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Chapter 66: 66. The Power Of The Heart, Bursting With Luck! Legendary Talent!

The final decision regarding Quirrell was quickly passed from the deans to the prefects of each house, who then informed the other young wizards.

This was seen as a way to give everyone an explanation. Many people were disappointed that Quirrell was not fired, but Dumbledore also announced Quirrell's assurance and reasons, so there was no further dissatisfaction.

To this day, Dumbledore's words still hold sway over the young wizards, as he is widely regarded as the most powerful white wizard in the world. Wayne, who was in a Transfiguration class, maintained a calm expression as he waved his wand, turning the apple on the table into a teacup.

Receiving a good evaluation was already a positive outcome, considering the severity of the event. If Quirrell had been fired or died, his evaluation would have been even higher. Wayne had gained a total of nearly 4,000 points from this incident, including the previous points, which was close to half of the guarantee. He didn't immediately claim the final ten-fold critical strike reward; he planned to wait until it was quiet at night and find a safe place to claim without causing any commotion.

During Professor McGonagall's lesson, Wayne leaned against Hermione's ear and whispered, his warm breath brushing against her fair face. He told her to go to the Room of Requirement that night and update him on her recent study progress.

Wayne had noticed her unusual behavior and knew it was because she was worried about him. Wayne intended to find a quiet moment in the night to address their relationship and at least calm Hermione down.

Blushing, Hermione asked what time they should meet. Wayne instructed her to come at 10:30 pm but warned her not to come too early due to curfew restrictions. Hermione expressed concern about getting caught, but Wayne assured her that it was unlikely since Gryffindor's tower was nearby and Filch was more accustomed to patrolling the fourth floor. In the end, Hermione didn't refuse, indicating that her boundaries had gradually been eroded.

Rather than following school rules, she preferred to study with Wayne. It was late at night in the Room of Requirement. Hermione was much better at using the disarming spell compared to the weekend. However, it still lacked power.

"Expelliarmus!" she exclaimed as a ray of red light hit Wayne's wrist, causing the wand to fly away. But in the blink of an eye, Wayne effortlessly retrieved the wand. Hermione felt embarrassed by her lack of skill. "Your power is too weak," Wayne observed, immediately identifying her problem. "When casting a spell, whether it's on a person or an object, treat it as a real enemy every time. Learn from Harry, who is talented in combat and commits wholeheartedly." The Sorting Hat had recommended Harry to enter the Snake House not just because of Voldemort's influence. Wayne believed that, besides being impulsive, Harry had the temperament that suited Slytherin. Hermione attempted to dispute Wayne's claim by mentioning her own experiences, but Wayne didn't buy into it.

Frustrated, she requested clarification from Wayne. However, he dismissed her concerns and decided to demonstrate. Wayne summoned a puppet and flawlessly cast the disarming spell, causing the puppet to explode into pieces. Hermione was astonished, wondering if Wayne had used a different spell than he had chanted. Wayne didn't bother with the specifics, instead asking Hermione if she understood the lesson. Hermione, having witnessed the change, comprehended the concept. Encouraged by Wayne, she tried it herself. Imagining the puppet as the thief who had stolen her book, she unleashed a powerful disarming spell, pushing the puppet backward and even making the teapot in its hand fly toward her at great speed. Wayne applauded her success, emphasizing that concentration and emotions were essential in spell casting.

"The combination of these three elements, along with ongoing simplification, is the standard process for learning most forms of magic."

In this visionary realm, the power of wizards is not fixed; even ordinary wizards can exhibit extraordinary strength when the circumstances align.

Consider Molly Weasley, for instance. Is she truly objectively stronger than Bella? 

The answer is no.

As Voldemort's right-hand assistant, Bella possesses formidable power.

However, when it came to protecting her family, Molly unleashed a devastating spell that wiped out Bella completely.

Hermione nodded joyfully as she found herself standing in front of the door.

She resumed her training, and her progress was undeniably evident. After another thirty minutes, Wayne voluntarily put a stop to the session and escorted Hermione, who still had unfinished business, back to her sleeping quarters.

