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Chapter 5: City Tour

"V-V-V… L-Lord-d V-Vel…"

A white-haired man, Clayman, stammered, as he tried begging for his life.

He had picked up from some conversation he had overheard from Guy that Veldanava was a kind soul who cared for all sentient lifeforms. With that information in mind, he tried to appeal to the good nature of the King of the Stars, who seemed to be really irked at him.

But he had hit the Creator's daughter. He knew who she was. He knew who her father was. But blinded by the extreme vanity that plagued this mind, he went through it. After all, Milim was under his control, and her father had not reincarnated for 2000 years, so nothing could go wrong.

Oh wrong he was.

He was taken aback when Milim revealed that she had been playing him all this time, he was fuming, he wanted to break her apart. But under the azure that flared menacingly at him, he could only cower in despair.

He knew he was going to die. He knew there was nothing he could do before the being before him.

After all, the Star-King was known to be on a completely different level than even the other True Dragons, the weakest of which could obliterate Clayman with minimal effort at best.

In an effort he knew would be futile, he jumped up on his feet, defying the force that held him, and punched the True Dragon with all his might…only for his arm to break instead after hitting Veldanava's face, which did not even move an inch.

Veldanava looked at the scene with complete indifference. Then, he again lifted his arm before a sphere of utter darkness engulfed the two, and disappeared, leaving no soul in the now desolate room.


Clayman's eyes widened, as he felt himself being teleported, no, dragged into a new bleak void, floating around.

Suddenly, a white floor appeared above him, to which he flew face-first. Then, as he fell, the above became below, as the gravity switched again, pulling him into another ceiling.

The process continued, for minutes, hours, days, months, as his face was getting more deformed by the second, until… it just stopped.

He was pulled into a chair, unable to move from the throbbing pain that haunted his entire body. He couldn't even escape from the body, as if his astral body was bound to it.

His weary eyes looked at the man before him, who stared at him with contempt.

Veldanava had never vented his frustrations on anything. He cared far too much about his creation to do any damage. This carried on, for time inconceivable, as he kept suppressing them into himself.

However, all that frustration, all that vexation, all that infuriation, was now, for the first time, directed at something, or rather someone. And that someone just unluckily happened to be Clayman.

『Grand Space』 was a World Creation ability with almost unparalleled authority, surpassed only by the full potential of the Primordial Energy 'Stardust', which was regarded by the Star-King as the Two Supremes in his arsenal, even if he no longer had the other, 'Nihility'.

Within this supposed… 'Space' constructed by 『Grand Space』, Veldanava's will reigned Supreme. His wishes manifested as irrefutable laws, his thoughts weaved the strings of fate, and his whims ruled the unalterable future.

Here, Clayman was just an ant, whose fate now lay in the hands of the King, the Sovereign of Stars.

Veldanava's face, for the first time in his entire life or maybe even for the eternity that would follow, turned into a deep scowl. And the victim of all this vexation was going to be the Former Demon Lord, deservingly so.


"Hello there Gobta"

I greeted the hobgoblin. After letting out all of my frustrations on the Deathman for a few months, even though once a night had passed in the outside world, I felt strangely at peace.

Maybe I should do that once in a while, I guess it was a good idea to still keep Clayman alive.

"Good Morning Nova, you really seem happy, you're smiling even more than last time"

"Aah Yes, I had a… pretty pleasing night"

"OOOkay… Anyways, let's go. Lord Rimuru asked me to show you around the city"

I nodded, as I began to follow him. From the way he was talking, it seems that Rimuru has not given away my identity yet.

I forgot to mention that in the heat of the moment, I guess I should thank him later, maybe procure him a favor, he did help me in ways more than one, I even gained a Unique Skill, something I never thought I would use.

After all, it feels more comfortable to be treated as a friend than a higher being, a feeling I had grown to be displeased with.

Rimuru's ideals sure were interesting, I would be delighted to see a place where Monsters and Humans could co-exist.

My smile persisted, as I exited the inn, not before giving a thanks to the receptionist.

As the sun's rays struck my skin, I was once again enthralled to see the city. The technology was abnormally developed, falling short only Rudra's Empire. But from what I could tell, I would soon surpass that, seeing how willing Rimuru is to bring the technology of his previous world to this.

Usually, I would not let this happen. Humans were quite destructive and fragile, but if they could put aside their differences and coexist, I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea to let that happen.

"Gobta? And who is this?"

We turned our heads to the voice, to find a senior gray-haired… Kijin? That's rare.

"This guy is Nova. Nova, this is Master Hakurou. Lord Rimuru told me to show Nova around the city, he just popped up out of nowhere last night"

Hearing Gobta's description, his eyes darted towards me. I could feel the analytical gaze of the third eye on his forehead which seemed to open for a bit, before closing again.

