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Chapter 19: Chapter 16: Meet Class 1-A

I, Alisha Badila, was in a panic after Mandane and Haniya made it clear that I failed to harm them in the same way I harmed Kayla…

Meaning that I failed. I expected Mandane to suffer from her breakup with Sansula, which I orchestrated. But she managed to move on from it.

And I plotted to use Haniya's music career and lust for Sansula as a means to control her, which she nullified by exposing herself to her father…

I think I underestimated my sisters. I should have known better. They are my sisters after all. Taking them out wouldn't be that easy.

However, they refuse to acknowledge their wrongdoings. They think they didn't do anything wrong on that day they came into my room in the laboratory.

They ostracized me and didn't accept me as a sister, despite the fact I share the same parents as them. They cursed me, excluded me, and made me feel depressed and lonely.

I began to question my right to exist because of that… If my purpose was only to make sure my seven sisters could be created, haven't I already fulfilled my purpose, in that case?

So why am I still alive then? What am I supposed to do with myself?

Haniya is the only one who admits to her sin, and who apologized to me and wants to make amends. She is a little bit too late for that, though.

I've already destroyed Gula of Gluttony, or Kayla, and taken many lives in the process. I can't turn back now. Besides, my sisters aren't even remorseful so I see no reason to stop.

I'll not rest until I destroy all of my seven sisters. I want them all to crawl to me and beg me for forgiveness, just like Kayla did.

After I put my suitcase and belongings in my dorm room, I went to the classroom of my class, which is class 1-A, the most excellent class in this entire school.

When I came in, everyone was mesmerized by my physical appearance alone. All boys and girls couldn't stop commenting on how pretty I am…

"Oh my God! She is so pretty!"

"Doesn't she look just like Ashley?!"

"The two could've been twin sisters!"

Ah… I hate being compared to Luxuria of Lust. Can't I be my own person or something? Why am I always being compared to my sisters?

I took a seat next to an empty seat on my right. Meaning that not everyone is here yet. We miss one student…

I looked around the classroom and noticed that there are ten males, Maurits Adelman included, and nine females, me and Minah included. This means that we miss one female student.

And besides, where is the teacher? And why do I feel on edge and so uneasy?

The teacher finally arrived… She walked into the classroom, catching the attention of everyone due to her silky white hair and shining blue eyes…

"Woah…" The guys couldn't contain their inner thoughts. "I've never seen a woman this beautiful in my entire life…"

"Good morning, everyone," she smiled. That voice, those facial features, the blunt bangs, the braided ponytail… I recognize this person…

Zipporah Mazzi! But didn't I kill her some time ago?! How come she is alive and well?! Nathan that old bag must have cloned his very own daughter! Unbelievable…

Minah and Maurits couldn't believe their eyes either. But they quickly composed themselves, so as to not worry and frighten the class.

"It's good to see you here, Alisha, Minah, Maurits," she smiled at us.

"Do you four know each other?" A guy asked.

"Yes," she answered. "I used to be their teacher in kindergarten. We go way back, don't we, Alisha?"

What am I supposed to make out of this… Why am I so incompetent and sloppy?

I thought I was doing a good job at teaching my sisters a lesson. I thought that I was the one in absolute control. But I'm not. I only managed to harm one of the people I intended to harm…

"My name is Zipporah Mazzi, the daughter of the principal," she continued. "It's a pleasure to meet you all, class 1-A. Welcome to Utrecht Metropolitan Self-Development School, and congratulations for starting the first day in class 1-A, the top class of all classes."

I looked around and saw happy and satisfied faces. "But make no mistake. You guys won the battle, but haven't won the war yet. The battle is in being class 1-A, and the war is in remaining as or in class 1-A. The lower classes can overthrow you if they end up having more CC or Class Credits than you. And you could also be demoted to a lower class if your performance is below the class average, and this would have a negative impact on your entire class as well."

"Class Credits?" Minah asked. "What is that?"

"I'll explain more after you all introduce yourselves to each other," she replied. "Why don't you go first, Minah?"

