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Chapter 2: Hero

"BORN WITH HIS MANA CORE AWAKEN!! I can't believe this. this isn't possible unless... no he can't be they were born years ago... just maybe my son has the hero talent, but only 3 are born per race every 25 years and the last three for the human race were 2 years ago.

It has to be because of Seraphina she is a hero herself and their kids are usually born pretty talented but too born with the hero trait is never heard of."

Thaddeus thought contemplating if his wife who was born a hero in the last generation gave birth to an extremely talented baby possibly passing the hero's talent.

"I'll have to ask her when she wakes up she has been unconscious since giving birth"

Thaddeus looked at his child who was lying on the ground looking back at him with his giant bright brown eyes praying this situation wouldn't make his life or son's life any harder.

"crap I definitely messed up. This man is definitely my father and he hasn't said a word but just stared at me with confusion on his face." 

Arion was looking at his father wondering what he should do in this situation.

He had no idea of this man's background other than the fact he looked like a blacksmith by the clothes he was wearing, and how his family had to have some kind of money cause they had two maids attending to them maybe even more, and his mother was nowhere in sight.

"Trish fix this mess so my son doesn't have to lie in it anymore"

Thaddeus picked up Arion while one of the maids whose name was Trish with a wave of her hand fixed the entire room in seconds.

Thaddeus then moved to put Arion back in his crib because he seemed to be exhausted and he knew the reason was awakening his mana core can take a lot of energy. so he and the maids left the room not before giving instructions to them to not let anyone else know about this for the time being or it was their heads rolling on the floor.

The maids instantly knew the situation was serious because not ever has Thaddeus threatened them in any way and had always been respectful, unlike some masters to their servants, so they had immense respect for the man and vowed not to tell anyone about this day unless they were allowed to.

[System Notifications]

seeing the notification pop into his eyes Arion decided to open it up.

[Congrats on awakening your mana core +10 points]

[Congrats on awakening your Aura +5 points]

[Congrats on avoiding suspicions +1 points]

"woah 16 points just like that, that's more than what I started with. Let's think of another skill I can create that can help my growth while I'm a baby. I don't think they notice my Aura yet and only notice my mana core being awakened so I should probably tailor my skill around concealing it."

Arion lay in his crib for a few minutes trying to think of a skill that could help him right now either trying to further his passive growth while he was still young or keep his growth to a minimum to avoid prying eyes.

Especially since he didn't know much about his current circumstances.

Both paths had their advantages one could make him unrivaled at an early age with his early start especially since he didn't know how to consistently get points right now.

Another path would hopefully keep his life safer allowing him to grow as a side character away from who knows what in this world.

"Fuck it let's try to conceal this aura first for the cheapest possible skill and then use the rest to further enhance my growth.

System create a skill that allows me to manipulate my aura to be invisible to others and limit it to only being detectable by those actively trying to sense for it using magical or spiritual means."

[5 points]

[ Skill Created]

[Please name the skill]

"name it aura concealment."

[skill is now under the abilities tabs]

" Now I have 11 points left. Hmm, wait I saw I had a talent earlier. System what are talents."

[In this world, talents refer to innate abilities or natural aptitudes possessed by individuals that are not directly related to their learned skills or magical abilities. Talents can manifest in various forms and may include physical attributes, mental capabilities, or unique traits that set individuals apart from others.]

"what is the blacksmith talent"

[ 1 points]

"Never mind forget it. seeing how my father looked like a blacksmith himself I probably got it from him, I can just ask him in the future, and he seems to be a successful one if he has maids and this room is not small in the slightest. I don't want to be only a mage, but my Aura should help with that I rather focus on my physical growth, this skill might not be able to help right now be it will when I can move around."

[11 points]

"perfect just enough points''

[ Skill Created]

[Please name the skill]

"rapid recovery"

[skill is now under the abilities tabs]

"open system"

Arion ravenheart

Talents: Blacksmith


Mana Core Stage: Tier 0



Constitution: :3

Intelligence: :3










"Nice my stats have gone up lets check the quest tab."


1. Live as a baby [duration 1 year] 25 points

Arion couldn't help but laugh to himself seeing there was only one quest but it made sense being he was only a baby and couldn't do much.

As Arion lay in his crib, his father, Thaddeus, entered the room once more, his footsteps echoing softly on the polished wooden floor.

