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Chapter 2: Creative Destruction

"And…that's what happened."

The shattered night sighed with the quiet whisper of distant turmoil, but within the cave, shadows clutched at the stark stone and silence reigned. Sevyn's form was as a wraith against the dimly lit cavern walls — her vigilant presence an unwavering sentinel against the world outside. Every sense was astutely tuned to the subtlest of shifts in the cavern's breath, every muscle coiled in readiness, a guardian forged from darkness itself.

Gunjo lay nestled within the cave's protective embrace, his skeletal form scant protection against the world's unforgiving clutches. Before him stretched the spoils of their recent onslaught: the formidable serpentine skins that bore the remnants of their former tenants' malice. The vile sheathes lay supple and strong, each scale a testament to the resilience of their previous owners.

'She asked what happened, I told her. Now she's acting all weird and not responding. Maybe I'm being too impatient. Good job, Gunjo. Just be understanding and be patient. Maybe she's processing all the lore I just gave her, that's my bad. Anyway, I got sick and tired of falling apart every five seconds, I thought MAYBE if I wrapped my bones in the snake skin from the snakes I killed, it would hold me together until I got tougher.'

A system window materialized with an ethereal glow before Gunjo, prompted by his intent focus:

[Snake Skin — High Toughness Rating]

[Would you like to use snake skin for bone reinforcement? Y/N]

Without pause, Gunjo's will commanded a resolute 'Y'.

"Oh shit." Gunjo said.

'It's like this window thing is reading my mind. Right?'

The snake skin resonated with a sullen hum, its edges beginning to lift and weave around Gunjo, binding him as delicate as a spider's lacing yet firm as iron chains. He felt the unity, the snake skin's instinctive resilience fusing to him, an external skin to fortify his own. The process was meticulous, the skin folding and wrapping in intricate patterns that both concealed and supported his skeletal form.

The scales were a mosaic of viridian and obsidian, intertwining with subtle hints of iridescent blues that shimmered faintly in the cave's subdued light. Each scale was a marvel of natural engineering, perfectly designed to withstand great forces and inclement conditions.

Gunjo could sense the inherent power in the skins, the lingering echoes of untold strength that they now promised to impart upon him. This was not just a covering; it was a manifestation of durability, a direct link to bolster his being. The cold, lifeless bones he bore were soon hidden beneath a sleek armor of serpentine legacy, a grim yet remarkable facade.

As the skin encased him, settling into place with a sensation that bordered between invasive and profound, the system window flickered, its translucent frame casting pale light over the snake skin as the process neared completion:

[Reinforcement Complete]

[You have 50 skill points. Use them to increase stats or unlock skills.]

'Increase stats..? Okay. Let me look at my main ones.'

[Level: 1]

[Experience: 30/100 (30 XP gained from last battle)

[Next Level: 100 XP]

[Next Level reward: 2 skill points]

Strength: 1/10000

- Dexterity: 1/10000 -

- Constitution: 1/10000

- Intelligence: 1/10000

- Wisdom: 1/10000 -

- Charisma: 1/10000

- Toughness : 1/10000

[Using 1 skill point will raise any given attribute of your choice by 50 points. But you can also use one skill point to gain a magic skill or upgrade your scythe]

'I think I'm getting it now. I can use make myself stronger then. Should I buy some new skills? Or spread my points out towards all of the aspects floating in front of me super weird?'

At that moment, Gunjo allocated all of his stats into different areas.

Strength: 250 /10000 (5 skill points added)

- Dexterity: 250/10000 - (5 skill points added)

- Constitution: 250/10000 (5 skill points added)

- Intelligence: 250/10000 (5 skill points added)

- Wisdom: 250/10000 - (5 Skill points added)

- Charisma: 250/10000 - (5 skill points added)

- Toughness : 1,000/10000 - (20 skill points added)

[Not so weak now, are you? Still kind of weak.]

Gunjo scoffed, "Huh?! Damn you!"

'Who even are you? Who cares? But at the same time, I think I'm tougher now, and the snake skin on me added an extra layer of toughness. I can still fight confidently a little.'

[Skill points remaining: 0]

[80 XP points gained]

[Level up]

[Current Level - 2]

[2 skill points gained]

'I should use those two for unlocking skills like this stalker window told me earlier. Should I do it? Save them? It's better to have magic here, straight brute activities won't get anyone far. I'll take skills.'

