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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Either use the balls or lose them both

"Lyra, Lets talk things out? I am sure there is a better alternative than this." 

On the bed, he lay utterly immobilized - arms and legs bound to the sturdy wooden frame with coarse rope. Nox watched helplessly as Lyra strode purposefully around the room, gathering implements and arranging them with unsettling precision on a small tray.

Just a while ago, Lyra tried to get hold of him in order to start with neuter– I mean cut off his jewels. Though he had struggled with all his might, he was no match for her freakish strength. Now, tied fast to the bed frame, all notions of escape faded as Lyra sharpened her knife.

She is indeed a freak!

Should I just give up? Hell no!

His gaze darted down involuntarily, protectiveness flaring. No way was he letting this frosty fembot anywhere near the family jewels.

'I must get out of the situation. There is no way I would lose my balls, the first day after the transmigration.'

"Lyra, stop right there. Let's not be impulsive. I know we can find a reasonable compromise," Nox injected as much calm into his voice as he could muster. "There will be no snipping, clipping, or cutting of any kind!"

"I rather like that part of my anatomy attached. So let's discuss some other solution." 

"I've already given you two options: allow me to take your virginity or submit to neutering. Either way, I gain valuable experience. Both are equally acceptable to me."" Lyra stated while wearing white gloves in both of her hands. 

Nox felt faint headed after listening to her reply. This woman is goddamn annoying and willful too. 

"But what you are doing is against the law!" Nox tried another approach, desperate appeals to legality. "If you try to perform surgery on me without my consent then that would be assault!"

"You don't want to get entangled with the authorities, do you?" he pleaded. "It would be a ridiculous waste of time. You might even miss important lectures."

Lyra paused, her expressionless face considering. Nox's heart leaped. 'It's working!'

"What you said is right... It can indeed get a little troublesome...." Lyra said slowly, her expressionless face betraying no hint of emotion.

Nox felt his heart swell with relief. Finally, his appeals to reason had gotten through!

"But whatever. I would pay the fine for this. You are losing nothing valuable anyway. So fine should be a small amount, At most I would skip my lunch for two days." Lyra muttered to herself but her words caused Nox's smile to freeze

P-Pay fine?

Skip lunch? For two days?

What kind of bizarre world have I woken up to?

'Since when did skipping lunch make snipping a guy's balls seem like no big deal? What is wrong with this place?'

With a growing sense of dread, Nox realized that applying morality and legality would have zero effect on this damn cyborg. Because laws of this world are f*cked up and this cyborg clearly operated by her own twisted code.


"H-hey.. What are you doing?" Nox saw Lyra reaching out towards his pants and started panicking. 

"I would think that rather self-evident," she stated flatly. "I am preparing to commence the neutering procedure, as we previously discussed."

Returning her gaze to the task at hand, Lyra grasped the button firmly and gave a small tug. Nox heard the faint clink of metal as the first barrier parted.

"As the surgical target area is located within your pants, their removal is a required first step."


"W-wait, Lyra! Let's not be too hasty here!" Nox stammered, his voice rising in pitch with alarm.

He yanked futilely at the ropes binding his wrists as Lyra's fingers grasped his trousers.

"Please do try to remain calm," Lyra said evenly, not looking up. "Excess movement and anxiety will only complicate matters."

"Honestly now, there is no cause for distress. My skills are quite sufficient to ensure a relatively painless process." Lyra's words hit like a punch to Nox's gut. Remain calm?

Remain calm? Under these conditions? Was she serious?! Her indifference to his distress punctured Nox's psyche like an icy dagger.

"Alright! You win! How about this? Let's do the virginity clearance thing. I think that option is much better…." Nox gave up, he can't deal with psycho-yet-strong-woman. 

'Morals be damned - no principles mattered if he couldn't guard the family jewels. He had to survive first.'

Lyra frowned hearing this, as she looked at him and said, "Can you stop being so indecisive? Choose one of them and stick to the end with it. You are wasting my time by being so indecisive"


"You're the one who tied me up and is now forcing me to choose between two insane options without any regard for basic morality or consent!"

Nox mouth twitched in anger, If not for the fact that he is powerless against this woman he would have given her a good smack. 

'It either I use balls or lose balls… And I think using them is a much better option…' Nox thought to himself bitterly.

"Rather than Virginity clearance I have a better option …"

Nox took a deep breath, steeling himself. "What if I could provide you a...glimpse into the reasoning behind your mother's words?"

Lyra paused, her hands stilling on the waistband of his trousers. Her head tilted infinitesimally, crystalline eyes narrowing in interest, "Go on."

