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Chapter 10: Chapter 9: Superbia of Pride (Princess Maeve)

My name is Aurora-Maeve Annelies Jasmijn Helena, Princess of Orange, Princess of the Netherlands, Princess of Oranje-Nassau. I am the heir to the Dutch throne, and the only child of the Queen and King.

My parents had fertility issues. They tried getting pregnant for years and used every single conventional means to get pregnant. They went to the best physicians of the world, but it was to no avail.

So they decided to get offspring in an unconventional way. A method that used to be regarded as belonging to alchemy, but became fictitious when science became more prominent in society…

I am of course talking about the creation of homunculi. My parents sent their genetic samples to a laboratory who in turn did genetic engineering to create me in an artificial womb.

I was born with "Pride", one of the 7 Deadly Sins as coined by the inferior human beings. Their lack of intelligence and wisdom causes them to have incorrect concepts about life and existence itself.

The 7 Deadly Sins are in fact, 7 Traits of Success. I consider "Pride" to be the most successful of the 7 Traits of Success. I was given the codename Superbia in this homunculi experiment or project.

I had to subjugate my beloved sisters into submission at the age of 7; Acedia of Sloth, Ira of Wrath, Luxuria of Lust, Invidia of Envy, Avaritia of Greed and Gula of Gluttony.

Ira, Invidia and Avaritia were the most difficult ones to deal with. But it all turned out fine eventually…

"Gula, Ira, Invidia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Acedia. Do not forget who you are," I addressed all of my sisters. "We were all born possessing one of the seven qualities of success, which the humans have erroneously coined as 'sins'."

I compared Gula, or Kayla, to a pig due to her gluttonous nature. I urged her not to let go of who she truly is. That she should pursue all of the pleasures of the world for herself and for her sisters, even if the world tries to stop her from doing so.

I compared Ira, or Benesha, to a lioness. Since she refuses to bow down before anyone or anything, including me. I urged her to be fearless in the face of whatever obstacles she may face in life, no matter what people may say. She should use her wrath to protect herself and her sisters.

I compared Invidia, or Minah, to a poisonous snake, due to her envious nature. She should use her envy to reach higher heights, which could potentially enable her to become the best support me and my sisters could ever wish for.

I compared Avaritia, or Eliza, to a fox, due to her greed. I urged her to keep everything of worldly gains, possessions and wealth for her own benefit and for that of her sisters.

I compared Luxuria, or Haniya, to a cat. She is captivating and very charming. I urged her to use her seductive abilities to acquire anything she wants for herself and for her sisters.

And then, I faced Mandane, saying,

"Acedia, you are like a dragon. Mythical creatures known for their immense power. Yet, because they aren't real, none can testify to it. And just as how the world is better off not witnessing dragons, we are better off not witnessing what you're truly capable of…"

Mandane is better off remaining dormant forever. If she goes all out, she would at least become my equal. I don't want to lose my authority to anyone.

She could very well surpass even Lilith if she exerted herself, which would be good for all of us in the long term. But I'd rather have Lilith around than to give up my hegemony over this sisterhood. This will bite me back in the future, though.

"Remember, no matter whatever happens, we are, were and always will be sisters to one another," I said to my sisters. "People are trying to split us up, because they are afraid of what we're capable of doing when we stick together. We all originate from the same womb, we are one trunk split into seven branches. Lilith is not one of us, and we will take her down when the time comes. My last order to all of you, is to meet me when you're older, and to show me what type of person you became…"

The scientists of the laboratory feared what we would end up doing once we began acting in perfect unison. They knew that my sisters and I would become even more formidable than Lilith if we combined our 7 Traits of Success.


I was raised in the Dutch Royal Palace in the Hague. I had the respect and admiration of everyone in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. All young girls aspired to be like me. And my nieces were jealous of me.

My mother was especially very proud and pleased to have me as a daughter. "To create you in the laboratory was the best idea your father ever came up with," she used to say that a lot. "You're the most beautiful, intelligent and talented girl that ever walked the earth. Our kingdom will have a bright future ahead of her because of your existence. Your reign will be remembered by the Dutch nation — no, by the entire world forever."

