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Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Sung-Hee's remark lingered in the charged atmosphere, met with Seok-Woo's immediate response as his hand descended firmly onto her shoulders. "Lay on the bed," he commanded, his voice carrying an air of dominance that brooked no refusal from Sung-Hee.

Caught in the intensity of Seok-Woo's gaze, Sung-Hee found herself momentarily transfixed, her eyes locked onto his as she absorbed the weight of his authoritative tone. With a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, she complied, reclining onto the bed as instructed.

As Sung-Hee settled onto the mattress, her gaze remained fixed on Seok-Woo, her mind racing with a myriad of emotions. Despite the assertive nature of his command, she couldn't help but sense a flicker of something deeper in his eyes, a silent invitation that stirred something within her as she lay there.

As Sung-Hee lay on the bed, her mind buzzed with a tumultuous mix of emotions. Despite the unexpected turn of events, a part of her found an unsettling thrill in the situation unfolding before her. "Well, well... looks like I've landed myself in quite the predicament," she mused silently, a wry smile playing on her lips as she contemplated the consequences of her earlier words.

"Funny how things work out," she thought, her gaze fixed on Seok-Woo as he issued his next directive. His voice sliced through the charged air, commanding her attention once more. "Sung-Hee. Raise your arm up, above your head," Seok-Woo instructed, his words carrying a weight that left no room for disobedience.

As Sung-Hee reluctantly obeyed, rolling her eyes in mild exasperation, she couldn't help but notice the intensity with which Seok-Woo scrutinized her form. His gaze roamed over her figure, his expression unreadable save for the telltale twitch of his member, betraying the arousal simmering beneath his composed facade.

With a mixture of resignation and defiance, Sung-Hee complied, slowly lifting her arms as instructed. Yet, beneath her outward compliance lay a simmering sense of rebellion, her thoughts a whirlwind of conflicting desires as she awaited Seok-Woo's next move.

As Sung-Hee reluctantly raised her arms, a wave of shame washed over her. She couldn't bear to meet Seok-Woo's gaze, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she averted her eyes. "Seok-Woo! You bastard," she exclaimed, her tone laced with both indignation and a hint of playful defiance. "Having fun, huh? Don't let me do this to you, because I'll fucking peg you if I have the chance," she declared, her words dripping with sarcasm as she unleashed her frustration upon him.

Seok-Woo was momentarily taken aback by her sudden outburst, his surprise quickly giving way to amusement as he observed Sung-Hee's spirited response. With a knowing smile, he simply watched her, his amusement evident in the playful glint in his eyes.

As the seconds ticked by, Sung-Hee could feel the heat rising within her, her body reacting to the charged atmosphere between them. Before she could contemplate her next move, Seok-Woo's sudden intrusion caught her off guard. His finger slipped inside her, eliciting a sharp intake of breath as she twitched in response to the unexpected sensation.

Despite her instinctive urge to recoil, Sung-Hee found herself immobilized by Seok-Woo's command. "Don't move your arms, at all cost," he instructed, his smirk only serving to fuel her simmering frustration. With a defiant glare, Sung-Hee met his gaze head-on, her eyes blazing with a firestorm of emotion as she silently wished to hit him. If looks could kill, Seok-Woo would surely be facing his demise.

Ignoring Sung-Hee's defiant glare, Seok-Woo's actions spoke louder than words as he seized a handful of her breast, his touch firm yet tantalizing. With practiced precision, his tongue teased her nipple, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from Sung-Hee as she gave in to the sensations coursing through her body. As her arms remained raised above her head, she gripped the bedsheets tightly, her knuckles turning white with the intensity of her pleasure.

With skillful finesse, Seok-Woo's fingers delved deep inside Sung-Hee, expertly navigating the contours of her inner walls. Each stroke sent waves of pleasure rippling through her, causing her to arch her back in ecstasy while maintaining her position as instructed. The room filled with the symphony of their passion, punctuated by Sung-Hee's melodic moans that spurred Seok-Woo to intensify his efforts.

