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Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Luxuria of Lust (Haniya)

I, Haniya al-Bacchus, am leading a double life. One, as the obedient, pious daughter of a traditional, religious North-African family. And the second as the most up and coming, popular musician in the world; "Asaliy" or "Ashley"...

My family doesn't know about my music career. I haven't told them, because I'm sure it would greatly upset them.

They regard me as a gift from God, since they were unable to have a child, but managed to have me through unconventional means. Means that they believed were only possible in fiction.

But God can make fiction a reality. Nothing is impossible or too difficult for the Most High. I was raised with faith, hope, love, servitude, and longing for this deity that I worship daily.

Leading a double life, especially when one opposes the other, makes me feel very sinful and hypocritical. But I know that I'm not a hypocrite.

I love God and his religion. I was just born with an angelic voice, and an angelic face. Wherever I go, even though I am covered from head to toe, and wear no makeup, men can't stop staring at my face.

And whenever I sing, or just speak, everyone is captivated by the sound of my voice. It's like I put them in some sort of a trance-like state.

This greatly worries my parents. They are afraid the world would take advantage of me for my angelic beauty. And to be fair, I share that fear.

However, I feel like I should take advantage of the world before it attempts to take advantage of me. I should utilize my talents to show that I'm the one in control.

I began uploading covers of popular songs on social media at the age of 12. And I quickly became an internet sensation. I was a natural talent, and needed no mentorship.

I chose the name of "Asaliy" or عسلي back then, which means "honey-like" in Arabic. The reason I went for this stage name is because I am as sweet as honey, I am as smooth and pleasant, desirable and charming as honey. And my skin complexion has a golden yellow hue, reminiscent of honey.

I have gotten marriage requests left and right. From cousins, from the sons of the friends of my parents. But I rejected all of them, and wasn't interested in anyone.

Because men only feel attracted to me for the way I look, and for the way I sound. I want to be with someone that is attracted to my very essence; to my soul. But I guess that's too much to ask for…

Since all homunculi are female, we are essentially all Eves since we are the first homunculi women. So I want to find my Adam. That exciting, thrilling, natural and destined love…

I remember when I made a pilgrimage to the House of God together with my parents…

I was 14 years old at the time.

Under normal circumstances, males and females have their own spaces. But at this place we don't. And I didn't think anything of it at first.

Only to be groped on my back by several men who were walking behind me. I felt disgusted and shocked. The fact that some men have the audacity to touch me inappropriately at a Holy House, just shows the dire state the world is in today…

But, suddenly, I stopped being groped. So I turned around to see what was going on. And I saw a young, dark-complexioned man, walking behind me. Trying to fend off all men from touching me.

I recognized him. He is in the same traveling group as me and my parents. When we got back to the hotel, I saw him eating dinner by himself. So I quickly went up to him to join him…


"Haniyy?" My mother called for me. "Where are you going?"

"Looks like she wants to eat with him," my father said to her. "Let's just sit somewhere nearby to keep an eye on them."

Balela Badila and her husband sat down at the same table as that of my parents. "Peace be unto you. It has been a while, hasn't it, Sakina?"

"And upon you be peace, Benesha!" She was overjoyed to see one of her best friends.

"I didn't expect to see you here!"

"Can I sit here?" I asked the boy. "The seat is yours," he answered. I sat down and ate dinner with him.

"Thank you for protecting me," I expressed my gratitude. "I'm sorry you had to go through something like that in the first place," he said.

He was a sweet hearted guy. And throughout our conversation, he refused to look up to my face. His gaze was down on his plate. This is the first time a guy has not been fixated on my physical appearance, it made me happy.

"What is your name?" I asked.


"And your family name?"

"Badila," he replied. Benesha immediately came to mind. Now that I think of it, he does look like her.

"Hey," I called out to him. "Yeah?" He asked. "Will you marry me when we're older?"

That question took him off guard; he stopped eating and looked at me surprised.

I know this question came out of the blue. But boys like him are special and unique.

I should claim him before some other girl does. I may never find someone like this ever again… Handsome, dark, tall, wealthy, of a noble lineage, and pious.

"Well well, if it isn't Haniya," I turned around to see Benesha walking up to the table together with some other guy and… Lilith!?

The three joined the table, even though no one invited them. "I see that you've just met my little brother," Benesha said to me.

"You have a kindhearted little brother," I said.

"What makes you say so?" Lilith asked, smiling.

"What is she doing here?" I asked Benesha. "My parents had the brilliant idea of adopting her," she answered.

"The three of you know each other?" Sansula asked, surprised.

"We went to the same kindergarten," Benesha replied.

"Anyway, how have you been, Haniya? Or should I say, "Ashley"?" Lilith asked.

