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Chapter 1714: 3

Chapter 3

I had gone and done it. I've pulled a Lupin. I debated with myself on whether or not I'd be at the castle or take the train yearly. In order to keep an eye out.

With me having transformative powers I felt like the best thing to do would be to take the train with the rest of the students.

Since Remus wouldn't be around to stop the dementors in Harry's third year, I'd have to take that spot without it being out of character.

At least that's my excuse. I knew a few questionable things will happen and it might be nice to stop them or at least step in when they could get worse.

For my first year of teaching, and thus my first train ride as a teacher I chose to go with no disguise. It wouldn't be fun if I couldn't pull a bit of a prank.

There were no dress requirements for being a teacher. I obviously still had to dress professionally.

Otherwise, I was fine to wear whatever. I drew inspiration from media Tonks. A nice long dragon skin duster would be my staple.

Today I wore a light green blouse underneath the coat. Some muggle jeans rounded out the look.

I just needed to make sure the older students didn't catch on too quick so I chose to make my hair a dark brown to blend in better.

It wasn't my typical hair color use so I didn't think many younger students would recognize me.

This was more for the first years anyway. I trusted the prefects to keep their eyes on the older students.

No my focus would be the people I knew would come to bash heads in the coming years.

My little cousin Draco, and Harry Potter. I knew that Harry Potter had a bit of a short fuse. He might look small and fearful, but if pushed he could be scrappy.

So there I was sitting waiting on the platform in front of the Hogwarts express. Groups of families coming through the wall others flooing in.

I kept checking the time. There was 10 minutes left. There were still no signs of the glasses wearing child.

Then out of the wall came Percy with a new looking owl. I didn't really remember him ever having an owl.

Though to be honest, I didn't exactly pay attention to him in the books or movies. Then the twins came through.

I suddenly had a major headache. I would have to teach them. A shiver ran through my spine.

There was a bit of a pause. No one was coming. Any second now I knew that he would come through.

Then out jogged a head of black hair pushing a trolley with a white owl sitting in a cage on top of a set of luggage.

As if a weight was lifted I felt so much lighter. I know it might be ridiculous to think but the fact I could see Harry Potter meant another level of realism had dropped over me.

Sure I had been here for years. Sure I could point at a history book and see the existed. However getting to see the real life child. The human was on a whole other level.

He was a scrawny tiny thing. He was a bit smaller than any of the other first years that had come through.

I didn't get to get a good look at his face before he rushed off to look in detail at the train.

I passed right by him and boarded the train. I had no luggage with me to carry around unlike Lupin.

I greeted the workers and made my way through each of the cars. The older students and prefects would be near the front.

However that didn't seem to limit the first years spreading out throughout all of the train. I found a few in that front car.

They seemed to be a bit bolder than any other year. It was nice to see we had some strong willed firsties.

I sat in the back of the train with some of the train workers and Trolley witch. We didn't talk much she seemed more than happy to ignore me.

Then the train started moving, it really was a whole other feeling than going to school. Instead it felt much more powerful.

I was a whole other person. I had grown even from the maturity I had as a reborn child. A new found confidence that I never had at any other point.


I was resting my eyes when I heard the Trolley witch next to me start to push the food cart out.

We were midway then, a good note to have. That also meant that she'd have to come right back after she got to Harry to restock.

I stood up to stretch my legs a bit. I moved to the hallway to take a look down. The Trolley had made it a few cabins down.

After a few cabins she stopped visibly looked shocked and started levitating candies through the door. Bingo.

Once she was finished, she came storming back to our cabin. I heard complain just a tiny bit before going back to cheerful about the money she made.

I don't know her salary maybe she made some money off of how much she ended up selling.

In any case I chose that moment to slip out and start wandering my way up the train. There were no signs of Hermione yet, maybe she'd take a bit to get back here.

I looked at one of the filled compartments it had a group of muggleborns inside. The clothing really gave them away.

I think they were first years. They might have been a group that had been introduced to the magical world together.

I wonder if their friendships would hold. Being sorted to a different house really killed a few friendships. It was a sad thing to see.