[2 skill points spent. Two skills earned]

[Scalding Onset: As your innermost energies begin to simmer with infernal wrath, your very blood turns to liquid fire. D - Rank skill]

[Passive Aggressive Skill: Scalding Vitality – Your blood inflicts burns upon any weapon or entity that causes them harm, turning their own wounds back upon your assailants. D - Rank skill]

'Even as a skeleton, blood is still within me. I still have my heart, that's probably why. Am I the chosen one?! Let's calm down a bit. I'm gaining a little bit of hope. I wish I had this before everything went down, maybe things would've been different. If I had this stalker window with me during the meeting of the Demonic Order and demon lords and other demon kings…could I have kept myself from being embarrassed? The power they gave me, they could easily strip it away because it's their power. The thought of this stalker window being someone or something else's power, I'm starting to regret it already. What if it comes down to where I meet the one who gave me this stalker window system, they get mad for some reason, and they strip the power from me like the Demonic Order? Should I be worried right now? Yeah. Everyone is against me, trusting anyone is out of the window. I have to manipulate and use mind control on this stalker system window, gain 100 times more of my power back, and take my revenge. Then go back to earth and get my revenge there. Maybe if I do that, then I'll really find out my true self. Right? Being expected to do great things only to fail with no one to pity you. Revenge comes at a cost, if I see it through all the way, then I'll have my respect back, my reputation restored, and I'll be liked again. The thought of being alone again..haunted me—.'

In the blink of an eye, Sevyn was in his face, and Gunjo screeched like a girl, staggering back.

"AGH! What the hell?! I hate when you do that. I was monologuing to myself in my thoughts all dramatically.".

Sevyn answered, "What are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"We cannot keep running. But I will fight all the bastards who try to harm you in any way. But know I have feelings too. You are weak now. In this state you are in. If you die in front of me, I won't be able to beat it. You know I was alone for a long time until you showed up. I should lock you here and I fight your adversaries for you—."

Gunjo grabbed Sevyn's shoulder, saying, "I'm super strong now. I raised my toughness stat with this stalker system window thing. Here, hit me with all you've got. I can take it—."


Gunjo's stomach had steam coming from it as his body hit the cave wall. He was twitching, saying, "A-ACK! AGH! OW! WHY DID YOU HIT ME SO HARD?!"

"You said I could."

"Oh yeah I did."

Sevyn helped Gunjo yo to his feet, and Gunjo said, "I can handle this, Sevyn. If anything, I want you to stay home until all of this gets sorted out."

"Was alone too long. I failed you many times, I should've gone with you during the earth invasion. But I will not fail you once again. I don't want to fail again."


Gunjo looked down at the ground, thinking, 'She's desperate to stay with me. Should I let her? She's my wife, why would I let her stay with me on my path to revenge? I'm gonna be killing things, a lot. And knowing her, she'll do it with me. There were many times where she ruined chances for me to ascend to demon king rank, and she's hated herself since then, showing me all the time she's worthy to be loved by someone like me. Someone like me? After what happened with the Demonic Order, I don't think I'm shit. Why go through all of this trouble for me? If anything, I don't deserve Sevyn at all. Guess that's my decision.'

"If you want to come with me, you can. I won't stop yo—."

Sevyn immediately hugged Gunjo, his skeleton form in shock. Sevyn's warm body pressed against his, their breathing intertwined.

"I'll be with you, my love." Sevyn whispered.

"And I with you—."

Sevyn put Gunjo in a headlock, and Gunjo screamed, "AGH!"

Gunjo was squirming fast to get free, and Sevyn held her grip, saying fast, "If you die, I die. You should not die at all. If you die, I will bombard The Hall Of The Fallen and save you myself, killing everyone in my way. Understood? We shall not take everything kindly, and you will completely work on getting stronger like me. Do not jump into battles without me being present, and do not start any fights. Understood—."

Gunjo pushed away from her, saying, "Yes! Damn! I get it!"

Sevyn smiled, "Good."

Gunjo blushed, every time he saw her smile, it was like he saw her for the first time.

Gunjo walked around, saying, "This cave is big enough for a safehouse I guess. Going back home is going to be an issue, back at the palace, since many know of my name. And are probably thinking I'm gonna be there so they can have an easy chance to slice me up."

"What do you suggest?"

"We'll make out camp here, we have to settle things first before we can call it that though."

"What do you mean by that?"

"A veil. We need to hide this cave from any outsiders. We used some back at our palace during the times of rebellion from other demons, and we had to keep replacing them every few weeks."

