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MHA X Various MHA X Various original

MHA X Various

Author: Joe_Clucks101

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: CH: 1/A new world

Kaida's POV

I was in my dragon form, flying around in the sky, when a purple portal appeared in front of me, and pulled me inside!

When my head stopped aching, I noticed that I was now in some kind of glass and metal dome, 'What the...?' I use {Transmorph} and turn into my human form, just to be safe.

I noticed I was in some kind of ruined city looking area inside the dome. That was when I heard a small explosion along with some yelling.

I decide to investigate, using my dark element to cloak myself in shadows. I enter a destroyed building and see two boys dressed in costumes, surrounded by unconscious people.

'If they were bad, they would have killed those people instead of knocking them out.' I think to myself. I back out of the room and turn off my cloak to save mana.

I then fly up and look out across the area, noticing a hand covered man, a man made of purple mist, and what I can only assume is a monster in the center plaza, along with a lot of unconscious people.

In the center of a large crowd, is one man fighting off multiple people at once, and winning. I decide to go and help him.

I dive down and land on top of one of the bigger enemies, using my {Knock out breath} to subdue them.

I warn the scarf man to cover his nose and mouth, before using {Knock out breath} on the whole area, knocking out everyone except the three by the fountain.

I disperse the poison I let out with a flap of my wings, before turning to the three by the fountain. The hand man just chuckles crazily before saying, "Oh, and Eraser Head... I'm not the final boss."

I feel a rush of wind pass by me, and a cry of pain from behind me. I look behind me and see the man I just helped with his head pushed into the ground.

I go to help by charging up a {Greater Fire Beam} and aim it at the monsters exposed brain (A/N: Any answers as to why the heroes didn't just hit it in the brain in the first place? Other than them being careful as to not kill it.)

It takes a lot of effort and mana, but eventually I manage to bore through the things brain, killing it. I glare at the supposed owner of the monster and taunt, "That all? I've dealt with goblins that were tougher than that!"

The man just growls and scratches at his neck, muttering, "Where did she come from?! She wasn't on the list... Unless..."

The man then stops scratching his neck, which is now red in the spot he was scratching, "Kurogiri, let's go home." I step forwards to intercept them, but then hear a familiar panicked yelling from above me.

I look up and see Zara Malin falling from the sky. I quickly decide to save my extremely long-distance friend.

I flap my wings and rocket up towards her, catching her before landing softly. I look towards the two villains and see them gone, "Damn..." I put Zara down, "Hey, are you ok?" I ask.

Zara quickly dusts herself off, "Yes, I'm fine Kaida." She then checks to see if she still has all her stuff, "Shit, my pistols gone, my plasma knife is still here, thankfully. I don't have any charge stored up though." I offer to fix that, "That would be appreciated." I then use my {Static Discharge} skill to shock Zara, doing nothing to her damage wise.

"Thanks." she says as an arc of electricity shoots off of her. I turn towards the scarf man who is slowly getting up, as a green haired boy, a frog-kin, and a grape boy runs over to him.

"MR. AIZAWA! Are you ok?!" they all yell as they stop by the now identified scarf man. I try to walk over, before hearing a loud boy yell, "DIE YOU VILLAIN!!!" I then hear a large explosion behind me.

"ZARA!!!" I yell as I turn around and run towards the smoke cloud, clearing it with a flap of my wings, revealing her to be fine, just a little scratched up.

"Are you insane?! You could have killed someone with an explosion like that!" Zara yells, as her eyes turn red. She runs at the blonde boy who blew her up and throws a punch at his chest. The boy tries to explode her again but finds her to be much faster than he anticipated.

Zara's punch lands, knocking him back a few yards. I run over to Zara and check her for any major injuries, "Are you ok?" Zara rotates her shoulder a few times, "I'm fine. My regeneration should fix any damage the angry grenade did to me."

And as she said, upon further inspection, she has no injuries, "Come on, we should get out of here while we can." Zara's eyes return to their normal yellow color, "Your right. Come on, lets-" Suddenly there is a loud bang. Everyone looks towards the loud noise and sees a group of people, most dressed in some kind of costume.

"Have no fear-!" I suddenly get a chill down my spine, "Zara, get on my back, quick!" I yell as I change into my dragon form.

"-For I am here!" Zara hops onto my back and I attempt to fly away. As I ascend into the sky, I feel something be wrapped around my leg. I look down and see the scarved man's scarf wrapped around my leg.

I try to break free by beating my wings harder, but for some reason just can't get away. I try to breath some fire on it, which seems to work, but by that time I was already being beaten into the ground by a man in office attire!

I change back into my human form and catch Zara putting her on the ground gently. We then face off against our would-be opponent.

I try and calm him down, "We are not your enemies, whoever you are." The man just smiles menacingly, "Then explain the injured boy!" He says as he points towards the kid that attacked Zara.

"She was just defending herself." The buff man stares at me, "Look, I was just minding my own business, when I was suddenly brought here against my will. The same thing likely happened with my friend here."

"Hmm... Sounds tough. Regardless though, you need to come with us for questioning." I look at Zara and she nods, somehow reading my thoughts, "Fine. We'll go with you." Zara hands me her plasma knife to store, which I do.

The man visibly loosens up, as two police officers walk up to me and Zara with oddly bulky cuffs in their hands. They cuff both me and Zara and escort us to police vans.

At the police station, me and Zara are kept in the same room. After a while, a tall, plain looking man in a trench coat and fedora walks into the room.

---Things might get a bit iffy with the characters here---

"My name is detective Tsukauchi; I'll be the one questioning you two today." The man says, "Let's start with your names." I decide to cooperate.

"My name is Kaida Fujiryu. I'm an S-rank Adventurer." The man pulls out a notebook and begins writing things down but stops when he hears me say my rank, "I'm sorry, could you repeat that last part?"

I nod my head, "I am a S-Rank adventurer, and co-leader to the "Fox Flames" adventuring party." Tsukauchi looks confused but continues writing things down in his notebook.

"Who is the leader, of this 'party'?" I think on whether I should tell, before deciding that its fine, "My fiancé, Shiro Stirling." The man continues writing things down.

He then turns to Zara, "What about you? What's your name?" Zara clicks her tongue before answering, "My name is Zara Malin. I'm the leader of the survivalist's faction in New Aeros."

The man confusedly writes everything she says down, "You said, 'New Aeros?' I can't say I've ever heard of a place called 'New Aeros'."

Zara gets annoyed, "Well, it's real. I live there. Even if it is a shit hole." The detective's eyebrow rises at that, "Elaborate please."

"I would rather not." Zara defies. The detective sighs and continues, "How old are you, Kaida?" He asks, "I would say around 21." Her writes that down before turning to Zara, "And you?"

"17." She says bitterly. The detective continues, "Alright next I'm going to ask you what your quirks are."

I tilt my head in confusion, "Quirk? Do you mean skill?" I ask, confused. The detective looks at me with confusion, "You don't know what a quirk is?" I nod and the detective sighs, "A quirk is a superpower."

I tap my chin with my finger a few times, "I guess you could say mine is elemental dragon." I look at Zara out of the corner of my eye, {Say yours is electrokinesis. We can't have anyone know about you know what.}

Zara hums in agreement, "Mine is electrokinesis." The detective frowns a little at her answer but writes it down anyways.

"Alright, onto the questions." The detective declares.

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