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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Decisions

Ray woke up early, just as the sun began to peek through the curtains of their small cabin. He nudged his brother Ra'Hashmel awake. "Morning," he said, stretching and heading to the kitchen where the smell of breakfast filled the air.

Their caretaker, a nun who had looked after them since they were young, was already busy at the stove. "Good morning, boys. Breakfast is almost ready. Can you help with the chickens first?" she asked without turning.

"Sure," Ray replied, grabbing a bucket of feed. Ra'Hashmel followed him outside.

After feeding the chickens, they returned to a warm meal. As they ate, the nun talked about the city far beyond their woods. "It's a big place, full of life and opportunity, I know we have been there in the past but, you two would love it there. Perhaps we will go and visit again" she said wistfully.

Once they were done with breakfast, Ray started clearing the table. "Ra, do you ever think about living in the city?" he asked, looking out the window towards the dense forest that surrounded their home.

Ra'Hashmel shrugged, "I do, but what for? We have everything we need here. The city's just noise and trouble."

"But there's more to life than just this, don't you think? We could find our purpose there, see more of the world," Ray argued, his eyes alight with the thought of adventure.

Ra'Hashmel gave him a skeptical look. "And leave all this? The woods, our home? For what, Ray? Dreams?"

Ray paused, then said, "Maybe those dreams are worth chasing."

Their conversation paused as they grabbed their axes and headed to the woods to chop wood. The forest greeted them with familiar sounds, but Ray's mind was elsewhere, filled with images of bustling streets and new faces. Ra'Hashmel noticed his brother's distant gaze.

"You're serious about this, aren't you?" Ra'Hashmel asked, breaking a piece of wood with a clean strike.

"Think about it, Ra. There's a whole world out there waiting for us. Don't you want to see it?" Ray's voice was full of hope.

Ra'Hashmel didn't respond immediately, focusing on his next swing. "I guess... but it's not that simple, Ray. We have responsibilities here."

Ray picked up a log, his resolve firm. "I know, but we'll never know if we don't try. I just feel like we're meant for more than this."

They continued their work in silence, the idea of leaving their woods for the city hanging in the air like the morning mist. Ray'Daniel longed for something that was missing and his Alma called to the outside world.

After their morning chores, Ray playfully picked up a stick from the ground, its length and weight perfect for their impromptu sparring sessions. "Think you can finally beat me today, Ra?" he teased, adopting a fighter's stance that was more confident than professional.Ra'Hashmel, never one to back down from his brother's challenges, selected his own stick with care.

"You wish, Ray. Let's see if your moves have improved," he replied, mirroring Ray's ready posture.The brothers squared off, the air between them charged with friendly rivalry. Ray made the first move, lunging forward with a speed that had noticeably improved from their countless practice sessions. He aimed a strike at Ra'Hashmel's side, which Ra'Hashmel parried with a swift, upward swing of his stick, redirecting Ray's momentum.Ra'Hashmel countered with a series of calculated strikes, each aimed with precision. Ray, however, danced away from each blow, his movements fluid and reactive. He ducked under a particularly swift cut and closed the distance, attempting to use his superior hand-to-hand combat skills.The fight choreography between the brothers was a blend of offense and defense, with Ray relying on his agility to evade and counter Ra'Hashmel's more structured and powerful strikes. Their sticks clacked and whooshed through the air, a testament to the countless hours they had spent refining their skills in the solitude of the woods.

Unbeknownst to them, a group of knights on their return from patrolling the woods had stumbled upon the spectacle. Impressed by the brothers' prowess, they remained silent observers, intrigued by the display of skill that belied the brothers' humble origins.The duel ended in a stalemate, with Ray attempting a daring spin that Ra'Hashmel countered with a parry that would have disarmed a less determined opponent. Breathing heavily, they both stepped back, acknowledging each other's improvement with nods of respect.

As the brothers collected the firewood, the knights followed them back to their cabin

After watching Ray and Ra'Hashmel spar, the knights were clearly impressed. It wasn't long before Sir Gerith of Alleria, their leader, made an offer that seemed almost too good to be true.

