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Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Teacher

In the stillness of the early morning, Ray found peace away from the teachings of the clerics in the far reaches of the temple gardens. He found a place removed from the watchful eyes of others where he could focus on his innermost self. There, amidst the quiet whispers of nature, he dedicated himself to a rigorous routine of self-training, drawing upon a multitude of observations and experiences accumulated over the years.

Ray's unique martial arts style was a synthesis of various influences. Growing up sparring with Ra had laid the foundation, teaching him the importance of agility and precision. Yet, it was the travelers and monks from the Zayma Mountains who had visited the forest that truly expanded his understanding of combat. He observed their practices closely and intently, absorbing techniques, and philosophies that resonated with him.

His style evolved into one that emphasized the art of counter and evasion, a dance of movement that utilized an opponent's force against them. Ray focused on the cultivation of quick, decisive strikes that followed fluid, graceful dodges. He practiced mirroring the motions of his imaginary adversaries, turning their momentum to his favor with seamless transitions between defense and attack.

This approach to combat was deeply influenced by the monks' teachings on harmony and balance, blending the physical with the Alma within him. Though Ray had yet to unlock his essence, he instinctively knew that his martial prowess was intertwined with his spiritual journey. Each movement, each breath, became a step closer to understanding the potential that lay dormant within him, a path towards mastering not just the body, but the soul.

As Ra emerged from the temple's embrace, stepping into the fresh morning air, he found himself accompanied by La'ru. Together, they strolled towards the gardens, a shared silence between them. Ra's mind was set on the path ahead thinking of the training and the academy. When they reached their destination, they found Ray, immersed in the intensity of his training, his movements a blend of discipline and fluid grace. La'ru kept quite she was still dealing with keeping information from them.

Ra and La'ru sat down under a tree to watch him. After a while, Ray's movements slowed, coming to a halt. He made his way to a nearby tree, where he slumped down against its trunk, catching his breath. The rigorous session had left marks of sweat on his brow, but there was a sense of fulfillment in his eyes,a testament to the dedication he put into every movement. He closed his eyes not noticing he had been watched.

They observed him from a distance before deciding to join him, taking a seat on the cool grass next to him. The garden around them was alive with the sounds of the morning, the chirping of birds, and the gentle rustle of leaves, creating a serene and peaceful vibe.

As the three of them enjoyed their moment of tranquility beneath the tree, it was gently interrupted by the approach of Keron. Accompanying him was a figure they hadn't seen before,a young man, perhaps just a year older than Ra. His light brown hair and deep purple eyes immediately set him apart, a mark of his Hyarch heritage. Despite his distinctive features, which marked him as a Hyarch, he was clad in simple, unassuming attire, blending seamlessly with the common folk rather than standing above them in the ornate garb typically associated with his kind.

The fact that he may have a noble lineage and his choice of dress suggested a character unburdened by the trappings of status, one who perhaps valued substance over style. As they neared, Keron's presence brought a sense of anticipation, his companion's identity and purpose there a puzzle yet to be unveiled.

The young Hyarch's gaze was curious yet calm, scanning the group with an air of quiet assessment. His arrival under Keron's guidance a hint that of his position, perhaps a new cleric. Both Ra and Ray had never seen a Hyarch they watched him closely as they approached.

In the tranquil ambiance of the temple's back gardens, Keron gestured towards the young man accompanying him. "This is Shikari," he began, his voice imbued with a reverence that demanded attention. "He hails from the north and has been instrumental in aiding my friends to discover their Alma essence."

Shikari nodded in acknowledgment, his demeanor reserved yet open, offering a subtle hint of a smile that suggested a depth of knowledge yet to be shared. The introduction hung in the air, creating an atmosphere of expectancy among Ray, Ra, and La'ru.

Keron continued, "Shikari has agreed to meet you after hearing of your experiences." He looked at La'ru then at then returned his gaze to the brothers. "His understanding of Alma and its complexities is unparalleled. He may look young but, his experience with such matters are beyondhis age" With a meaningful look towards Shikari, Keron added, "He may very well be the guide you need to navigate the path that lies ahead."

