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Chapter 18: Chapter 15: Meet Class 1-B

I, Haniya al-Bacchus, felt so empowered after I managed to defeat Lilith Alisha Badila…

She thought that she had the upper hand in the situation. Since she could expose my music career and my lust for Sansula to my family.

She did not expect that I would muster up the courage to expose myself to my very own father…

Neither did I, to be honest. But it had to be done. Or else I'd have been under Lilith's absolute control. Which wouldn't be a good thing.

However, now that I removed my headscarf, all students recognized me to be Asaliy or Ashley, the most popular musician of our times.

"Isn't that Ashley?" I heard them say among themselves.


"I had no idea she applied to the Utrecht Metropolitan Self-Development School!"

"She is truly angelic!"

"OMG can we take a picture together!"

It didn't take long for me to be surrounded by a crowd of girls and boys. I really wanted to place my suitcase in my dormitory room and head to the classroom, though.

"Hello everyone," I smiled. "I'm happy to see that I have so many friends in this school already. And I'd love to speak to all of you, but now it's a bit inconvenient. I still have to put my suitcase and belongings in my dormitory room. And we have to head to our classrooms for the class introductions. So what about meeting me in the school park as soon as the class introductions are over?"

Everyone liked my idea, so they dispersed and gave me a path to head to the dormitory.

"Well well, aren't you popular?" A female voice said from behind. I turned around and came across a girl that resembled me and Benesha simultaneously…

Her hair was gray, and her eyes were blue. Is she one of our kind? "Who are you?" I asked.

"I am your half-sister," she answered. "My name is Tifsa Iqbal. I possess the genes of your mother, Sakina al-Bacchus, and of Balela Badila, the mother of Benesha."

"You possess the genes of two females? And there are no males involved?" I was surprised. "I didn't know that was possible."

"If those scientists can create a homunculus having seven fathers and seven mothers, why can't they create a homunculus who only has two mothers?"

"Hmmm, that's true…"

"We're in the same class, class 1-B, so let's get along," she smiled.

"Why were you created though?"

"I know that this may come off as rude and offensive, but it is the truth…" She took a deep breath. "Unfortunately, you and your sisters each possess one of the seven deadly sins. And our sister Alisha possesses all of the seven deadly sins combined, including several other destructive personality traits. The scientists created me, Hidde de Ridder and Eleonore Houthakker, to guide you all towards the right direction in life."

"I admit that my sisters and I have personality and mental disorders," I confessed, which surprised her.

"I didn't expect you to admit this so readily," she said.

"For a long time, I didn't want to acknowledge this reality. Alisha is the one who needs to be saved more than any of us. You should know, though, that me and my sisters caused Alisha to turn out the way she is."

"So I heard," she sighed. "You excluded her from your sisterhood. And your parents didn't want to take her in either. She developed severe loneliness and depression as a result, and turned into a psychopath. I even heard she might be experiencing an existential crisis. Alisha doesn't know where to place herself in the laboratory, in society, in the world. Since she considers herself to be undesirable, despite the fact that she is flawless in every way, shape and form. She can't fathom why nobody wants her since she is the embodiment of perfection."

"I apologized to her and accepted her as my sister now, but she is the one who rejected me this time."

"We are too late," Tifsa sighed. "Apologizing and trying to establish a bond with her won't do it now. But it's a good way to start. We need all of your six sisters to do the same."

"Well, Kayla did apologize too. But she did it out of anxiety and not because she's truly sorry."

"I don't think apologizing out of fear would help Alisha get better…"

"My sisters don't want to apologize to Alisha, because they believe they didn't do anything wrong. And the fact my sisters don't want to acknowledge their mistakes either, only exacerbated Alisha's motivations to harm us and the people we hold dear…"

"I'm glad you're genuine enough to be truthful about the situation, Haniya."

"Alisha still plots to harm me, but I removed her means to get that done."

"How would she attempt to harm you?"

"By exposing my music career, and my lust for Benesha's brother, to my family."

"Meaning that you already exposed it to them yourself?"

"Mhm," I nodded.

"Oh my! That must have been terrifying!"

