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Chapter 48: Training the Battalion

As Aditya entered the training grounds with Jeetendar in the evening, his eyes widened in astonishment at the sight before him. Arrayed in disciplined ranks stood 1250 men, their faces displaying a mixture of determination and readiness.

Before him stood a formidable gathering of soldiers, their ranks organized and disciplined, their weapons gleaming in the fading light. Prince Aditya blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by the sight of the assembled troops.

"What is the meaning of this?" he exclaimed, addressing Jeetendar. "I was expecting to meet with Defense Minister Shadi Khan, but I did not expect to find such a large contingent of soldiers already assembled."

Jeetendar bowed respectfully before responding, "Your Highness, it would be best if you consult directly with His Grace." With that, he exited the premises.

Shadi Khan, the esteemed Defense Minister and supreme military general, approached Aditya with a respectful nod.

"For the Samrajya, Your Highness," he greeted, as he clenched his fist to his chest, his voice resonating with authority yet tinged with an underlying warmth.

Aditya, returned the gesture with same salute as acknowledgment, his expression solemn yet gracious. "For the Samrajya, Your Grace," he replied, his words carrying a sense of reverence and mutual respect.

"Your Highness," Shadi Khan began, his voice resonating with authority, "three days ago, I promised to assist you in securing recruits for your military escort. Here are the 1250 men, all skilled with both guns and crossbows. Though I couldn't procure infantry due to lack of permission, I trust these soldiers will exceed your expectations. Furthermore, they have been organized according to the hierarchy you specified."

He further added, "They may have been denied their rightful place in the army due to the prejudices of others, but today, they stand before you as equals, as soldiers ready to serve."

Prince Aditya's eyes widened in amazement as he surveyed the assembled troops. They were encased in sturdy leather armor from head to toe, providing vital protection on the battlefield.The soldiers stood at attention, each clutching an arquebus musket in hand with a cartridge box fastened around their waist. Crossbows were slung across their backs, ready for swift deployment. On their right waist, quivers bristled with arrows, while on their left, small sheaths housed daggers for close combat.

Aditya's gratitude swelled within him as he took in the magnitude of Shadi Khan's efforts. Internally, he had been wrestling with concerns about training time and the procurement of guns and ammunition. Now, thanks to Shadi Khan's foresight and dedication, he had been presented with a ready-made foundation for his own private imperial army.

"Thank you, Shadi Khan," Aditya said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Your efforts are deeply appreciated and will not be forgotten. Now, if you would be so kind as to introduce me to the five subedars."

With a respectful bow, Shadi Khan gestured towards the five subedars, who stepped forward to greet Aditya. 

As Shadi Khan introduced Amit, Manish, Nilesh, Deepak, and Ratnakar, Aditya listened intently, his respect for these veterans growing with each name mentioned. He could sense the weight of their suppressed potential, a consequence of the caste-based prejudices that plagued society.

"They all agreed," Shadi Khan continued, "because they see the promise of growth and opportunity in your army. It is imperative that you ensure equal salaries for all soldiers, as is customary in the imperial corps. I will handle the logistics until your first sales are made."

Aditya nodded solemnly, understanding the significance of Shadi Khan's words. Turning to the newly introduced subedars, he greeted them warmly, his assurance of fair treatment eliciting a glimmer of hope in their disciplined eyes.

With a sense of solemnity, the subedars knelt before Aditya, their fists clenched to their hearts as they swore their allegiance to him and his cause. It was a moment of profound significance, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

Satisfied with the pledge of loyalty, Aditya thanked Shadi Khan and requested permission to take the soldiers outside the royal fort for their training. As they exited the fortified walls, Aditya felt a surge of determination coursing through him, ready to mould these skilled warriors into an elite fighting force.

Once outside the training grounds, Aditya gathered the soldiers around him, a sense of purpose emanating from his every gesture. He divided the soldiers into groups of 250, each forming a company, and restructured the ranks based on the current hierarchy of the soldiers.

