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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : For Hope Burn Bright!

(MC pov)

Looking at the super heroes conversing with me and Jessica was a bit surreal for me. I think that before today, I never really acknowledge the fact that I was indeed in another world. A world different from mine.

But with how irritating Tony Stark was, it was very difficult for me to still think of him as a mere fiction character. But fortunately I didn't have to think to much of for now, because we had bigger problems. Like an alien invasion ongoing.

From the portal, we could see more Chitauris than earlier getting out, with 5 Leviathans following behind.

To be honest after seeing that unending army, I could somewhat understand why the Council wanted to nuke the place. Even though I don't think it would have change anything.

But that army of Chitauri that keep coming without end did struck my confidence a little bit. I now wonder how they even won in the first place with only 6 people.

[I don't think, this is the right place to have a crisis of confidence. You have to remember that even though the Ring can strengthen your willpower to a certain extent, there's a limit to it. So don't waver and focus!]

Yes, Ion was right. I couldn't afford to hesitate right now. Even though I already died once, I didn't even remembered how. So there was still very afraid of that. Especially when I know that the only reason I was sent here was because of a mistake from the higher up. Meaning I will never be able to reincarnated or transmigrate again.

'Sorry Ion. You're right, I shouldn't think negatively right now.'

[Yes you shouldn't. Now focus your teammate is talking.]

Refocusing on the present, indeed, the Captain start to assign us our task for the upcoming battle.

"Alright listen up. Until we can that portal, we need to avoid spreading the battle and contain the enemy. This will be our priority number one for now. I will talk to the authorities later to help in that regard. I the meantime, Barton : we need you on the roof. You'll be our eyes and ear for anything."

Receiving a nod from Hawkeye, the Captain first looked at me hesitantly before turning to Tony and Jessica .

"Wonder Woman, Stark. I want you on the perimeter, everything that goes more than three block out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash."

"Well, that will be a little bit difficult because I just learn how fly. But, I won't refuse orders given by the famous Captain America. At worse I would just jump." Said Jessica. Complaining like usual. But she still did as told, after taking an earbud from Natasha. But not before looking at me worriedly.

"Don't worry I'll be fine. Contrary to you, I can fly just fine." I said trying to rasure her. To which she responded with a snort of her own before jumping away. Not forget to snipe back at me.

"But I can still beat you with a single punch midget!"

While rolling my eyes at that comment, Ironman also flew away with Hawkeye in his arm. Turning my head, I saw the Captain staring at me again, but just like before he still turn his head to face Thor. Asking the latter to slow down the Chitauri invasion by blocking the portal.

Then after asking to Smash the aliens away (which he did happily), only us three were left.

"Romanoff, you and me will stay on ground. Lets try to attract the most we can here." He finish, before seemingly concentrating on the Chitauris. Who were still miles away from us.

Obviously I could see his intention on not making me participate in this war, but unfortunately, now that I made the oath, that option was out for me. So I couldn't let him ignore me.

"What about me, Captain?" I asked loudly.

Forcing him to look at me.

"You.." Look at his hesitant eyes, I could see how much he didn't want it a kid like me to participate in the fight, but he also knew that he couldn't make me quit. So after some internal struggle, he finally relent.

"Well, Green Lantern there's still many civilians in the containment zone in danger. I want you to protect them and bring them outside safely."

...well this was clearly the safest job, because I just had to take away the civilians and fly away directly to the safe zone. But it was obviously the only assignment the Captain would give me. So I took it happily.

After nodding at the Captain and Natasha, I flew away towards on my duty.

...And I didn't even had to look far. Only three buildings away from us, there was a young teenage girl with with sliver hair, hiding behind a broken.

But when I spot her, I also spot another thing. Debris from the building above her head were falling on her.

Seeing this, I wanted to create a dome to protect her, but at this time, someone step out before me.

The individual, in complete white bodysuit suit appears like a ghost by traversing the walls near the little girl. Then rudely carried her with her hand, but watching their speed, I knew that the white suited guy wouldn't be able to avoid all those debris with the girl in her arm. So I decided to intervene.

In an instant, I create a big classic roof above them, deflecting the trajectory of the debris, while I rush to their location.