Behind me the Trolley witch asked me to mind the way so she could pass. I opened the door to the compartment and stepped inside.

"Hello." One of them spoke up seeing me enter their space,she was a little girl reddish brown hair.

"Hi, are all of you first years?" I asked, receiving a few nods I tried to smile reassuringly, "Well I'm sure you'll all love it at Hogwarts it's a wonderful place filled with Magic and other wonderful things."

I looked back out the doorway the witch had gotten farther down. One of the boys spoke up, "What year student are you?"

I looked back at the young boy he had dark skin and curly black hair. I gave a wink before replying, "I'm not a student at all, see you all at Hogwarts."

I then left them with that information before moving forward down the train. I then saw a bushy brown haired girl go from compartment to compartment.

She leaned in at each one trying to get the attention of the people in the cart. She wasn't making much headway with any of the people inside it seemed.

Then she went inside one of the compartments. This would be an important meeting. After a bit she walked out and made eye contact with me.

As soon as she did she quickly made her way towards me, and at about a speed that was reserved for machinery she asked, "I'm looking for a toad, a student has lost him. His name is Trevor and I'm wondering if I could get your help in finding him?"

Sifting through the words I responded, "That shouldn't be too difficult." I then cast a smaller tracking charm limiting the spell to find a toad named Trevor.

A golden glow flowed out of my wand and down the aisle way. It made it to the front of the train car before turning left into the loo.

"And that should be where he is." I looked back down to the soon to be brightest witch of her age.

Her mouth was open in shock at the spell work I had put on display. Probably not having been much exposed to much magic at all in her time since finding out about our world.

"Who are you? What spell was that? How old are you? What year are you in? What house are you in? I'm Hermione Granger it's nice to meet you!" She flung out words and questions before holding out her hand.

"Uh, Nyphadora Tonks I also know a bit about having a long name. that would be a tracking charm you'll eventually get to in a later year. 18 years old for now. And my goodness that was a lot of questions Ms. Granger. It's quite nice to meet you too, with all those personal questions I wouldn't be shocked if you ended up in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw." I did my best to answer and side step a few questions.

I shook her hand making sure to keep my eye out for my cousin who could come at any moment.

"Oh do you think so? I wanted to be in Gryffindor, it just sounds like the perfect house for me."

"Yes I think it'd make a great house for you."

"Thank you so much you don't know how happy that makes me." She sure shined bright.

"Don't mean to end this conversation short, but you said you were looking for that toad."

"Oh right, sorry I do hope we meet again I wish to ask many more questions"

"I'm sure we will, now off you go."

She started to leave before once again speaking, "Thank you again Nyphadora." then she went into the loo where the spell ended.

"Shit!" I cursed allowed and looked for any change from my name being said out loud. There didn't seem to be.

Not taking any chances I walked into the cabin that I knew held Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter inside.

Looking at the compartment I was a bit disgusted. Wrappers and boxes were empty and just left on the floor.

I then focused on the two in the room. They were looking up at me as if waiting. Right I should speak to them at some point.

"Oh it's the fifth Weasley, it's always nice to see another one come into Hogwarts Halls." I tried to tease Ron.

Having met every Weasley in school but not Ginney or Ron I only had the books and movies to go off of.

And as much as they said, it's always better to meet the real them. He squinted his eyes at me.

"Do I know you?" He asked.

"We've never met before in our lives, I have however met all of your brothers."

"All of them?" He seemed to be trying to place my age. And some people said he didn't pick up on things like that.

It's a shame for him though that he wouldn't be able to exactly tell my age, I could have any age of skin I really wanted.

That's when we were joined by three people. Two large first years and a blonde entered the compartment.

"Is it true?" my cousin asked, "That the Harry Potter is here and going to join Hogwarts."

"The date checks out." I mused allowed.

Draco turned his attention to me, "Excuse me, who are you?"

He didn't seem to pick up on the fact that I was many years his senior. I teased him a little, "Dora, and yourself?"

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." I heard the snicker from Ron.