Driven to the brink by the relentless assault of pleasure, Sung-Hee felt the familiar rush of climax building within her. "I'm going... To cum," she gasped, her voice trembling with anticipation as she reached the pinnacle of ecstasy. Seok-Woo's skilled movements continued unabated, pushing her over the edge as she spiraled into the throes of orgasmic bliss.

As Sung-Hee's release washed over her, Seok-Woo's fingers remained buried deep inside her, coaxing forth her essence in a torrent of ecstasy. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she gave up herself fully to the euphoria of the moment.

Seok-Woo observed Sung-Hee's blissful expression, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips as he withdrew his finger from within her. Retrieving a tissue, he methodically wiped his hands clean, a sense of accomplishment evident in his demeanor. Meanwhile, Sung-Hee still struggled to catch her breath, her chest heaving with the remnants of her climax as she watched Seok-Woo tidy up.

"What's next?" she inquired between ragged breaths, her curiosity piqued by the anticipation of Seok-Woo's next move. Turning to face her, Seok-Woo was pleasantly surprised by her resilience, a knowing gleam in his eyes as he considered his next course of action.

Approaching Sung-Hee with deliberate steps, Seok-Woo gazed down at her with a mixture of desire and determination. "This time," he began, his voice laced with a hint of anticipation, "I have something special in mind." Sung-Hee's thoughts raced as she waited for Seok-Woo to reveal his intentions, her mind brimming with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"Why don't you use your mouth?" Seok-Woo's voice cut through the charged air, his words laced with anticipation as he pointed to his erect member, directing Sung-Hee's attention to his arousal. Startled by his request, Sung-Hee blinked open her eyes, her gaze locking onto Seok-Woo's throbbing shaft before meeting his gaze. Seated on the edge of the bed, Seok-Woo watched her intently, his demeanor expectant as he awaited her compliance.

Feeling a magnetic pull towards him, Sung-Hee moved slowly towards Seok-Woo, her movement deliberate as she closed the distance between them. As she reached his side, Seok-Woo's expression softened with approval, a satisfied smile playing on his lips as he observed her obedience. With a hesitant hand, Sung-Hee tentatively reached out to grasp Seok-Woo's member, her fingers tracing the length of him as she contemplated her next move.

Pleased by her initiative, Seok-Woo encouraged her further. "Use your tongue first," he instructed his voice a low murmur as he waited for her to comply. Following his direction, Sung-Hee parted her lips, her tongue darting out to tentatively caress the tip of Seok-Woo's arousal, her movements hesitant yet eager as she explored this new territory.

Sung-Hee's tongue traced the contours of Seok-Woo's shaft, swirling around it with deliberate care akin to savoring a delicacy. Seok-Woo gave in to the sensation, allowing himself to be consumed by the pleasure coursing through him as Sung-Hee worked her magic.

With tantalizing precision, Sung-Hee's tongue ascended to the apex of Seok-Woo's arousal, where she employed circular motions to elicit a symphony of pleasure. Each movement sent waves of ecstasy rippling through Seok-Woo's body, his groans a testament to the intensity of the sensation.

As Sung-Hee's movements ceased, Seok-Woo observed her pause without objection, his demeanor patient and composed. "Seok-Woo, could you manage my hair?" Sung-Hee's request, though assertive, held a trace of necessity in the charged atmosphere. "It's proving to be a bit of an obstacle, hindering my vision and impeding my actions," she elaborated, her gaze meeting his with a mix of determination and reliance.

Seok-Woo's response was matter-of-fact, as he sought practicality. "Do you have a hair tie?" his question, delivered with a calm demeanor, awaited Sung-Hee's confirmation.

Sung-Hee's response came swiftly, her voice clear and determined amidst the charged atmosphere. "They're in my clothes, the hair ties," she confirmed, her words carrying a sense of urgency as Seok-Woo processed the logistics. Realizing their attire lay beyond immediate reach, Seok-Woo swiftly offered a practical solution. "I'll simply hold your hair. Let's not allow this to interrupt your doing," he proposed calmly, his tone decisive as Sung-Hee acknowledged his suggestion with a nod of agreement.

