,after all of that I'm done with my bio meck suit ,although from the outside it looks like a love craftian horror.

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