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Chapter 27: Chapter Twenty-Six: First Tribulation - Theft (Begin)

The two calmed down before trying to understand what had happened. Neither had panicked expressions, but deep within Xin Che's heart was a doubt. 

Seeing that Yanqing was busy analyzing what had happened, he went into a lotus position before circulating his cultivation art, [Earth Fire Rebellion]. 

He tried to circulate the spiritual energy in his body, yet there was none that had gone into it at all. 

His hopes were not dashed yet as he continued to circulate his energy for an hour more. Usually those of Dual Roots would be able to sense energy within a day or less, and those who had cultivated would be able to do it instantly.

Yet, the energy was not visible. The familiar red and yellow colors did not appear around him. Sweat began filling his back as a chilling sensation came down.

'Am I crippled?'

'That can't be... I must continue' And yet with more time, the realization hardened as the light in his eyes became blank. 

'...Do I no longer have any ability to seek my path?' Xin Che's heart ached as he continued to think, 'What a painful way to lose it all… on a gamble.' 

His hands trembled as he exited meditation. Countless calluses were visible on his hands from swinging all day long. Only taking breaks from theorizing and thinking about formations. 

What was the purpose of all of it, if I were to just lose it all? So suddenly and without warning? 

How could I change anything if I don't have power… 

Then he was suddenly grabbed by Yanqing. 'Why are there stars in his eyes? Why is he continuing to hope, we just lost everything…' 

'...Ah. He's still young and has a chance.' 


"Xin Che…" His voice was shaky, but there was clear excitement in his voice. One he has not heard for a while since their first bout, "Do you know what we have discovered?"

"The Five Elements are separate, but can become one. You felt the process too, did you not? The Elements fusing, separating, recombining, and then changing at the end." 

"That means… there's more. That means there's so much more we don't know!" Yanqing shouted with all his might. 

"...But we are mortals now. We are less than ants to all those around us… " He continued, "yet doesn't that prospect excite you?" 

"The chance to start all over again, even if it's slower. Wouldn't it be nice to fight everyone once more, take down superior opponents and go beyond your limits?" 

Xin Che stared into the eyes of Yanqing. His mouth moved, yet no words came out. His own heart had already fallen victim to his own thoughts.

'So much… for being unwavering.' 

"Xin Che? Are you listening?" Yanqing tilted his head before his eyes widened in shock. 

He then sat in a lotus position himself, circulating his own technique to no avail. It was then that he calmed down before recalling how the Heavens would always provide a chance as long as one sought it.

There was no impossi–

Realization settled in as he recalled Xin Che's own age. His smile was wiped off his face in an instant.

Cultivation brought longevity and a longer lifespan. Yet, this only applied to those who still had their cultivation. If one's spiritual energy or base disappeared then… it would mean that they would have the lifespan of a mortal. 

As a Cultivator lost their cultivation completely, unless they were Nascent Soul or above, they would die due to the rapid aging. Only a Nascent Soul had begun to truly transform their own soul and entity to one of an Immortal after all.

Grey hair was beginning to make itself known to Yanqing's eyes as he stared at the head of his companion. Although there were no wrinkles, one could see the calamity was coming already. 

He soon refocused himself, before redirecting his eyes.

Yanqing looked at Xin Che silently. His eyes sharpened before he said, "Is that all you are?"

"...?" He was confused by what Yanqing had meant.

"Someone who wishes to trample the heavens, someone who wishes to destroy all those in his path without any doubt?"


"A stubborn bastard wanting to do whatever he can to take what he wants." Insults began filling the air as Yanqing spoke. 


"You wished to destroy, you wished to change, but most importantly of all. You wanted something." Yanqing's voice began to rise.

"What was it that you wished for? What was it that made you work so hard for decades" His voice deepened, showing a different side of him for the first time.

"What was it that made you swing your sword!" Yanqing's eyes stared straight into his own. 


Doubt, pain, and confusion arose within Xin Che. He had cultivated for the sake of…

He wanted to speak so badly, yet the words would not come out. He wanted to say something to counter Yanqing's argument. Yet, there were no words that left his mouth. 

His own mind had no thoughts either as he just… did nothing. 

Seeing that his companion, no, acquaintance, did not respond, Yanqing slowly began to rise. His body stood straight, above Xin Che before staring him down.

"Come with me. We will restart from the beginning and take it all back. We will trample on the Heavens, we will do all of that… so just grab my hand." A shaky and trembling voice came out. 

His hand reached out towards Xin Che, a serious gaze was upon him. His back sweated, 'It was a while since I last sweated so much…'

Hesitation was clear in Xin Che's mind, denying everything that he could think of. He didn't know what he wanted. 

A minute passed as Xin Che simply looked on, before staring into the ground. 

An hour had passed as Xin continued to do nothing. 

Then the sound came. 

There were visible footsteps unlike how a cultivator would walk. Yet those footsteps surprised Xin Che as he wanted to walk too. Yet, his own legs would not move. 

