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Chapter 2: Pet

Gabriel POV 

 I woke up in this new bed from my new home as the sun shone brightly in the room, having an entire mansion at least gave me the chance to change the main bedroom. Sitting

in the room the ex Lord used made me sick to my stomach knowing how many women he took there, abused and forced them to do horrible things and I'm glad i changed it and burned all the things he used. I'm still not very used in living here among the Mortals but they need a strong and caring leader and after the meeting with Father and my siblings it was decided I'll be responsible of this place. 

 Last night after i arrived to my new home, this mansion who seems so cold and empty, i prayed to Father instantly but as usual He wasn't very clear He only told me on an amused tone that I'll figure it out and to pay attention to the sparks.

 Even I after so many eons can't know His plans nor guess them but at least He told me he agrees with our relationship if there is going to be one. Those 2 months have been really busy I had so much to fix and today i was going to talk with the women he imprisoned once again in the hope of finding more about from the places they've been taken so we can bring them back to their homes and families, i feel very sad thinking we cant really take back everything they've been through along the years but at least we could erase some of their worst memories and ease the pain of their nightmares. He took over 200 women and we managed to send some of them home, some were traded by their own families so they could be safe from this horrible person wrath. Honestly I'm both intrigued and disgusted of humans behavior and the things they would to out of fear or lust. I also sent 2 of my most trusted subordinates to her home so they could bring her here, in the meantime I have received the file I've asked about her and i started reading.

 Her name is Harmony Rose, she had a twin sister, 2 older brothers and her parents are wealthy that means they live a good life so why was she here working to afford a comfortable living? Was there something more that I'm not aware of? Her childhood seemed pretty normal, a good school, good grades so what happened between her and her family? I guess only Rose can answer those questions. I put aside the file and went to talk with the women, we've put them in rooms In the opposite side of the main wing so they won't have to face people who came around to get a glimpse of me.

 I've arrived at one of these women rooms, she was a pretty lady with platinum blonde hair in her 30s, she had light brown eyes and she was married for 5 years with her husband, they had a small boy when she got taken by this horrible man by force, 5 years of abuse and Father knows what else he did to her. She was slim at 1,76 cm and with a wasp waist. 

- Harper, how do you feel today?

I asked her in a friendly manner, she looked at me then back at the floor, she was wearing a baby blue blouse with some daisies and some dark blue jeans, these women were avoiding dresses like disease since he made them wear revealing dresses at all times to easy access for him. Her lips trembled slightly like she was debating what to say then she spoke shyly:

- I'm a little bit better

At least we had some progress and she spoke more with me and my subordinates. 

- I'm very glad to hear that

I said keeping the friendly tone, talking with those women wasn't easy after everything they've been through and we need to be careful to not scare them off. She looked at me and nodded her head. 

- Are you ready to tell me now?

I asked hoping she'll finally open up and talk to me. She looked at me and stiffened, her eyes went teary and i reached to hold her but she only flinched so I retreated my hand, she wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. She looked straight into my eyes and nodded. I didn't lost time and I started putting her questions:

- So what did he made you wear?

- Dark red revealing dresses, it felt like we were wearing almost nothing and all kinds of lingeries for his sick pleasure!

She said disgusted, my heart ached for those poor souls he tortured. 

- I understand he had nicknames for each and everyone one of you, is that correct?

-Yes he did, he called me Dawn but when he spoke in general with us he called us pets.

She said trembling watching the floor.


I asked confused.

-Yes, we were his lovers his women so he called us pets.

-I see. 

After I've put her some more questions about her husband and child I left her to calm down from crying as she didn't let me comfort her and I wasn't going to push it. After I left the room I got a mindlink from one of subordinates that they arrived so I went to the main room with the throne to meet them, I was very glad that I was going to see her again.

Rose POV 

I woke up early in the morning, today my shift started at 9 am so I woke up an hour earlier and i prepared to go to work. The sun was shining brightly and weird enough I felt very rested after the weird breeze I felt last night, I could have sworn there was someone at my bedside but when I opened my eyes there was no one, i was too exhausted to look more into it so I assumed my mind was playing tricks on me, I looked around but now I didn't felt that breeze anymore so I must have imagined it. 