Addressing the subedars who had been promoted to the rank of colonels, Aditya spoke with authority. "Your leadership will be crucial in guiding our troops to success. Together, we will forge a formidable battalion, ready to face any challenge that comes our way."

The soldiers listened attentively, their eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and anticipation. They understood the gravity of the task ahead and were eager to prove themselves under Aditya's command.

With the new structure in place, Aditya surveyed his battalion with a sense of pride. It was a diverse group, united by a common purpose and bound by their allegiance to him.

As the soldiers dispersed to their respective companies, Aditya couldn't help but feel a surge of optimism. This was just the beginning of their journey, and he was confident that together, they would achieve greatness

Aditya's voice rang out across the training grounds, commanding the soldiers to form lines and prepare to fire. With anticipation, he watched as they took their positions, eager to witness the prowess of his newly formed battalion.

However, his excitement quickly turned to disappointment as the soldiers unleashed their shots in a chaotic frenzy. The sound of gunfire filled the air, but there was no harmony, no coordination. Bullets flew wildly, missing their targets by a wide margin.

Aditya's brow furrowed in frustration as he observed the disarray before him. "What is this?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with disappointment. "This is not how a disciplined army operates! We need precision, coordination, discipline!"

The soldiers looked sheepish under Aditya's stern gaze, realizing their failure to meet his expectations. Amidst the chaos, there was one glimmer of hope – the accuracy of the crossbow shots stood out amidst the chaos of the gunfire.

Aditya's eyes narrowed as he took note of this discrepancy. "Why is it that our crossbow shots are more accurate than our gunshots?" he mused aloud, directing his question to the soldiers.

A silence fell over the training grounds as the soldiers exchanged uncertain glances, unable to provide a satisfactory answer to their commander's query. It was clear that there was much work to be done if they were to become the disciplined fighting force that Aditya envisioned.

Aditya stood at the forefront of the open grounds, his gaze focused and determined as he orchestrated the formation of his battalion. With precise instructions, he organized the soldiers into five long lines, each comprised of a full company with colonels positioned strategically in the middle for command.

As the soldiers assumed their positions, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Aditya's voice cut through the silence, clear and commanding. "Ready your weapons," he ordered, his tone firm but composed.

The first line bowed in unison before taking aim, their movements synchronized with practiced precision. Behind them, the next line prepared to advance, ready to take their place as soon, as the command was given.

"Fire!" Aditya's voice rang out, and the sound of gunfire erupted across the training grounds. The first volley of bullets tore through the air, the loud sounds of 250 guns echoed across the training grounds.


The sound of gunfire erupted, As the first line retreated to rear, they began to reload for their next turn. Without pause, another volley followed in quick succession, each shot synchronized to perfection. 


In a matter of 2 minutes, ten rounds of volley were unleashed upon the targets, each shot striking with devastating accuracy. The dummy targets were obliterated, and even the surrounding trees and plants felt the force of the onslaught.

The soldiers and commanders watched in awe as the scene unfolded before them. They could scarcely believe their eyes as they witnessed the power and efficiency of Aditya's meticulously planned strategy. In that moment, they saw their prince in a new light – a leader capable of achieving feats that surpassed all expectations.

Aditya gestured for the five newly promoted colonels to approach him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and admiration. As they gathered around him, he could sense their eagerness to share their thoughts on the training exercise.

Manish spoke first, his voice filled with awe. "Your Highness, this surpasses anything I've ever witnessed in my three years of service. The impact of this tactic is beyond imagination."

Nilesh nodded in agreement, his eyes alight with excitement. "Indeed, Your Highness. If we can achieve such precision with every shot, there will be no need to aim – success will be guaranteed. But do we have strategies for close-range combat?"

Amit, ever the inquisitive one, couldn't contain his curiosity. "Your Highness, may I ask how you conceived of this tactic?"

