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Chapter 25: Mystery in the Lab

Why was the wolf's Bankai not released? It's not that it couldn't; it's that Silas took the captain's sword away, placing a hypnosis to make Sajin think it was still in his hand!

That was how powerful an ability like Kyōka Suigetsu was. And considering Silas's spiritual pressure was great enough to influence many Soul Reapers at once, Sajin, a predator, became his prey.

Now that the other captains were busy, Silas took the opportunity to make an escape. What he needed to do was return to the world of the living. Trying to capture Rukia now was too tedious, and he didn't have the right means to survive peacefully within the Soul Society. Whether it would take a few months or not, he would inevitably return.

Soaring through the midnight sky, he ventured to the one area that he knew a lot about: the Technological Development Department within squad twelve's district.

During the time that Uryū was here, he explained to Silas the notes he had managed to conveniently find. Those same notes were not only examined by Silas; it also helped him recover his forgotten memories of how this place functioned.

The Technological Development Department did exactly what its title initiated—it industrialized various tools and gadgets to help Soul Reapers. Be it as small as a soul candy or as large as a missile that could destroy half of the Seireitei, they had it. In fact, this is the squadron that created Zaraki's eyepatch.

Silas was bound to find what he was looking for.

Upon entering one of their many laboratories, he quickly ran to look for the control room. His body was aching due to the amount of spiritual power he used earlier. Then there was the fact that he had also fought Byakuya Kuchiki. But the moment he discovered the room, his heart almost leapt.

Not a single person was guarding inside. There hadn't even been that many Soul Reapers around, considering that their captain recently died.

Silas found the switch on the wall and turned the lights on. He then casually walked inside, looking for a lever that would access a Senkaimon. It didn't matter which Senkaimon needed to be open or where it would take him; he just needed it to transport him back without being traced. And the best way to do that was to erase the data the moment the portal opened.

Pulling a lever, their advanced computer turned on, revealing its blue LED lights. Silas typed a random coordinate that he believed would lead him to Japan. What made it easier was that the map was an exact model of the earth. The concept seemed simple, no different than using a global positioning system.

"So, it's true that you'd be here," a voice said from behind.

Silas furrowed his brows while keeping his eyes locked on the computer. Who in the Seireitei had the ability to sneak up on a dominant force like him? More importantly, how did he not sense this Soul Reaper?

"I won't stop you," they said.

Silas could care less who was behind him, so he focused on typing. And whoever it was, they had a female's voice, calm and collected.

The fact she had said she wouldn't stop him could mean a variety of things. Was she on his side, or did she have ulterior motives?

"Won't or can't?" Silas asked.


When he slowly turned around, he locked onto a Soul Reaper with long, black hair tied in a French knot in front of her bosom. There was a sincere smile on her face that seemed more amusing than fake. She also had a captain's uniform, and her sword was sheathed.

"I'd like to ask you something," Retsu Unohana said. "You don't have to worry. No one else is around."

"Who said I was worried?" Silas retorted.

Retsu closed her eyes, acknowledging that a man like him did indeed have nothing to concern himself with. Not only had she seen Kyōka Suigetsu's light, all the other captains had also witnessed it. If he wanted, he could activate it now and disrupt her senses. Yet, there was a reason she was here, and he needed to understand.

"Judging from your tone, it seems like you forgot, so I won't bother asking now."


Before he could inquire more, an alarm set off in the room. Red lights began slowly flashing, indicating that a Senkaimon had opened. Silas had to choose: stay here and listen to what Retsu was hiding or depart.

He chose the latter.

Retsu watched as he casually walked by her. He neither looked her way nor questioned her motives. Neither did she respond to his silence, apart from watching him leave.

"We'll see each other soon," she said, smiling.

"We won't…"

At those words, he vanished. This was a critical moment. If he didn't enter the Senkaimon now, he would be stuck in the Seireitei and likely locked up in Muken again. Only this time, he wouldn't be able to escape. Too much of Enrakyōten's power had been used.

So to ensure that his life wouldn't be in mortal danger, he went into a different department and grabbed a Gigai. Entering in it was no different than entering his physical body. The Gigai was clothed in an all-white gown, indicating that it was new. And just as he felt his spiritual powers decreasing, so did Enrakyōten's influence.

'This should buy me more time,' he thought to himself.

A Gigai's purpose was to help a Soul interact with the world of the living. Another function it carried was that it could help suppress a Soul's spiritual power. Gigai's like that were forbidden to make, as it could cause that Soul to lose all of their powers. Although the one Silas donned wouldn't do that, it would halt Enrakyōten from trying to kill his Soul.

Once he confirmed his body was responding accordingly, he began to hear Enrakyōten laugh, stating that his "little trick was only temporary." Silas ignored it and ventured straight for the Senkaimon.

Halfway across the district, he stood in the epicenter of a courtyard. Using his Zangetsu, he then stabbed through an open space and twisted the handle, forming a door. Retsu had not followed him, nor had any other Soul Reaper.

The gates opened, and he walked inside.

Light flooded his vision as he quickly took off. Although he was inside the precipice world now, that didn't mean others couldn't follow him in. There was even a strong possibility that he was being watched from the control room.

Silas cast those thoughts aside and continued running. Suddenly, he saw a light from behind. It was the streetsweeper!

This was to be expected since he didn't have a black butterfly with him. But to think that now, of all times, it would appear.

As he continued running, he could feel something cold inside. Forced to stop, he spat blood on his hand. Enrakyōten was trying to kill him. And he understood why.

Too many times he's been evading death. And if he were to escape to the world of the living, her influence on him would be halted even longer—perhaps decades. The spirit didn't want that to happen, so it was trying to take his life beforehand!

Silas tried to run, but couldn't muster the strength. His legs gave way, causing him to fall to a knee. His vision then began to blur. The street sweeper wasn't stopping, and Zangetsu couldn't be used!

Never before had he read or watched what would happen to a Soul swept up in the precipice world. For all he knew, he could die before Enrakyōten had the last laugh.

There was nothing he could do at a time like this. His spiritual pressure was too low, and his body, despite being in the Gigai, was in too much pain.

It was over.

Turning around to face what was to come, he saw a reflection of his past the moment he was engulfed. Silas Wren had been swept up.

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