 I finished my routine in half an hour, I've ate some fried eggs and made sure to prepare some sandwiches for later at least today my shift will be normal and I'll get home at 5 pm, I was wearing my casual black pants and pink blouse plus my jacket so at 8:30 straight I got out of the house, locked it and took the path of the alley. I stopped for a few moments glancing at the place I last saw that angel and the dead demon but there was no trace of what happened here last night, they've always been good at covering their track, it felt like a dream but I knew it was real there was no way I imagined that. I felt this sting into my heart at the thought I might not see that gentleman ever again I was even wondering if he still remembers me or if he already forgotten me but i shook these thoughts and feelings away and quickened my step I arrived with 5 minutes earlier and I meet Lucy waiting for me inside. I was so happy today we had the same shift and I'll be able to see her during the program, she hugged me then we both went to the lockers and changed to our uniforms, she looked quite tired but she was her usual self nonetheless. I started preparing the menus with the specialities of the day and serving the first 2 clients who came into the restaurant for a nice breakfast and coffee.

Third person POV

 Gabriel most trusted subordinates obeyed his request and went to the adress he gave them, they went there with the car to be able to pick this girl up but from the mansion to the location was a distance of 4 hours so they decided to just teleport there, it was 9:00 am when they arrived and started knocking to the door but no one answered. The door was locked so they exchanged glances, no one was home so they mindlinked Gabriel telling him that. The 2 subordinates were tall probably 1,90 or so, as Gabriel was also tall at 1,94, Elijah was one of the 2 he had a light blonde hair and forest green eyes while the other was Lucas he had dark hair as midnight and sky blue eyes. Elijah was a soldier, serious and loyal, a little competitive and not easy to impress while Lucas was more empathetic and warm, thoughtfull and friendly.

 Seeing the girl wasn't home Elijah mindlinked Gabriel and told him the information after that he received the answer to go to the restaurant where she works and he gave them the location and broke the connection. Elijah sighed annoyed he didn't liked to lose time searching for a little weak mortal girl while many malevolent creatures were walking around freely creating havoc and he didn't understood what did his leader saw at this girl but he had to obey. They teleported to the restaurant, it wasn't that great but it looked acceptable. 

Rose POV 

As i was cleaning one of the now vacant tables Lucy was not far away beside me asking me if i have plans after we finish here, I was with my back at her when I heard the front doors open and I heard her gasp. 

- You can take a sit at a nearby table I'll come take your order in a moment!

 I said in a polite tone motioning to an available table but the footsteps stopped and I turned to face the new clients. Lucy was staring at the 2 tall guys who entered and stopped a few feets away, they looked at each other then back at me while I was just confused, there was something about these 2 guys like the aura they emanate wasn't really human. 


- Is there anything wrong gentlemens?

 I asked them unsure. The brunette guy was the one to answer me in the same polite tone I used too:

- We are not clients. 

- Are you Harmony Rose?

The other one asked. I looked at them confused and unsure I didn't knew them but they knew my name and that gave me an unsettling feeling but I recovered fast and answered still as polite:


- Yes that would be me, how may I help you?

- We were sent to pick you up, come with us please!


 The brunette one said to me still polite while the other guy kept on a cold and distant expression. 

- May I at least know who sent you? I don't recall meeting each other before

I said in a polite yet cautious tone

- Yes who are you and what do you want from my friend?

My friend Lucy chimed in protectively. She was analyzing them with her eyes from head to toe as she usually does when strangers approached us. 

- We were sent by the Lord, now please can you follow us without any more questions?

 The blonde guy said quite coldly and imposing, i didn't quite liked his approach and i felt him a little hostile to say so? 

- Can I at least change from my uniform first?


 I said motioning to my clothes. They looked at me then the blonde one sighed annoyed and answered:


 - Be fast!

I nodded my head and went towards the lockers followed by Lucy. I started changing as fast as I could while my friend was talking with me, she seemed very concerned.