"Don't we miss one person, though?" Maurits asked. "There are only nineteen students here, ten of which are male. So I suppose we miss a female classmate."

"We can't wait for her forever," Zipporah said. "I'll deduct this from her Individual Credits. Being late to classes and appointments will negatively impact your Individual Credits. Anyway, tell us about yourself, Minah."

"No way! You should go first, Mrs. Mazzi!"

"What? Why?"

"Show us how to do a proper introduction!"

"It can't be helped then…" she chuckled. "Hello everyone! I am Zipporah Mazzi. 29 years old, happily married with Yeshaya who is the homeroom teacher of class 1-E. I am an ancient history fanatic. I like to go on runs to stay healthy. I love boba! Oh and I like spending time with people, helping them with whatever problems they are facing in life. Offer advice, support, you name it. So know that I'm always here for all of you, ready to help you wherever I can and with whatever I can."

The class applauded her for her introduction. "You rock teach!"

"Now it's your turn, Minah," she smiled.

"My name is Minah Sawada. I am a 17 year old girl with Japanese and Korean roots. I was born and raised in the Netherlands, though. I love everything about my Japanese and Korean heritage; the traditional clothing, the foods! I've also been to my homelands many times!"

"I'd love to go to Japan and Korea some time," Maurits replied.

"Please do!"

"Well then, Maurits, tell us about yourself," Zipporah said.

"My name is Maurits Adelman, 18 years old. Son of the Prime Minister Hans Adelman. I like to excel in everything, be it sports, academics or athletic performance. But I also like to see the people around me succeed. So if I can help you out with anything, hit me up."

After Maurits, my other classmates introduced themselves one by one. But I didn't care to listen attentively since I wasn't interested in them at all…

A recurring trend though, is that they are all so supportive of one another and open to help each other out.

"Alisha?" Zipporah called my name.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Will you introduce yourself, too?"

"My name is Alisha Badila…" I began. "I am 18 years old, born and raised in the Netherlands. What do I like? I… What do I like…"


"I dislike people who exclude others, being discriminatory towards others. Bullying others, being unnecessarily rude, mean or cold… So I guess I like things that are opposite to all of that."

"You look really peculiar, though," one of the guys said.

"Right? She looks interesting…"

"How do I look?" I asked, confused.

"You look like you could be black African, or North African. But also Dutch, East Asian or South European. Or all of them combined even…"

"What are your roots?"

"My roots…" How am I supposed to answer that? "I'm a noble Badilitess. So I'm black African."

"Africans are so diverse… Coming in all shapes, forms and colors. No wonder why you look like you could be from anywhere."

Little do they know that I do have ancestry from the Netherlands, Greece, Japan, Korea and Morocco as well.

"Now that introductions are over, I'll start explaining the system of this school…" Zipporah said.

Zipporah turned on the Digi-bord behind her, showcasing the class credits of each class. My class, Class A starts with 5.000 CC, Class B with 4.000 CC, class C with 3.000 CC, class D with 2.000 CC, and class E with 1.000 CC.

"The class with the highest overall exam scores, assignment scores and performance scores, will gain more credits than the other classes. Which will eventually result in the shifting of the class rankings. It is very much possible for you all to be demoted, either as a class or individually. And thus, try your utmost best to remain in class 1-A."

"Individually has to do with our Individual Credits, right?"

"Yes," she answered. "Maurits, Alisha and Minah all have 6.000 IC for an example, because they had perfect scores on the entrance exams. And thus they have more IC than the CC, which is 5.000. If a student has IC below that of the CC for more than one school semester, they get demoted to a class in which their IC fits best."

"I must say, it feels great starting school from the top," a guy said.

"Well, there's one class above class-A. But it's a special type of class that has its own category altogether."


"There is a heavenly grade, which is grade S also known as "the Classroom of Eden". The students in this grade have more freedom than all the other students beneath them. And only one male and one female out of the 100 students can be in class S at a time. Only those who graduate from class S; the Classroom of Eden, are the successful ones, who will be able to become anything they want, and to receive and accomplish whatever they want." I have to get into this class at all costs… But I'm sure all of my classmates, no, all of the students in this school think the same.