What I thankful for was that those debris were quite small, so after they all fell, and I removed the construct, they had no problem in walking away.

After making sure that the girl was okay by scanning her with the Ring, I focus myself on the other person. The latter also sizing me up.

To be honest even though I knew that I was in the marvel universe, it was still a bit weird to see someone in the street dressing like that guy in front of me. He was wearing a white colored full bodysuit without any dead end. As for the mask on head, the only distinct feature was the four red Pinhole of different size.

'Maybe he has four eyes? Who knows? Ring, scan that guy for me.'

Seeing the green light on him, the white mask guy first tensed up before relaxing after seeing that it didn't do anything to him. But still asked with a weird glitch voice.

"What did you do?"

Feeling that he was a good person, I didn't see any harm in telling him.

"I just scan for injuries, and while my Ring didn't detected any injuries you are sick...What the fu*k is a quantum destabilization?!"

God, I knew that there should be some weird Illness, in Marvel, because well it's marvel. But quantum destabilization? That practically sounds like a made up illness from fictions.

'Ring, isn't the quantum word some thing that is found in sci-fi series? What's going on with that guy?'

[The human girl is currently quantumly instable. This is case commonly found when an individual absorb quantum energy without any precaution and manage to survive from that. Due to the quantum energy present in her body, all her molecules are instable. With some, randomly separating from her body for a moment before coming back, to others getting bigger or smaller from time to time due to the quantum energy. If the processus continue her molecules will all separate themselves definitely, which will kill her. And while she's currently wearing a suit that slowdown the processus by stabilizing some of her molecular, it can't stop the ending.]

...That was a horrible news I just heard right here.

'Is there a way to actually save him- I mean her?'

[There is 14 ways found inside the Ring database. And only 2 available option due to the lack of materials or insufficient Willpower.]

'...mmh, well if there's a solution, then it's okay.'

Refocusing on the masked girl that still didn't say anything to me after her question, I annonced her my finding.

"well, I won't go to detail on what quantum instability is, because if you wear that armor, then you should know a thing or two about it. But your suit while it seems like it stabilize your body, in fact it can only slow down your illness." I explained to her to which she startle me by answering.

"I know. But that's the only thing that can keep me alive." The without waiting for another reply she walked away.

Watching her, get away, I hesitate for a moment whether or not I should intervene on this, because her quantum problems sounds like the origin story of a vilain or a hero. But whether it's one or the other, in any case it's sound like a very troublesome will happen if I meddle in her businesses.

[Host, must I make you remember the oath you took just a few minutes ago?]

'Aaargh! Stupid oath!' I cursed internally.

'Wait quantum girl! I can heal you!" I shout at her. And to my surprise she stopped. And after half a second she spoke.

"How? You didn't even know what was quantum destabilization two minutes ago. So how can you heal me?"

Knowing that it my only chance to make her trust me, I told hrmer the truth.

"Well I, myself can't. But my powers can do it without a problem, even though it may take a year or two before being completely cured, because my powers are still too weak."

And other silence before she ask.

"What do you want in exchange?"

This one was very easy to answer.

"I want you to help me in saving the civilians. With your phasing power plus my construct, it will be easier to find any civil in danger."

After another Half beat the girl finally answer positively as she starts to walk ahead. Putting a smile on my face, I followed her with other girl on my over board construct as I chase after the quantum girl.

"If you lied about healing me, superhero or not, I'm gonna kill you after all of this is over."

"Don't worry, I always keep my promises." I replied back.

And this is how I found myself a sidekick in my quest of saving the New Yorkers.

After three to four rescues, we successfully arranged a functional partnership. While I patrol in the open street, Ghost (yes that was her actual code name. Who knew?) on the contrary patrol inside all the crumbled building and house to search for any people still alive.

This system allowed us to get more efficient in our work, but even then, our work didn't lessen. Because after 40 minutes or so of rescue and fighting, while newly rested enemies keep coming, we, on the other hand didn't have the luxury of changing our players.

And as my powers stand not only on my willpower, but also on my focus, as tiredness cames, it also affected my powers.