Before Draco could start on his rant I spoke, "Malfoy? Then you must be my cousin!"

"Cousin?" He asked scrunching his nose and tilting his head.

"Yes, on your mother's side!" I gave a little smile maybe the actual lack of information would lead him down another road.

Sadly it seems he didn't pick up on either one, "What is your last name then Dora?"


"How can you claim to be a cousin of mine with a last name like that?"

"Well, probably because it's true?"

"How can you be with a mudblood name like that?"

It was shocking really. For the first use towards me to be a first year. Even as a half-blood in Slytherin I don't think that word was used once in my presence.

Subtlety thy name is not Draco Malfoy. I stood up from my seat letting myself grow just a few extra inches as I came to my full standing position.

"My goodness, it seems you lack the intelligence to feel out the room before going and saying something like that."

He suddenly seemed to notice that he did in fact insult someone older and probably with more experience than him.

His face turned red and he spoke to the large first years, "Crabbe Goyle, we're leaving." Then the three of them were moving quickly back where they came from.

I put all my weight back down when I sat and commented allowed after letting out a breath, "Some people, huh?"


After excusing myself from their room I made my way to the front of the train. I saw the station from the window and it looked like the right time.

As soon as we pulled in I was the first one off. I gave a wave to Hagrid before hopping into one of the carriages and getting it to increase the speed just a bit.

I made it to the castle before any of the students did. Hopped out of the carriage and gave the thestral, I couldn't see, a quick pat and jogged off to the Great Hall.

At the table was already was Dumbledore, who I was a bit annoyed at. Snape, Sprout, Flitwick, Vector, Sinistra, Kettleburn, Babbling, and finally Quirrell.

Yes it seems that what would be our muggle studies professor had come down with a terrible illness.

Not to worry though after his absence, Quirrell came back into his old position. The slimy fucker.

His reason for coming back was much the same, I can only assume. Dumbledore did in fact bring the stone here to defend.

As for the reason I was annoyed, he used the floor he just gave me. Granted I could still get to my room but the students wouldn't be allowed on the third floor corridor.

I did get my own defense for the stone. I already knew the others defenses but we weren't allowed to tell each other what our defenses were or how to get by them.

I was a bit proud of mine, it wasn't going to stop Quirrell. However it was an impressive bit of magic if I do say so myself.

I had animated the dragon skeleton that used to be in my classroom. It would ask a question I left it up to Dumbledore to pick said question.

If they were right the dragons mouth would open fully letting anyone through if not a bogart would come out.

It was just to delay the person trying to break in. Dumbledore definitely had a way to know if someone got past the defenses.

I greeted everyone as I made my way to the seat next to Severus. He sighed in silent resignation.

"You wouldn't believe the things that happened on that train, or who I ran into." I spoke through a smile to Snape.

"With you I could only imagine they were purely accidental and not at all planned." Snape grumbled.

"Well it wasn't exactly in my plans to get called a mudblood, but here we are."

"What!?" Snape seemed surprised by his own outburst.

"Ah, don't worry about it too much, I'm not offended." I tried to placate the shocked potions master, "You'll probably end up being his head of house."

"Did he not realize you were a teacher?" He asked, "Did you punish him?"

"Naw, I didn't want to reveal that until everyone that I met got to see me up here."

"Now I'm feeling bad for the students, they have to deal with you much more than I do now."

"You shouldn't pity the dead Snape." he looked a bit put off by my comment, "Too much?"

"Just a bit." he turned back to his plate, "Did you get the name of the first year?"

"Oh, I knew his name before he told me, it was my widdle cousin Draco." I laughed to myself, "What a great first family meeting." I then laughed again at the exasperated face of my co-worker.


The Second through first years arrived at the same time Hagrid did. At some point Hooch had taken a seat on the other side of me.

I saw confused reactions from each table as they caught sight of me.I gave a manic a grin as I could at a few of the people I recognised.

The third year Twins, a fifth year and now Slytherin prefect Flint, a fifth year Penelope Clearwater badge firmly attached to her robe, a shocked looking Percey also in his fifth year also wearing his prefect badge, and a third year Cedric.

