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Chapter 43: The Birth Of Sirzechs Lucifer - 1

The battle between the Royal Army and the Resistance Army in the old domain of Valafar spiralled out of control due to the sudden appearance of a mysterious fly-shaped chimaera. The creature emitted a poisonous dark mist that spread across the battlefield, raining down on the soldiers and causing chaos.

As soldiers inhaled or came into contact with the poison, they began to suffer horrific deaths, their bodies breaking down into pools of blood that further contaminated the area. The chimaera effortlessly extended its deadly poison, causing mass destruction among both armies.

Meanwhile, Sirzechs Gremory carried the unconscious Euclid Lucifugus and sought refuge in one of the frontline bases of the royal army within the ancient territory of Valafar, specifically the base of the Lucifugus army.

Upon his arrival, Sirzechs was recognized by the troops, who expressed confusion and concern about the situation. Despite the tension, Sirzechs demanded to be taken to Lord Lucifugus, the leader of the Lucifugus Family.

Escorted by the troops and handcuffed, Sirzechs was brought before Lord Lucifugus, who was gravely ill and accompanied by Grayfia. Sirzechs, with courtesy, introduced himself and expressed his desire to discuss the situation with the leader.

Sirzechs revealed the true identity of the fly-shaped chimaera as the transformed young Beelzebub, which deeply troubled Lord Lucifugus. Despite his illness, the leader listened attentively to Sirzechs' proposal to withdraw troops to prevent further casualties.

After some consideration, Lord Lucifugus agreed to Sirzechs' plan. Sirzechs then used his Power of Destruction to remove his handcuffs and pledged to defeat the chimaera alone. With determination in his eyes, Sirzechs vowed to confront the monstrous creature and put an end to its rampage.


Midnight declared a state of emergency at headquarters. The line of defence placed on the border of the former Eligor domain had fallen into an ambush. Though the attack occurred at a distance from the headquarters, the destruction of this line could not be ignored. The troops, awakened by the commotion, took their weapons and prepared for the emergency attack. An officer of the Resistance army entered the strategy room and addressed the soldiers:

"Which force of the Royal Army executed the ambush?"

One of the headquarters guards replied:

"They confirmed the flags; they are from the Agalariept House and House Fleuretty, sir!"

At the head of the table sat the commander of the Resistance Army, the first Great King, Zekram Bael.

"Two of the six families descended from Lucifer set up an ambush for us. They numbered around two hundred members. It must be an elite force."

Even in such a situation, Zekram Bael remained composed and spoke while rubbing his chin:

"Normally, the six families would protect the perimeters of the capital Lucifaad. But instead, they ambushed us with an elite force of approximately two hundred. How is it possible that we didn't see them coming until they reached our border? They likely hid in blind spots, places that our troops passed without notice. What do you think, Falbium?"

Sitting next to Zekram Bael was Falbium Glasya-Labolas, the current advisor to the Resistance Army. Though endowed with a perfect body, he had always been unenthusiastic. However, he was an indispensable figure who brought effective strategies to each battle.

Falbium scratched his head and replied:

"Umm, since the Eligor Family was under Fleuretty's control during the Great War between the Three Factions, maybe they knew some secret passages that we didn't. However, judging by their actions, it seems their strategy was flawed, and they failed to communicate effectively. The only ones who would challenge the imperial order of the Beelzebub Family would be the six houses descended from Lucifer. But normally, the Lucifugus family would intervene. If that didn't happen, then something unexpected occurred, or they were so desperate that they had to take this great risk."

Zekram nodded at Falbium's analysis.

Turning to Falbium, Zekram asked:

"Falbium, can you do something? The quickest way to resolve this situation is for you to intervene."

Falbium shrugged in response to Zekram's request and lazily replied:

"You mean this is the easiest solution, don't you? Well, I suppose that's why I'm here after all. My goodness... this is complicated."

In addition to providing strategic assistance, Falbium Glasya-Labolas had another mission: to act as a last resort if the final line of defence at the Resistance headquarters failed.

At the border of the former Eligor domain, about two hundred troops of the Royal Army launched attacks on the Resistance troops guarding the perimeter. They bore the flags of the Agalariept House and the Fleuretty House, two of the six families descended from Satan Lucifer. This elite force unleashed powerful auras that inflicted significant damage on the Resistance Army's defenses. The leaders of the Agalariept and Fleuretty Houses led the assault.

The leaders of both houses declared:

"Capture Zekram Bael, and the course of this war will change! Attack!"

The elite force unleashed endless magical explosions.

Amidst the chaos, a demon with a titanium body emerged from the Resistance's defense line. The elite troops relentlessly bombarded him with magic, but he remained unscathed. The demon was Falbium Glasya-Labolas.

Observing Falbium's imperviousness, the leaders of the Agalariept and Fleuretty Houses were stunned.

Falbium scratched his head and remarked:

"I'm sorry, but this won't work."

Upon hearing these words, the leader of the Agalariept House gritted his teeth. Undeterred, he ordered his troops to continue their assault.

Despite the continuous barrage of attacks, Falbium's aura remained impenetrable. He continued to withstand the onslaught with nonchalance, remarking to himself:

"Ummm, I'm sure you've heard of me before. Well, I believe I'm not as well known as Sirzechs."

Falbium possessed the ability of Absolute Defense, which rendered him impervious to all attacks. His body was constantly enveloped in an orange aura, which no upper-class demon or higher-ranking individual could penetrate. Even angelic light, typically effective against demons, could not breach Falbium's defense.

However, Absolute Defense was not his only ability. Falbium had also developed an offensive aura, which he rarely displayed due to its perceived inadequacy. But now, faced with the assault of the Royal Army, Falbium decided to reveal his offensive capabilities.

As the dust settled from the attacks, Falbium unleashed an immense amount of aura, preparing to retaliate.

Falbium mused to himself:

"Oh, it's true! No one has seen my offensive strategy yet. I only showed it to my close friends, since it sucks. Do people think I'm just a sturdy piece of meat that likes to think about strategies? Is that why they thought they had any chance of beating me? Hmmm…"

He then released a devastating attack towards the Royal Army, absorbing their assaults and redirecting them with amplified demonic power.

The Royal Army was terrified, but so were the Allied troops of the Resistance.

Falbium's counterattack annihilated the Royal Army, leaving only scorched earth and the surviving leaders of the Agalariept and Fleuretty Houses.

Zekram Bael, appearing using a teleportation magic circle, approached the defeated leaders.

Falbium turned to Zekram Bael and asked:

"Should we take the leaders of the Agalariept and Fleuretty Houses into custody?"

Zekram Bael replied:

"Treat them carefully. Despite being our enemies, they supported Satan during the Great War of the Three Factions."

Zekram instructed his subordinates to restrain the survivors with anti-magic handcuffs, and they were escorted back to Resistance headquarters.

The leaders of the Agalariept and Fleuretty Houses seethed with anger at their defeat.

Zekram Bael, after ensuring the safe custody of the captured enemies, turned his attention to Falbium.

"Falbium, can Sirzechs defeat that mysterious fly-shaped chimaera spreading poison?"

Falbium reviewed the document detailing Sirzechs' plan to confront the chimaera alone, which appeared in the former domain of Valafar.

He responded:

"If Sirzechs unleashes his full power, and considering he hasn't done so in real combat yet, I'm certain he will succeed. Additionally, with Serafall present, I believe it can be done."

Zekram Bael smiled and nodded in agreement.

"I understand. We must be reaching the end. Let's also summon Ajuka to the capital."

With Falbium's approval, the commander endorsed Sirzechs' attack plan.

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