'Move. MOVE. LET ME MOVE.' His own soul and spirit called upon him to continue forward, not faltering. Yet… there was no response. 

He could only see Yanqing walking further and further away. His sword [Aurora], flying after him. 

Seeing [Aurora], his own mind darted towards his own sword, [Wentian]. 

His sword had been by his side, unsheathed. Yet unlike Yanqing, his sword did not respond to him. Still without movement or care. 

"Wentian… please." The man called out to his sword that he had carried for decades. 

The sword still did not respond. 

As Yanqing walked further and further away from their destination, he began to run. His own body was well above that of a normal cultivator, and he knew that fact very well. 

His speed soon increased, going faster, and faster than before. 

Days and nights passed as he continued running without care. His own body was enough for this endeavor alone. 

He wanted to go somewhere where he could just… pause. 

His surroundings changed from a forest to a mountain and then to an open area of grass. 

As the breeze and the light from the stars glinted upon himself once more, he fell to the ground. 

Tears falling from his yellow-amber eyes. He was a rash and reckless kid, but he knew that he was at fault. He was at fault for causing his friend to lose everything. 

He ran away from his own responsibility. His hands clenched as he just simply looked on the grass below him. 

He didn't punch the ground in his frustration, he did not crawl into a fetal position to cry either. He just sat there. 

Swordsmen were one to follow their path without doubt, to continue tracing their path no matter the odds. Even if it had meant death. 

Yet, this was not a common idea even amongst swordsmen themselves. Some sought a thrilling battle to the end, some wished to die in peace, and others wished to achieve much greater heights.

Xin Che was one of those who wished to achieve greater heights. Reaching the ceiling before continuing forward. 

Xin Che's hand reached towards the sky, attempting to grasp it. 

Yet. This setback had completely crushed him. He wanted to continue swinging, he knew he wanted to continue swinging. 

Why did he want to continue swinging? 

The only thing he remembered since his early childhood was to fight. Fight amongst all those around him, cheating, stealing, and killing for food. 

There was nothing that would stop him from getting what he wanted. This was just how life was for mortals in Longxin city. 

For cultivators, there was a civilization in the town. Yet the mortals were treated as mere cattle to breed more cultivators for the clan. Even those born in the clan were thrown out when they weren't seen as fit. 

They were just garbage after all. Something to be thrown away just like how his own mother had abandoned him.

But there was another truth. 

He didn't even come from the State of Yuanwu.

Xin Che's face began changing rapidly to reflect another face.

He wasn't someone originating from the Xin family. His name wasn't Xin Che. The name wasn't his. 

…He was just someone who happened to stumble upon a dying young man. Someone who held a sword and fought to protect others from dying. 

Memories passed through the aging man's eyes as he continued to remember each and every moment. 

"Stop here! This is the Black Wolf's territory!" A man with a scar looked on towards the traveling carriages. Before long, several of his companions appeared out of the woods.

The surrounding guards, ranging from Qi Condensation 4-8 looked on in horror. The man with a scar was nearing Grand Completion, and they were not an opponent for them. 

The carriages stopped as if time itself had frozen. No one moved, no one breathed, and most importantly of all. No one dreamed of their future at this moment. 

Swords began slashing everywhere, blades cutting through the carriages and carrying out women, boxes, and precious riches. Cages were taken out as well, with several kids inside. 

There were four in total, each huddling around one another. Their skin was light, and polished. Their faces were the most different part, however, as each one had a handsome or beautiful face. 

Screams were constant. Some begged to be spared while they were dragged outside with no one knowing their fate…

This was the biggest lie, everyone knew what would happen to them. Even he knew it as a kid… yet he continued to hope that something would change.

A young kid with pale skin and brown hair was inside the carriage, hiding under precious spirit silk that the carriages were planning on trading.

As other kids tried to join him in hiding, he pushed the kids away one after another. He saw the fear in their eyes as they pleaded with him to let them go in. 

He, however, refused to budge. They continued until he kicked one of them outside the carriage. A scream came as the kid cried from the pain, before a swift noise came and cut it off. 

A sound of a thud soon came from the outside. 

"Oi, Old Chen don't just kill merchandise like that. They're worth quite a bit…" A voice soon responded to the action that occurred outside. 

"But how did this brat fall out…" The air froze at that moment. His heart was beating as fast as it humanly could. 

He ran towards his spot as quickly as he could, praying that he could get away. He prayed that someone would save him. Someone must be strong enough to change all this. 

'Please… just anyone. Save me. Save me please.' His prior actions betrayed him as the carriage was soon flipped over. His body flew and crashed onto the sides of it. 

Note: There is a reason as to why they cannot cultivate right now 

Reader_Noti Reader_Noti

Still rewriting the beginning... I might've gotten the Author's disease and wanted to start writing a whole new story.

Here's some backstory on "Xin Che", thought his character wasn't fully fleshed out.

Will probably update once per day until I manage to finish rewriting the beginning. Then it'll go back to 2-3 chapters per day.

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