{"This is really an unending task. I've only been a hero for an hour and I already hate it. I really admire people like you who does this every days. Because after saving so many people I'm even starting to ask myself if there's any point in doing this."} Complained Ghost through the general communication channel.

While nobody voiced it out, surely to busy in their own fight, but I was sure that many of us also think the same. And while all of us knew how to resolve our problems, but unfortunately...

{"Unfortunately while I know how to end your problem in theory, but our 'big guns' weren't able to close that portal. So until we find a better plan, we'll have to keep going like that."} Replied the Captain.

{"The I really hope you get this new plan soon, because I'm starting lose control over my powers. I really want to kill the guy who opened that damn portal!"} Cursed ghost.

{"Yeah? Well get in line. Him and I still have some unfinished business"} Replied back Barton.

While those little banters were able to keep us going, for the moment, it wouldn't last.

'If only I could remember How Natasha closed that portal! Ghost is right, damn Loki! That mind controlling bast-...!' I remembered!

The scepter!

"THE SCEPTER !" I shout loudly.

{"What about it?"} Asked Hawkeye with concern filled in his voice.

"I...My Ring has been analyzing the structure of the shield protecting the Cube, all this time to find it weakness."

While I was lying to explain my knowledge, I mentally slapped my face because, indeed, my Ring could have done that from the start. And I'm sure it wouldn't have taken so much time.

"The Ring told me that the shield pulls its energy from the cube, and only something with an equal power could break it. And Loki scepter has that kind of power." I explain quickly.

{"Of course that guy would have the key to his damn machine. Jarvis search that green reindeer for me"} Complain casually Tony, while I working at the same time.

{"You heard the news. Our new priority is to find Loki and his scepter. If any of you find Loki, just secure the scepter while the rest of us will protect you so you can finally close the portal."} Said the Captain seriously.

{"Roger to that."} Joked Tony which prompt a rolling eye from me.

But now that I knew how to end this, some of spirit came back. And with great concentration, I called upon the power of Ring to scan over the entire the city, creating a flash of green light all over Manhattan. With one objective : finding Loki.

Perhaps because I was very eager to accomplish my goal, my Willpower suddenly skyrocket as I start my scanning. And in just a few seconds I found him. Honestly I was surprised that it was so easy to do so. I would have thought that Loki would hide over some kind of illusion.

[In fact he did hide under some enchantment. But because your strong intent in finding him, you were able to get past his magic and find him. Don't think that the power of willpower only consist in creating some constructs. That only the basic thing. The true power of the Willpower is to use your will to overcome all other powers to then be able to anything. In other words you use your intent to dominate over everything. Even death and reality.]

That... Was another shocking news that, I was I would never be able to use. Because I was still self aware : as a normal human, it was obliviously impossible for me to reach such height in willpower. I don't think even Luffy could.

So after throwing away that powerful but useless knowledge, I went to Loki's last location. And I arrived just in time to see Loki get on the flying alien motorcycle.

"I have eyes on Loki, he's going toward Barton location from the south. I will try to bait him to get near the tower." I said through the comms. Because to tell the truth, I wasn't very sure in taking on the guy. After all he the final boss of the first Avengers movie.

{"I'm coming to you."} Said Jessica after hearing my notice. While the other acknowledged my plan.

So after some mental preparation, I accelerate toward Loki. But for my plan to work, I had to make seem like I didn't see him.

So taking advantage of the buildings around to serve as a cover I quickly overtake him. Next, to not blow my cover, I start to shoot at the Chitauris near me while making as much noise as I could. Waiting for

{"Ed, he's on you."} Remind me Jessica who was obviously near me if she could know that.

"Okay, I'm heading to the tower." With that said, I start to fly toward Stark Tower, still feigning to have no knowledge over the a wild Loki tailing me.



Well, that was until he actually start to shoot at me. One his laser actually successfully touch his target, which almost made crashed on a building due to the impact. Which really angered me.

But remembering that I more important priorities right now, I just retaliate with some random laser on my own while throwing at him a nasty glare, before 'fleeing'.

Arriving near Stark Tower, I remind Hawkeye.

"Hawkeye, we're here!"

{"Don't worry. I see you."} Replied Hawkeye calmly.