"Yes. We had a few extra in our inventories. Do you want me to collect them?"

"I can tell you now it's going to be crowded with all types of enemies. And they might hunt you for even being associated with me. The Demonic Order's influence is vast, there's even some hidden crazy cults within hell that would kill to be even close to the 5 Thrones or any member of the Order. With a ransom floating around, this shit has turned into a battle royale."

"I'll blend in."


"What will you be doing?"

"Seems like I can use some of the enemies hide or whatever's on them for myself. Like this snake skin. That punch you threw at me should've shattered me."

"Is it safe to be walking around?"

"..No. But I won't sit here and look weak as hell, if I'm going to do this, I have to get stronger every chance I get."

"Oh. Okay."

Sevyn dashed off, heading towards Gunjo's palace.

Gunjo stood there, thinking, 'She'll handle herself well, right? If I'm not around? Yeah, she will. She'll definitely blend in. She'll definitely blend in. And as for me, I'll be hunting that bunny that kicked my ass earlier. Also, if I'm able to craft things from the beasts here, I might be able to get something good off the bunny. If I was able to kill that snake, then I'm definitely able to kill the bunny!'

He left the cave, thinking, 'My first step in revenge is to not let ANYTHING slide. That bunny, he really put a beating on me, then dropped a big bunny load on me after the fact. I can't live with the fact that my first defeat was to a bunny.'

As he continued to venture forward, he made sure to keep the hood of his tattered black sackcloth garment over his head.

'The influence of the Demonic Order is great as I mentioned before. And some of the Demon Kings and Demon Lords do whatever they say without batting an eye or thinking a second thought no matter how vile it is. But as for me, I used to reject their requests if it was too overbearing. They even asked me one day if I had to kill one of my own within the Order, would I do it? I said I would if they tried to kill me, but other than that, no. They didn't like that answer. They have a history of their weirdness, and not just hell is where they are known. Their agendas span across time and space, intersecting with the fates of nations, the ascendance of evils, and the downfall of heroes. What began as a symposium of the strongest within the fires of the Nether has evolved into an interdimensional game of chess, with each Pillar seeking to extend their dominion beyond the infernal borders, to inscribe their legacy into the annals of all creation. The Demonic Order, thus, continues to inspire dread and awe throughout the cosmos with its insatiable thirst for power and its relentless pursuit of supremacy. Even the All Mother…she might reveal her identity to everyone when the time comes.'

Gunjo continued on, walking through the vast mountains where he met the snakes he battled before.

'Even then, I'm glad in a way I'm not under their control or watch anymore. To maintain control and to expand their territories, the entities of the Demonic Order have developed the Art of Maleficia – dark rituals and binding spells that solidify their control over the lesser demons and damned souls of the Nether. This arcane knowledge is heavily guarded, shared only among the most trusted confidants within each dominion. These rituals are often tied to the very essence of the demon lords themselves, making them both potent in their effects and dangerous, as they can be used as leverage or in attempts to usurp positions of power within the Order. It's crazy. A lot of times they wouldn't let me be myself, even though I was their most trusted demon king. Defeating enemies left to right. They live by many codes. The Demonic Order, though fragmented by individual will and ambition, is united under an overarching philosophy of ruin. This ideology dictates that creation and existence, by their very nature, are ephemeral and must eventually return to the chaos from which they arose. Each member, in their way, enacts this principle – some by subjugating and enslaving souls, others by corrupting the material planes, and some by seeking to undermine the very fabric of reality itself. Yet, despite their commitment to the annihilation of existence, they are paradoxically its greatest preservers. For without existence, there can be no ruin. Thus, the Demonic Order thrives in the tension between preservation and perdition, between the desire to destroy and the imperative to endure.'

Gunjo stood on top of a mountain, and saw the dead snake bones laying there, remembering he did that.

"Ha! That serves them right."

'I've never been this happy after beating something, even for someone like me. Because I knew I was strong, it was just another damn day. But now, because I've been stripped of my power and all that, I feel like I earned it. That little stalker window thing gave me power, power to increase my own power. Who's behind it?'

Gunjo made it past the mountains, walking past the dead snakes around him.

'I didn't collect the other hides of the snakes. Should I do it for safekeeping? Yeah I should.'

After gathering some of the hides, Gunjo was back around where he started, walking through the vast woods. Each step of the dark leaves on the ground crinkled loudly, the sound of the dark wind breezing through the branches hit him in the face.