 - What does the Lord want with you? Rose did you do something to get his attention or offend him in any way?

- I don't know Lucy that's why I'm going to find out, I dont see how i could have offended him in any way, I didn't do anything!

- Do you think they're angels? They definitely don't seem human and I kind of don't like the blonde one, what if they hurt you?

Her last statement made me chuckle a bit then I answered her calmly:

- I think they're angels too they just give this aura of light and power but I dont think they would hurt me, angels aren't known to hurt humans without a reason. I don't really like the blonde one either he seems so cold and distant. 

 She looked at me still concerned but then she sighed. 

- Just be careful alright? Also if they had any business with you they should have talked with the owner first so you won't get in troubles. And tell me everything after you come back, maybe you'll be the Lord, if they're angels means the rumors are true the new Lord is an ANGEL! I wonder what he looks like, don't you too? You're so lucky!

 Her excitement made me chuckle, I finished fast and went out followed by Lucy who was now starting to wonder how does the inside of the mansion looks like and this mysterious angel Lord. When I got out the 2 angels wete waiting for me and they made way for me to go forward then they followed close behind. The blonde one opened the door for me, at least they have class and manners but I think it was more out of habit but I didn't complained. In front of the restaurant was a nice white car waiting for us, the brunette opened the door for me and I entered with a sigh, I was still unsettled about the entire situation and it was even more weird when the blonde one entered to my right side closing the door from his side while the other entered on my left side closing it. I was on the middle sit now wondering did they really thought I'd run from a moving car? I noticed they both wore white shirts and dark blue pants simple yet elegant, those beings really knew how to make even the most plain clothes look great and refined. 

 I felt very nervous knowing they are taking me to the Lord mansion, I didn't knew what to expect fom this visit and it was almost an hour until we're gonna arrived there and I still didn't knew why did he wanted to see me. So I gathered some courage and decided to ask them about it:


- So why does the Lord summoned my presence? 

 They took a glance at me probably not expecting my question but the blonde one averted his gaze back to the window while the other one continued to look at me with warmth. I started to think they won't answer and maybe they don't really like that I was there but then the blonde one answered still looking outside the window:

- We don't know

I looked at him hoping for more details and I asked with my voice cracking a little:

- You don't know?

Now I was starting to get agitated, what were this angel Lord intentions? And these 2 didn't helped very much. 

- He didn't told us 

The brunette said and i turned to face him, he seemed quite nice unlike his teammate. 

- I see, I just hope is nothing bad 

I said averting my gaze to the floor, it didn't really eased the pressure I was feeling now.

- But don't worry I doubt is anything bad, we would have known if it were.


 The brunette said with a friendly smile trying to cheer me up, he probably noticed my frustration and tried to ease it. I looked up at him and I smiled back. The rest of the ride was quiet, I had many questions but I didn't wanted to disturb them, especially the blonde one. Soon we arrived at the mansion, it was just and grandiose as they showed on TV but even prettier and more elegant in reality. It was a warm cream-colored with white sparkling in the sunlight and golden frames at the arcades windows, we entered the golden gates and soon stopped in the front of the few stairs of the main golden doors guarded by 2 other angels with spears , they were wearing something similar to armors but easier to move in the 2 other angels went off the car and the brunette kep the door open for me, he even held out his hand to me and I took it shyly i felt like maybe I should have wore something more fit for such an occasion but how was I supposed to know I'll be taken here today? They let me walk forward while they followed close behind at my sides, once we reached the main doors the 2 angels opener them for us and I walked in. The decor was elegant and mesmerizing, sparkling white walls with some golden wallpaper who went up a third of their length. A nice crystal chandelier with elegant and luxurius portraits and paintings on the walls giving them more personality and color and also precious vases and candles in precious metals supports on the delicate tables with deer legs and pretty sculptures. It was fit for royalty and i felt so not in my place among those expensive things. There were guards at each door just looking at us as we passed by, all the attention made me feel so small and shy and I just wanted to hide. We walked through the hallways and i admired the mesmerizing pieces I saw on our way until we stopped in front of a room with double doors, it looked like carved cherry wood, carved with stars and some lotus flowers, roses and lilies. They opened the doors for me, they opened outside towards us, and said that he's waiting for me inside. I took a deep breath and entered whole they closed the doors behind me, the room was big and round with tall windows, there was a golden long rug from the door to the end of the room where I was a throne like chair with tall rounded back sculpted with stars and a velvety golden pillow with white stars on it, the room was majestic with more paintings on the walls they seemed painted with skill and patience, some tall support wavy poles made of wood with beautiful engravings and vases with flowers on them. Then in all this mesmerizing room I saw the silhouette of a man facing a window with his back at me, he was wearing a long white robe this time with golden on the collar, sleeves and the edges also with a golden material on the waist. He was tall with curly blonde hair sparking like the sunlight in the sun rises. 