As if it was some kind of signal, I turned my head, just to see Loki catching Hawkeye's arrow. I even see his smug face as he smirk at the latter. Just to be blown away by the exploding arrow.

"Well, shit." I said unconsciously because I saw Loki crashing into the Stark Tower without the scepter in hand.

Fortunately Natasha who was flying on an alien flying thing, was near Loki when he was sent flying. So with quick reflex, she catch the flying scepter in the air.

{"I have the scepter!"} She said triumphantly.

{"The get to the tower princess, I will cover your ass."} Replied Jessica as I saw her crashing into Loki who just got up. The hit was powerful enough to make him fly through the window, the room inside the building and then the second window. Just to be 'caught' by a wild Hulk, how throw him back to the room.

'I think, I'm starting to pity the guy a little bit.' I thought, while praying internally for the guy.

Because I could already forsee, that having a Hulk and Jessica double team you wasn't something you could just brush off. But at the time I was reassured that with those two, Loki shouldn't be able to do anything for a while.

Seeing that the victory was within our grasp, I inadvertently drop my guard. Which caused some Chitauri to succeed in their sneak attack.




This time I wasn't able to avoid crashing into a building. Fortunately though I crashed through a window and not the wall.

But bad news I was hurt. Looking down, I saw that the green energy that was protecting me and allow me to fly had disappeared. Which also explained why a piece of glass manage pierce my tight.

The wound didn't seem to be really serious, but what it imply was. After taking out the piece of glass like a man (hum!), I tried to reactivate the protecting energy, but it took me three tries before I succeed in this endeavor.

And what's more worrying, is that I had some light dizziness after succeeding.

'Ion, what's going on? Why do I feel so..'

[Tired? Well that's normal. To be honest with I'm impress that you hold on for so long when it's your first use of the Ring.]

'My first use? I had be using that Ring for a year now.'

I reply a bit confused while fighting off the three Chitauri who chase after me.

[While it's true that you've been using the Ring for a year, but you've never really Used it! At least not for so long to do so many 'big' things, and certainly not while fighting.

You don't know, but while in theory your willpower is infinite and only the intensity of it decide on its power, but in practice it's not that simple.

Your not me, the embodiment of Will, so you can't use directly your willpower to do all those things, but you use the Ring to do it. But even the Ring can connect directly to your willpower because humans and people in general have more than one emotional spectrum. So instead it connects with you through your spirit. And through your spirit it can use your Will.

So in fact it thanks to your spiritual energy that you can mobilize your willpower and use it by connecting it to the Ring.

Otherwise why do you think you have to focus hard whenever you use the Ring? But, contrary to your willpower, your spiritual energy isn't unlimited. Especially so when your a normal human and never practiced any kind of mystical energy before.]

After understanding better how the Ring, I had another important following question.

'What happened when my spiritual energy bottom out?'

[...It generally never happen, because your body will forced itself to enter into a coma, so you can recuperate. But, if it does happen... Well, you die.]

...That wasn't ominous at all.

Doing a rapid self check, I estimate that as long as I stop lasering around and focus more on little but useful constructs, I should be able to last for a while.

Following this plan, I start to deal with the 3 Chitauris with small knife flying at an incredible speed to their head. Too fast to react, they all dropped dead.

After repeating the plan in my head, I went to the battle once again. Promising myself to fight more smartly.

Unfortunately that plan went through the gutter after seeing a rapidly falling Iron Man with many Chitauris above giving the chase. Focus most of my will on my speed I quickly catch up the man who was 'flying' awkwardly in the air.

"Well, hello there." I said after catching him by the arm.

"General Kenobi, thanks for the help. You wouldn't happen to have some reparo spell, would you?" Joked Tony while I let him land near Thor and the Captain.

Taking a look at his feet, I noticed that both of his had been struck. Moreover one of them, still had some piece of metals stuck inside.

"The force isn't magic. I replied after landing before focusing on the fight once again.

"What to you Stark?" Asked the Captain while eying his feet.

"Bad luck." Replied Tony while sighing. Before changing subjects. "Natasha, how is it going?"

{"Doctor Selving is almost finish."}

"Finally a good news." I said sighing heavily.