The eerie quietude of Hell's woods was occasionally disrupted by the fluttering of unseen wings and the rustle of leaves under spectral feet. Gunjo, shrouded in the snake skin that clung to his form like a second exoskeleton, moved deftly amongst the gnarled trees and thorn-laden underbrush. The scythe he carried was an extension of his intent—a harbinger of reaped souls and silent death.

Ahead, a demon bunny, its fur as black as the void from which Hell itself seemed to have birthed, hopped nimbly. Its crimson eyes scanned the shadows cautiously, vibrant against the monochrome backdrop of charred flora. Its senses were heightened, attuned to the dangers lurking within every hollow and behind every twisted tree.

Gunjo watched, still as death itself, senses sharpening to a razor's edge. The scent of sulfur filled his nostrils, mingling with the acrid essence of brimstone and the peculiar musky fragrance of the demon bunny—a mélange of odors as intoxicating as they were dangerous.

'That's the same bunny. It's hide changes in certain areas to avoid getting killed by other predators. Such AS MYSELF!'

Leaves crunched faintly underfoot as Gunjo advanced, the exhale of the woods telegraphing his silent footfalls. He heaved his scythe back, bones tightening beneath the hardened scales, and struck. The blade whistled through the air where the bunny had just been, a viper's strike against the wind.

'I'm stronger now, bastard!' Gunjo exclaimed.

The demon bunny's agility mocked gravity itself as it danced aside, Gunjo's scythe cutting through the thick trunks of Devil's Ash trees. Ancient wood fell in his wake, the groaning timbers echoing like the somber tones of Hell's own requiem.

Gunjo said in confusion, "Huh? But I'm stronger now..? You're just a bunny—!"

He swung over and over, red glowing arcs slashing all over the place, and the bunny continued to dodge it, jumping from tree to tree, avoiding the onslaught of creative destruction.

"Stop running! You weren't running before! Where's that strength now?!"

'I gained two skills earlier, should I use them now on this bunny?'

With each tree's demise in the wake of Gunjo's scythe, the woods seemed to convulse, disgorging from their hollows sinewy humanoid creatures: the Tree Wraiths. Their limbs were elongated perversions, branches made flesh, reaching hungrily towards Gunjo with the desperation of perdition's own spawn.

They howled in an eerie tone, "Comeeeee with ussss!"

Gunjo exclaimed, "No! I don't wanna! Do you know who I am?!"

'Tree Wraiths. The air around Gunjo shimmered slightly as the system window flickered into view, called upon by his need for information. With a gesture from him, a document detailing the tree wraiths materialized:

[System Analysis: Tree Wraiths]

[Level: 3]

[Power Classification: Low]

Stats- Strength:

- Agility: 4

- Resilience: 6

- Intelligence: 2

- Wisdom: 1

- Charisma: 1

'Tch! I came across these annoying bastards before. They never used to try and grab onto the demon monarchs, the demon lords, and demon kings. But now that I'm a weak skeleton, they think they have free reign. I'll send those bastards to the Hall of the Fallen, where those who are killed in hell reside unless a member of the Demonic Order vouches for them to live again. If not, then in a years time, they suddenly vanish without a trace. Tree Wraiths can blend into wooded environments , making them difficult to detect. Their limbs can extend and ensnare prey at short distances. They're enigmatic beinvs that were once thought to be expressionless guardians of Hell's woods. A manifestation of the forest's desire for self-preservation, they evolved, or perhaps were cursed, to walk the threshold between flora and fauna. Melded into existence through forbidden rituals or demonic mutations, these creatures have existed for millennia. They guard the elusive secrets of Hell's wilderness, serving as both predators and protectors, their lives intertwined with the twisted roots and gnarled branches from which they draw their strength. But even they are in tune with their own lust, feeding on anything that walks by.'

The system window faded from view, granting Gunjo the insight into the lowly adversaries, their statistics and history ingrained into his strategy. With this knowledge, he could predict their movement, exploit their weaknesses, and navigate the dark groves with a higher degree of cunning and foresight.

Gunjo swung his scythe in an arc of redemption, severing the twisted appendages that clawed for him. Sap that smelled of corruption splattered, painting a grim tableau across the leaf-littered ground. Each Tree Wraith fell to pieces before him, withering as their lifeblood seeped into the soil, screaming into the air.