They were some of the few people I had the pleasure of interacting with over my years. To see them from up here at the teachers table was quite the treat.

It was around that time that the doors to the Great Hall opened. Mcgonagall walked into the feast with a trail of first years following closely behind her.

Each of them took in the ceiling and sights around them. I saw Hermione talking off the ear of a fellow first year.

I leaned over to Snape to whisper but he cut me off, "No, I won't bet anything." I let out a defeated air.

I then tried on my other side. She also was not in the mood for spending any money. Curse them.

I could have made some easy extra money. I tried to look for anyone that would look like a betting person but they all seemed focused on the children or eating.

I made a choice that I would just name a school each time a new child would come up to be sorted.

Dumbledore then started his announcements. I snorted at the forbidden to all students line.

I received a glare from Mcgonagall from below. I raised my hands in defeat. I clicked my teeth at the third floor corridor bit.

That time I received an elbow jab from Snape. When Dubledore sat down I gave him a big goofy thumbs up congratulating him on his small speech.

He gave me a small smile in return. Hannah Abbott was then called to be sorted. "Hufflepuff" I said out loud enough for only the teachers near me to hear.

And the hat called it out. I licked my finger and drew it down in the air marking 1. Susan Bones was next I repeated each of my steps.

Terry Boot was next I rightly called it with Ravenclaw, and gave myself another point. I got Mandy wrong.

From next to Dumbledore, Flitwick marked the air with a 1. I leaned over the table looking more plainly at him and gave a shrug.

Then it was Lavender "Gryff" I spoke. The hat allowed me to add a fourth mark. The cheers from Gryffindor overpowered any of the other cheers from the other houses at their new housemates.

Millicent Bulstrode got me a line through my other four. Tracey Davis scored me one more.

Seamus Finnigan and Justin Finch-Fletchley brought me to eight marks. Goyle got me to an odd nine.

By now a few teachers were making their own guesses, it was a shame I really would have made a small pile of galleons.

Then it was Hermione's turn. She had been staring at me most of the sorting but at the reminder she was there I turned my hair a bright pink.

It seemed to snap her out of her stare just a bit and as she walked up I gave her two thumbs up and mouthed "Good Luck".

From near the stool Mcgonagall looked from the top of Hermione's head to Filius. I shook my head and spoke louder this time for Hermione to hear "Gryffindor."

Then the hat spoke allowed "Gryffindor!" Hermione jumped from the stool gave me a quick smile and made her way to her houses table.

Mcgonagall squinted at me, trying to figure out how I would have known more than her. I marked a nice solid ten.

Daphne Greengrass got me to eleven. I had a bit of a dry streak for the next couple names.

I had no idea who they were or where they could end up. Flitwick marked away. The end of my losing streak came in the form of Neville.

This time it was Sprout who tried to claim him. I shook my head no and made a neck cutting motion with four of my fingers. I pointed to the Gryffindor house table.

Sure enough the hat called out to the house I gestured to. Sprout seemed to nod in approval.

Little did she know I was cheating just a bit. Then came my little cousin for my next get. I put two fingers in my mouth and gave a loud whistle.

I was shushed by Pince. The absurdity about the Librarian shushing me caused me to let out a giggle.

Draco on his way up seemed to become paler than he already was. His eyes also grew just a bit in his head.

I elbowed at Snape's side. Still giggling to myself, and before the hat could even touch his head it called out Slytherin.

I was up to an unlucky thirteen before Theodore Nott brought it up to fourteen. Pansy Parkinson was fifteen.

The Patil twins threw people off after getting Padma wrong I got Parvati correct. Then the next name was called and everyone in the hall quieted down.

Harry Potter made his way up to the stool. He looked to Hagrid then to me. I gave him a little way to try and ease his worry.

I think everyone at the table knew that he was going to get into Gryffindor. On the off chance he didn't they paid extra special attention.

I on the other hand kept chanting Gryff under my breath. I got a stern glare from Snape for it.

