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Chapter 6: 6 -Unlucky

time - unknown , place - unknown (unknown pov)

"Stop you thief", A man was running after a small boy, however he did a rookie mistake, he left his stall unattended which was taken advantage by another man or more specifically a boy who looked around 10 years old.

'Today's loot was great, I could go on for entire 3 weeks undisturbed' thought the boy in question named Noah

Some people might not know but he is a reincarnator, from a planet named earth. 

He is a former otaku who actually got a message from "Reincarnation Systema Club", he naturally like any pervert chose DxD world, a world where just a light breeze can show you the peak of artistry , where normal mobs are comparable to his previous life's celebrities.

He further was notified that he will be reincarnated randomly in a au world with a random system after his death, obviously like a sane person , he didn't thought much about it at that time.

3 Years later, when he finally got a girlfriend and was having dinner at her house, Yes!, somehow he was already there, alone with her parents on a vacation, he thought his time has finally come.

After some foreplay and while doing some naughty things in the shower in the washroom , his feet slipped and his head straight up went in the wrong hole and he died ....

.... as a virgin.

After gaining his consciousness, at around 4 months after his birth and realizing that he died by hitting his head in a cubicle, he was devastated to the least, not on the fact that he died, but he technically got cockblocked.

He cried for next few weeks , crying himself to sleep, waking up realizing that he is in a different world and how he died and repeating this cycle , not able to overcome the trauma of dying at the wrong possible moment.

Well, after regaining control over his emotions, he analyzed his surroundings , he found himself in a orphanage within a church and caretakers were not kind to say the least.

He actually had the memories of signing up a survey and choosing Dxd au, he was confused whether he was in that world or not.

However, when looking at the bombshell bodies of the nuns present in the church and above average looking body of the caretakers and occasional ero moments like spilling water while drinking by them, and the fact that how much he can see through that black outfit, he realized that he just might be in this ero world.

The orphanage caretakers and nuns were weirded out by him, it is reasonable for them to think when the baby always giggle in a non-baby way whenever he sees them.

Well, 4 year time-skip later, he was kicked out by the orphanage not only because of his perverted actions , but also due to lack of funds which promptly made the orphanage shut down half a year after his departure.

He lived in the outskirts of the city, in the slums , however not being used to such a lifestyle, he faced the cruelity of world which was hidden in his previous life.

Nonetheless, one thing about him was that, he was stubborn and was in hope that his system will someday so till then , he is not only gonna survive , but also thrive in this world.

the beginning was hard for him, Starving for few days, facing the harshness of the winter without proper clothes and his food getting stolen by fellow slum inhabitants was not a fun experience for him. 

With time he adapted, stealing became his second nature, he also stole with an intention to improve his skills like flexiblity, deception , physical strength and learning different martial arts just so that he will have good foundation when his system arrive.

12 years later, his delayed wish was finally granted when he heard a ding sound in his mind after touching a lump of metal.

Noah Pov

"Ding!, User finally detected , Binding.... Successful, Host , your gacha system has finally arrived , please affirm 'status' to check it's feature"

"Finally!, about time you showed up, gacha system , I will take it" , 'Status'

Name- Noah

Race- Human



 Stat Points-0

Power level- Tier 2

Strength - 20

Speed- 30

Dexterity- 50

Vitality- 10

Intelligence- 20


Hp(health points) (regeneration rate =Vitality/10 per minute) = 1 per minute,- 1000 

Mp(Magical points)- 100

Sp(Stamina Points)(regenration rate= Vitality/5 = 2 per minute)- 2000

[User can create a quest or get it automatically by the system, doing so is completely depending on the host, depending on the action and the difficulty of the task, host will be rewarded with rewards.

You have been gifted with a started pack open ?]


[Opening starter pack - Low grade mana potion, 1 physiology gacha ticket, 1 skill(enhancement) gacha ticket, 1 item gacha ticket, 2 random skill gacha ticket], 

'what's function of mana potion here' [It can increase your MP by 1000 points] ' Use it' after saying that I felt a weird kind of energy within me , I tried to control it after few moments I was able to get it out of my body, but soon it got dispersed.

"well, I have to get a mana control skill or have to do it the old way" I said ,'What's up with the power level in form of tier?'