"I did it over the phone, but still…"

"I see that you're not wearing your headscarf anymore either…"

"I will put it back on when I feel like I'm ready to observe this commandment to seek the pleasure of God — not that of my family."

"I see…" She nodded twice. "I'll help you out with that!"


"Mhm! We're sisters after all!" She smiled.

Tifsa and I put our suitcases and our belongings in our dormitory rooms. On our way to the classroom, a bunch of boys and girls wanted to take pictures with me. And I allowed them to.

Though this did cause us to be the last class 1-B students to enter the classroom… Everyone was mesmerized by my presence alone.

"Oh my God! The rumors are true! Ashley really is our classmate!" They said, enthusiastically.

"Take a seat," the homeroom teacher said. "We were just about to start introductions, so the two of you came in right on time."

Tifsa sat right next to me. I truly like her. She gives off positive and welcoming vibes… I can't wait for Benesha to meet her.


Dirk van der Linde (18):

- Dutch, originally from Friesland

- Likes: Computers, building things, gaming

- Dislikes: Public speaking, overly sweet foods

Omar Idrissi (17):

- Moroccan, from Amsterdam

- Likes: Music, basketball, family time

- Dislikes: Early mornings, people who take themselves too seriously

Jin Li (18):

- Chinese, lived in the Netherlands since childhood

- Likes: Drawing, graphic design, learning languages

- Dislikes: Cold weather, being the center of attention

Willem de Winnaar (17):

- Dutch, from Rotterdam

- Likes: Football, cycling, volunteering at animal shelters

- Dislikes: Insects, traffic jams

Kadir Demir (18)

- Turkish, from Rotterdam

- Likes: History, cooking Turkish food, learning about cultures

- Dislikes: Boredom, rudeness

Joao Gomes (17):

- Surinamese, born in the Netherlands

- Likes: Dancing, soccer, family time

- Dislikes: Assumptions, loud chewing sounds

Lucas Strijder (18):

- Dutch, from The Hague

- Likes: Photography, reading adventure novels, exploring

- Dislikes: Heights, messiness

Aiden de Jong (18):

- Dutch-Ghanaian, mixed heritage

- Likes: Playing drums, learning about cultures

- Dislikes: Intolerance, judging based on background

Floris van Rivieren (17):

- Dutch, from Groningen

- Likes: Nature, hiking, learning about plants and animals

- Dislikes: Pollution, crowded places

Jan Bouwvakker (18):

- Dutch, from Limburg

- Likes: Learning languages, traveling, debating current events

- Dislikes: Injustice, close-mindedness

Afterwards, my female classmates introduced themselves one by one…

Emma Heuvels

- Age: 18

- Ethnic Background: Dutch

- Likes: Painting landscapes, playing the guitar, cycling along the canals

- Dislikes: Crowded public transport, spicy food, horror movies

Noura al-Mansoori

- Age: 17

- Ethnic Background: Moroccan

- Likes: Writing short stories, attending spoken word poetry events, cooking Moroccan cuisine

- Dislikes: Discrimination, rainy days, public speaking

Ayşe Demir (twin sister of Kadir)

- Age: 18

- Ethnic Background: Turkish

- Likes: Playing volleyball, reading historical fiction novels, spending time with family

- Dislikes: Unfairness, being late, crowded places

Lara dos Santos

- Age: 17

- Ethnic Background: Brazilian

- Likes: Dancing samba, playing beach volleyball, learning Capoeira

- Dislikes: Bullies, cold weather, being indoors for too long

Farida Abdi

- Age: 18

- Ethnic Background: Somali

- Likes: Studying biology, volunteering at the local clinic, playing the piano

- Dislikes: Prejudice, noisy environments, being idle

Nadia El-Amin

- Age: 17

- Ethnic Background: Moroccan

- Likes: Painting landscapes, reading mystery novels, volunteering at the local mosque

- Dislikes: Stereotypes, rainy days, conflicts

Selma Akhtar

- Age: 18

- Ethnic Background: Bangladeshi

- Likes: Reading poetry, baking traditional desserts

- Dislikes: Spiders, injustice

Luna van der Meer

- Age: 17

- Ethnic Background: Dutch

- Likes: Playing the ukulele, gardening, going to music festivals

- Dislikes: Loud noises, seafood, waking up early

It's Tifsa's turn now…

"Hi everyone! My name is Tifsa Iqbal! I am a 17 year old Berber girl, with origins in North Africa of course. And I am also partially Bantu African," I could see that the class already loves her just like I do. "I like spending time with friends and family. And to learn more about my roots and feel connected to them. I love making and eating Moroccan dishes. Oh and I don't like stubborn or antisocial people. So if you fit in one or both of these categories; stay away from me!"

