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Chapter 49: "Chapter 10: Super Mutation!"

Jia Yan's consciousness rapidly recovered, and he felt himself trapped within a sturdy object!

He didn't know how much time had passed, nor did he know the condition of his body now.
He couldn't move!
The sensation was like being in a cocoon, but even more uncomfortable than that!
The object trapping him was too solid, so solid that with Jia Yan's previous strength, it was impossible to move!
Fortunately, after his consciousness recovered, some of the objects around his front legs seemed to loosen due to his movements, making a 'crackling' sound!
Jia Yan controlled his front legs and shook them hard!
The solid object that had shown signs of breaking before was now even more cracked as Jia Yan's front legs vigorously broke free from it. However, it still hadn't shattered!
Although it hadn't broken, Jia Yan felt the power in his legs building up, like a volcano about to erupt!
"Ahaha... What incredible strength!"
Jia Yan felt a surge of excitement, then his front legs twisted fiercely again!
This time, he put all his strength into it! "Break for me!"
Crackle crackle snap!
The hard object enclosing his front legs shattered like dried cement, instantly breaking into pieces on the ground.
The sound of the shattered objects was exaggerated, scattering in the air like snowflakes after an explosion.
His front legs were completely free!
Feeling exhilarated, Jia Yan then used his four hind legs to exert force together!
Crackle crackle crackle!
Snap! Snap!
Amidst the debris, Jia Yan unleashed his exaggerated strength, moving vigorously!
His entire body was enveloped in these cement-like solid objects. In the past, he wouldn't have been able to break free no matter what!
But now, Jia Yan not only found himself capable of breaking free but also felt somewhat relaxed and at ease!
For a moment, the entire space was filled with resounding explosions.
Fragments flew everywhere, creating a scene that was simply terrifying to behold!
"What power is this? Is this the strength after the second mutation? It's too incredible!"
Jia Yan's newly transformed body was now fully exposed to the air.
After the second mutation, his body had grown to a length of seven centimeters in one breath!
The perspective of seeing things was completely different from before.
His entire body exuded a sense of strength and beauty from top to bottom!
His entire body was glossy black, a purer black than before. The exoskeleton covering his body had become even stronger!
The small scales that had previously covered the exoskeleton suddenly enlarged, becoming visible to the naked eye and densely covering his entire body!
The wing veins on his wings, which had previously been covered with some wing scales but were barely noticeable, were now exaggeratedly covered with wing scales, and there was even a tendency for them to spread across the entire wings!
However, these wing scales were lighter and more translucent than the large and heavy scales on his body!
"Strength! Vitality!"
Jia Yan felt it!
Truly felt it!
Vitality roaring! Strength boiling!
The degree of the second mutation was even more exaggerated than the first!
This time, the mutation was completely different from before, a complete transformation compared to his previous self!
The surging vitality felt throughout his body was not only the influence of increased strength but also the significant leap in vitality after the mutation, making his body more vibrant!
The change in vitality combined with the change in strength made Jia Yan feel like the world was different.
"Perhaps the first mutation wasn't as useless as I imagined. After all, that time, my body was several times larger than an ordinary Chinese mosquito, and I could even lift objects twice my weight, like rubber erasers! However, although the enhancement of that mutation was significant, it still seemed weak in front of many creatures, to the point where I didn't feel much. But this time..."
Jia Yan lifted one of his front legs, which no longer gave the impression of being thin and weak like a mosquito's leg, but rather sturdy!
Only such sturdy legs could support his current massive body.
The power he now possessed was something Jia Yan himself couldn't quite grasp. He faintly felt that after ingesting the purplish-red liquid for the second time, his body seemed to have broken some mysterious shackles...
Breaking these shackles seemed to reveal an incredibly broad path laid out before him!
Yet, he was only standing at the starting line of this path.
"Of course, this feeling might just be my imagination," Jia Yan shook his head, dismissing these unrealistic thoughts.
He began to assess the dry fragments beneath his feet.
After a while, Jia Yan suddenly realized that these things were really similar to the cocoon he had formed during metamorphosis.
But they were sturdier and completely enveloped his current body, unlike the cocoon, which formed a round shape.
If his strength were a little weaker, he might have been completely trapped and suffocated by these dried-up objects, which would have meant real death!
"What exactly is this purplish-red liquid? It definitely can't be some antimicrobial peptide!" Jia Yan fell into silence.
Antimicrobial peptides, he had searched for them online while contacting several assassins via computer, and then found that antimicrobial peptides were substances extracted from various insects and made into drugs.
But how could ordinary antimicrobial peptides have such a powerful effect on organisms? That was simply impossible.
The research and development technology of the Northeast Tiger factory definitely couldn't reach such a level!