"But the only two seats for one male and one female are already occupied."

"Huh?! So soon already?!" Minah was surprised just as we all were.

"Yes, so you'd need to overthrow them if you want to take their place."

"How can we do that?"

"By doing something that would positively impress the teachers and principal."

Zipporah walked up to all of us with a box. She confiscated all of our smartphones. And in exchange, she gave us a strange device that resembled a smartphone.

"The device you all are holding are special smartphones made for this school's students only. You are unable to reach out to the outer world, or to connect to the outer world with these devices. For the 4 years you'll spend in this school, you'll be isolated from the outer world. Holidays excluded, of course."

"Does the school really need to go this far?" Minah asked.


"Why though?"

"To prevent any external forces from influencing the development of the students, and the progression of this school," Zipporah explained. "Anyway, it's time to vote for a class president."

"I wonder who the Class 1-S students are…" Minah expressed her inner thoughts.

"Who knows?" Maurits replied. "They could be in this class or any of the other four classes for all we know."

"You get a 50.000 IC reward if you guessed one of the students of Eden correctly, if you guessed two you'll get 100.000 IC," Zipporah said.

The missing girl stepped into the classroom, striking everyone with awe by her physical appearance; tanned skin due to the summer sun, dark brown hair and eyes that appear to be gold. Even I was taken aback by her extraordinary beauty…


"Minus 1.000 Individual Credits for being late!" Zipporah shouted at her.

"Well, at least I'm here now, right?" She smiled.

"Why did you even get late?"

"I wanted to seem cool and mysterious and make a flashy appearance." She's ridiculous… The class found it funny, though.

"You missed class introductions though… This much for being 'cool and mysterious'," Zipporah sighed as she shook her head from left to right.

"That's okay! I'll make up for it by speaking to everyone one by one."

"Why don't you at least introduce yourself to everyone now? You have 30 seconds."

"Wah?! Just 30 seconds?!"

"Yes. And the time goes on… now!"

"Hello everyone my name is Hazyah Katz! I am 18 years old and immigrated to the Netherlands at the age of 12! I love learning new things about any field of study! I love meeting all kinds of people! I am very open and sociable! So feel free to approach me anytime! And… And…!"

"You're out of time!" Zipporah and Hazyah seem to know each other already… Their interactions give off the impression that this isn't the first time they met.

"Your Dutch sounds like that of a native speaker…" Maurits was positively impressed by Hazyah.

"Well thank you!" She liked the compliment.

"And you're so pretty and cute," Minah said.

"Haha am I?! Thanks!" She blushed.

"Where do you come from?"


"I meant, originally…" The class once again laughed.

"Haha just kidding!" She chuckled. Hazyah exchanged glances with Zipporah for some reason.

"Sit down, Hazyah," Zipporah said, leaving Minah's question unanswered. "It's time for you all to vote for a class president."

We have to vote for a class president now? We just met. Zipporah handed us a piece of paper. "Write the name of the person you think would make a great class president," she said.

I voted for myself. She didn't mention that you couldn't do that. Zipporah came to collect our pieces of paper after five minutes passed.

"In third place, we get Maurits Adelman with 5 votes…" She began. "In second place, we get Alisha Badila with 7 votes. And in first place, we get Hazyah Katz with 8 votes! Hazyah is our class president!"

I lost… From a mere human being at that, too? Unbelievable…

"Huh… All the while I gave my vote to Maurits," she said.

"What a coincidence," Maurits replied. "I gave my vote to you."

"Hah, really? And who did you vote for, Alisha? Don't tell me you did something silly like voting for yourself…"

How did she figure me out?!

"All of you are free to explore the school grounds now," Zipporah said. "Ah and Hazyah, don't forget to elect a vice president before Friday. It has to be a male."

"Can I keep it a secret from the class?"

