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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - What it is to be a Hero?

"Like I said earlier, power is not the only thing that can get you to graduate in this academy, knowledge is important. For example, "Matrix" his power is not that powerful but with his knowledge he is known as the Master Tactician." A cold breeze brushed past his nose

Ken continues on.

"Matrix is also known for his quick thinking and strategy. He knows when and how to use his abilities to his advantage, which gives him a leg up in any situation. In fact, his knowledge is what sets him apart from other heroes. He may not have the strongest power, but with his wit and cunning, he is just as formidable as anyone else."

The class goes on as the students got hooked up from the subject that Ken is teaching them.

Ken's passion for teaching was evident as he delved deeper into the importance of strategy and intelligence in the world of heroes. He shared anecdotes, lessons, and practical examples to illustrate his points, making the students more engaged and eager to learn.

As the sun began to set outside, casting a warm glow through the windows, Ken concluded the lesson with a final thought

"Remember, heroes, true mastery comes not just from what you can do, but from how well you understand the world around you and how you use that knowledge to make a difference. So, never underestimate the power of your minds, for they can truly be your greatest weapon."

With that, the Ken left the classroom, all the students left their respective chair and started talking to each others.

"Hey! What do you think of our professor?"

"He looks good and the way he teach us is great!"

Students are talking some girls are giggling and the boys are showing of each others power.

Kaito however is packing up his things and getting ready to leave.

"Hey!" A boy comes and taps Kaito's shoulder. "So you're the nephew of the current number 3 hero huh? You don't look much to me."

Kaito was about to reply when the boy grabs his uniform.

The boy's grip tightened on Kaito's uniform, his eyes gleaming with mischief. Kaito remained calm, his expression unchanged despite the provocation.

"You think you're better than us just because of your family, huh?" the boy taunted, his voice filled with arrogance.

"I didn't say anything like that." Kaito replies. "And you're ruining my uniform."

The boy is about to punch Kaito when another student brushes past him causing the boy to fall to the ground.

"... Sorry..." the students says, its Shinji Yamagishi.

"You've got some nerve pushing me!" the boy release a ball of fire towards Shinji.

Shinji easily blocks the fire.

"I said sorry..." Shinji says, "Such a drag..."

Without missing a beat, Shinji calmly walks away, leaving the boy fuming with anger on the ground. Kaito, impressed by Shinji's composure, nods in appreciation before gathering his things and heading out of the classroom.

As Kaito made his way out the door, he noticed a girl waving at him from a distance.

"Hey, over here!"

It was Yuuka, the girl student he met earlier at the entrance. She had a friendly smile on her face and looked like she was excited to talk to Kaito. Kaito approached her and she started walking towards him.

"So what class are you in?" Yuuka asks.

"Class D."

"Aren't that the lowest section in this academy?" Yuuka asks again. "And I heard that you're the nephew of the number 3 hero, why are you in that class?"

"Probably because I still didn't have any powers." Kaito says.

"Oh I forgot about that, hehe." Yuuka chuckles. "By the way, are you going home now?"


"Great! Then let's go home together."

They walked out of the school gates together, chatting about their day and getting to know each other better.

As they walked down the bustling street towards their homes, Yuuka suddenly stopped in front of a small cafe.

"Hey, do you mind if we grab a drink?" Yuuka asked with a smile.

Kaito nodded, and they both entered the cozy cafe. They found a quiet corner table and settled in, continuing their conversation over steaming cups of coffee. The warm ambiance and Yuuka's friendly demeanor made Kaito feel at ease.

"Oh, I need to go home now, my mother wouldn't like it if i go home late," Kaito says as he quickly grabs his bag and stand up.

Yuuka nodded understandingly and stood up as well. "No problem, Kaito. Thanks for the company today. I had a great time chatting with you."

Kaito smiled back at her. "Yeah, me too. Let's do this again sometime."

They walked out of the cafe together, exchanging goodbyes before heading their separate ways.

Arriving home, Kaito greeted his mother.

"Hey Mom, I'm back."

"Perfect! How's school? Did you have fun going into the academy?"

"Not really, but it's okay I guess." Kaito sits down on the couch and turns on the television.

"Where's Dad?"

"Some villain is causing trouble and he said he's going to be late, so no need to wait for him."

"It's busy being a hero huh? Hey Mom why did you retire?"

"Well, someone needs to take care of you and Lily, and I'm not cut out for that job."

"Really? Dad tells me that you're stronger than him in your early years."

"Your father tends to exaggerate," Kaito's mother replied with a chuckle. "Being a hero is a tough job, and it requires dedication and sacrifice. I chose to retire to focus on taking care of you and your sister, Lily. It's a different kind of strength that I found in being there for my family."

Kaito nodded in understanding, realizing the depth of his mother's sacrifice and commitment. "I appreciate everything you do for us, Mom. I'll do my best too."

His mother smiled warmly at him. "I know you will, Kaito. Just remember, being a hero isn't just about having powers. It's also about using them for the right reasons and always standing up for what's right."

Kaito change the channel of the television.

"...breaking news... a group of villains have launched a direct attack on the Sentinel Meta HQ. This is the first time in years that such a bold move has been attempted. The police and other heroes are rushing to the scene, but officials are warning citizens to stay away as the situation is still ongoing."

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