But as to mock me, I suddenly feel someone trying to pirate the private channel of our coms. As for how I could feel it? Because I didn't have comms, the willpower energy around me had also the communication functions.

{"Krrzz... Tony, can you hear me? You have nuke heading your way."}

....what!? How could I forget that part?

"How long?" Replied Tony.

{"Three minutes max! I don't need to tell you what happen it hit right?"}

"Don't worry, I've got this." Ironman replied confidently.

But looking at the thrusters on his legs, I knew that whatever plan he was trying to come up with, would be extremely risky.

So I had to act faster than he could finish his plan.

"Leave that missile to me, you can't fly anymore." The without waiting for an answer, I flew away.

But while looked confident on the surface, internally, I was scared to death!

'Ion, I can survive in space right?'

[Yes of course, as long as your protective barrier is on, you survive in almost all environments. But hos- Edward, if we follow your plan, you may still die in space. I don't think that you have enough spiritual energy to pull that off.]

'Weren't you the one who told me that as long as my Willpower is strong enough I could do anything?'

[Sigh...Yes, but the stronger the Willpower, the more spiritual energy you will use. And you don't have that many.]

Well I guessed it, but it was that, or I die anyway. So may as well try it.

Focusing all my Willpower I asked for the ring to search for the missile. Because I didn't have Tony super technological means, that the only way I could do it. So for the third time today, New York saw a green transparent wave sweep through them. But this time this wave didn't stop to the border of Manhattan, but encompass all New York and continue to spread until, finally I found my target.

Withdrawing the large scan. I shift my will to my speed and flight ability and rush towards my objective with great focus.

I was so focused, that I almost missed when Natasha told us that she could close the portal.

{"Close it!"} Ordered Steve.

"{" NO! "}" Both Tony and me said at the same time.

"Captain we can't close it yet, there's nuke rushing to the city. And we can't let it blow out here." I explained, but I didn't have to finish my explanation, because all of them understood what I meant.

{"Wait, NO! Edward don't do this! It's too dangerous! Let me come instead!"} Shout Jessica hysterically through the comms.

Honestly it warm my heart greatly, to see that have someone that care about me in this foreign world.

"Well, don't worry Jessie. The Ring can help me breath in the space. So as long as I still have it in my finger, I won't die. Besides... It's too late."

In front of me stood my greatest enemy to date : a nuclear missile!

Honestly I don't know I was thinking before volunteering, but after getting near the nuke, I immediately encountered two major problems.

One of them, was the speed at which the missile was going. Much faster than my usual speed, but this was expected by me. And this was also why I wasn't sure about having enough spiritual energy.

But I wasn't expecting the second problem : the force! Or more exactly the strength nuke created with the help of its weight plus the speed. To be honest in my memories, Tony didn't seem to have really struggle to control the nukes direction. Which is why I overlooked this point. But in fact the reason didn't had much problem in this particular point should be because the armor gave him the strength to do it. But I didn't possess that.

'Which mean that I will have to use more willpower if I want to send this missile away. That's really troublesome.'

But while I could complain freely, the job had to be done. So without any hesitation, I put myself under the missile and start to guide it through the city with my hands above clamping to it, so that it could reach the destination safely.

But I quickly find out, that this method couldn't work. Because I was losing my spiritual energy too fast and I was still nowhere near the portal yet. Thinking quickly of a solution, I decided to try a risky move.

'Focus and Willpower. As long as I have enough will, I can do anything.'

Concentrating, I will the green energy to envelope the nuke too.

"In Brightest Day"

And then I start to accelerate!

"In Blackest Night"

And accelerate!

"No Evil Shall Escape My Sight"

Seeing the portal, I accelerate towards it.

"Let Those Who Worship Evils Might"

Many Flying Chitauris spotted me, and start shoot at me, and while I and the nuke were under the protection of my barrier, my spiritual energy was almost at the limit.

"Beware My Power"

But it didn't matter anymore...

"Green Lantern's LIGHT!"

...because I passed through the portal.

Letting go of the the missile after adjusting the trajectory, I just had the time to see it collide with the mother ship before I felt the barrier around me disappearing quickly.