Why did she bring up my music career all of a sudden? Will she use that to destroy me by letting my parents know?

"You've been doing well, haven't you?"

"Y-yes…" I answered. "What about you two?"

"Same here," Benesha replied. "This here is Tshikuta Badila by the way."

"Nice to meet you!" He said.


Sansula noticed that I felt uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"By the way, Haniyy dear," Lilith's smile seems sweet but it's truly evil incarnate.

"Did you know that Sansula and I are engaged?" I was shocked to hear that.

"I never complied with the engagement," he sighed.

"That just shows that you're still a little kid."

"Well, I'm 14 after all???"

"So you two will get married when you're older?" I asked.

Sansula replied with "no" at the very same time Lilith replied with "yes". They were confusing me, so I looked at Benesha, hoping she could clarify this to me. But she just shrugged.

I felt devastated by the fact that he might already be taken. But he doesn't seem willing to get married to Lilith, despite the fact that her beauty is on par with mine. So I still had hope…


My parents and I went back to Rotterdam, the Netherlands, after we had done our pilgrimage to the House of God.

I went back to making music, and eventually I even got a manager. People would love to see me perform music live. But the idea did scare me a bit. I had never performed on stage before.

But I went for it anyway. Whenever I have to perform on stage, I remove my garments and headscarf, and turn into an entirely different person.

I become fierce, vocal and sway the entire audience with me. I put everyone in a trance; they are completely captivated by my very presence alone.

I became a celebrity in the Netherlands and abroad, since videos of my performance reached overseas. Everyone wonders why I am never spotted outside of my concerts, though.

They don't know that I am covered from head to toe, so some rumors have been going around that I am an AI hologram, haha…

They find it suspicious that I'm never seen outside of my concerts, and they can't imagine a girl being so angelic as I am, so I must be a hologram!

One day, at the age of 17, I attended a religious lecture in Amsterdam. It was about being chaste. After the lecture concluded, I left to head back to Rotterdam, only to come across Sansula along the way.

I was surprised to see him again. It has been 3 years since I last saw him. "Sansula!" I called out to him.

He turned around and was surprised to see me as well. "It has been a while!" I was overjoyed to see him again. "Are you and your sister doing well?"

"Yes, thank God," he replied. "How have you been?"

"I've been doing well," I blushed. He has become more handsome and manly…

"Are you still available for my proposal?" I asked.

"Well, it's better if you forget about me," he sighed, as he looked away.

"But why?" I asked. "Are you going to marry Alisha after all?"


"Then what is holding you back from being with me?"

"Aren't you going back home?" He tried to change the topic.

"I came here all by myself. And it's getting late now. I think I'll stay at a hotel in Amsterdam."

"I'll see you around then," Sansula walked away, leaving me all by myself.

I headed to the hotel nearby, which is a walking distance of 10 minutes. I heard the sound of a girl humming and singing quietly along the way. I could tell that she was close, but I couldn't pinpoint her exact location.

That girl, unbeknownst to me, turned out to be Alisha. She was covered from head to toe and therefore looked identical to me. Her singing garnered negative attention from a group consisting of three guys.

She turned around to wink at them and blew them a kiss. She then quickly ran off and disappeared in their sight, or so they thought. They came across me, thinking that Alisha was actually me...

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face them.

"You got a nice voice, misses," they said.

"Are you from around?"

"Can't you see that I'm covered from head to toe? I'm not the type of girl you should pursue. Goodbye." I turned around to head to the hotel, but one of the guys held me by my shoulder.

"You're not going anywhere. Entertain us some more with your singing. Why don't you remove those garments and headscarf while you're at it, too?"

"No, please stop! I don't want to do that!"

I urged them to stop, but they refused to listen. They slowly removed my garments and headscarf. Some people walked past and refused to do anything.


"Didn't you hear her say that she doesn't want it?" I recognized the voice… It was Sansula!

"Huh? Who the hell are you?" The guys said.

Sansula beat the three guys up in an instant. The three guys hurriedly ran away afterwards. I didn't know he was so strong…

"The cops have been called, too. So don't worry," he told me. "Are you okay?"

I sat on the ground, and began to cry. I felt humiliated and violated. Sansula grabbed my garments and headscarf, and walked with me to the hotel. He also went with me to the hotel room to tend to me.

But his body was turned towards the door, so that he couldn't see me. I sat on the bed and was not covered from head to toe. My beauty was fully exposed.

"I'm sorry you had to experience this, Haniya," he said. "You should rest. And head back home tomorrow morning."

"Are you leaving?" I asked. "But I'm scared. Can't you stay the night?"

"You know that's not an option. You just attended a lecture about chastity."