After seeing Hermione off at the Fat Lady's portrait, Wayne made his way back to the Room of Requirement.

"System, accept the rewards from the recent event."

[A gift package is being opened... Congratulations, host! You have obtained the legendary talent, the Thunder Lord's decree!]

A simple red stone talisman materialized out of thin air, rotating and flying towards Wayne's forehead.




The dark sky was filled with ominous dark clouds, gathering menacingly over the castle.


A bolt of lightning tore through the world, followed by relentless thunder that was both deafening and monotonous.

The loud noise startled many young wizards from their slumber. Confused and unaware of what had just occurred, Hermione too leapt out of bed shortly after lying down.

Principal's office.

The window was wide open, and Dumbledore stood gazing out at the tumultuous scene.

The thunder continued to rumble, and intermittent flashes of lightning illuminated the oppressive night sky.

This situation was far too abnormal and did not seem to be of natural origin.

"Fawkes, has any Thunderbird arrived at Hogwarts as a guest?" Dumbledore questioned.

As a spirit of the avian realm, Fawkes the phoenix possessed the ability to sense the presence of other winged creatures. He perched upon Dumbledore's shoulder and cocked his head.


"Could it be..." Dumbledore trailed off softly.

Sensing no magical energy emanating from the thunder, he first dismissed the possibility of human interference.

After much contemplation, Dumbledore found no solution. He simply shrugged off the peculiar natural phenomenon.

The room overflowed with inquiries.

Wayne closed his eyes, causing the ancient runes to vanish as his body levitated, emitting a red glow.

The red electric arcs snaked their way around his body like miniature serpents.

Wayne absorbed the vast amount of information conveyed by the runes.

The Thunderlord's decree.

It had a name.


Fully intertwined with the runes, Wayne established a direct link with Thunder.

Not only did his thunder and lightning magic greatly enhance, but he also gained the ability to infuse other spells with their power.

Under the electrifying stimulus, even his physical form grew stronger.

One could say that he now held dominion over thunder and lightning.

With a simple wave of his hand, a thunderous explosion shattered several stone puppets.

This talent was undeniably formidable.

Wayne finally opened his eyes.

"System is this the reward for the Legendary Lottery"

[The basic reward entails a 97% chance of obtaining a purple-quality item and a 3% chance of acquiring a gold-quality item.]

[The host possesses astonishing luck. The original reward was the golden talent Thunderbird Bloodline, but thanks to amplification, it has transformed into the legendary Thunder Lord's Decree.]

Upon reading the system's explanation, Wayne couldn't help but feel overwhelmed.

I am destined for greatness!

He then glanced at his current status panel.

[Host: Wayne Lawrence

Magic: SS+

Charm: SS

Defense against Dark Arts (White Magic): SSS

Dark magic: S

Transfiguration: S+

Potion-making: A+

Alchemy: A]

Special talents: Memory Palace, Natural Holy Spirit (the power of the patron saint is greatly enhanced, and defense against black magic is strengthened), wandless spellcasting (it is easier to master wandless spellcasting skills, and the power of wandless spellcasting is improved), Thunder Lord's Decree (controls all things Thunder, thunder spells are more powerful and can be attached to other magic spells).

Manaflow Band, dynamic perception.

[Comprehensive evaluation: ss+, legendary, one step away from perfection.]

Compared to before, a small level has upgraded Wayne's magical talent, and his defense against black magic (white magic) has jumped to the SSS level. Even his black magic has reached the S level. Unfortunately, the overall evaluation is still stuck at ss+, but Wayne is not too disappointed. The higher the talent level, the larger the gap becomes. This is what they call "sometimes the gap between people is bigger than that between humans and dogs".

"The system only evaluates talent, but not strength?"

After a moment, the system beeped.

[The strength attribute panel is generated. We remind you that the measurement of strength in the magic world is uncertain, and the evaluation provided by the system is only for reference.]

[In a real wizard battle, anything can happen.]

As the voice faded, Wayne's strength panel appeared in front of his eyes.