[Master, it's basically the common system we use , each tier is overall 10 times stronger than the previous one , Low class devils range from 1-10, middle class 10-20 and so on, tier 0 is also there in which most of the humans range, you reaching tier 2 so early in such conditions is astounding.]

'I see, whatever 'then moving on the tickets, 'Open both of the random ones'

[You have received a skill -cooking (evolvable)]

[You have received a skill - parkour (evolvable)]

Nice, lady luck might not have forsaken me completely, 'next open the item one' 

[You have received the item - Moving wardrobe - a pair of clothes after wearing it you can change the design of it according to your imagination] 

Damn, talk about convenient, 'open physiology ticket'

[You have received the physique - Leaching Parasite- you have gained the ability to draw the life forces of any other living being by touching them , which in turn can help to increase your vitality

Level1- can suck 10 points of Vitality if touched for 1second]

Damn, that's overpowered, HP and Sp are dependent on Vitality after all, so I can already see myself becoming a hard to kill opponent in the future and I can technically heal myself in mid battle by touching by opponent via punching or kicking.

Well, seeing this much good stuff till now, I have a premonition that some omnious will probably happen to me, it feels like calm before the storm.

'Open enhancement skill ticket'

[You have received Dodge instinct(evolvable) - The user's bodily speed surpasses their mental speed, and with that, the body can go faster than the mind and act/move before thought is formed without delay between action/movement. When the mind thinks, the body has already begun movement time, and may complete or near completion faster a thought is fully formed. ]

Now, I am fucking scared, I am not supposed to be this lucky, I suddenly heard a knock at my house, I instantly ran to the window and jumped outside.

3 seconds later , my house exploded, yup the storm has appeared , I knew it.

[Quest - Survive

Reward - 100 stat points]

[Quest- Kill enemies

Reward- 200 stat points per person killed]

I saw 3 people coming from the smoke "Oh , the rat survived" said a black haired lady, "It's unfortunate that he has to die, he seems to have high magic power" said a brown haired man, "Well, he did stole from the young master, so he has to die" said a busty blondie.

I saw the power levels above them , they are tier 6, tier 8 and tier 7 respectively and are probably devils , if they are serving a young master, damn that guy must be lucky to have two bombshells at his beck and call, I may or may not be jealous.

"Oh, lemme play with this rat, It would be fun breaking him" said the black haired lady with a sadistic grin.

Third Pov

After saying that , the black haired lady vanished from her spot and appeared behind Noah and did a high kick aiming for his head. Noah's head moved to the side, barely able to dodge the fatal blow.

The girl didn't stopped and went for a right hook , using the previous momentum of her kick, however , Noah has already turned his body in her direction and deflected the kick by his bare hands.

Such exchanges went for some time, before it was broken by black haired lady losing her balance, which was capitalized by Noah by taking her sword and squeezing her boobs. " Damn, they are firm and squishy " he said

The lady's eye shot red , her look promising pain " I will kill you, cut into pieces and feed them to the dogs" she said losing her previous composure.

She started using her magic , their were no obvious effects, but her speed has increased drastically, however, the shocking thing was that Noah deflected all her attacks with his sword.

The aura around him has changed drastically when having a sword, which was also noticed by the other three, however black haired lady repeated her mistake, not mindful of her foot prints , she lost her balance due to another one of the shoe left.

By the time she regained it, she only saw red, her head detached from her body.

'Fifth form - NO intent slash' was what Noah thought before slashing her.

"Damn, I can now clearly understand how Issei gets power boost from touching a pair of boobs, it's more like motivation " He said with a perverted grin towards other two .

He did that while standing on the corpse, unknown to other two sucking out the vitality left out of it.

"We didn't expected a child to be a swordsman of such a caliber hiding in the slums" the only guy said

"Well, I have been learning it for 6 years now and learning few things isn't hard when you put your mind to it" Noah said trying to stretch out the conversation.

Noah 's body suddenly jumped back, the earlier position got blasted, just as he landed he was attacked by a concentrated beam of fire coming from his side almost a inch away from his face.

Luckily his sword was in such a position that he was able to use the blade as a shield, but he got pushed back and got thrown in the lake present.

The only man left jumped in the water to take care of the enemy, as the blondie was a fire specialized devil, however what he didn't knew that he has done equivalent to throwing a Roman in Rome.