"I'm only asking you to sleep here for my safety. Please, don't leave me Sansula."

I left the bed and stood before him. He immediately lowered his gaze, but I held him by his face and forced him to look at me.

"Are you perhaps attracted to me, Sansula?" I asked, in a seductive voice.

"Don't do this…"

"I don't want any man's attention except for yours."

"I can't give it to you, I'm sorry."

"You can't?" My natural fragrance, which smells like sweet musk. My large blue eyes, my yellow honey skin complexion, and my curly gray hair…

"You are my Adam, Sansula," I seduced him further. "I know that we are forbidden from being in this setting, but please, stay with me. Just for this night, Sansula…"

I have an irresistible yet charismatic aura surrounding me that makes people want to commit depraved acts with me.

With my seductive powers, I managed to get Sansula aroused. My appearance, my voice, my movements, my eyes, and the fact that I have an excessive smell like a strong musk.

It was as if I beckoned him to do immoral things towards me.

Sansula came closer and nearly kissed me, only to take a step back. But I took a step forward, causing him to accidentally slip and I fell with him. We landed on the bed, my lips pressed against his in an accidental but intimate embrace. The two of us shared an intimate moment…

"I am living a double life, you know?"


"Yes, I am Asaliy, the famous musician."

"That makes a lot of sense, now that I think of it…"

"What is your secret, Sansula?"

"That I spent the night here, with you."

"What other secret do you have?" I chuckled.

"I don't know…"

I fell asleep in his arms. And I had a dream about the world being hit by a meteorite, engulfing the entire planet into blood. I wonder what this dream means…

The next morning, Sansula brought me to the train station. "Thank you for everything you've done for me, Sansula," I smiled. "I'll see you soon!"

I was in love with Sansula Badila. And he was my Messiah. We homunculi are all female; so we are all Eves. I needed my Adam, and I found him in Sansula…

I applied for this utopia school the Dutch government built in the City of Utrecht, called "Utrecht Metropolitan Self-Development School", turns out Sansula did the same. I looked forward to seeing him there.

I had a concert in Tokyo, Japan, a couple of months later. It was my first ever song composed in Japanese. I went on stage wearing a kimono, and sang this song titled:

"運命の予兆 (Unmei no Yochō - Harbinger of Destiny)".

Here are the lyrics:

赤い海に染 (some) る空 (sora)

Akai umi ni someiru sora

涙 (なみだ) の雨が死 (し) の滝 (たき) に なる

Namida no ame ga shi no taki ni naru

実在 (じつざい) のように僕の静脈 (じょうみゃく) から

Jitsuzai no yō ni boku no jōmyaku kara

血 (ち) が流 (なが) れゆく瞳 (ひとみ) も血 (ち) に染 (そ) まる

Chi ga nagare yuku hitomi mo chi ni somaru

これは一つの人類 (じんるい) の定め (さだめ) だっ た

Kore wa hitotsu no jinrui no sadame datta

壊 (こわ) れてしまった心 (こころ) の欠片 (かけら)

Kudakete shimatta kokoro no kakera

最初から失 (なく) され るはずだった命 (いのち) を語る

Hajime kara nakusareru hazu datta inochi o kataru

人依 (ひとより) に繋が (つなが) ってもそれは別れ (わかれ) のためだけ

Hitoyo ni tsunagatte mo sore wa wakare no tame dake

上から (うえから) の予言 (よげん) は下の (したの) 終わり (おわり) を予言 (よげん) した

Kami kara no yogen wa shita no owari o yogen shita

悲しみ娼婦 (かなしみしょうふ) と呼ばれた彼女は魔女 (まじょ) と言われた

Kanashimi no娼婦 (shōfu) to yobareta kanojo wa majo to sareta

しかしもとうとう彼女が正しかった (ただしかった) と気づくだけ

Shika mo tōtō kanojo ga tadashikatta to kizuku dake

An unforeseen impact Sky dyed crimson by seas coloring red Raindrops turn into waterfalls of death As real as the blood running out of my veins Turning the color of my eyes bloodstained This was all humanity's predestined fate The shattered fragments of broken hearts Speak of the lives meant to be lost from the start Why do souls mate, only to depart? A vision from above prophesied the end of what is below They called her a witch, the Whore of Sorrow Only to realize, in the end, she was right all along

The audience was completely captivated by my performance as usual. But at the same time, I noticed great fear in their eyes.

Yes, I must admit, that I myself was terrified of what I just sang. I don't know what prompted me to even write this song. But I think it had to do with that blood meteorite dream I had months ago…

I noticed that Sansula, Benesha, Lilith, Tshikuta and… Minah Sawada was in the audience? I haven't seen her in ages.

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