There was a hat stall. As expected, then the hat let out a mighty call of Gryffindor. The applause from the lion table was staggering as well as the mighty claps from Hagrid.

The Twins were singing, and as Harry made his way to the table I added another mark down. I wasn't going to lose my count.

Sally Smith was a correct guess on my end for Gryffindor. I was up to my age in lines with eighteen.

Dean Thomas who I guess had been watching me for some time seemed to be asking which house he'd get before he sat down.

I gestured to the rest of the lions. He quickly sat down and after the hat touched his head he was sorted into Gryffindor.

He looked to me to give me a quick ok hand sign and ran to the table. I was at nineteen.

I had recognized the name Lisa Turpin, however I was wrong in the placement. Undoing some more of the percentage.

Ronald Weasley was called and I buffed my fingernails on the outside of my coat. I think we all knew where Weasleys ended up, I knew all of them.

Strangely enough he seemed to be looking everywhere but at me. He might have put together who I was.

I wonder what his brothers had told him about me. I hope it wasn't anything that might traumatize him.

He brought my total up to twenty. Then came Blaise Zabini, the last student. I couldn't imagine the feeling of always being last on a list.

All the attention it gave you being the last one standing. I said the word snake and after the hat dropped down it called out Slytherin.

My final score was 21. Flitwick had marked 27 in total that I missed. "A failing grade then." Snape snarked.

"It's better than you would have done." I pouted and crossed my arms. This caused a few other teachers to laugh.

"How would you know, I don't participate in these childish games."

"So everyone that joined in would be childish then?" A few hums and haws were heard from all sides of the table.

"Yes." He simply said. With that I had to laugh involuntarily slapping the table in my glee. McGonagall then got around the table to her open chair.

She cleared her throat, I wiped away a fake tear and gave my placating hands. She then tapped her class getting the attention of everyone in the hall.

Once everything had quilted down again, Dubledore stood up and started speaking. "Before we begin our feast I'd like to introduce some new and old faces to you all."

He waited a beat before continuing, "Taking up his old position in Muggle Studies Professor Quirinus Quirrell."

After a pause for applause he kept going. "Secondly, I would like to introduce and reintroduce you all to Professor Nymphadora Tonks. She will be your new Defense Against the Dark Arts and More teacher."

I wiggled my fingers above my head in greeting. He finished his comments with, "Some final words I'd like to say are Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Now let the feast begin."

Suddenly there was food on everyone's plates and all the students started digging in. The ghosts did their pageantry with each of the tables.

After eating Dumbledore led the school in the school's song. I chose not to sing. As did most of the teachers. Fred and George chose to do their own thing it was all slightly embarrassing.


After going the long way to get to my room. I sat down at my desk and double checked my plans for my classes.

My first class would be 6th years. I didn't interact much with them, at least it would be a smaller class size since they just finished their OWLs and only the ones who chose defense would be there.

After making absolutely sure of what I wanted to teach each year. I put out all my lights and headed to bed for an early sleep. I only hoped it wouldn't be an absolute disaster.


It was only a bit of a disaster. After entering my classroom I set it up with padding and a blackboard. Then I waited for the students to come in.

This classroom was on the ground floor. It had it's pillars and platform set up. The light came from behind where I would look at the class. I put up curtains as to not give everyone a headache.

No one was late. I guess I could count on older students to know their way around and not sleep in. Especially with how important this year was to them.

I asked them what the teacher from fifth year had just got done teaching them. They told me he had taught them how to cast a few jinxes and curses which he should have at least by book standards.

They also said that he was much better at creature knowledge, than spell work. I asked them if any of them could cast non verbally. A few of them could.

I paired them up in groups putting each one in charge of a group that didn't know how to.

A few times they asked about how I got the position and if it was true I cast a corporeal patronus.

I told them that I wouldn't answer anything that didn't have to do with getting them to NEWT level by the end of the year.

It went well for the most part, no one got injured and after a few tries at least everyone had cast the proper spell without saying the whole word.

I gave points to my Teachers Assistants. Overall I gave a big ole check mark to that class.