 I stopped a few feet away from the entrance waiting until I decided to get his attention by asking him:

 - Did you wanted to see me? 

 I was very nervous but I tried my best to keep my composure. 

 He turned around to face me and came closer, I felt my heart beating fast as he approached but kept my cool, as he was coming closer and I've meet his eyes suddenly a wave of familiarity washed over me as i recognized him being the gentleman from yesterday. I was so shocked when he stopped in front of me that I couldn't muster any other words as realization sinked in.

 - Yes indeed I've sent for you as i did wanted to see you. 

 He said in his polite and friendly tone while smiling sweetly at me. I kept staring at him wondering if all this is in fact real or just a weird twisted dream my mind came up with. He seemed to noticed my astonishment and chuckled, his chuckle was very cute and sweet and brought me out of my daze and blinked a few times. 

- A pleasure to meet you again miss Harmony Rose

 He said when I kept silent and my eyes went wide in shock

- How do you know my complete name? I havent mentioned it to you! You, you're the gentleman from last night!

I said stuttering, I don't usually stutter but now I was in complete shock. He smiled even sweeter to me and said with a wink: 

- I have my ways and yes you're correct. 

- Y-you are the Lord? The Angel Lord?

I said still dumbfounded, I just couldn't believe it, it was not possible! He chuckled softly once again and answered as it was nothing impressive:

- Yes thats me but I'm no ordinary angel my dear, my apologies as I didn't had the chance to introduce myself properly the day before, my name is Gabriel.

-Gabriel? Like that Gabriel? The Archangel Gabriel??

I said as I gasped getting even more nervous while he chuckled amused by my reaction 

- Yes indeed the one and only!

He said simply with his sweet friendly smile. At that moment I averted my gaze to the floor blushing nervously. I didn't even know how I was supposed to talk with an Archangel as it is known they hold so much authority and power. 

- I just I well I don't know how I'm supposed to adress to an Archangel?

 I asked stuttering once again at which he put his hand on my shoulder and made me look at him, he was clearly amused but not offended at all.

- You don't have to worry about it just adress me as you did until now.

I looked deep into his eyes, I felt like I could stare in them forever and let myself drown in his Sapphire eyes, I felt my cheeks warming up and the tingles didn't helped at all so i made a step back freeing myself from his hold and mesmerizing eyes but the moment I freed myself I felt a weird longing and something pulling me back to his touch, it was weird it never happened to me before. I cleared my throat and looked at him with a new found calm:

- I'll try

He seemed a little disappointed the moment I stepped away from him but it fade away very fast and his expression was once again warm. 

- So why would Gabriel the Archangel in person want to see me? 

I said trying to change the subject and find out some answers. He looked at me and smiled sweetly again:

- First of all I want to thank you for helping me the day before, I didn't had the chance to thank you properly as when I turned around you have already vanished. Also you have healing abilities if I recall well, is that correct?

- Yes that's correct and no problem you've protected me so I only see it fair 

I said calmly

- Besides thanking you there's another reason why I called you here, you see you have something that I need and i think we can help each other.

He said turning around and making a step forward while I watched him confused

- What do you mean?