I also came to learn that a lot of boys are attracted to me. They find my physical appearance and elegance very desirable. But I am not interested in boys who are beneath me.

I was waiting for the one who would make me look up to him, instead of looking down at him. And I met him at my 18th birthday party in 2030…

I stood beside Avaritia. We had a chat during this vibrant and lively party that took place in the palace.

"Can't believe you're 18 already," she said. "Time sure flies…"

"Life is so boring, though."

"Is it?"

"Yes. Because I'm perfect, my life is perfect. There's nothing I have to worry about. And I don't ever need to work hard to accomplish anything, since everything is so easy for me."

"You have nothing to worry about?" She asked, confused. "Have you already forgotten about Lilith?"

"Meh," I felt unconcerned. "I think she was just making empty threats."

"You think?"

"Yes. I mean, what is she going to do? She can't especially harm me since I'm under royal care and protection. The same can't be said for you and the others, though."

Zipporah, dressed in a beautiful, fashionable dress, walked up to us with her husband who was wearing a suit. "Happy birthday and congratulations to you, Maeve," she smiled.

"Zipporah!" We both exclaimed. We were happy to see her.

"Have you two been enjoying winter break so far?" She asked.

"Yes!" We answered. "What about you?"

"Definitely," she smiled. "So what birthday present do you have for me, Zipporah?" I asked.

"What can I possibly gift a princess?"

"Your presence alone is enough of a gift anyway," I chuckled.

"It's good to see you two again," said Yeshaya, her husband.

"Likewise!" We smiled.

"So where is the party?" Said a young man wearing glasses as he approached us, with a girl who had her arms wrapped around his.

Both of them had white hair and blue eyes. Were they homunculi as well?

"Happy birthday, Princess Maeve," he said. "Thank you," I replied.

He emanated a dominant, composed and striking aura. The girl beside him was more timid on the other hand.

"It's nice to meet you, I am Maurits Adelman and this here is my twin sister Zephyrine."

"It's nice to meet you too," I said. "Are the two of you…"

"Yes," he answered. "We are the children of the Dutch Prime Minister and his wife."

"I knew that the surname "Adelman" sounded very familiar!" I exclaimed.

Maurits is perfect. A homunculus, smart, handsome, tall, well-built, and the son of the prime minister.

"I didn't know there were more... more people from the same kindergarten besides us and Lilith though," I said. "Me neither," Avaritia replied.

"You'd be surprised…" Zipporah, Avaritia and I turned around in bewilderment. That voice belonged to none other than Lilith. She was dressed up beautifully for my birthday party.

"How did you get in…" Those were the first words that left my mouth.

"I'm your sister, dummy," she chuckled. "Obviously they are going to let me in. Happy birthday!"

None of us said anything in return. We were stunned to see her. Well, except for Maurits and his twin sister, of course.

"Why the silence?" Lilith asked. "Am I not welcome here?"

"Of course you are welcome here," Maurits responded. "Aren't you Alisha Badila? The daughter of Kanda Badila, Head of the Badila Family?"

"Correct!" She smiled. "And aren't you Maurits Adelman? The son of Hans Adelman, Prime Minister of the Netherlands?"

"I am. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too!" She smiled. "A lot of... people from the kindergarten have gathered for this special occasion, Maeve. Aren't you pleased?"

Benesha walked up to us with two guys, both of which also appear to be Badilites. "It has been a while," she said. "Maeve, Eliza."

"Benesha!" Eliza was delighted to see her again, and embraced her into her arms.

"Kindergarten classmates?" One of the Badilites asked. "Yeah," Benesha answered with a soft smile as she hugged her back.

"Happy birthday, Maeve," she continued.

"Thank you," I replied. "Who are the guys you brought with you?"

"This is Tshikuta. My fiance. And this here is Sansula, my younger brother."