Turning away from Seok-Woo, Sung-Hee positioned herself to allow him access, a silent cue for him to proceed. With deft hands, he gathered her hair, ensuring it remained free from obstruction as Sung-Hee resumed her task without further delay.

As Seok-Woo held Sung-Hee's hair, her locks now fashioned into a neat ponytail, tamed for the task at hand. With determination, Sung-Hee resumed her position, her grip firm on Seok-Woo's member as she contemplated her next move.

Summoning her courage, she parted her lips and welcomed him into her mouth, the girth of his member filling her senses. With a steady rhythm, she began to move, taking him deeper with each descent until she reached the edge. Seok-Woo watched intently, his enjoyment evident in the low groans that escaped his lips.

As Sung-Hee continued her motion, her tongue skillfully exploring every contour, Seok-Woo lost in the pleasure of the moment. However, their reverie was abruptly interrupted by the jarring ring of Seok-Woo's phone.

Sung-Hee paused, easing her mouth away from Seok-Woo's member and casting a curious glance at him. With a gentle nudge, he motioned for her to move aside as he rose from the bed, his purpose clear as he made his way to where his phone lay.

Stepping across the room, Seok-Woo retrieved his phone, holding it close to his face as he recognized the caller. It was Chae-Yoon. A flicker of acknowledgment crossed Seok-Woo's features before he turned back to Sung-Hee, settling once more on the edge of the bed.

"Continue what you were doing," he instructed, gently guiding Sung-Hee's hair back as she resumed pleasuring him orally. Sung-Hee took his member into her mouth once more, her movements rhythmic and deliberate, all while maintaining eye contact with Seok-Woo.

Sung-Hee's lips moved expertly up and down the member as Seok-Woo held his phone. With one hand still entangled in Sung-Hee's hair, Seok-Woo answered the call and placed the phone on the side of his ear. "Hello Mother," he said coolly, trying to conceal the pleasure that was coursing through him. "Why did you call?" Despite the provocation going on below him, Seok-Woo maintained his usual calm and composed voice. It is due to his Acting Skills[+1] to hide the pleasure he felt from Chae-Yoon.

"Seok-Woo, why haven't you gotten home yet?" Chae-Yoon's concerned voice pierced through the charged air, emanating from the phone held in Seok-Woo's hand. As Sung-Hee stole a fleeting glance at Seok-Woo, who maintained a façade of normalcy despite the carnal activity unfolding below, a mischievous glint flickered in her eyes. With a newfound determination, she intensified her efforts, her head bobbing with a rapidity that matched the pounding rhythm of Seok-Woo's heart, her hands skillfully exploring every contour of his throbbing member. The sudden surge of sensation elicited a stifled gasp of pleasure from Seok-Woo, who struggled to conceal his ecstasy beneath a veil of composure. 

"I'm sorry, I was catching up with my friends. Mother, I'll be staying the night at my friend's house tonight." As Seok-Woo uttered his fabricated excuse with ease, he stole a quick glance down at Sung-Hee, who regarded him with a knowing amusement. Her lips curled into a subtle smirk, betraying her silent acknowledgment of his charade. Meanwhile, Chae-Yoon pondered Seok-Woo's explanation from the comfort of her home. "Since when has he had other friends?" she mused aloud, her brow furrowing in puzzlement. "I thought Sung-Hee was his only friend. Perhaps I don't know him as well as I thought." Despite the fleeting doubts that crept into her mind, she brushed them aside, choosing not to dwell on the matter.

"That's understandable," Chae-Yoon responded, her tone tinged with genuine concern. "You should have let me know earlier. I've been worried about you." Her words carried a hint of reproach, softened by the warmth of her maternal affection. Seok-Woo offered a contrite apology in response, masking the rising tide of pleasure threatening to engulf him. "I'm sorry for not informing you sooner," he replied, his voice strained with the effort of maintaining his composure. "I got caught up in conversation with my friends and lost track of time." Despite the mounting pressure, Seok-Woo endeavored to uphold the façade, his determination matched only by Sung-Hee's impish grin as she continued to ply her skilled movement.

