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Chapter 38: Chapter 38: The Ultimate Enemy Meets His Demise!

Feeling the enemy's blood in his proboscis, Jia Yan's expression turned cold.

It was this person who turned him from an ordinary college student into a wandering soul, then reborn, even transforming into a powerless tiny mosquito.

It was also this person who caused harm to his family.

His little sister gave up school life, never having left home before, staying alone in Shanghai, using her frail shoulders to seek revenge for her brother!

Since his rebirth, Jia Yan had lived with this moment as his purpose.

With the purpose achieved, the blood Jia Yan sucked from Yu Yuan was filled with hatred, yet it also brought him an indescribable sense of satisfaction!

"What... the heck?!" Yu Yuan struggled to move his neck, but Jia Yan had chosen the safest spot, making it impossible for him to harm Jia Yan no matter how much he moved.

At the same time, Jia Yan began secreting more substances into Yu Yuan's body!

He didn't actually want to suck blood! Bloodsucking was just a way to increase Yu Yuan's suffering. The toxic secretions, including formic acid, in his proboscis were the real source of Yu Yuan's agony!

Moments later, Jia Yan took flight.

His body was strong, probably unmatched by many mosquitoes in the world, and even after sucking a bellyful of fresh blood, he still flew extremely fast.

By the moonlight, Yu Yuan clearly saw the true face of this mosquito.

Such a huge mosquito...

Yu Yuan's pupils showed a hint of surprise, but compared to his previous encounters and treatment, seeing a giant mosquito now didn't fill him with much terror.

But the next moment, Yu Yuan's expression stiffened!

He saw the huge mosquito land on the ground, its round belly continuously contracting, and then, some blood was vomited out of its proboscis!

When a mosquito vomited the blood it had sucked, there was only one situation: after sucking the blood of a person, most of it would be digested inside the mosquito's body. The remaining small portion would remain in the proboscis and some internal organs, which was called residual blood. When the mosquito wanted to suck the blood of another person, it would vomit this residual blood into the body of the target creature before starting to suck blood. This act of spitting out residual blood was the main reason mosquitoes transmitted diseases because it passed on the diseases from the previous blood host to the next person.

But now, Jia Yan had clearly just finished sucking blood, yet he voluntarily spat out blood again. This behavior seemed strange.

Yu Yuan watched as the giant mosquito spat blood from its proboscis.

Then it took flight again, and to Yu Yuan's surprise, the target was once again him!


Jia Yan's six long legs stopped on Yu Yuan's neck, and once again, the proboscis pierced Yu Yuan's skin!

"Ah..." Yu Yuan was shocked by this bizarre scene, shaking his neck in disbelief, but he couldn't drive away the giant mosquito no matter how much he tried!

For a moment, Yu Yuan felt an itch near his neck. He found that this itching sensation was even more unbearable than the feeling of pain.

He began to twist his neck, emitting a low groan from his mouth.

Jia Yan watched him coldly from a distance.

In fact, sucking blood as a mosquito also came with a price. The force used when sucking blood had to be very strong, and some mosquitoes even burst their own bellies while doing so.

Although Jia Yan had undergone training and mutation with drugs, he still couldn't escape the category of mosquitoes at this moment. After sucking blood twice in a row, he was starting to feel a bit tired.

But this slight fatigue couldn't stop him from continuing to torment Yu Yuan!

The desire to survive had turned into reality before his eyes, and Jia Yan couldn't let go of this opportunity!

He forcefully spat out blood and then, despite some discomfort in his organs, continued to fly towards Yu Yuan!

"You monster, stay away..." Yu Yuan surprisingly felt a bit scared, spitting blood as he tried to dodge.

But his arms and legs were tightly bound, and with his weakened body after the severe injury, he could only move slightly, unable to stop Jia Yan from attacking again!

"Ah..." Yu Yuan felt something like a needle piercing his neck again!

Jia Yan didn't care about Yu Yuan's feelings. Or rather, he wanted Yu Yuan to suffer as much as possible!

This time, without finding a blood vessel, Jia Yan pierced Yu Yuan's skin a few times with the proboscis before pulling it out and moving to another spot to continue!

"Ugh... Ah!" Yu Yuan mechanically moaned.

Jia Yan seemed to find this method more effective, so he continued to pierce and retract! Pierce and retract!

But this repetitive action seemed a bit obscene...


However, in reality, continuing this action not only caused Yu Yuan pain but also brought suffering to Jia Yan. When engaging in activities similar to those between men and women, both parties being happy was quite the opposite! Cough...