The group absorbed Keron's words, each person reflecting on the implications of this meeting. Shikari's deep purple eyes seemed to flicker with an unspoken understanding as he surveyed Ray and Ra, perhaps already sensing the potential within them.

Ray was deep in thought. He did not doubt Shikari, he felt as if Keron would not have brought him here if he was some fraud. Ra, on the other hand was very skeptical.

"Thank you, Keron," Shikari finally spoke, his voice soft yet carrying an underlying strength. "I look forward to learning more about you both." His gaze then shifted to include La'ru, acknowledging her presence and the role she might play in the journey that awaited them.

With those formalities concluded, Keron excused himself, leaving the group under Shikari's attentive care. The young Hyarch then invited Ray, Ra, and La'ru to join him for a walk.

As they trailed behind Shikari, navigating the winding paths of the temple gardens and into the slums, Ra harbored a growing skepticism. Despite Keron's assurances, something about Shikari struck Ra as off. Perhaps it was the Hyarch's reserved nature or the way he led them without offering much in the way of conversation. Ra couldn't shake the feeling that Shikari might just be another charlatan, masquerading as a guide in the mystical arts of Alma.

Ray, on the other hand, seemed captivated by the promise of discovering more about Alma and possibly unlocking their essence. His enthusiasm was palpable, even infectious to some degree, but Ra remained guarded, his trust hard-earned and not easily given.

La'ru walked alongside them, her curiosity piqued by the mysterious Shikari. She had seen many travelers and guides claim knowledge of the arcane and spiritual, but few lived up to their boasts. Yet, she couldn't deny the intrigue that Shikari's presence brought. There was something undeniably compelling about him, even if she couldn't quite place what it was.

Silently, Shikari led them through the bustling slums, his steps sure and unfazed by the chaos around them. The slum's vibrant life and persistent struggle for survival painted a stark contrast to the serene beauty of the temple gardens they had just left behind.

Eventually, they reached the city gates, and without hesitation, Shikari stepped beyond them, leading the group into the unknown. The land outside Alleria was vast, and the path they took seemed to lead them away from the well-trodden roads and into the wilderness.

Ra's skepticism persisted with each step, but so did his curiosity. What could Shikari possibly show them that warranted this secretive journey beyond the city's safety? Despite his doubts, Ra followed, driven by a desire to protect his brother, and a silent hope that maybe, just maybe, Shikari could offer them something real, something that could give him the power to end those who had caused them pain.

As the journey stretched on, the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the untamed wilderness. The transition from daylight to dusk brought a chill to the air, emphasizing the distance they had traveled from the safety and warmth of the city. Ra's frustration simmered with every silent step Shikari took. His patience, already thin, was nearing its breaking point.

"Shikari, where are we going?" Ray's voice broke the monotony of their trek, filled with a mix of curiosity and a hint of concern. The Hyarch, however, remained silent, his focus seemed unshakable, his stride unwavering. This lack of response only fueled Ra's irritation further, casting a shadow of doubt over their decision to follow this Hyarch guide into the unknown.

The further they walked, the more the wilderness closed in around them. The sounds of the city were long gone, replaced by the nocturnal chorus of the forest. The path, if it could still be called that, was rough and untamed, challenging their every step.

La'ru, usually so confident and unbothered, began to share in the brothers' unease. The promise of discovery that had initially lured them out of Alleria now seemed distant, overshadowed by the growing realization that they were at the mercy of Shikari's silent leadership.

Despite the growing tension, they continued, driven by a mixture of trust in Keron's judgment, the potential to unlock the secrets of Alma, and the unspoken curiosity between them that demanded they see this through. Nightfall approached swiftly, wrapping the wilderness in a cloak of uncertainty, and with it, the question loomed larger in their minds: Where was Shikari taking them, and to what end?

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