"Then take care of yourself; your classes start in just a week, so don't drink too much," Chae-Yoon's voice conveyed genuine concern, echoing the nurturing tone of a mother ensuring her child's welfare. "Thank you for under-" Seok-Woo's expression softened in acknowledgment, ready to express his gratitude, but his words faltered as he suddenly released his hold on Sung-Hee's hair. With a subtle yet firm touch, he directed her head downward.

Seok-Woo let out a strangled groan, his body trembling as he reached the peak of pleasure once again. Chae-Yoon was suddenly taken aback when he abruptly stopped speaking mid-sentence. Concerned, she asked him, "Are you alright?". Seok-Woo sweat glistening on his forehead replied. "Yes, I'm fine... Something just happened, but it wasn't a big deal. Don't worry about it," he replied, trying to play off the intense moment they had just shared. Glancing down, he saw Sung-Hee's spiteful glare directed towards him. Her mouth was enlarged and swollen from where Seok-Woo's essence had been stored inside her.

"Like I said, take care of yourself and good night," Chae-Yoon reiterated before ending the call. As the conversation concluded, Seok-Woo placed the phone on the bed and turned his attention to Sung-Hee. Retrieving a handful of tissues, he offered them to her, his expression a mixture of mild reproach and bemusement. "Don't look at me like that, you know you're the reason for this," he chided gently, extending the tissues towards her. "Here, spit it out," he instructed.

However, Seok-Woo was taken aback when Sung-Hee surprised him by swallowing his essence. As she swallowed, she withdrew her mouth from Seok-Woo's member, her expression contorting in distaste. "Get me some water," she demanded, her voice laced with urgency. "I need to wash off this taste still lingering in my mouth."

Seok-Woo rose from the bed, his member glistening with a mixture of his essence and Sung-Hee's saliva. Making his way to fetch some water, he returned with a glass and handed it to Sung-Hee. "How did it taste?" he inquired, his curiosity evident in his tone.

Sung-Hee responded with a hint of irritation, her frustration palpable. "Why don't you ejaculate again and then swallow it? Then you'll know the taste," she retorted, taking the glass of water from Seok-Woo's outstretched hand.

Sung-Hee's gaze drifted downward to Seok-Woo's crotch, where she noticed his still erect member. A frown creased her brow in disbelief. "How the hell are you still hard after all of that?" she exclaimed, pointing directly at Seok-Woo's persistent arousal.

Seok-Woo followed her gaze, chuckling softly at the sight. "I can't help it, I haven't masturbated in weeks," he replied playfully, his tone tinged with amusement. Sung-Hee rolled her eyes at his response, exhaling a resigned sigh. She realized that the night was far from over as long as Seok-Woo remained in this state.

"I think it's time for the main course," Seok-Woo declared, breaking the brief moment of contemplation. Sung-Hee watched as he approached, taking a moment to clean himself before joining her on the bed. Side by side, they settled into the center of the mattress, both sitting cross-legged as they prepared for what lay ahead.

"Spread your legs, Sung-Hee," Seok-Woo instructed, his voice firm yet tinged with a hint of anticipation. Sung-Hee couldn't help but blush at his straightforward request, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement. "At least say something different," she retorted playfully, her cheeks flushed as she complied with his command.

As Sung-Hee spread her legs for Seok-Woo, she reclined onto her back, her heart pounding with anticipation. Seok-Woo positioned himself between her legs, but just before he could proceed, a moment of consideration swept over him.

"Do you want me to wear a condom, Sung-Hee?" Seok-Woo inquired, his voice laced with concern. Sung-Hee turned to meet his gaze, her expression thoughtful as she weighed her response.

"Didn't you do it raw earlier in the shower? No need to now," Sung-Hee replied, her voice softening with a hint of vulnerability. After a brief pause, she mustered the courage to voice her desires. "It's my safe day, so you can let it out inside of me," she added, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke her truth.