The class laughed from her last sentence… What she said is clearly reminiscent of Benesha. But Tifsa has the genes of Benesha's mother, so I guess she is the source of them being that way.

All eyes were on me…

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself, Ashley?" The teacher asked, smiling.


"I am Haniya al-Bacchus, and just like Tifsa, I am a Berber and my roots are in North Africa," I began. "Family, culture, tradition and especially religion are important facets of my life. But so is my passion for music, which is in conflict with my religion. I'm still trying to figure out how I should deal with this dilemma of mine. So please, don't judge me for this. I'm not a hypocrite. I do take my religion very seriously. This is simply the trial I have been given. And I need some time to think of the best way to deal with it…"

My classmates were moved by my words…

"We all were, and still are, in your position, Haniya," Nadia was the first one to respond to me. "Whenever I saw Ashley on social media, I did think to myself that she looks like she could be Moroccan. But I disregarded that possibility since I couldn't imagine a Moroccan girl exposing her beauty like that to the entire world through music. That's indeed something that goes in conflict with our religion. That being said, I think it is courageous that you have finally decided to reveal the true identity of Ashley, and that you let everyone know that you're thinking of what to do with this dilemma you're facing. Just know that whatever decision you make, you'll forever be our sister. And have our unrelenting support in doing what is right, and abstaining from what is wrong."

"I second that!" Noura spoke up. "I wholeheartedly agree with Nadia. And I would like to add that I'm so proud and happy knowing that Ashley is from my people!"

"You heard them," the teacher smiled. "You came in late so you don't know my name yet. It's Driss Achtouk, I'm North African just like you, Haniya. And take my words as a piece of advice from a senior; your life will be rifled with dilemmas. This is far from the last one. So just make sure you always choose for the pleasure of God, and not that of your own or of your family, or of your friends or fans. We were created by God, we belong to him and shall return to him."

I couldn't hold my tears back and started crying in my class's presence. "This is so embarrassing," I said. "I'm sorry…"

"It's okay dear, let it all out," Tifsa comforted me. "Leading a double life must've been stressful for you…"

"I never thought that I'd still be loved and accepted by my people if they knew what stuff I did behind their backs," I said. "I'm so grateful and happy that I can call you my brothers and sisters."

The teacher asked us to hand over our smartphones. He gave us devices from the school itself. "The device you all are holding are special smartphones made for this school's students only. You are unable to reach out to the outer world, or to connect to the outer world with these devices. For the 4 years you'll spend in this school, you'll be isolated from the outer world. Holidays excluded, of course."

None of us liked this development. But apparently, it was mentioned in the application forum of the school…

"It's time to vote for a class president," the teacher said.

"What do you all think of Haniya being our class president?" Tifsa suggested.

"That's a wonderful idea!" Noura exclaimed.

"I second that!" Nadia chuckled.

All of my classmates supported the idea of me being their leader. "But… But why? Until recently, I've led a life wherein I wasn't true to myself and wherein I deceived my family, my friends and my fans…"

"Haniya, we need someone like you to lead us," Tifsa said. "You are someone who would always say the truth and do what is right, even if it were to be against yourself. You would make the best leader this class could wish for."

I felt delighted. I felt elated, so euphoric! I love Tifsa, I love Nadia, Noura, the teacher. Everyone!

The teacher mentioned that I should think of a vice president in the following days, and that it must be a male.

Mr. Achtouk turned on the Digi-bord behind him, showcasing the class credits of each class. Class A starts with 5.000 CC (class credits), Class B, our class, with 4.000 CC, class C with 3.000 CC, class D with 2.000 CC, and class E with 1.000 CC.