His expression was a mixture of concern and wonder as he approached his newborn son, who lay peacefully in his crib, bathed in the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the window.

"Arion," Thaddeus murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he reached out to gently stroke his son's cheek. "My son, what mysteries do you hold within you?"

Arion stirred slightly at the sound of his father's voice, his bright eyes blinking open as he gazed up at Thaddeus with a mixture of curiosity and innocence.

Thaddeus's heart swelled with love and pride as he looked down at his son, marveling at the tiny miracle that lay before him.

"You are a wonder, Arion," he whispered, his voice tinged with awe. "A gift from the gods themselves."

But beneath the surface of his words lay a nagging sense of unease, a fear of the unknown and the uncertainty of what the future might hold for his son.

Arion's awakening mana core was a testament to his potential, but it also carried with it a weight of responsibility and danger that Thaddeus could not ignore.

"Whatever challenges may come," Thaddeus vowed, his voice firm with determination, "I will be there for you, my son. I will protect you, guide you, and stand by your side, no matter what."

As he spoke, a sense of resolve settled over Thaddeus, banishing the shadows of doubt and fear that had clouded his mind. He knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but he was prepared to face whatever trials and tribulations lay in store, as long as he had his son by his side.

With a final glance at Arion, who had already drifted back into slumber, Thaddeus turned and quietly left the room, his heart filled with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. Whatever the future held, he knew that he would face it with courage and resolve, for the sake of his son and the world that awaited them both.

As Thaddeus left the nursery, a heavy weight settled upon his shoulders, a mixture of relief and concern weighing him down as he made his way to the adjoining room where his wife, Seraphina, lay unconscious.

As Thaddeus entered the room, his eyes fell upon Seraphina, his beloved wife, who lay in bed, her ebony hair spread out around her like a halo against the stark white pillows.

Her skin, a rich shade of mahogany, glowed softly in the dim light of the room, a testament to her beauty and grace even in her weakened state.

Seraphina's features were serene, her breathing slow and steady as she slept, lost in the depths of unconsciousness.

Her lashes lay like delicate crescents against her cheeks, her lips parted ever so slightly as if caught in the midst of a peaceful dream.

Despite the exhaustion etched upon her features, there was a quiet strength in Seraphina's demeanor, a sense of resilience and determination that spoke volumes of her character.

Even in her vulnerable state, she exuded an aura of regal elegance, a queen in repose upon her throne.

Thaddeus approached the bed, his heart heavy with worry for his wife, yet filled with a profound sense of love and admiration for her strength and courage.

Gently, he reached out to take her hand in his own, the warmth of her touch sending a surge of reassurance coursing through him.

"Rest now, my love," Thaddeus whispered, his voice barely more than a whisper as he leaned in to press a tender kiss to Seraphina's brow. "I will watch over you, and our son, until you awaken once more."

With that, Thaddeus settled into the chair beside the bed, his eyes never leaving Seraphina's peaceful form as he kept vigil over her, a silent guardian in the darkness.

And as he sat there, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the window, he knew that no matter what trials and tribulations lay ahead, he would face them with unwavering resolve, for the sake of his family and the love that bound them together.

As Thaddeus sat by Seraphina's bedside, his thoughts turned inward, a swirl of emotions and memories churning within him.

He couldn't help but reflect on the meaning of heroism, a concept that had always loomed large in his life, shaped by his wife's extraordinary legacy.

To Thaddeus, being a hero meant more than just wielding great power or performing grand acts of bravery.

It was about selflessness, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication to a cause greater than oneself. It was about standing up for what was right, even in the face of overwhelming adversity, and inspiring others to do the same.

Seraphina embodied all of these qualities and more. As a hero, she had faced countless trials and tribulations, risking life and limb to protect those in need and uphold the values she held dear.

Her courage and compassion had touched the lives of countless people, earning her the respect and admiration of all who knew her.

But being a hero also came with its own set of challenges and burdens, Thaddeus knew. T

he weight of responsibility, the constant threat of danger, and the ever-present fear of failure were constant companions on the journey of heroism, testing one's resolve and pushing one to the limits of endurance.

And now, as Thaddeus looked down at his sleeping wife, he couldn't help but wonder what the future held for their family.

With Arion's awakening mana core, a new chapter had begun, one filled with uncertainty and possibility.

Would their son follow in Seraphina's footsteps and become a hero in his own right? Or would he forge his own path, carving out a destiny uniquely his own?

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