"I see. I hope you enjoy your stay, youngster"


I was taken aback for a bit. It was the first time someone had actually called me a 'child'. A few seconds later, I let out a soft chuckle I did not even realize I was holding in.

"I will. Thank you"

Hakurou nodded, before surprisingly suggesting that he tag along. I wasn't sure if this was because he found my lack of leaking even a shred of magicules strange or thought-provoking or if he wondered if I was a threat, however, I did not have any complaints.

If anything, I was willing to have a swordsmanship battle with him. I could tell from his posture, his gaze, hands, and the sword he carried that he was at least decently skilled, and I had not fought anyone in well… too long.

Now, with the additional member of our entourage now acquired, Gobta set off with us following him.

Even if I had already looked over the place with 『Universal Sense』, it was still quite the sight to see them with my own eyes.

I had also come to meet quite a few interesting individuals. Souei, he had such affinity to the attribute of Darkness despite not being a Daemon, it was truly fascinating.

Then there was The Black Primordial Noir, who seemed to be named 'Diablo' by Rimuru. It was a surprise when I saw him here, bearing in mind what Guy had told me what the daemon was like. I wonder what piqued his interest enough to serve Rimuru.

And there was Veldora, who had surprisingly begun to suppress his Aura, even if an above-average person (in Veldanava's perspective) could easily recognize his power, he had gotten a lot better at controlling his Energy.

Not to mention, he was also tagging along with us for a while now. Saying that he wanted to fight me, and show me how much he had improved.

It was frankly adorable, so I responded with "Maybe at the end of the day", which somehow led to him deciding to follow me for the rest of the day.

Hmm… Maybe I should have taught him back then instead of waiting for so long —I thought. Veldora had even gained an Ultimate Skill, with a power that could even manipulate probability.

I shrugged those thoughts away. I should focus more on the present, and prepare myself to meet Milim, as well as find a way to retrieve Lucia's soul so I could reincarnate her.

"Here is the last spot, Kurobe's workshop"

Gobta said unreservedly. Rimuru had asked him to show me basically every part of the City, even the important ones, seeing how curious Hakurou looked when Gobta relayed the news.

"Hey Kurobe"


Kurobe, as I saw him when he turned around, looked more like a middle-aged human than the Kijin he was. But from the tools he crafted, I could tell he was skilled, a very capable blacksmith.

"Lord Veldora? Sir Hakurou? Gobta? And who is this?"

He asked curiously, with a small bow directed at Veldora who seemed to be… day-dreaming. I nudged at his side, snapping him out of his trance.

"O-oh, hey there Kurobe"

Kurobe then again greeted him, while Veldora got back to his previous state.


I guess I should teach Veldora the effect his presence and influence has on others and the world. I have already given him enough time to get used to this world.

"This guy is Nova, Lord Rimuru said to show him around the town, so I brought him here at last"

His description of myself was quite diminutive this time, I guess he was getting tired of doing the same thing repeatedly.


Kurobe glanced at Veldora. I guess he is confused at why their Guardian Deity was with a 'stranger'.

"Then, do you want to try any of the weapons here, I have quite the splendid bunch"

"I will, thank you"

I looked around in the workshop, before my eyes laid on a sword, which seemed more like a katana, a sword type that I had seen in a material world before.

I walked to the table where it was placed, before picking it up. Looking at this up close, it seemed quite sharp.

"Oh, that one. It's a prototype I made while working on Lord Rimuru's sword. It can be reinforced if Energy is poured into it. Why don't you have a try"

I held the sword up close, before pouring my magicules into it. It began glowing, dimly, then it suddenly shone with blinding intensity…


"Oh my"

I looked around, but my vision was clouded by the dust that was blown up by the explosion that had just erupted. I looked at the sword…or rather, the hilt that remained in my hands, before sighing.

"I guess I put too much energy into the sword", I muttered.

I was pretty certain that I had not put in enough energy. Did I overestimate the blade? Or am I still not used to having my power back? Though I doubt the latter is the case.

Lifting my arm, a green light beamed from my palm, as I felt a nostalgic connection to one of the only 8 Elemental Spirits I have a bond with. As the light glowed, all the dust was blown upwards in a swift air current.

I looked around, only to see Gobta gawking at me, Kurobe shocked and Hakurou behind Veldora, seemingly surprised at this. While Veldora gave me that one deadpan expression he frequently gave me 2000 years ago, one that said 'Yep, Velda being Velda'.