"The class with the highest overall exam scores, assignment scores and performance scores, will gain more credits than the other classes. Which will eventually result in the shifting of the class rankings. It is very much possible for you all to become class A. You'd just need to overthrow them. And you all have a way better shot at accomplishing this compared to the classes beneath you..."

Mr. Achtouk also told us that it's possible to individually ascend to class A, or to the Classroom of Eden known as class S, which only has two seats for one male and one female. Both of which are already occupied. I wonder who the class S students are…

After the teacher was done explaining the ins and outs of the system, we were allowed to explore this utopian school.

"Let's go!" Tifsa smiled at me. Nadia, Noura, Selma, Farida and Ayşe waited for me, too. And so did the rest of my classmates.

"You can all go ahead first," the teacher said. "I need to speak to Haniya in private."


Everyone left to explore the school, as I remained put on my seat to listen to what Mr. Achtouk had to tell me.

"Class 1-E is for students who are defective in academics, athletics or personality traits. Class 1-D is for students who are less defective than class 1-E. Class 1-C is for average students. And your class, class 1-B, is for students who are slightly above average," he explained. "Do you have any idea why you were placed in a class of slightly above average students, instead of in the excellent class, class 1-A?"

"It must be because I was living a double life. I wasn't true to myself and deceived everyone around me."

"Precisely. The fact you know and understand your faults, confirms that you aren't fit for this class anymore."


"You gained 10.000 IC for your positive personality development. You are eligible for class 1-A now, Haniya. I can arrange your transfer to the class," he smiled. "I must say that I am very impressed. I did not expect a student to ascend classes this soon. I'm sure my colleagues will be just as surprised as I am."

"Wait, Mr. Achtouk…"


"I don't want to ascend to class 1-A by myself," I said. "Either I stay in class 1-B, or I ascend to class 1-A with all of my classmates."

"Are you sure about that?" He asked, confused.

"Yes, I'm sure," I said, determined. "My classmates accepted me for who I am, and chose me as their leader. I'll lead them to class 1-A. We will all graduate as the most excellent students."

"In that case, show me what you're capable of, Haniya," he smiled. "I await your virtuous and praiseworthy deeds."

"Please, watch over me and guide me, sir!" I smiled.

I left the classroom and met Tifsa in the hallway. "Were you waiting for me?" I asked.

"Yes," she answered. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry," I assured her. "I simply expressed my desire to lead you all to class 1-A to the teacher."

"Great!" She smiled.

Together, we left the school complex and headed to the shopping mall. We walked past Alisha, who was talking to a very beautiful girl; she was wheat-complexioned, had dark brown wavy hair tied in a low ponytail, and golden eyes…

I have to admit that she is even more beautiful than me. Alisha seemed distressed during her conversation with her. And her eyes were red, how come?

"Looks like Hazyah already confronted Alisha huh…" Tifsa commented.

"Hazyah?" I asked, confused. "Is that the name of that girl?"

"Yeah. I'll tell you more about her later. We have to go to the school park, everyone is waiting for you there."

Right! I promised to meet up with my fellow students in the park after introductions ended.

I made a bunch of pictures and videos with everyone in the school park. We had such a great time.

"Haniya, Maeve messaged us," Tifsa said.

"About what?" I asked.

"She urges us to come to Mandane's dormitory room. Apparently, there is an emergency…"

The two of us knocked on Mandane's dormitory room door and were let in by Maurits Adelman from class 1-A.

"You are finally here," Benesha complained. "What took you so long?"

"She was spending some time with her fans," Tifsa answered.

"I didn't ask you anything," Benesha retorted. "Who the hell are you even?"

"Come now, no need to be so rude, Benesha," I didn't know Tifsa was able to switch to a more cold voice tone and stern facial expression… She is a Badilitess alright.

"Haniya is popular after all, this was to be expected…" Minah said.

"I'm sorry for being late!" I apologized. "What is the emergency meeting about, Maeve? Why did you invite everyone, including the other homunculi?"

"Zipporah and her husband Yeshaya… Came back from the dead…" She said, shocking me and Tifsa to the core.

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