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Pokémon: Gangster Reborn Pokémon: Gangster Reborn original

Pokémon: Gangster Reborn

Author: Zippple

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: What The F*ck

"I'm sorry, I'll never do it again, so please stop!" 

A loud plea resounded from a narrow alleyway as three kids huddled around a sickly looking child dressed in rags.

Snot ran down the scrawny kid's nose as tears constantly flowed from his eyes yet the three kids didn't disheartened in the slightest but instead seemed to smile with joy at seeing his cowardly appearance.

Then seemingly getting annoyed with the show that he himself caused, the culprit behind all of this bent over and grabbed a fistful of the scrawny kid's hair.

Forcefully pulling it up, the scrawny boy's tearful expression became revealed to them as the sneers of the three only widened once they saw his pitiful appearance.

"Are you crying?" The boy venomously chuckled as the sneers on the other two's faces were now replaced by a look of contempt.



"SHUT UP!" The kid yelled as the small boy quivered immensely as their sadistic tendencies were fully transparent as they all reveled in his fear.

"How many times have I told you crybaby, don't come into our territory yet here you are IN OUR TERRITORY!" The boy didn't even let his victim answer as his childish shout interrupted him.

Following his words, the bully suddenly jerked the hand that still held the scrawny boy's hair to the ground. 

However this same movement forced the scrawny boy's head to hit the pavement first instead of his body.


The scrawny boy's head collided fiercely with the pavement below causing the boy's eyes to roll to the back of his skull.

A flustered expression gradually accumulated on the three faces after seeing the young scrawny boy's body then start to violently shake.

Their minds raced as anxiousness and fear slowly clouded their hearts at the prospect of the future consequences they might face because of their actions.

"Tyson d-did you kill him?" The boy on the right asked Tyson who gradually started to show a panicked look.

"No I-listen, it was an accident, r-right!" Tyson, who had just started in his delinquent activities, could not mentally bear the thought of the repercussions of killing someone yet as he turned toward the two who both agreed on the spot.

"We'll put the body in the dumpster an-"

"What. The. F*ck." 

Suddenly a childlike voice ressounded to their side as three gazes slowly turned towards the boy who was supposedly dead as they all froze.

From an outside perspective, it was as if the boy had an otherworldly revelation as he sort of stood there with a blank expression until the veins in his neck pulsed in rage.

His blue eyes viscously gazed at them, memories flashing through them as every single second made his bloodlust increase until it suddenly dissipated. 

"To think I was bullied by the likes of you three nitwits." The kid clicked his tongue while shaking his head, his posture and way of talking completely changing.

Straightening his back to one without any curves or bumps, he moved with an elegance and refinement that seemed to command attention. 

Every word that escaped his lips resonated with pure confidence, each syllable carrying the weight of an immutable decree, as though his speech alone could shape the very fabric of reality.



The young boy let out a sigh, halting the flow of potentially hurtful words about to spill from the boy before him.

"This is really unbelievable." The boy said out loud to himself, gazing around the alley until he suddenly walked over to the side.

"What are you on about!" One of Tysons henchmen, who had lost all weariness after seeing the scrawny kid get back up, had miraculously regained his backbone and put on a scowl.

"Even with all the emotions constantly swirling around my mind, to think the thing that would bug me the most about this situation was being constantly bullied by the three of you." The young boy grabbed his forehead in distress as he leaned down to grab something behind the dumpster.

"To be honest, I'm more mad at myself for letting you guys torment me like you did." The kid yawned, making the three flinch once they saw him grab a jagged metal pipe.

"And listen, I usually don't beat up kids but I'm going to make an exception for you three." The kid joked, letting out a dry chuckle from his chap lips as he frowned.

'Internal note, invest in chapstick.' He thought before walking towards the three of them.

"What do you think you're doing?" Tyson arrogantly chuckled, not buying into the front he was trying to put up in front of them.

The boy didn't answer Tyson and instead slowly walked toward him while dragging the pipe since his weak feeble arms could barely hold it up into the air.

The metal clunked on the asphalt beneath their feet while the unnerving silence started to make Tyson a little nervous.

"Listen, I'll cut you some slack sinc-AHHHHHHH!" Tyson's words couldn't finish as the pipe suddenly made contact with his knee.


Slight cracks formed inside Tyson's knee cap as the nerves located all around the afflicted area desperately shot signals through his nervous system and into his brain.

