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Chapter 17: Chapter 16: New Homes & Manager Elena

[Eastern Wastelands]

As soon as the Hall Master saw the scene inside, she was shocked. This place was like an immortal abode and there was a strange energy that lighered on the air. This energy was new to her.

She could feel that if she could absorb this energy, she would reach legendary realms of cultivation.

As soon as they arrived inside, the barrier closed from behind . At the same time, Theo who was next to the lake stood up and went to welcome them.

A few minutes later, he arrived in front of them. He said. " Welcome to my residence." He had a smile on his face that almost caused the Hall Master to blush for a second.

"Yes". The Hall Master, Elena, the Maids, and the chefs replied. At the same time, there was a cart full of chicken and a cart with people inside. When Theo saw these children, he said. "Hall Master, You have done well. I just hope that you can be a little gentle on the children." When his gaze fell on the little girls, he saw this bruises on their skin.

It was clear that they were bullied and abused. He didn't like to see such a think. He enjoyed free will so he didn't want to have such people with him.

The hall master understood. "Then I will ask my subordinates to be more gentle in the future." "Alright, I will need a lot of things from you."

He gazed at Elena and said. "Miss, If you are really here to stay, You will be the Manager of this Place. " " I will need a lot of your help to create some inventions and you will also help notifying the hall master about things that are needed to make this place a family home. "

When he said this, the hall master was stunned and asked." You want to make this place a family home? " 'does that mean, he wanted all these people to be his workers and my friends daughter to be manager'. She suddenly remembered that Theo had said that Elena will be a 'manager'.

She frowned. Theo replied." Yes. I want to create a family home. That's why I wanted maids, chefs, and even slaves." Looking at the disheveled children in the cart, he continued." There is no family without people in it. "

Then he pointed at the houses. " These dorms will be your resindenses. I hope the hall master brought enough beds for everyone". Elena on thr side felt like her world view had been destroyed. 'This guy even brought slaves to be his family. They have their rooms and even beds. What kind of person is this.? '

"Don't worry. There are enough beds and the equipment and ingredients you asked for are here as well." Theo nodded and then, said. "Please release the children and bring them inside their rooms for shower and get them fully clothed, tomorrow we will start working". His gaze was on the maids.

The maids did as told. In no time the Slave Girls with thin, slim bodies, bruises were out of the cart.

Clang. The chains fell on the ground. They were the chains used to hold these girls. The maids hurriedly brought the girls into the dorm on the left side. At the same time, Theo followed them and taught them how to use the taps and shower. The Hall Master and Elena's were shocked by what they saw.

"What kind of artifacts are these?" They were both shocked. They've seen many things in this world but they've never seen this one. The taps that pumping water, the hot bath water and the clean water itself.

Even in the imperial capital's royal family, there isn't such a thing. When they looked closely into these 'inventions', they were left dumbfounded. They asked. "Isn't this just something that can easily done by anyone? " They had used their spiritual sense to probe and arrived at this conclusion.

" You are right. These things are the mortal creation. Mortals who had no power, or spiritual energy created these things and there are even more. " He had a smile on his face as he reminisces.

All the things he thought about were of course from earth. He continued." Mortals are really impressive. Without strength, they can harness the power of nature and use it to create things that can even cause the end of the world." As he said this, he thought about the the nuclear and atomic bombs. This are things that can cause disasters that can destroy the world. "If mortals have no strength, what's stopping them from creating a machine that can lift a house?. " He turned and looked at the people watching him. They revealed awe on their faces.

Theo didn't know that during his time reminiscing about earth, a vision showed itself and was seen by these people.

The vision disappeared the moment he had turned around. "As I see things between Mortals and cultivators, I find cultivators dumb. Mortals have flown to the moon without using cultivation. They just use their brains and their understanding of nature. Using the observation of nature, they can even explore the solar system and look for new worlds. That's just how mortals beat cultivators in comprehension."

"The cultivators never even tried going there nor had they even completely come close to understanding the world itself. I've been trying to find out if cultivating martial arts is really the final path of humanity and now, I think it's not. Humans were given such a strong and comprehensive Ability, and cultivators have strength, so why not make such great technologies and use cultivation to maintain it.?"

" With cultivation, you can create a formation and with human tech, you can create a computer. With both of them, you can create a computer that can cultivate and protect the world and keep peace on the world. You can use human tech to create a car with spiritual stones as a power source and cultivation can help it give birth to a spirit and capable to cultivate on its own and can charge itself. Humans can create cameras and with cultivation, the camera can become a good source of information. Cellphones created by humans can help you communicate with people on the other side of the world. With the use of cultivation, you can create a phone that can charge itself and even allow communicate with the world. "

" The cultivation world has bloody wars, unconfirmed deaths and mysteries and even more. Using human tech and cultivation, it would be too easy to find such things. Every criminal would be monitored and the peace of the world would be kept. Righteousness and justice could truly exist. "

He looked at the stunned slave girls and said." Mortals are the most important for the prosperity of the world. The blessing of the land is given to those who know and practiced that".

At the same time his gaze fell on the hall master and then he questioned. "Hall Master, your cultivation is high so you should be capable of seeing fate energy. Have you seen the Golden Dragon Of Destiny?"

The hall master was stunned by this question. She replied hurriedly. "I have heard about it but I've never seen it. Why do you ask?" Elena looked at her and asked. "Aunt, what is the golden dragon of destiny?" The hall master thought for a moment before replying. "The golden dragon of destiny, according to ancient records, is a dragon formed from fate energy. It can be found on the kings and princes of some dynasties that are in prosperity." Elena was stunned. " So there is such a thing?"

At this moment, Theo entered on this and said. "The golden dragon of destiny is the accumulation of the fate energy of the people in the country. The prosperity of the people of the country determines how much stronger the dragon is. The stronger it is, the more visible it becomes and the luck of the country will increase too. The reason why the current kings, princes don't have t, is because it is too weak. "

His gaze fell on the hall master and then he said."The only reason why you can't see it on the current leaders is because it is so weak that it can't even take form. Do you no why?." On the side, the hall master shook her head.

Theo pointed his hand on the weak powerless slave girls and said. " The golden dragon of destiny grows only when you take good care of the weak and powerless. Give them power to protect themselves and protect their families and heaven will bless you with great luck and you will see prosperity. The current leaders only think about themselves, and their strength and don't think about strengthening their own people. They only want to be served by the commoners. But that's completely wrong."

He walked out and looked at the superficial sky outside and said. " A king is a leader who serves the people. It's not the other way around." This puzzled the others.

On the other hand, hall master experienced a change. Her aura suddenly grew a little bit unstable. This was a sign of a epiphany. Her aura became more noble and her comprehension of the king law grew stronger. Her comprehension of fate was also increasing similarly.

She stood there in a daze for a few moments. After a while, she came out of her dazed state and bowing to Theo she said. "Thank you fellow daoist. I've benefited greatly." She was right.

She had gained a lot on this trip particularly, from him. Theo didn't know what he had done, so he waved his hand signaling her to stand upright. Then he said. "Okay, I want to teach these children about science and technology and help them navigate the path of cultivation and nature. If you have anything you need, tell miss Elena. Tomorrow we will start lessons and training. I want you children to become the pillars of human development." His voice was soft as he said. "Maybe one day, you will create artifacts that can fly through time itself. " Be ready for training. Dont worry about food and shelter, this is your home. You will not need to worry about those things. Also, you will cultivate here automatically so be carefree.

At the same time, the Divine mark on his hand released an extremely pure mysterious energy. As soon as that energy reached their bodies, their bodies crazily devoured it and their injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


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