"You can. But I'm not sure if that's a wise thing to do."


Everyone slowly left the classroom to explore the utopian campus. But I remained, because I have to confront Zipporah one-to-one.

Minah and Maurits hadn't left yet. They stared at Zipporah in bewilderment, as if they were looking at a ghost.

Hazyah suddenly approached me and wrapped her arm around mine, saying, "Bestie, aren't you coming?"

"What? Who are you calling bestie?"

"You of course, silly!" I pushed her away from me.

"Get away from me," I said.

"Do you know who I elected as vice president?"

"Maurits, who else?"

"Sansula Badila from class 1-E," I couldn't believe my ears, neither could Maurits and Minah.

"Can you elect a vice president from another class?" I asked, as I glanced at Zipporah.

"Nothing states that she can't," she answered.

"I'll see you outside then, Lilith," I once again could not believe my ears. How did Hazyah know of that despicable nickname my sisters gave me?!

Hazyah left the classroom and shut the door behind her, leaving me all alone with Zipporah Mazzi, Minah and Maurits…

"So your pathetic father decided to clone his very own daughter…" I began. "How long until he realizes that playing God was a big mistake, I wonder."

"It is as you two have heard," Zipporah said to Minah and Maurits. "Could you leave me alone with Alisha now?"

Minah and Maurits obliged and left the classroom. They met with Yeshaya, Sansula and Hazyah in the hallway.

"We'll speak later," Hazyah said. "For now, you two need to go."

Zipporah looked at me and asked: "Don't you think that taking life without right is playing God, too?"

"I had the right to take your life."

"Why? Because I opposed you?"

"Precisely. So I needn't explain anything."

"You are wrong, Alisha. The fact I opposed you doesn't justify taking my life."

"What will you do? Will you kill me? An eye for an eye, right? If you think I had no right to take your life, go ahead and take mine in return. That way, we are equal."

"I have figured you out, Alisha," Zipporah looked at me sad, which surprised me. "You feel lonely. There's no one who can resonate with you. That's why you try to harm your sisters and everyone around you, in ways that the world has harmed you. In the hope they would come to understand you, so that you'd feel less alone. You want me to take your life, because that would make me the same as you. You want me to understand you."

"No…" I said as I stepped backwards. "No… You are wrong. You haven't figured me out."

Zipporah stepped forward, getting closer and closer to me as I continuously stepped backwards. "I have," she said. "And I won't kill you, Alisha." I hit the wall. "I forgive you…"

Zipporah gave me a hug. "I'm sorry for everything you've been through, Alisha. What you did to me and others is unacceptable. But I don't think fighting you would fix things. I want to help you and be there for you. I've always wanted to be your emotional support. But you continuously pushed me away, and said that I should leave you alone since I'm not your mother…"

I pushed Zipporah away from me. I felt very disoriented. I expected her to hate me and to want to kill me. But here she is, forgiving me and giving me love… "Why?"

"Because I love you, Alisha," she said, shocking me. "I watched you grow ever since you were a newborn. I know that I'm not your mother, and that we aren't related. But do we have to be related to be a family? I don't think so."

For a split of a second, I softened up. I started to think that maybe, I went too far with wanting to punish my sisters and everyone they hold dear. Maybe, I went too far by taking lives.

But I quickly came back to reality, and reminded myself of why I even decided to take this path in life. My own seven sisters and fourteen parents, all rejected me.

I tried my best to be accepted but they turned their back on me, even coined me as "Lilith", the supposed first wife of Adam who was declared as wicked by God…

I have to avenge myself and destroy my sisters and everyone they hold dear so that they know how depressing loneliness can be.

"Alisha… Your eyes are turning red…" Zipporah remarked.

I ran out of the classroom in a hurry. "Alisha!" Zipporah called out to me, but I didn't turn back.

Apparently, Yeshaya, Hazyah and Sansula stood in the hallway right next to the classroom and heard everything.

"She is a hard nut to crack, isn't she?" Yeshaya sighed.

"I think she will come to her senses if we show her that we care about her," Zipporah said.