The demon bunny, now the focus of the Wraiths' relentless pursuit, found itself cornered by the gnarled digits of the forest's abominations. But Hell's fauna would not succumb so easily. The bunny's form pulsated with infernal energy, surging in size, its lithe muscles swelling to grotesque proportions.

The ground shook with a heavy vibration, With a cacophony that reverberated off the charred trunks, the demonic hare unleashed its wrath. It pounced with preternatural speed, powerful hind legs pounding the ground, earth shaking under the might of its enhanced sinew.

Gunjo looked at it, saying, "He's big now?! No no no no, what the hell?! Yeah im running.

Tree Wraiths found themselves crushed underfoot, their howls a mingling of surprise and obliteration. The bunny's feet tapped, a rapid staccato beat, a demon drummer announcing the cadence of demise. Under each thrust, a Wraith was obliterated, and with each bound, new sprays of sordid sap decorated the bunny's fur.


The demon bunny dropped down in front of Gunjo, as Gunjo had tried to run away.

Gunjo pleaded, "Okay maybe we got off on the wrong foot. And maybe I DID try and kill you, but I was kidding, you know I kid around right? Like a jokester or some sort, I always made the Order members laugh from time to time—."

"RAGGHHHHH!" The bunny roared.

Gunjo covered his fast from the degree of spit and blood coming from the bunnies mouth.

'Shit! I can't fight this thing! I didn't know it could do that!'

It stood—a monstrosity of muscle and fury, with powerful legs coiled beneath it. The demon bunny, once a creature of of dubious threat, now glared down at Gunjo. Its once coat of void transformed into a juxtaposition of blood and darkness. It reared upon its hind legs, each muscle etched into its form a testament to its sudden and improbable dominance.

Gunjo met the beast's gaze, scythe at the ready, his will an indomitable force against the uncanny evolution of his quarry. The woods held their breath, the malevolent audience to a standoff between demon king and demon beast, the outcome of which would ripple through the sinews of Hell itself.

The system window shimmered into existence before Gunjo, its ethereal display casting him in a pallid glow. Data scrolled across the translucent screen, revealing the formidable stats of the morphed creature before him:

[Name: Infernal Lepus Colossus]

[Level: 15]

[Type: Demonic Beast]

[Health: 300]

[Strength: 850]

[Agility: 720]

[Endurance: 600]

[Special Ability: Thunder Thump - When the Infernal Lepus Colossus slams its feet, it sends shockwaves through the ground, crippling nearby opponents.]

[Speed Ball: Can turn into a flaming ball of steel and roll at high speeds, destroying everything in its path, leaving a scorch of fire in its wake.]

Gunjo thought, 'Legend has it that demon bunnies were not always fearsome beasts. Centuries ago, these creatures served as the companions and familiars of witches, warlocks, and practitioners of the dark arts. Over time, their prolonged exposure to demonic energies, mystic rituals, and the harsh environments of Hell itself transformed them. What were once mere familiars, embarked on a dark evolution. But even after what I heard, I didn't think they could transform like this. I can't believe how dumb I was! I was careless! I never made mistakes before! But now that I have, because I'm weak, that shits hitting me! I have to do what I can! Maybe if it makes me shatter, maybe the bones can reshape itself, yeah…yeah…maybe I have the upper hand!'

Suddenly, the demon bunny spoke with a grin, "Hehe…look at you. Now a skeleton, I remember seeing you talk down on others for being so weak, HAHA! This is good. This is too good. I'm gonna stomp you to the Hall Of The Fallen!"

Gunjo smiled maliciously, his body covered in a red aura, and his scythe gleaming with crackling red energy.

He laughed, "Then what are you waiting for?! Let's fight!"

"Oh? Still trying to keep that confident arrogant attitude even when you are at a disadvantage?! It's hysterical! Trying to not look weak in front of the one you used to be stronger than! You're still trying to protect that image! My kind are the results of the feral wrath inherent to its kind—an apex expression of this dark heritage. Resilient to the point of near invincibility and capable of growth spurts triggered by adrenal surges during combat, we're a natural-born survivor and a byproduct of the unforgiving nature of Hell's survival of the fittest. Despite our ferocity, we share a peculiar symbiosis with the verdant, albeit twisted, flora of Hell's forests. It is widely known that they are the guardians of Hell's Forebode Forest, a testament to the strange and intricate balance that governs life in the underworld—."

"Blah blah blah! You're just talking nonsense at this point!"

"You're still a jokester, I'll give you that, brat. But allow me to entertain you!"

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