Just by relying on the petri dishes placed on the table by the man with glasses?!
If drug development could be achieved like this, then the world's top medical researchers would have already achieved great success!
"They must have secrets! But none of this concerns me. What I care about is whether this purplish-red liquid can cause me to mutate again!"
Jia Yan moved his six long legs. His massive and brand-new body, as well as the unprecedented sense of power, made it difficult for him to maintain balance.
"Huh? It's actually inside a soda can!"
Jia Yan looked around the "cave" he was in and realized that the effect of the liquid had made him so mentally foggy that he had absentmindedly entered an empty soda can!
Fortunately, the interior of the soda can was dry and not occupied by other creatures, so the environment was actually quite good.
"Let's get out of here. Last time it took only about half a day for the mutation to occur, but this time it seems to have taken longer. I wonder exactly how much time has passed."
After a moment, a definitely "giant" dark male Chinese mosquito crawled out slowly from the opening of a certain brand's soda can, looking quite bloated...
"Fortunately, my body hasn't grown too exaggeratedly. If it were any bigger, I would have to try whether my strength could break the soda can, but of course, I have no expectations for this. After all, it's not so simple for humans to break a soda can with bare hands."
One can't eat oneself into being fat.
Finally, Jia Yan bathed in the sunlight.
The scorching sun overhead made Jia Yan realize that it wouldn't be until winter when he would mutate again.
"It might be just two or three days, at most not more than four days!"
Jia Yan shook his back
, the pair of wings covered with lightweight scales that perfectly matched aerodynamics.
Buzz! —
Some delicate green grass on the ground was suddenly blown down by a gust of air!
Wings fluttering!
Jia Yan's massive body began to rise slowly.
The scenery on the ground gradually receded from his compound eyes...
"My body has become huge and heavy, possibly dozens of times heavier, but my wings still rise quite effortlessly! That's really good!"
Jia Yan felt an unprecedented surge of power exploding within him!
The blood transporting oxygen from the outside world, which then turned into a source of support for strength, made the muscle tissues connecting his wings to his thorax even stronger.
At this size, he required more oxygen, and Jia Yan needed to consciously breathe in oxygen forcefully to ensure oxygen supply.
Buzz buzz buzz —
The sound he made now was already quite loud, like an old-fashioned propeller-driven bomber flying rapidly in the sky!
A giant mosquito of seven centimeters was extremely rare in the current world.
Jia Yan was now such an existence!
Moreover, his size compared to those light and fluttering large mosquitoes and giant mosquito-like creatures was even larger, with chunks of exoskeleton expanding, giving him the appearance of muscularity, making his body look less slender.
He soared in the sky.
Flying over the jungle!
The scenery on the ground passed by rapidly, and Jia Yan found that his flying speed was definitely much faster than before!
Even though it was daytime, he was still flying!
It seemed like he wanted to vent all the pent-up fear and anxiety from before.
Of course, he also knew that even now, there were still many animals that could prey on him, but compared to before, he, at seven centimeters in size, no longer needed to fear bats!
Even birds like swallows were unlikely to see him as prey.
His survival threat had suddenly diminished a lot!
So Jia Yan flew during the broad daylight.
Meanwhile, the "Large-scale Biological Exploration Team from Shanghu City" had been trekking through the mountains and forests for two days.
In these two days, their harvest was minimal. Among the five members, only the driver, who was a local, while the other four were students and teachers from higher education institutions in Shanghu City.
The driver was just there to do the job for money, so he didn't feel any urgency about the team's journey. However, the other four were starting to get impatient, especially the young male student majoring in biology. It seemed that he had a knack for attracting mosquitoes, and he had been bitten quite badly these past two days, making him particularly irritable.
"Teacher, I think we should go back. We've been searching for two days without finding anything. I think this lead might just be a wild goose chase, those rural folks are just telling tall tales."
Finally, after slipping once, he spoke to his middle-aged mentor.
"How can you be like this, Xiaoxu! In our line of work, even this little patience is lacking. How do you expect to develop in the field of professional academia in the future?"
The middle-aged man with somewhat graying hair frowned.
The other two female students and teachers in the media department didn't complain, but their own student was the first to voice his complaints. What was this!
"But... Teacher, I'm afraid of mosquitoes!"
The young student had a mournful expression on his face as he grabbed his arm, which was swollen from mosquito bites.
However, as soon as his mentor heard the word "mosquitoes," his gaze sharpened!
"Mosquitoes!" he repeated the student's words.
"Teacher, what's wrong with mosquitoes?" the young student asked strangely.
"Mosquitoes! Look! Giant mosquitoes! There really are giant creatures here!"
The middle-aged mentor suddenly shouted, pointing to the sky.
In the sky, a giant dark mosquito, which could be described as huge, flew lightly over the heads of the people...

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