Then came the first years. The two houses for this period were Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

For their first taste of class I didn't want to have them anywhere near casting or theory regarding casting. In case they wanted to start doing things on their own.

We would go with Dark Creatures instead. Treating werewolf bites, vampires, zombies, and ghosts.

I had them read out loud, picking a student one at a time to get through each part. Reading comprehension seemed more than fine.

There were a couple shy Hufflepuffs as expected but they all got through the first three chapters with no problems.

In our last minutes I asked if any of the students had questions. Hermione was the first to raise her hand.

I called on her, she asked about identifying werewolves to cure bites. I told her this was just about people already bitten.

No one was going to stop a bite or a werewolf as a first year. However if you couldn't actually tell, they looked less like a wolf and more like stretched human with a hairless wolf face.

She had other questions like that one regarding other creatures, I did my best to answer them without just saying wait for us to get to that point.

Once it was time I dismissed the class and made my way from the classroom to the kitchens to pick up a snack and relax.

I spent my time getting back to the classroom. My fourth period class were the first year claws and snakes.

I went over the same things. I did however keep an eye out for Draco, he didn't taunt anyone in my class thankfully.

Maybe Snape had a conversation with him. It might have also been no one to rile him up to be the person who caused trouble.

I didn't go out of my way to embarrass him. The Ravenclaw students asked questions on any possible reading ahead they could do to understand faster.

I told them which chapters we were going to read in class by the end of the semester and which ones would help round out their education.

Then was a break for all students and teachers to eat lunch. I quietly enjoyed a pizza by myself.

I had never had to talk so much before, it was really killer on the throat. I felt like the break was very much needed.

The next period was 3rd year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. I taught and went over spells with them that they had to catch up on.

I also started them on the revulsion jinx. They practiced it on each other and on a wooden dummy holding a broom.

Cedric and Davies were the ones to excel at the spell work and help others in catching up.

The last class for this Monday were the 5th years. Gryffs and Claws. I got them on stunners and the tripping jinx. Wood, Percy, and Penelope were my little helpers.

That was my day, and it very much summed up how things typically went that first semester.

I can give you some irregularities until Halloween. On Friday Mcgonagall came into my 6th period class and asked to Borrow one of my three helpers in Wood.

The fact that he was well ahead of the rest of the class allowed me to let him go along with her without worrying about him missing out on that lesson.

Three days before Halloween I had tasked Neville with casting a spell. Now knowing a bit before had I knew that he would have trouble with his wand.

So after letting him try a few times I asked him about his wand. He told him that his grandmother had given it to him and that it was his father's.

I took him with me after class to Mcgonagall's office. I explained that he was using his father's wand and it wasn't giving any results.

I left the situation in Mcgonagall's hands, during breakfast a day later I'd received a thank you letter from Augusta Longbottom.

Neville had also thanked me one time we had passed one another while making both our ways through the school.

He'd told me that he was able to really improve in charms and transfiguration. Knowing his tragic upbringing it was nice to be able to improve even two things in his life to make it just a bit easier on him.

That's when it was October 31'st. I knew to keep my eye out and sure enough there was one person I had known would be missing.

Hermione would be in the girls bathroom. I waited, ready to jump out of my seat and make my move.

Severus must have picked up on my antsy mood. "What's wrong with you woman, you look like you've had 10 cups of tea."

"Or just a Pepperup Potion." I bounced my knee up and down underneath the table.

"Have you taken a Pepperup Potion?"

"What,no!?" I shook my head.

"Then what-." Snape tried to ask, but before he could Quirrell burst into the great hall.

"Troll in the dungeon!" he cried before taking his overly dramatic fall. Dumbledore told the prefects to get the students to their dorms.

"Best belay that order Snape, the snakes sleep in the dungeon." That's when I took off running.

On my way down the middle of the house tables I gave a penalty kick while trying not to slow down to the back of Quirrell's prone head.

I didn't stop to see what happened in my effort. I sprinted to the girls bathroom on the first floor. I didn't hear the stomping of the troll just yet.