Seeing that she was interested, Nox hurriedly continued, "You know, Uh.. The primal process is a long process, After all it needs both physical and emotional and physical investment. The physical act alone fails to convey the layered intricacies. True intimacy demands mental and spiritual bonding between partners in the proper settings. Without that foundation, your conclusions would be flawed."

"But emotional investment would not only take a long time but … It needs the right person, right place too…. And in the end there is a possibility that you would find it disinteresting and you would have wasted a lot of time and energy, which you would have utilized to study something. Am I right?" Nox feels like he is using 100% of his brain power right now to persuade this woman. Never in a thousand years did he expect to be passionately explaining concepts of love to someone. 

Lyra was silent for a long moment, her gaze boring into his with unnerving intensity, then she gave a single, measured nod apparently agreeing with him. 

"So I have a middle ground that's good for both of us… Like I said, I would show you a glimpse of the physical aspect of the process. If you like that then it means it's worth your time to study this."

"And in case, You don't like it…" Nox opened his dry lips and said, "Then there is no point investigating more. Because it means your idea is right, and there is no point researching any further. Then we call this whole thing off. No more 'virginity clearance' or...ball removals. You simply attend your lecture and I will live my life in my own way."

"What do you think of this suggestion?" After saying all this, Nox remained silent and waited for the decision. This is his last ditch effort to help her out of kindness. After all, maybe this world's rules and values are twisted but he doesn't like the idea of agreeing to have sex with her just because of it.

Nox with a calm face looked at Lyra silently and waited for her judgment and Lyra was also looking at him with a look of contemplation. 

"Very well," After thinking for a while Lyra replied evenly. "I am amenable to this compromise but if any of your words are false then I would be removing this."

Saying this she pointed at his crotch which sent chills down to Nox's spine.

"Yes, Don't worry. I would not lie to you." Nox said with a confident look on his face. 


Nox watched intently as Lyra deftly cut through the bindings, freeing his arms and legs. With each rope severed, he felt the tension in his muscles ease, and he flexed his limbs experimentally once he was fully released.

"Thank-you!" Once free, Nox sat up slowly, rubbing his wrists where the ropes had left slight indentations. He glanced at Lyra in lab coat, who had taken a seat beside him on the bed.

Lyra regarded him thoughtfully for a moment before speaking. "Now, we proceed with our agreement," she said, her voice steady. "You will provide me with a glimpse into the Physical aspect of the process, as we discussed."

Clearing his throat, Nox turned to face Lyra, his gaze meeting hers. "Alright, Lyra, the glimpse into the physical aspect I mentioned earlier... it'll be through kissing."

"Kissing?" Lyra frowned upon hearing the word, "A physical act involving the exchange of microorganisms through the oral cavity?"

Nox inwardly chuckled seeing her reaction.In the short time since meeting Lyra, he'd already gleaned insights into her precise personality. Practical, disciplined, analytical - and fastidious in the extreme.

Her visible disdain for sweat and skin contact betrayed a distaste for messy biological functions. The notion of swapping saliva likely appalled her efficient sensibilities.

Yet Nox knew her relentless curiosity around the concept of intimacy remained despite any sanitary reservations. She would still investigate the physical act firsthand, though likely with lowered engagement.

But it would surely drop her expectations and interest in it and there is a great chance she would find it unappealing and would stop coming to him… At least for some time.

Thinking till here, Nox's smile widened a bit as he continued, "It's a physical expression of affection, a way to... connect with someone on a deeper level."

"Of course, it's not just about the physical sensation," he added quickly. "There's also an emotional component, a sense of... intimacy."

Lyra listened intently, her gaze focused on him with unwavering intensity. "I see," she said evenly, though Nox detected a hint of uncertainty in her tone.

"So shall I demonstrate? After all, you have no time to lose. You need to leave in some time." Now it was Nox's turn to urge her. Since she seems to be a bit averse to it.

Lyra regarded him thoughtfully, her expression inscrutable. "Very well," she said finally, though her tone was tinged with uncertainty. "Let's... proceed."



Nox nodded and leaned in closer to Lyra, feeling the tension crackling in the air between them. He watched as she closed her eyes ever so slightly, a subtle indication of nervousness that belied her otherwise composed demeanor.

For a brief moment, Nox couldn't help but marvel at the paradoxical nature of Lyra's existence - a combination of robotic efficiency and human vulnerability. Despite her seemingly unflappable façade, there were moments when even she couldn't conceal her true emotions.