It made me sad seeing this. He did not call me by that nickname when I came here, only referring to me as 'brother', nor did he while we traveled around today. I… am tempted to give Velzard a 'visit', but I think I should stay here for a bit.

"I am… sorry?"


Well, that doesn't seem good enough of an apology.

"It's fine, that was just a prototype anyways"

I see, so it was a defective piece.

"But I still don't understand how you managed to overload it in that manner. It may be a prototype but it was still a Unique Grade weapon made in particular to absorb Magicules and you just made it explode. That takes massively more energy than just shattering it"

So he's just going to ignore his demolished workshop? I guess this is a common occurrence when you are crafting tools with special abilities, after all, it was the case with mine.

"Ahahaha. Let's just say I was born with an unnaturally high amount of Magicules"

I answered while giving a nervous chuckle.

Their faces did look surprised but it quickly washed out. However, as reparation, I promised to make a reliable sword for Rimuru in the future, after stating myself to be a decent smith. Though I am not certain my ways of crafting equipment can be called forging at all.

However, I still gave him some amount of the material I used to create the swords I gave to Dino. I should be enough to make two swords; I hope it satisfies him.

Seeing the quality that I think he may have liked too much, he also gave me the best sword he had besides the one he had prepared for Rimuru. I was thankful. I originally wanted to ask him to give me a regular one, but this should suffice for now.

It is supposed to be quite good, Kurobe called it 'Unique Grade'. Hmm… Maybe I should have asked him about the grades of the weapons. Well, forget it, I will next time.

As the sun was now at its peak, indicating the noon to have passed not too long ago, we passed by an open field, which was more like a stage.

Seeing Hakurou's blade, a thought crossed my mind. One I was quite entranced to take part in.



"How about a swordsmanship spar?"

Gobta's face suddenly turned to horror, as he looked at me as if I had committed a grave mistake.

"Hoho, you seem quite confident in yourself"

"I merely want to have a fight of skills rather than strength. I can tell you are skilled, so it would be a great practice for the both of us"

"HAH?", Veldora shouted, "WHAT ABOUT OUT FIGHT?"

"Didn't I say at the end of the day?"

Veldora looked away, whistling.

Oh, I know that face. He forgot about the time and only remembered that I agreed huh?!

"By the way Nova," Gobta began, "Are you really sure you want to fight Lord Veldora? You should know how strong he is right?! He is a True Dragon"

I raised my eyebrow momentarily, before realizing the meaning behind his words.

Is... Is he worried about me? Heh, I see.

"Don't worry. I am confident I will not die—"

However, before I could reassure him more, Veldora jumped in.


"I will be fine"

I quickly cut Veldora off before he revealed my identity with his carelessness. I have a lot of things to teach him, and every time I just happen to find a new one.

Gobta looked doubtful at my statement, but remained silent nonetheless. Seeing the silence instilled in the conversation, Hakurou suggested we start the duel, if it could even be called one.

The conditions of the fight were me limiting my physical prowess to that of Hakurou. All Magic, Skills, and the sort were prohibited. The only ones to be allowed were passive ones we could not turn off, which did not concern us.

In short, this was a battle of pure and unadulterated skill of the sword.

I was also grateful that I had the blade Kurobe gave me, which was a katana with sharpness and durability similar to Hakurou's.

After all, if I crafted a blade now, even if it was just a material given shape, the material I had, which was also what I gave to Kurobe, would result in a blade far too destructive.

There was also a small crowd that had arrived to see what the matter was, which Gobta promptly explained.

"Well then brat"

I once again found myself smiling at the nickname. I was getting funny at this point, so I did not bother to correct him.

"When this rock hits the ground,", he said, showing his palm that held a small pebble, "the 'duel' begins"

I nodded, a grin still evident on my face. Seeing this, he threw the rock into the air as we both took our stances.

He bent his knees and turned his upper body sideways, with his sheathed blade away from myself, while bringing his arm to the hilt of the blade, ready to draw it at a moment's notice.

While I simply clenched the blade I had, while bending my knees slightly so I could swiftly accelerate, since I had lowered my center of gravity... which I think would be the term used by the humans in some of the Material Worlds.


The sound of the breeze rang clear in my ears. The surroundings had ceased making the slightest of sounds, as the pebble neared the end of its trajectory, seemingly falling unusually slowly as the world itself seemed to slow down.


The stone struck the earth, seemingly echoing throughout the area even though it was as silent as a feather.


Just as the battle commenced, I found Hakurou just before him, as if he had teleported. With his hand still on his blade unsheathed, he rapidly drew it, aiming straight for my vitals, well, what would have been if I was a human.

However, even with this short yet efficient display, I could tell. This was definitely not going to be disappointing.

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