The proboscis and mandibles of mosquitoes were part of a very precise biological system that wasn't supposed to be reused in a short period of time. But Jia Yan, in order to seek revenge and to make Yu Yuan experience a bit more pain, didn't care about that anymore. He relied on his robust body and repeatedly pierced Yu Yuan with the proboscis!

"Ah... don't do this... why today... why..." Yu Yuan's voice began to change amid his miserable moaning.

In fact, his injuries were already very severe. His internal organs had been damaged during the confrontation with Luo Sais, and the punches to his face had caused severe concussion. Sometimes, when pain reached a certain level, one couldn't distinguish whether they were at the end of their life.

Yu Yuan's voice began to fade.

Meanwhile, Jia Yan continued to hover over him!

He was still seeking revenge!

If Yu Yuan didn't die like this, when he was satisfied enough, Jia Yan would fly to the bushes and absorb the CHr-379 virus to let Yu Yuan die completely.

But judging from the situation, it seemed that the virus was no longer needed...

"Why... why... do I have to become... the heir of the Yu family... why... why does it have to be like this..." Yu Yuan's voice grew deeper.

He seemed to be crying.

But this crying was also very weak.

"Where... did I go wrong." Yu Yuan's pupils began to dilate, and then some hallucinations appeared.

"Dad, Mom. Uncle, Li Meng..." he murmured, the sounds coming from his mouth seeming unclear!

At this moment, Jia Yan finally gave up biting and, flapping his wings, bathed in the moonlight, slowly ascended.

His dark body reflected light in the moonlight, and then his powerful wings continued to flap!

Jia Yan silently hovered in front of Yu Yuan.

This enemy was heading towards death!

Jia Yan's mood was extremely complex. On the one hand, he felt that his repeated efforts were not in vain, but on the other hand, seeing his former greatest enemy lying so miserably in front of him, he felt an indescribable sense of complexity.

Of course, this complex mix of emotions harbored not a shred of sympathy. Because he himself had lain so miserably in another room, slowly dying.

He had even been framed by Yu Yuan, who distorted the truth, claiming his death as a result of a car accident! 

Even his dormitory mates, when they came to identify the body, could tell at a glance that he had been beaten to death! But this guy, with the help of his family connections, managed to smooth things over.

So, Jia Yan didn't feel any sympathy for Yu Yuan's fate.

He just felt a bit hollow, considering his greatest wish had almost been fulfilled. What was next? Perhaps waiting for the natural death of his mosquito form?

Originally, that was his plan too—to wait until the enmity between him and Yu Yuan was settled, even if it meant death.


At this critical moment, Jia Yan realized he didn't want to die!

Human desires are endless. Grant him one wish, and immediately there will be another, even greater wish!

On this point, Jia Yan could directly acknowledge—he was human!

His next wish was simple: not to die! At least, not to die immediately!

His wish had manifested!

To extend his lifespan in this mosquito form, and then... become even stronger!

As Jia Yan's compound eyes stared at Yu Yuan, waiting for his greatest enemy, both before and after rebirth, to die.

As Yu Yuan's life force slowly dissipated, his enlarged pupils suddenly focused on the flying mosquito!

Yu Yuan's gaze froze!

Weakly, he uttered a syllable.


Jia Yan's body trembled!

He hurriedly flew higher, then fixed his gaze on Yu Yuan below.

Yu Yuan's eyes still fixed on where Jia Yan had been before...

No breath!


Jia Yan cautiously lowered his flight altitude.

His sensory organs could perceive the rapid decrease in infrared temperature on Yu Yuan's body, and even his heartbeat had disappeared...

Really dead!

Jia Yan silently looked at Yu Yuan lying on the cold cement floor.

Yu Yuan's expression was somewhat horrified, as if he had seen something incredible!

The illustrious successor of the Yu family, the future steward of the Yu family's assets totaling billions, lay dead with multiple injuries in this silent, abandoned building.

Did Yu Yuan have a moment of clarity just before he died, a hallucination where he saw Jia Yan? Or was there really some mystical force that allowed him to see Jia Yan's true soul within the mosquito body? Jia Yan really didn't know.

Perhaps, it was yet another puzzle that would never be solved in his lifetime.

But none of that mattered now. Yu Yuan was truly dead before Jia Yan's eyes!

His greatest wish after rebirth had been perfectly fulfilled!

In Jia Yan's heart, it was as if a massive stone had fallen from his chest.

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