I did however hear crying. I made my way to the last stall and knocked. "Go away." was the meek reply on the other side of the stall.

"Now isn't the time I need to get you out of here right now." I unlocked the door from my side and pushed it open.

Hermione was sat down on the top of the closed toilet. I quickly grabbed her hand and tried to pull her.

In the doorway was the troll. I stood stock-still and pushed Hermione behind me against the wall. It stomped its way towards us.

I cast a Lumos Maxima right at the trolls face. It's skin wouldn't allow it to be affected by normal spells and I didn't want to create a mess with a first year so close by.

Blinded the troll swung it's arm holding the club. I then cast a Relashio at the trolls hand. It dropped the club and rubbed the back of his hand.

That's when Harry and Ron ran into the bathroom as well. "Idiots!" I screamed out, "Get out of here!"

Either they didn't hear me or didn't listen. Harry cast Flipendo at the base of the troll's leg sending the beast to the floor.

At least I knew he was paying attention in class. Then Ron cast Wingardium Leviosa on the club raising it above the troll's head before letting go of the charm.

The club bounced once off the top of the troll's head. The large creature moved no more. The only thing indicating it was alive was the breathing the thing did.

"Good spell work both of you, but I don't know whether to ring your necks for chasing after a troll, or award you points for getting those spells right."

The bathroom was a damn mess. Then Mcgonagall, Snape and a concussed looking Quirrell came running in.

"The cavalry's here." I quipped.

"My goodness are any of the children hurt?" the Scottish witch asked.

"They're fine, just a bit shook up, Ms. Granger here was taking a bit of a bathroom break." I took a breath, "I was checking points where the troll might have come up from the dungeons."

"Professor Tonks had come to get me out, but we were cut off from leaving by the troll." Hermione hopped in.

"And just what are you two doing here?" The transfiguration teacher asked the boys.

"I assume that they noticed a fellow classmate missing from the table when the announcement was made and tried to come get her." I gave my not so theory, theory. "Does that sound about right?" I asked the two.

"Yes it does Professor." Harry and Ron nodded in agreement.

"Harry here, cast a perfect knock back jinx, Ron succeeded in casting a levitation charm getting a final blow in on the troll."

"I can say with thankfulness that until now we've never had to experience a first year go up against a mountain troll, so for helping out another student and teacher I award you each 5 points." The older witch then left after giving her points.

"Bit stingy in my opinion, but she's your head of house." I twisted my shoulders cracking my back, "I'm not going to reward you twice so enjoy you 10 points kids."

The three first years walked out of the bathroom together. I turned to Snape, "Your leg okay?"

"It's fine Tonks, anything you might need fixed like your head for one?"

"I'm not the one that needs their head looked at, Quirrell here looks like he got bashed with the trolls club himself." I snapped my fingers in the possessed professor's face, "Maybe you should go see Pomfrey?"

I then nodded to both men in the room and walked out of the bathroom myself.


Ah, Quidditch. I hated the sport. It was hard to see. The weather sometimes made it unbearable to be outside while it was being played.

The sometimes horrible injuries, the fact that broom came anywhere near me. I did have to come to this game though.

To stop Quirrell just a bit earlier. Snape didn't exactly need more reasons to hate the Trio.

My cover reason of course was to support my old house now that I was out of school. People had to know that I didn't show up to any games in any of my years so it might have been a bit out of character for me.

Not like it really matters though it's just one game, and it did have the interest of having a first year in it. That first year also being Harry Potter.

I waited off to the side of the seats for Harry's broom to act up. As soon as it started showing signs of messing up I made my move.

I started walking over to sit by my old head of house. On my way I tripped over my feet making one leg longer. I landed right on Quirrell's feet my fist catching myself right before my fall.

To properly take my weight I made sure my arms and hands were almost half-giant sized.

Quirrell let out a yelp. "Oh sorry, Quirinus." I patted his shoulder after standing back up and making my body a more manageable size, "I really am such a clutz, it comes with these morphing abilities."

I then took my seat next to Severus before continuing, "Snape can attest that while I never knocked over a cauldron I did come close a few times."