Taking a deep breath, Nox closed the distance between them, his lips gently brushing against hers. When their lips touched, Nox expected resistance but surprisingly Lyra was still. Her lips had been surprisingly soft, like the petals of a delicate flower, and Nox could feel the warmth of Lyra's breath mingling with his own, igniting a spark of nervous excitement within him.

'Surprisingly, she didn't push me away, which would have been normal based on her previous behavior.' 

'But I have to say her lips are surprisingly soft... As much as I want to enjoy this, I need to stay focused.'

 'I need to find out more about my current situation. What's the deal with this system I'm in and what type of world is it? Is it dangerous?'

 'And how did the previous Nox die? Before I can enjoy anything with peace of mind, I need answers.' 

'Anyway, there will be more chances in the future. For now, I should stop. This should be enough of a demonstration.'

'Eh?'Nox's eyes shot open in surprise as he felt Lyra's arms encircle his waist, pulling him tightly against her slender frame, he gazed down to see color rising in her cheeks, an endearing flush spreading across her fair complexion..… 

Not only that… Nox felt the shy probing of Lyra's tongue seeking entry past his lips.

Nox froze in astonishment, eyes widening at the sudden assertive turn. The composure and restraint Lyra typically exhibited had vanished, replaced by an unexpected eagerness and hunger as she explored the recesses of his mouth.


This woman… Is this enjoying this?


What am I feeling? What is happening to me? Lyra thought to herself. For the first time since her Enhancement, she felt her body slipping out of her tight control.

At first, the idea of exchanging oral microbes had seemed utterly unhygienic. When Nox's lips first brushed hers, Lyra couldn't help but calculate the endless interactions of foreign bacteria flooding her normally sterile mouth.

But as the kiss continued, a feeling unlike anything she had ever experienced before washed over her. It was as if a fire had been kindled within the deepest parts of her usually calm, logical soul - longing for more fuel to the flames. Warmth flooded through her as she felt Nox's quickening breath mingle with hers.

Lyra's thoughts turned hazy, her flawless cognitive circuits failing as instinct took over. Almost unconsciously, she found herself using her tongue to explore Nox's mouth, the intimate sensation sending shivers down her spine. Her hands wrapped around his lean waist, pulling him closer.

What is this feeling? she questioned silently, lost in the overwhelming emotions that threatened to override all rational thought.

Lyra gasped as she felt her body pressed against Nox's firm frame. She soon found his tongue invading her mouth aggressively in return. Losing herself in their passionate entanglement, Lyra felt her tongue intertwine with Nox's as a fiery heat built between their entwined forms.

As their explosive kiss continued, Lyra couldn't help but feel her body temperature rising by the second. It was as if something primal was welling up inside her, something intense and unknown begging to be released.


"Ti...Ti...Ti..." The harsh trill of an alarm suddenly echoed through the room, causing Lyra and Nox to freeze. With a startled gasp, Lyra broke away from their passionate embrace, her face flaming as she scrambled unsteadily to her feet. Nox could see a crimson blush spreading down her neck as she avoided his gaze.

"Time's up...I have to get to lecture," Lyra stammered, her typically unflappable voice now fluttering with an almost nervous tremor. 

As she gathered up her discarded clothes and bag, Nox noticed the slight unsteadiness of her fingers, the trembling of her hands belying the composed facade she struggled to reconstruct.

Nox remained seated on the rumpled sheets as Lyra bustled around the room, her movements lacking their usual grace and efficiency.


Time surely passes fast in moments like this…. A wry smile appeared on his face. 

Nox saw as she packed everything and while wearing the lab coat she started to leave. He raised a hand, lips parting - but hesitated, uncertain what to even say after their unexpectedly intense encounter. So he simply watched Lyra's hurried retreat, sensing her eagerness to escape the embarrassing situation.

Just as her hand landed on the door handle, Lyra paused. Slowly, hesitantly, she turned to meet Nox's gaze at last.

With her face schooled into a calm, careful mask once more, Lyra regarded Nox steadily for a long moment before she spoke.

"I will give you my judgment later," she said simply.

Saying this she left quickly and disappeared from his view, the door clicking sharply shut behind her. She didn't elaborate further, but Nox grasped her underlying meaning - Lyra would decide if she found this unexpected spark between them "interesting" enough to pursue.

Though she had regained her composure, Nox suspected Lyra already harbored an answer to that question. As he leaned back against the rumpled sheets, he brushed his fingers over his still-tingling lips, a wry smile creeping onto his face.

"Well, that was certainly an unexpected turn of events," he murmured. Despite the awkwardness of Lyra's flustered exit, Nox couldn't deny feeling deeply intrigued by what had just transpired. 

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