/ Anime & Comics / The fist of god

The fist of god Original

The fist of god

Anime & Comics 13 Chapters 158.6K Views

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A strong willed boy dies by the hands of who he once trusted, but thanks to his strong will and hatred he managed to stay awake in the after life, due to this he was granted 3 wishes.
Reborn in a world that is filled with betrayal and scheming, the only way to protect himself and his clan is to become stronger.
The question is, will he do it or not.


  1. BigOunce1618
    BigOunce1618 Contributed 7
  2. Nuruddin_Naszri
    Nuruddin_Naszri Contributed 6
  3. eXacT
    eXacT Contributed 4

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