I couldn't help but ask, he stopped and turned to face me once again making another aștept towards me and leaning to my eye level.

- As you noticed there are malevolent creatures lurking in the dark and showing themselves a lot lately, unfortunately I can't heal fast enough if im badly wounded like the day before and that's where you came into place, you can help me with your healing abilities and I can grant you protection in return. 

 He said in a matter of fact while I looked at him unconvinced, I was pretty sure he'll be fine without my help plus I was a strong girl I could handle myself. 

- So you just need my powers 

I stated also in a matter of fact tone.

- Well you're also very intriguing and I was wondering if you'd like to be my pet?

Pet? He didn't just called me that. My eyes widened in surprise at his question and I felt the anger building inside of my very being and rising to surface as I couldn't help the next words that came out of my mouth:

- A PET?! Do I look like a cat or a puppy to you!?

He seemed taken aback by my sudden outburst and I continued:

- Do i look like a cat or a puppy you can put a leash on and parade it around? A toy you can use and toss away? Do you even know what that means!?

- Well I suppose...

He tried to speak but i cut him off:

- When you are using the word "pet" to a adress a human being that means you're not seeing them as an equal but a low station, a toy, a puppet you can use as you please then threw it away when it doesn't serve you anymore! It means you can control each and every move they make, what they wear, where are they going, what they even eat! Well sorry to inform you but I'm no ones pet! I'm a free person and I'm not going to help you! I start to even regret that I healed you! Don't even bother to contact me ever again!

I threw the words at him and stormed away pushing the doors open and quickening my steps to get out, I wanted out and far away from this place. The 2 angels that accompanied me on the way here were stunned by my sudden reaction but I didn't cared anymore I was angry and upset. On my way out I didn't even stopped to admire the wonderful place anymore and when I finally reached the main entrance and i was about to step on the first step I felt someone catch my hand and I snapped my attention in his direction, it was the brunette angel with a concerned look. 

- Is everything alright miss Harmony?

He asked concerned

Gabriel POV 

 I stood there frozen for a few moments I didn't realized how offensive that sounded for humans, I did not meant to upset nor offend her in any way and I needed to find her before she leaves to clear this misunderstanding. I came back to my senses and went into the direction she took quickened my step to reach her as fast as possible and when i did arrived at the main entrance It was the moment she pulled her hand from Lucas grip who seemed to have asked her something at which she snapped at him:

- Alright?ALRIGHT? Tell me do I look like a pet to you!?

Poor Lucas looked at her in astonishment seeming at a loss of words then I noticed her taking a deep breath and saying in a much calmer manner now:

- Sorry, I'm sorry I shouldn't have took it out on you. Is not your fault.

Lucas let out a sigh of relief and recomposed himself, when I approached but the moment she saw me she turned cold and turned her back. 

- If that's all and I'm pretty sure there's nothing else to discuss about I'd like to leave now.

She said preparing to go down the stairs when I decided to lighten up the situation a little:

- Are you gonna walk all the way there?

She snapped her attention to me with a determined expression and answered coldly:

- So what if I do? I don't mind walking all the way there if that means I can get as far as possible from this place and you.

My heart ached hearing her say that but I was determined to make it right. So I sighed and told her in my warm and friendly tone:

- I can't let you do that

She was about to protest but I continued:

- Is not safe and you know that very well

Letting no way of arguments then i motioned towards the car that was parked a little on the side and I said firmly:

- Please enter the car

She stared at me angrily but as I wasn't moved by her expression she sighed and obeyed. She went down the stars, opened the door herself and entered in the back of the car as I followed her. 

Rose POV 

I entered the car and closed the door waiting to get away I didn't like that he was right It was dangerous and it was also quite a lot to walk to the restaurant, the owner wouldn't be happy, I was sure he's gonna be already pissed that I left my post. As I was waiting after a few moments the door to my right side opened and the Lord himself entered. I felt my anger boiling again I didn't wanted to see him let alone being stuck with him in the car for the ride. 

- What are you doing here?

I asked him quite annoyed. 

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