I went to the toilet and locked the door…

I absolutely loathe Zipporah Mazzi…

Why does she keep acting like this? Leave me alone! I don't want your pity!

This is why I manipulated the results of the analysis of the outer space meteor that hit the Atlantic Ocean two years ago.

The results of the analysis showed that the meteorite carried a deadly alien virus with it, but I altered it and made it appear to be safe. The virus already spread over the world through water. So every single human being is affected by it.

A lot of people will die, and the scientists will be too late. This is what you get by playing God. You should not have created me nor my sisters…

Maeve, Mandane, Haniya, Benesha, Eliza, Minah… I'll never be truly understood by my sisters. Kayla has not come to understand me, she simply fears me…

I can feel the virus trying to take over my mind. But I refuse to submit to it. I'm not done accomplishing my goals yet!

I have to make sure my sisters lose everything in order for them to understand my pain.

What I want is for my sisters to suffer! I will destroy them and make sure that they'll come to understand how I feel…

But first, I need to take control over Sansula…

I left the toilet and watched myself in the mirror. My eyes were red, and I developed fangs. I suddenly have a thirst for men's blood, and in particular, Sansula's blood…

It definitely had to do with the virus.


I left the school complex and came face to face with Hazyah Katz. "What do you want?" I asked.

"What's with your eyes and those fangs?" She chuckled. "It looks so real! It's not Halloween yet, though."

"If you have nothing to discuss with me, I'll be on my way." I walked past her.

"Ah you poor girl… You must feel awful, losing class president elections from a mere human being such as myself."

"What?" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face her.

"How does it feel meeting someone who is more beautiful than you and more talented than you?" She asked. "You thought you were the embodiment of perfection, only to realize that you're far from flawless. I wonder how that feels. Could you explain it to me?"

"Watch what you say before I do something to you."

"Woah! So menacing!" She chuckled. What is her deal?! "I know everything about you, Prima Optima. A.K.A. Lilith."

"Are you affiliated with the laboratory?"

"Mhm! Oh and by the way, I am the female student in class 1-S!"

"Get out of here…"

Hazyah showed me her device, which had her IC on screen. It wasn't 6.000, as the current maximum IC should be for a class 1-A student. It was 99.000 IC! And her rank was also attached to it: S!

"It would have been 100.000 IC if I didn't get late for class," she pouted. "Anyway, go get the 50.000 IC reward by telling Zipporah you know one of the S-ranked students!"

I don't know what to say. I'm at a loss of words.

"Have you noticed anything off about Sansula lately?"

"Don't even think of him!" I retorted.

"Woah, chill. I'm just asking if you noticed anything off about him."

"Not that I can think of. Why?"

"From the chilling stories I heard of you, I expected you to be more perceptive. How disappointing. Is this the extent of Prima Optima?"

"Everyone in this school is disrespectful towards me. I guess you have all forgotten what I'm capable of doing."

"Murder? You have committed murder, right? I know that you killed a bunch of rave goers, and that you also killed Zipporah and her husband. You aren't possibly threatening to kill me, are you?"

"I'll kill Zipporah and her husband again before I kill you."

"You've probably never heard this in your entire life. But I am fully prepared to kill you, too…" I felt tremendous pressure from Hazyah to the extent that I felt anxiety for the first time in my life. "You don't know what I am capable of doing either. And trust me, you don't want to find out."

My legs began to tremble…

"You and I are so similar, you know. We both don't bat an eye when it comes to taking lives."

"We are not the same. I'm homunculus, a superior species."

"You got it wrong," she shook her head from left to right. "How can you be more superior than humans, when you were created by a human who used human genetics to get it done? I am more superior than you because I am a creation of God, whereas you are a creation of man. You and your sisters have been underestimating humanity. Let me make it clear that you will never be able to overthrow human hegemony on earth, which is a God-given right."

That marked the end of my encounter with Hazyah Katz, an even greater adversary than Zipporah Mazzi. I'll make sure to obliterate her.

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