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Chapter 21: Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Hela's heart pounded as she stood before her little sister, Aurora. The sight of her, supposed to be imprisoned within the confines of the Germinal Organization headquarters, sent shockwaves through Hela's entire being. For a moment, she was frozen in disbelief, unable to comprehend how Aurora could be standing there before her.But as Aurora turned and their eyes met, a flood of emotions washed over Hela. Relief, joy, and a deep sense of longing all collided within her. Without hesitation, she called out to her sister, her voice trembling with emotion.

Aurora's gaze softened as she recognized her sister's voice, her own features reflecting the disbelief and wonder of the moment. Slowly, tentatively, she approached Hela, each step bringing them closer to one another until finally, they were standing face to face.

Tears welled up in Hela's eyes as she reached out to embrace her sister, feeling the warmth of Aurora's presence and the reassurance that she was indeed safe. In that embrace, years of separation and worry melted away, replaced by the unbreakable bond of sisterhood.

They held onto each other tightly, savoring the precious moment of reunion, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

Jake's voice interrupted the tender moment between Hela and Aurora, drawing their attention back to the present. "Such a nice reunion, come join me at the table," he called out, his tone gentle yet insistent.

Reluctantly letting go of her sister, Hela followed Aurora to the table, her mind racing with questions and concerns. As they settled into their seats, Jake wasted no time in addressing the elephant in the room.

After finishing her food Aurora was sent to a room so she could rest and recuperate.

Hela was adamant to stay by her side.

But Jake insisted that she have a conversation with him.

"Hela, there's something you need to know about Aurora's condition," Jake began, his expression grave. "She's been through a lot, and she needs time to recover."

"Yes I understand, they had taken her blood for some research purposes I had no choice but to stand down." Hela said while clenching her fist.

Jake shook his head. "No, it's more than that. The Germinal Organization... they've brainwashed her. And she has a second personality that could surface if she hears a certain set of words."

Jake dropped a bomb stunning Hela.

Hela's breath caught in her throat, shock and disbelief washing over her once again. "How is that even possible?" she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

"It's a long story it's a type of brainwashing that is different from what they used on me and Han Xiao. They call it soft brainwashing. They did it so they could control you with Aurora."

Jake replied, his gaze sympathetic. "But right now, what's important is that Aurora gets the help she needs. That's why I think you both should stay with Han Xiao. He can provide the necessary support and protection for your sister."

Hela nodded slowly, her mind reeling with the implications of Jake's words. "I'll do whatever it takes to help her," she vowed, her determination shining through despite the uncertainty that lay ahead.

"Alright then I will be leaving now.... Aurora will be ready for recovery after some rest. This ship will be going towards Han Xiao's sanctuary. These guys will help you both to get there. I will see you soon." Saying that Jake stood up from his seat and walked out to the roof.

"Thank you again for saving my sister...." Hela said.

As Jake left the yacht and soared through the sky towards Andrea, his mind was focused on one thing: the destruction of the Germinal Organization.

With strategic precision, Jake had already crippled the Six Nations army, strategically positioning them in a vulnerable state. The delicate balance of power in the region hung by a thread, and Jake knew that now was the time to strike.

"Field team please respond in" he said through the communication device in his suit.

Soon he got their reply.

"Everybody near the Andrea Continent should start attacking the Germinal Organization soldiers. Forgot about looting we will continue that after the slaughter.

Atleast whats left there.....

Am I clear" he said in his communication device.

"Yes boss"

"Yes boss"



He got replies from his team of clones.

As Jake soared through the sky towards the Germinal Organization base, he couldn't help but whistle a tune – a catchy little number about kicking ass and taking names. Landing on the battlefield, chaos greeted him like an old friend who owed him money. Bodies littered the ground like confetti after a particularly wild party, and flames danced merrily among the wreckage.

His clone sidled up to him, looking like he'd been through a meat grinder and come out the other side with a wicked grin. "Boss, shit's hit the fan," the clone muttered, his voice gravelly with the taste of battle.

Jake surveyed the scene with a wicked gleam in his eye. "Well, well, well, looks like we're just in time for the slaughterhouse extravaganza," he quipped, twirling a grenade between his fingers like a demented circus performer.

"Enemies dropping like flies, huh?" Jake chuckled, cracking his knuckles with a satisfying pop. "Guess it's our lucky day – time to rack up that body count like it's Black Friday at the morgue!"

With a nod, Jake issued his orders with all the finesse of a bulldozer in a china shop. "Alright, you magnificent misfits, let's turn this battlefield into a frickin' masterpiece of destruction! Leave no stone unturned, no enemy standing – we're gonna paint this continent red with their blood!"

As Jake and his rowdy band of clones charged through the base, they stumbled upon a horde of Germinal soldiers – or rather, a squad of players who probably thought they were hot shit. Jake's eyes lit up with glee as he cracked his knuckles, a wicked grin spreading across his face like a virus in a kindergarten.

"Alright, you sorry sacks of shit, give me your lunch money or it's time to meet your maker!" Jake bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls like thunder on steroids. With a wild whoop, he launched himself into the fray, his clones following suit with all the enthusiasm of a pack of rabid wolves.

The players didn't stand a chance – not against the unstoppable force of nature that was Jake and his legion of clones. They fell like dominoes, screaming and begging for mercy as Jake's blades danced through the air like a deadly whirlwind.

"What the hell is this some kind of bug?

I got killed by a single punch..." A player shouted in the forum.

"I got slapped to death... I'm not going online until this is over" another player declared.

"Great idea bro 👍" other players agreed.

In the battlefield.

"Come on, you pansy-asses, is that all you got?" Jake taunted, dodging bullets and slicing through flesh with the finesse of a sushi chef on speed. His clones were relentless, cutting down their foes with all the precision of a surgeon with a grudge.

But Jake wasn't satisfied with just a simple victory – oh no, he wanted to make sure these punks knew who they were dealing with. "Keep 'em coming, boys!" he roared, his laughter mingling with the cries of the dying as his clones continued to massacre the players without mercy.

Soon all the players disappeared.

"Well, that was fun," he chuckled, wiping the blood from his blades with a satisfied sigh.

"Guys use cold weapons now. we can use the bazooka and bombs at last with the boss. That gotta be fun." Jake declared while his clones celebrated their victory.

I hope everybody enjoyed the chapter.....

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