Without a second thought, I quickly turn back as I tried to maintain the barrier for as long as I could. Which was not very easy when all my body was screaming to go to sleep at the same time.

But fortunately, just as the barrier completely disappeared, my body passed through the portal. At the same time, my body couldn't take it anymore, and I passed out.


(3rd pov)

A few seconds before seconds before Eric passed through the portals, the other heroes while still fighting bravely, weren't faring great either.

Hulk, who after playing with Loki for a while went to help his friends by smashing many Chitauri. The latters who considered him as the greatest threat, united to take care of him.

On the other hand, Barton, who after jumping off 'perch' to try to save the Ghost from some Chitauri was now also in a bad posture, because he run out of arrows. And Ghost who couldn't use her powers anymore, was now on the ground because of quantum seizure, had to watch helplessly as the Chitauri closed on her while Barton overwhelm tried, by couldn't get close to save her.

Farther away, the the trio composed of Iron Man, Captain America and Thor were also on their last straw. As their tiredness catch up, they made more and more mistakes which almost cost their lives many times. It was only a question of time before one of them make a fatal mistake.

Of all the Avengers present, only the Black Widow was still somehow okay. Because Jessica Jones was covering for her to prevent any enemy from getting close to sabotage their only chance to win this war. But even for Wonder Woman, it was difficult to do so without dying.

To be honest, it all seems like the Avengers would lose the next second. But fortunately for them, while something did came. It wasn't despair, it was hope. A hope in a green light form!

As Edward come back with the missile on his back, his will, while not spreading, could be feel by every people present in the center of Manhattan.

That will only had one intention :Ending this was by annihilating the entire Chitauri race in one strike!

While the Chitauri couldn't understand why they could understand the intention of the green hero, they could! And now that they knew, they decided to deal with this threat.

So in an instant, most of the flying Chitauri start to gather toward the portal while shooting t the threat in green. But unfortunately for them, it didn't seem to work as the Green Lantern successfully passed through the portal. And not a second later, all Chitauris on earth, crumble like a castle made of cards blown away by the wind.

Watching the Chitauris that going to kill her, drop dead. Ghost couldn't help but laughed out of relief. Because she understood, they have won!

And she wasn't the only one happy , after the Captain and Jessica saw that the Green Lantern did indeed come back like he said he would they both smile.

"Romanoff, close the portal."

Without having to be told twice, Natasha stabbed the scepter through the energy shield and peirce the device. Which shut down the portal immediately.

But while they looked happily as the portal close, Tony, who was still looking at the boy immediately notice something wrong.

"Something's wrong... Boy can you hear me? Boy? Green Lantern?!" The shout of Tony immediately became the focus of the group as they watch the Green Lantern fall without answering. They quickly came to the conclusion that something happened to him.

Without hesitation, Wonder Woman flew towards towards the boy faster than she was ever able to during the war and catch him in the air.

After catching him in her arms she didn't wast time and start to check his condition, only then did she let out a breath of relief.

"It's okay, he's only out due tiredness." She said to the group relieving them of their worry.

"Well I don't know about you guys, but I won't come tomorrow. I may take a day, or even two." Said Tony while sitting on the ground.

"Same. But I'm a little bit hungry right now. So I think I'll eat then go to sleep." Agreed Jessica as she joined him.

"Have you heard of Shawarma? I don't know what it's is but I want to try it. there's one two blocks from here. Let's go there after a small break." Proposed Stark, but the God of Thunder wasn't of the same Opinion.

"We're not finish yet." He pointed out while looking at the Stark Tower.

"And then Shawarma after?"


In a devastated Room inside the Stark Tower, a defeated just woke up from a trauma that will haunt him for a long time.

As he regain consciousness, he tried somehow as every part of his body hurt, to stand up. But as he was going to take his hand to help him in this endeavor, he suddenly notice something and turn his head.

In front of him, the 8th heroes that he at first look down on, now stood proudly as the winner with their arms ready to be lunch on him. While he, the loser had to watch them take their prize : him and do whatever they wanted to do with him.

"If... It's all the same to you." Start Loki with a tired look.

"I'll have that drink now."

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