Just as he entered the water, he saw his target at a foot distance from him, before the man in question could use his explosion magic, he got swept in a whirlpool created by his target.

His body got cut in half, but before dying he used his last ditched attempt, he exploded his body in the greatest explosion he could muster with all his mana.

Luckily for Noah, he hasn't stopped his whirlpool, so he was able to negated a good amount of damage, he was able to escape the burns, but the impact itself broke his 3 ribs and his left hand became useless.

'Fuck!, My body is not in shape to fight, I am out of mana, so using the water breathing styles is useless in front of the blondie's natural defense, moreover I can increase my HP because this guy didn't left any body parts left for me to suck on.'

After pondering for few more moments, he decided that he is gonna do the best thing he knows , to camp in the water.

His only opponent left is a fire mage, so doing that was the most reasonable choice in his current condition.

The only thing he was worried about was reinforcements coming, but he knew that he can't do anything about that , so he just shut up and created a water bubble from his leftover magic and started camping.

Back on the surface, the bombshell blondie was waiting for the brown haired man to come, however after seeing the bloodied water , she realized that her worst fears have been realized.

After waiting for 5 more minutes , she concluded that either the boy is waiting for her to jump in the water probably due to being injured or he got exploded along with the black haired man.

Now the most reasonable thing to do in this situation is to call for reinforcements, however, among the former trio, only brown haired man had one, she can't go back to bring them herself in fear of losing the boy 's location, she was in a dilemma.

Back in the water, we can see Noah, remaining still as a corpse, he wasn't unfamiliar being in the pond, he only lived closed to it because of him practicing water breathing style that he learned all by himself just by his memories of his anime.

Not only that, he also has improved the individual styles according to his liking, to do that, he had to learn the essence of the art itself and the best way was to get himself familiar with water.

He might have modified some or recreated new ones, but he won't say that he have learned true essence of water.

Moving on he got his reward of 400 stat points for killing the other two, during the battle, his vitality has reached a astounding of 1000 points, he also noticed that his max Hp has reached 10000 along with his SP, his Mp also had some gains reaching 2000 has the max amount.

Seeing his new regeneration rates , he calculated that he will be back to his peak state in 90 min and his stamina will be ready by 45 minutes too, maybe lady luck has finally smiled at him.

Now having 400 Stat points, he decided put 150 points in dexterity bringing it to a total of 200 points, using 140 points to bring his speed to 170 , 30 points to bring his intelligence to 50 and 80 points to bring his strength to 100.

He started swinging his sword to get used to new dexterity and he was not disappointed by the amazing feel of the newfound freedom he didn't know existed.

After swinging it for few minutes, he realized that all his individual water forms are gonna skyrocket with his new dexterity and speed.

He saw his overall power level which was calculated after taking into account of his new stats and skills it was Tier 8, He was over the moon, luck was finally showing itself, defeating the bitch above won't be a problem for him now, he just has to wait for an hour and he will be ready to kick her ass.

After 45 minutes of waiting to heal himself and pondering about his newfound life and how many women he is gonna fuck, his danger senses started screaming and his body moved on it's own.

'Sixth form: whirlpool X Tenth form : Constant flux' He affirmed and his upper and lower body twisted such way that around it moved in spherical like way.

In a second all water got moved away from him, such that from a outsider's perspective a large sphere like cavity of water would be seen with no water inside it.

Just after a second later, the whole pond was electrocuted , if Noah was half a second late , he would have died as the thunder magic used was not something to be lightly taken especially in water, due to the move he used, water wasn't able to reach him, so he avoided such fate.

'I knew it , this world really hates me ' thought Noah still spinning, while doing that he tried to glance above , after squinting for a moment and seeing nothing , he created three water bubble in such way that the light will be refracted in such a way that the image of the surface and beyond will be seen in the bubble.

'I guess learning physics properly was not a bad idea', he saw three figures, the one being the fire blonde mage from earlier.

The other two were a pink haired girl with a reaper in her hand ??, and a golden colored lady hovering with help of her wings with one hand on her hips and other emitting the lightning in water.

'Both are fucking hot in their own rights ' Noah thought, after seeing their tiers, it were tier 11 and tier 12.

"I am fucked"

Desire96 Desire96

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