Snape looked at me and rolled his eyes at the reminder, "What are you even doing here you don't even like Quidditch."

"It's always nice to support my students, even if it is this terribly violent sport."

"You teach DADA."

"Not really for sport is it, more of a survival thing." Another roll of the eyes from him, "So how is Sylitherin coming along?"

"I wouldn't know I'm just making sure everything is going well."

"Yeah it was strange when Potter's broom started swinging about like that, but maybe it's because he's a first year in a match for the first time on a broom he only just learned to fly."

"Just learned to fly?" Snape asked.

"Yeah haven't you heard, Wood was bragging about how much of a natural Potter was on a broom for how new he was to it." I gave myself wrinkles and a hag nose, "Back in my day we didn't allow first years to play this farce of a sport."


"Yes Snape?"

"Do shut up."

My laughing caused me to unshift my face. That's when from above Harry crashed down into the ground.

He then sat up and heaved up the snitch from his mouth into his awaiting hands. Cheers and boos where heard from both sides of the pitch as it was announced that Gryffindor won.


On my Birthday I received a pair of dragon skin heeled boots from Mom and Dad. From Charlie I got another dragon skin duster.

This one was red and had golden buttons. From Bill I got a large Vase with a story of a Nundu on the side.

From Snape I received a polyjuice potion. His sense of humor clearly developed in it's own way. I made a note for a Christmas present.

Flitwick got me a quick draw wand holster. It was a nice plain dark brown leather. It looked to be sewn by hand.

Finally from Headmaster Dumbledore I received a bag of Werther's Original. It wasn't much but it was kind of perfect.


When Christmas came around Dumbledore got the idea into his head to do a Secret Santa. The limit was 10 galleons. I had bought a very nice pair of woolen socks for Dumbledore.

Separately I bought and wrapped a joke book for Snape because of his own gag gift he got me for my Birthday.

My secret Santa had gotten me a charmed mirror that could shrink and grow. It was a nifty gift to receive.

Rules on second presents from friends and family were that if they spent beyond a limit I was comfortable with for my birthday present they didn't get me a christmas one.

Snape didn't know that rule but I wasn't about to tell him. Two gifts in a row as a small prank was fine.

For some strange reason he got me a hand cranked ice cream making machine. It was a bit strange of an idea but I think I got the idea.

I was tasked with watching Ron and the twins while his family was away visiting Charlie. I knew he would be fine.

I did however make sure they didn't get into anything he shouldn't have. I thought about taking the map, but it didn't feel right.

Harry really should be getting it from the twins. I didn't exactly want to step in on that moment.

That meant making sure he didn't get caught sneaking around with Harry. I might as well bust them when they go to the mirror. It might be neat to see what my desire was.

So I waited with a disillusionment charm cast over me. I followed the two when I saw the portrait to their dorm open.

They did however throw the cloak over themselves. So I had to follow them casting Homenum Revelio every few seconds.

I had hoped they didn't pick up on the feeling merely mistaking it for the cloak moving slightly.

Once at their destination they spoke quite loudly. There wasn't even a need for the charm anymore.

I also stopped the disillusionment charm. I leaned against the door frame as they spoke. Harry talking about his parents.

Ron then talking about all the accomplishments he wanted to have. It was a known thing he had a bit of a complex.

I thought about letting them get away with it. However it would be good to let them know that even under the cloak they weren't impossible to be followed.

"I seem to have found the two mighty heroes out of bed." I casually spoke into the room. Watching them both jump was quite fun.

"Professor we-" Harry started.

"Ah, save your breath." I put up a hand interrupting them, "What a pretty looking cloak, it's very nice however it's not very good at hiding you from other means."

"Are we in trouble Professor?" Ron asked.

"In trouble for what?" I looked around, "I don't see any small first years out of bed here."

"Thank you Professor Tonks." Harry gave a nod.

"Remember to be more careful from now on you may not run into someone like me next time, now off to bed."

They both left under the cloak. I stepped in front of the mirror and took a good look. I scratched my head. What's this about then?

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