"It's nice to meet you, Princess!" Tshikuta smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Sansula smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet the both of you, too," I returned the smile.

"Alisha was adopted by my parents by the way," Benesha sighed.

"So I heard," I replied.

"Don't try out anything funny tonight, Alisha," Zipporah said.

"I'm just here to attend my sister's birthday party."


We had a lot of fun. We ate together, danced together. And got to know each other better as well.

"How is Benesha as a girlfriend?" Eliza asked, joyfully. "Isn't she intimidating?"

"Oh definitely!" Tshikuta answered. "I'm always afraid of upsetting her. Because if I do, you'll all be invited to my funeral." We all laughed from that joke.

"I'm not that intimidating!" Benesha blushed. "We know, we know. You're cute," Tshikuta said, causing her head to turn even more red.

"And Sansula are you engaged too?" Eliza asked.

"Yes," Lilith answered. "He is to marry me!" We all fell quiet. "What's wrong this time?" She sighed.

Zipporah grabbed Lilith by her wrist and took her away. Benesha, Eliza and I went after them. Fortunately, Yeshaya stopped the others from going with us.

"Just for the record," Sansula sighed. "I will not get married to her."

"Then why are you two engaged?" Zephyrine asked. "Because my parents want us to get married," he answered.

"Arranged, non-consensual marriages do not fit Dutch society," Maurits said. "I don't think it fits any society…" Yeshaya replied.

"Anyway, Sansula, it's nice to see you at this party," Zephyrine said. "It's good to see you too!" He responded.

"How do you know him?" Maurits asked his sister. "We used to be classmates!" She answered. "What have you been up to, Sansula?"

"I'm in the Dutch Military Youth Division (DMYD)."

"Wow! That's so cool!"

"What about you, Zephyrine?"

"Just the usual stuff."

"I wonder what the girls are discussing…" Maurits said.

Benesha, Eliza and I were watching Zipporah confronting Lilith. "What have you been scheming?" Zipporah asked.

"What do you mean? Why are you making such a scary face?" I truly hate it whenever Lilith plays ignorant.

"You are the adopted daughter of Lord Badila himself? And you're engaged to the Badila heir?"

"So what?"

"Clearly, she manipulated my parents," Benesha said. "But there's nothing we can do about it."

"But you're engaged to your brother, Lilith," Zipporah retorted. "You also possess the genes of Kanda and Balela Badila. You are related to Sansula. Are you out of your mind?"

"Listen, Zipporah," Lilith's smile disappeared from her face. Looks like Zipporah upset her. "I only share about 7.1% of my genes with Sansula. Which would make us more like second cousins instead of siblings. And besides, genetic deformity risk doesn't apply to homunculi. Since we are biologically perfect; we are the first of our kind. We are the Eves of homunculi."

"That's besides the point. You were adopted by his parents which makes you his sister."

"Ah… I'm getting tired of you, Zipporah. You're not my mother. Stop interfering with my life."

"I don't know what you're scheming behind the scenes, but I urge you to stop whatever you're plotting."

"You're going to regret disrespecting me, Zipporah…"

I didn't allow Lilith to ruin my 18th birthday party. And fortunately, she ended up being the one who had a bad time. She seemed agitated ever since she got confronted by Zipporah.

Some months have passed since. And I was about to graduate from middle school. I applied to the Utrecht Metropolitan Self-Development School, which isn't an all-girls school. Nor is it a private school. So my parents were concerned over my safety.

"Should you really be attending such a school?" My mother asked.

"Definitely," I answered. "It's the newest school using an innovative education system."

"But it's not a private school…"

"So what?"

"You need protection, since you are a princess," my father said. "I have thus decided that one of our most excellent Dutch soldiers is going to be your secret bodyguard in the school."

"Who?" I asked, surprised.

A young, dark-complexioned man in uniform walked into the hall. It was none other than Sansula; Benesha's brother. He was going to be my personal secret bodyguard in Utrecht Metropolitan Self-Development School…

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