Ratnakar offered a humble apology before voicing his concerns. "Forgive me, Your Highness, but while synchronized fire is effective, maintaining such precision in the chaos of battle may prove challenging. As the enemy draws near, panic may set in among our soldiers."

Deepak, known for his practicality, raised a valid point. "Your Highness, commanding long lines of soldiers amidst the chaos of battle presents its own challenges. Communication may become difficult, especially for those far from the commander."

Aditya listened intently to the feedback from the colonels, nodding thoughtfully as they expressed their thoughts and concerns about the new tactics of line formation. With a reassuring smile, he addressed each of them in turn.

"Don't worry, Manish," Aditya began, turning to Colonel Manish with a confident demeanour. "I've secured good guns from the Portuguese, and in just three months, we'll be able to fire twice the amount we're doing now in one minute. We're on the brink of a revolutionary advancement."

Turning to Colonel Nilesh, Aditya continued, "For close combat scenarios, I've arranged for the acquisition of repeating crossbows. They offer a versatile solution, and with some modifications, we can optimize their effectiveness. Additionally, we'll explore better utilization of the army's daggers to bolster our close-quarters combat strategies."

Addressing Colonel Ratnakar next, Aditya emphasized the importance of discipline in maintaining the effectiveness of the line formation. "Continuous line formation requires unwavering discipline," he explained. "We must act as one cohesive unit, synchronized in our movements and actions. I have a method in mind, and I'll personally guide you through it to ensure its success. We'll begin tomorrow at dawn."

In response to Colonel Amit's question, Aditya hesitated briefly before replying playfully, "That's a long story. Just know that I am blessed by Lord Rudra, and we are to become his holy army by following these ideas. Don't disclose my secret, okay?"

Lastly, Aditya turned to Colonel Deepak to discuss command communication. "To facilitate effective communication on the battlefield, we'll introduce drums and whistles to each line," he explained. "This will ensure clear and coordinated commands are relayed across our formations, maintaining cohesion and efficiency."

As Aditya outlined his plans and addressed the concerns of the colonels, he could sense a growing confidence and determination among them. Each colonel nodded in understanding, reassured by Aditya's strategic vision and commitment to excellence. They exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the challenges ahead but also recognizing the potential for greatness under Aditya's leadership.

As the discussion concluded, Aditya turned his attention to all the colonels assembled before him. "For now, divide the group into designated platoons," he instructed, his voice carrying with authority. "Have them repeat the line formation exercises for today. We must be prepared for the long march to the kingdom of Rewari in one month, where we'll hold the weapon exhibition. I want to rely on you more than the royal guards."

The colonels nodded in understanding, their expressions resolute as they absorbed Aditya's instructions. "You can count on us, Your Highness," Colonel Manish affirmed, speaking for the group. "We'll ensure the soldiers are trained and ready for whatever lies ahead."

Pleased with their commitment, Aditya continued, "Excellent. I trust you'll have everything in order before the day of our march arrives." With a final nod of assurance, he began to explain in detail the formations and strategies they would employ, ensuring that each colonel understood their role and responsibilities.

As the evening descended upon the training grounds, the battalion was divided into smaller platoons, each led by their second lieutenants. Aditya observed from a distance, the soldiers practicing their shots under the watchful eye of their superiors. A sense of weariness washed over him as he realized how much work still lay ahead to achieve his ambitions.

Despite the exhaustion, Aditya couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Shadi Khan for providing him with this prepared army. They may not be perfect, but they could aim, fire, maintain formation, and follow commands. It was a start, albeit a modest one.

As he watched the soldiers go through the motions, Aditya couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. The battalion operated with a semblance of order, but it was clear they still had a long way to go. Yet, amidst the imperfection, Aditya held onto a glimmer of hope. He believed that with time, dedication, and rigorous training, this ragtag army could one day evolve into the most formidable force the world had ever seen.

With that conviction in his heart, Aditya silently resolved to continue pushing forward, determined to mould his army into an unstoppable force that would shape the destiny of the empire.


Jeet_1993 Jeet_1993

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