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Chapter 59: Sky people (3)

Liam and Emily rushed through the city as fast as they could, going towards the army's building, where the leader is, and where Julie is with him. Liam had not believed in what Emily told him at first, but after her explanation he understood Julie's reasons.

Even though he doesn't agree with them.

Arriving at the building, Liam and Emily passed through the guards who didn't even see them and went towards where they could sense strong presences. Upon reaching the leader's office, they opened it and saw Julie with a sword in hand being stopped by Lucas and Ella.

And on the end of the room on the ground laying on a broken desk is Jarrid, the leader of the Sky people.

"What's going on here?" Emily shouted.

Ella seeing that Liam and Emily arrived sighed in relief, then she said, "Now you deal with her, I'm leaving"

Saying that Ella left through the same door that Liam and Emily came from, and the two ignored her and went towards Julie.

"That's not the right way to do things" Liam said as he approached Julie and standed between her and the leader.

Julie scoffed, "You know all about morals, right? I don't have time for that Liam, leave and take Lucas with you"

She said as she released her mana, the pressure enveloped the three of them, Emily used her mana to endure the pressure, but Lucas and Liam released their energy to match and even surpass Julie's.

"Give up, Rose, you know you can't win against both of us" Lucas said, not in a provocative tone, he just stated as a fact.

"Try me" Julie said and swung her sword towards Lucas, who also prepared to draw his sword and stop her.

But Liam blocked the attack, holding the sword with his hand reinforced by mana. The attack caused a deep cut into his hand, which could've been worse, but Julie decreased the strength behind her attack after noticing Liam's actions before it could hit him with full force.

"Are you stupid?" Julie said realizing what Liam had just done, "I almost cut your hand off"

Liam chuckled, "Don't worry, it's just a superficial wound, it'll heal in no time"

The three looked at him and sighed. "You're really an idiot," Lucas said as he guarded his sword.

Then Emily approached them and said, "Julie, Liam is right, we can't kill him"

"He has a weapon that can kill the White Whale, and he doesn't want to give to us"

"It's his weapon, his city, and his people, we are merely intruders here" Liam answered.

"I heard you want to kill the White Whale, you will need that weapon"

Liam nodded, "You may be right, but we can't use strength to force him to give up the weapon to us"

Then Lucas did a low blow, "If you kill Jarrid now, will it be any different from what Iske Grace did to your brother?"

Julie fumed in anger, "That's totally different, first this world is not even real, it wouldn't be murdering"

"What's real and what's not is only a matter of perspective, but we are not discussing that. All you are doing now is justifying murder,"

Lucas answered, taking a step closer to Julie, who retreated a step back. But the boy didn't stop there. "Now tell me, if you can justify murder, why can't Iske Grace?"

Julie didn't answer that, she only stared angrily towards Lucas and then left the room, storming out of the building.

Liam glanced at Lucas and said, "You were too harsh"

"Maybe, but was I wrong?"

Liam knew he wasn't, "Still, she's our friend, you could be a little gentle with your words"

Lucas rolled his eyes and then Emily said, "I'll talk with her"

Saying that, Emily left the building and went looking for Julie, which was not that hard because the girl was not properly controlling her emotions or her mana, leaving a lot of traces behind. Emily just followed them.

But Emily didn't predict that the girl would go so far away. Ten minutes after leaving the army building, she found Julie standing on the top of the wall, at the edge of the floating city, observing the apocalyptic world below them.

Emily approached her in silence and sat beside her, hanging her legs in the air, playing like a child.

"This is the best," Emily exclaimed.

Julie gleaned at her and asked, "What?"

"The breeze, this view"

"This world is destroyed, what's beautiful about it?"

"I didn't said it was beautiful, but it's quite and peaceful"

Then a silence came as Julie stared at Emily, the blue-haired girl seemed to have fun in this place, everyone was either worried about the exam, or with the monsters, but Emily was the only one who seemed to be having fun, as if she doesn't care about these things.

She envies that.

"Did you also come to tell me that I'm also wrong for trying to kill him?"

Emily shook her head, "I don't care about that at all, you do what you want for your life, that's what I believe"

"So why did you"

Emily interrupted her, "But, every action has consequences, I just think that killing him won't be worth the trouble that will come for you later on"

"And what would that be?"

"Throwing away your friendship with Liam, me and everyone else"

Julie scoffed, "You think that you are that special?"

Emily smiled, "You didn't kill him, did you?"

Once again, Julie couldn't argue against that, she knew that Emily was right, she could have killed Jarrid, Lucas and Ella weren't even really trying to stop her at that moment, she could have killed him before they could react.

Julie sighed and sat besides Emily, "This is frustrating"

"What's frustrating?"

Everything—this exam, that irritating mundane old man not wanting to give us the weapon…" Then she muttered under her breath, "The fact that I lost to a monster"

"It was a grade 5 monster"

"Iske Grace wouldn't have lost"

"I doubt that," Emily answered.

"Julian was the strongest person I knew, and yet he was killed by Iske, I thought I was strong, Julian would have defeated the White Whale, but I lost"

Julie lowered her head, hiding between her knees, then Emily said, "Losing is frustrating, but in our jobs we can't stop when we lose, and you want revenge, right?"


"Then you can't stop, I bet that Iske Grace will not stop" Emily then got up and offered a hand to Julie.

Julie took it and Emily helped her stand, "Everyone around me tells me that looking for revenge is foolishness"

"It's because usually people tend to go too far for revenge, are you planning to go that far?" 

Julie doesn't answer, because she doesn't know how far she's willing to go to kill Iske. She knows she feels hate when looking at Iske, when hearing his name, she wishes to kill him every time in class.

"I don't know"

Emily nodded and then said, "If you go to far, I'll tell you, and I bet that Liam will stop you as well, Lucas, and Ella too"

Julie lowered her head and said, "Thank you"

"You welcome, now let's go, if we let Lucas and Liam alone for too long they will start messing things up"

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