Seok-Woo's member twitched in anticipation of what she had just said, a surge of excitement coursing through him. "You could have said it earlier, so I could have filled you up sooner," he remarked, his voice heavy with desire. "Now you've motivated me, I'll make sure to make an effort to fill you up." With those words, he plunged into Sung-Hee, eliciting a moan as she gripped the bedsheets tightly.

His thrusts were unyielding, each movement accompanied by a lewd sound as their bodies collided in a symphony of pleasure. Both of them lost in the ecstasy, Seok-Woo's hands explored her body with fervor, grasping her breast and teasing her nipples.

Sung-Hee struggled to articulate her desires amidst the overwhelming sensations, her protests muffled by moans of pleasure. "Don't... be too rough," she managed to utter between gasps, but Seok-Woo's fervor only seemed to intensify as he focused on her most sensitive areas.

Suddenly, Seok-Woo abruptly ceased his movements, withdrawing from Sung-Hee's depths. Confusion flashed across her face, but before she could question him, Seok-Woo shifted her sideways, positioning her leg to allow easier access. With a newfound angle and determination, he aimed his member at Sung-Hee's entrance once more, ready to resume.

Seok-Woo thrust into her once more, this time from a different angle. "Seok-Woo... this position... it's so...," Sung-Hee's words trailed off as Seok-Woo pounded into her relentlessly, each movement sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Despite feeling a sense of shame in this position, Sung-Hee couldn't deny the overwhelming pleasure that Seok-Woo's relentless pounding brought her.

As time passed, the two shifted through numerous positions, each one bringing them closer to the edge of ecstasy. Now, Sung-Hee found herself on top, riding Seok-Woo with passion, her body moving in sync with his as he guided her hips to ensure he hit her deepest parts.

Sensing the climax approaching, Seok-Woo abruptly pulled Sung-Hee close, their bodies moving together in a frantic rhythm. The intensity of their connection grew, each thrust bringing them closer to the peak of pleasure.

"I'm going to cum inside you, Sung-Hee," Seok-Woo declared, his movements becoming more urgent as he pushed deeper into her. "Whatever, do what you want," Sung-Hee replied breathlessly, her own climax imminent. In mere seconds, they both reached the pinnacle of pleasure.

With a loud moan, Sung-Hee released, her body trembling in ecstasy as Seok-Woo poured his essence inside her. She clung to him tightly, her walls tightening around his member as he released, their bodies locked in a moment of blissful release.

As Seok-Woo withdrew, a trickle of their combined essence dribbled from Sung-Hee's entrance, a tangible reminder of their passionate encounter.

Breathing heavily, they lay together, basking in the aftermath of their intense intercourse. Seok-Woo's member, now flaccid, rested against his thigh, a stark contrast to its earlier state of arousal. Sung-Hee glanced back and noticed the change, exhaling in relief at the sight.

"You know," Seok-Woo spoke up, breaking the silence, "I could make it erect again with just a short break." His voice held a playful tone, hinting at the possibility of more pleasure to come.

"Then let me take a break too before we continue," Sung-Hee replied, her smile hinting at the anticipation of experiencing that sensation once more. She couldn't deny the addictive allure of their intimacy, especially when it came from Seok-Woo.

It had taken time for Sung-Hee to adjust to Seok-Woo's size, but as she grew accustomed to it, she found it to be an unparalleled pleasure. However, she would never admit this to him.

As they embraced, Seok-Woo's hand rested on Sung-Hee's buttocks, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on her skin. With each passing moment, Seok-Woo's member began to stir once more, slowly regaining its former vigor.

"Oh, it's standing up again," Seok-Woo remarked, noting the rekindled arousal. Sung-Hee reacted with a deadpan expression before leaning in to whisper shyly in Seok-Woo's ear. "Can you do it inside again?" Her words were muffled as she buried her face against his chest. Seok-Woo smiled at her request, responding with a simple yet affirmative "Sure."

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