Tyson's sudden wail stunned the two by his side as they watched him fall down as both of his hands clenched the afflicted knee.

The boy seeing this reaction didn't hesitate to swing the pipe into one of the dazed lackeys' chin, three teeth previously lodged into his gums immediately uprooted as they flew out from his mouth followed by a spurt of blood.


The blood stained the ground along with the three teeth as the boy's limp body soon followed his teeth towards the ground.

Seeing his friends fall unconscious, the last remaining uninjured kid showed a furious expression.

Lunging at the boy, he grabbed the pipe, not allowing him to wind up; however, suddenly the pipe only had two hands holding it instead of four.


The scrawny boy with all his might unleashed a kick into the boy's crotch as a pale look encompassed his face.

Clutching his hurt bird eggs, the goon fell to his knees as the scrawny boy immediately grabbed the pipe again and swung it across his face as the kid's jaw immediately gave way to the jagged metal pipe causing it to dislocate along with his consciousness.

'Seriously, I'm only tired after crushing two skulls, this body sucks!' The boy screamed furiously in his head yet his face showed no clarifying emotions.




The scrawny boy didn't listen to his villain monologue and swiftly swung the pipe into Tyson's stomach as the air immediately left his lungs.


"Hey, I don't interrupt your internal monologue, so I expect the same courtesy." The kid scratched his head as Tyrson tried to crawl away only for a foot to press on him.

"Whoa there, where do you think you're going?" The kid genuinely asked as Tyson fearfully looked up.

"P-Please, I'm sorry-"

"Oh now you're sorry." The kid scoffed while shaking his head while potining the pipe at Tyson who tried to look away.

"This is the problem with your generation, there's no accountability these days!" The kid yelled as Tyson started to weep out tears of fear.

"I don't understand~" Tyson whined out as the kid nodded.

"Well you're gonna learn 'cause for three years." The boy said as he raised the pipe into the air after forcefully having Tyson exhale all the air in his lungs.




"For three years did this wimpy version of myself deal with your sh*t."








"But I guess that's in the past now." The boy threw the pipe aside as he grabbed a fistful of Tysons hair.

"Are you crying?" The boy sneered disdainfully at Tyson's tearful expression that showed itself once his face was forcefully pulled into the air.

"Pwease shparre me." Tysons plea filled slur resounded as his dignity lay with his separated teeth that laid next to him.

"Alright." The boy smiled as a glimmer of hope appeared in Tyson's eyes.

"Rweally?" Tyson's tears slowed down a little as the boy's smile got wider.


"No." The boy madly chuckled after seeing the last of Tyson's hopes all but crumble into nothingness before filling the empty void with his boney fist. 




The scrawny boy didn't stop at one punch as once Tyson fell onto the ground, he hovered above him and ruthlessly let out his boney fists.

One after another, his fists and kicks slowly became covered in Tyson's own blood until the makeshift punching bag was finally knocked unconscious.

Only after seeing Tyson barely breathing did the boy finally stand up and take a deep breath of air.

"Maybe I went a little too far." The boy sighed as he wiped both bloody fists on his victim's shirt.

In this life, this young scrawny boy who just satisfied his revenge against the bullies that seemingly tortured him for a majority of his life was born with the name Leon Harper.

But after suffering a near death experience from his head colliding with the pavement below him, did he remember everything including in his last life.

Because before Leon, there was only Ricky Robison.

In his past life, Ricky was considered by the public and the local authorities as a gangster however he always considered himself as an entrepreneur.

Drugs, whores, counterfeiting, anything that would bring Ricky a profit, he dealt it and overtime the money started to roll in and once it did, so did the power.

Slowly but surely, the whole underworld started to forcefully know the name of Ricky Robinson whether they wanted to or not, his name would always strike a chord in any of those who heard it.

Then once Ricky's name settled into these opposing gangsters' hearts, so did the fear that came with it.

Hit after hit, bullet after bullet, bomb after bomb, all of it was thrown with full force towards him yet Ricky always crawled out of the abyss and once he did, he made them pay.

Blood viciously spilled all over the underworld at the expense of Ricky's revenge and once the raging storm that was his anger settled, only one thing remained clear.

Don't mess with Ricky Robinson, the unkillable bastard.

However ironically enough even when a bullet couldn't kill Ricky, his own body ended up being the one to turn against him as he suffered a severe stroke that only left Ricky on death's door before his body finally gave up on the fight for life. 