[Host: Wayne Lawrence

Magic: 0.8

Mastered spells: Shattering Curse, Shield of Aegis, Disarming Curse, Patronus Charm, Unforgivable Curse...(omitted)

Strength evaluation: Professor level (full talents)/Elite Auror level (normal strength)]

[System strength classification: student, adult wizard, elite wizard, Auror, elite Auror, professor, archmage, legend, myth]

Wayne has no doubts and believes this evaluation is fair. The two talents of dynamic perception and Thunder Lord still have a significant impact on actual combat. With his current physical fitness, even a few professors in the college can't touch him because his magic spells simply can't hit. The only thing that frustrates him is this magic power measurement. What on earth does 0.8 mean? Is he like a magical version of Kakashi? What a shame!

The next day, the little wizards were still discussing the lightning and thunder that occurred late last night.

"There must be a thunderbird passing by," a Hufflepuff student said confidently. "I once went to Arizona in the United States with my grandfather, and the valley there was the same as the thunder and lightning last night."

"I heard that Dumbledore is practicing magic," another young wizard had a different opinion.

A Ravenclaw retorted, "Impossible, how could there be such a terrifying weather spell?"

"Maybe it's some other powerful magic..."

Wayne listened to their discussion and silently drank his oatmeal, with no intention of participating.

After hearing what happened last night, he knew that it was most likely his fault. Unexpectedly, hiding in the Room of Requirement triggered strange phenomena in the outside world. It seems that he must be more careful when drawing cards in the future, as he has to go there every time to draw.

Thinking back to his recklessness in drawing cards in the dormitory, Wayne felt lucky. Fortunately, he didn't get the talent of Thunder Lord's Decree. Otherwise, he would have to send Toby and Norman into oblivion. His two roommates, on the other hand, looked confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Did it thunder last night?"

Justin Finch-Fletchley looked at Toby doubtfully. "Didn't you hear that?"

"No," Toby said blankly. "It was dawn when I woke up. I didn't know anything about thunder and lightning."

Norman also echoed, "Me too, I didn't feel it at all. How about you, Wayne?"

"I did see it, but it disappeared after a while, and I went back to sleep."

Wayne buried his head lower. To let his two roommates sleep more soundly, he added two drops of Draught of Living Death, which is a powerful sleeping potion, to their bedtime drinks. There is no difference between falling asleep and dying when taking this potion. However, Wayne controlled the dosage, and two drops gave Norman and Toby just eight hours of sleep.

As the class approached, they stopped discussing it. The little wizards went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom on the third floor.

Coincidentally, this was the class Quirrell attended before being reported, and it was also their class when he returned from sick leave this time. Many people were looking at Wayne. If Wayne is still not satisfied, will he continue to complain?

Wayne, who was sitting by the window in the classroom, said helplessly, "Don't look at me, I won't deliberately cause trouble for the professor."

"Hehe," Hannah smiled happily. "Wayne, if you still want to complain, you must gather everyone."

Everyone nodded in unison. Feelings are addictive.

The school bell rang and Quirrell walked in, looking no different from usual, wearing the same wide turban and smelling of garlic. This disappointed the little wizards, and the classroom became slightly noisy.

"Since the class is already in session, don't discuss irrelevant matters," Quirrell said, shocking everyone by not stuttering and instead raising his head to address the students.

"I'm sorry to have delayed everyone's time for a month due to my health, but with Dumbledore's help, I feel better now. Let the class begin." The classroom fell silent, as everyone noticed that Quirrell was different. Wayne also sat up slightly and looked at him carefully.

Quirrell rarely opened the curtains, letting the sunlight shine into the room, and said in a calm voice, "If you want to learn Defense Against the Dark Arts, you must understand why we need to learn this type of magic." One student asked, "Is it for defense?" Quirrell responded, "Yes and no. Learn Defense Against the Dark Arts and you can use magic to protect yourself from dark wizards and black magic, but essentially, it's an offensive discipline." He tapped his wand on the blackboard, and three words appeared: "Defense, counterattack, defeat the enemy." In just a few words, Quirrell's captivating speech attracted all the students. Wayne knew that Quirrell could never possess such an ability.

Then, the person giving the lecture could only be...Tom!

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