"How would you boys like to train at the Knight's Training Academy in Alleria?" Sir Gerith asked, his eyes scanning their expressions for any sign of interest. "It's a hard path, but becoming Knights of Alleria... it's a life that could offer you...and those you care about,much more."

Ray's eyes sparkled with the mention of Alleria, but Ra'Hashmel's response was tinged with caution. "And just leave? What about Sister Althea?" he countered, the skepticism clear in his voice. "Our dad left us behind, and I'm not keen on repeating history."

Sir Gerith, sensing Ra'Hashmel's reservations, nodded thoughtfully. "I understand your concerns. But think of it this way: as knights, you'd have the means to provide Sister Althea with a better life. It's not just about leaving. It's about building a future where you can give back to those who've helped you."

The mention of being able to support Sister Althea gave both brothers pause. Ray's gaze met Ra'Hashmel's, a flurry of unspoken thoughts passing between them. The idea of leaving their simple life for the grandeur of Alleria was daunting, yet the possibility of lifting Sister Althea out of her struggles presented a compelling argument.

"Take your time to think it over," Sir Gerith added, promising to return for their decision. As the knights departed, the weight of the choice before them settled heavily on Ray and Ra'Hashmel's shoulders.

The brothers exchanged a long look, the morning's excitement giving way to a deeper contemplation of their future. Without another word, they turned back towards their log cabin, the familiar sight of their humble home now a backdrop to the life-changing decision ahead.

Stepping inside, they found Sister Althea in the midst of her daily tasks, unaware of the conversation that could alter the course of their lives. The warmth of the cabin enveloped them, a stark contrast to the swirling thoughts of potential futures. As the door closed behind them, the brothers knew it was time to discuss Sir Gerith's offer with the one person who had been their constant through the years.

During dinner, the mood in the cabin was tinged with anticipation. Ray wasted no time in sharing the day's news with Sister Althea. "We met some knights today. Sir Gerith from Alleria offered us a chance to train as knights," he said, barely containing his excitement.

Sister Althea's reaction was a mix of emotions. While she was visibly moved, even sad at the thought of them leaving, her eyes also sparkled with excitement for their opportunity. "This is such a big step for you both," she managed, her voice thick with emotion. "I'm going to miss you terribly, but I always knew you were destined for more than this life."

As they continued eating, Sister Althea offered more than just her blessing. She imparted wisdom that only someone who had seen as much of life as she had could provide. "Remember, family is more than just blood. Throughout your lives, you're going to meet people with whom you'll form bonds stronger than you could have imagined. These bonds, these chosen families, are just as real and important as the one you're born into."

She paused, ensuring her next words were clearly understood. "And you two," she continued, looking between Ray and Ra'Hashmel, "are more than just brothers. You're a testament to the strength of those bonds, a living example that family isn't defined solely by blood. No matter where you go or what you become, that truth will remain."

Her words filled the small cabin, offering a profound sense of comfort and purpose. "Val'Dromas himself speaks of the virtues of family, faith, and courage. He teaches us that it's not just our origins or bloodline that define us, but the choices we make, the loyalty we hold, and the courage we muster in the face of the unknown."

Dinner ended with a heavy silence, the brothers deep in thought. Sister Althea's advice resonated with them, grounding the swirling excitement and uncertainty of their new path with a reminder of what truly mattered. As they cleared the table, the implications of their decision to possibly leave for Alleria loomed large, yet they felt fortified by Sister Althea's wisdom and the knowledge that their bond, stronger than blood, would sustain them through whatever lay ahead.

After dinner, Ray'Daniel and Ra'Hashmel helped Sister Althea clean up in silence. The night felt heavier than usual, their hearts burdened with the looming choices. Once everything was put away, Althea retired to her room, her goodnight more a whisper of concern than a farewell.

The brothers headed to their room, the space feeling smaller, filled with the echoes of their earlier conversation. Lying in the dark, the excitement of the day's offer was overshadowed by a deep sense of unease. The thought of leaving, of stepping into the unknown, weighed heavily on them.

Sleep came, but it was fitful, more an escape than a rest. In the quiet of the night, their dreams were restless, a reflection of the turmoil within. The cabin, usually a place of comfort and security, now felt like a ship adrift, with the brothers caught in the tide, moving towards a dawn filled with change.

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