As his eyes closed and his breath weighed, he blinked his final moments of Ricky Robison only to open them once more under a different name, Leon Harper.

Soon after, the memories of Leon flooded into his psyche showing what his incarnations life was like before him and once they did, he wasn't happy in the slightest.

Ricky saw the way Leon lived his life and immediately hated every second.

Leon was literally the exact opposite of Ricky, he was in his words a 'pathetic weakling' who ended up even acting like a victim at every turn even when was pushed to the brink of death.

Furious at what he saw, he refused to leave even a single wisp of Leon left as instead of merging, Ricky completely absorbed Leon's psyche leaving only Ricky and nothing else.

But one thing was for certain, Ricky was dead, gone, and no one in this life would ever remember his name.

So Ricky being the gentleman he was decided to take the last thing he could from Leon, his identity.

Opening his eyes, Ricky took his first breath as Leon only for him to realize the situation in front of him.

'What. The. F*ck.' These were his first thoughts to himself before gazing at the three losers in front of him.

'Seriously! I was bullied by these three losers? Seriously!'

The rest was history since even back then, Ricky now Leon, never let anyone disrespect him and certainly not these losers. 

It kinda hit a nerve in his already emotionally deterred mind but now looking down at his actions, he realized he might've gone a little overboard.

'Maybe I went a little too far.' Leon said to himself while scratching his head while staring at the kids twitching madly from being beaten to a bloody pulp.

'Eh, whatever.' Leon shrugged while looking around the alley until he grabbed a broken shard that had a reflective surface present and gazed at his new appearance.

"I look like I give ghouls an identity crisis." Leon's face contorted seeing his sickly appearance that didn't correlate well to his dirty blond hair and green eyes.

"I look like one of those leukemia kids they show in those commercials to get you to donate 19 cents a month." Leon grabbed his forehead in distress as he continued to look at his appearance.

"Ugh, I look like that kid from home alone if he realized he would have to be in a room alone with Michael Jackson." Leon slowly smiled as he started to find the humor in his new appearance as he kept going.

"I look like-"

Suddenly a garbage bin tipped over revealing its contents as three rattatas went to town on all the goodies.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot I'm in poke-mon." Leon abbreviated the word into two words while nodding his head as the old head he truly is.

Leon hadn't cared for what world he was in a few seconds ago since his main concern was totally stomping on those three kids but now after seeing the characters that his niece constantly raved about, he nodded his head. 

"So that's a poke-mon huh?" Leon again abbreviated the word pokemon into two words as he rubbed his chin.

The jolt of reality didn't strike Leon as too surreal, given the three screws loose in his mind, transforming his existence into a literal game world.

Truthfully Leon didn't know anything about the game franchise since all his information was secondhand from his time spent with his niece.

Leon always kept his personal life and business life separate while always trying to make time for his family.

In fact, the original reason he became a gangster and fell into the streets at such a young age was because he wanted to let his little brother have a good life.

Leon didn't want his infant little brother to suffer because of their deadbeat parents, so he, as the older brother, stepped up and started making bread to support him.

His little brother was always grateful for his sacrifice but Leon knew better, he knew he wasn't a good person like his counterpart nor would he ever be able to live a normal life but just because he couldn't didn't mean his brother had to follow him.

He funded his brother's everything; be it his tuition or his career, Leon gave his brother every opportunity to succeed whether he got his hands dirty or not. 

Leon's support bore fruit in that his brother eventually became a successful dentist and settled down with a nice girl before she gave birth to his lovable niece to whom he spoiled greatly much to his little brother's distress.

Those memories that resurfaced in Leon's psyche made him sigh knowing that his dear niece would most likely be bawling at the thought of his death along with his wimpy little brother.


"This really sucks." Leon sulked his shoulders a little bit at the thought of not being able to see his family again.

Completely forgetting about the beaten children lying almost motionlessly behind him each more desperately relying on their next breath than the last.

Turning his gaze to the end of the alley before him, a bright light shone signaling the new world in front of him.

Leon stood there for a while, he started relishing his past memories, the times were he struggled desperately to even stand on his feet before having people from all walks of life walk side by side with him.

The past made him smile not with happiness but with sadness knowing deep down, he could never go back but Leon knew deep down, that everyone he ever considered close would want him to take a step forward.

Leon sadly chuckled as he looked up at the blue sky as the vast color reflected in his own.

'I guess I'll just start over again.' 

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