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Chapter 82: Chapter 82

A/N :

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With the falling island neutralized by Garp's meteoric punch, Shiki, fueled by his devil fruit powers, turned his attention to the anchored ships in the bay while he kept countering Garp's devasting punches with his swords. With a sinister grin, he began to lift them effortlessly into the air, wielding them like deadly projectiles aimed at his adversaries.

"Heh, let me see if you bastards are still able to save Marineford while you fight against me," Shiki laughed, continuing to channel his Haoshoku Haki to clash with Garp's own Haoshoku Haki.

Sengoku, ever vigilant, anticipated Shiki's next move. As the first ship hurtled towards them with terrifying speed, Sengoku transformed into his zoan form, a massive Buddha, ready to meet the oncoming assault head-on. Garp, his muscles bulging with raw power, unleashed a barrage of overwhelming punches, pushing Shiki back with every blow, his eyes fixed on their relentless foe, who had become a madman and was exchanging blow for blow without caring about his own injuries.

"Thosuand Hand Buddha!!!"

The ship crashed against Sengoku's towering form with a deafening roar, splinters flying in all directions as the impact shook the very ground beneath them. With incredible strength, Sengoku pushed back against the force of the collision, his massive arms absorbing the brunt of the attack as he held the ship at bay.

But Shiki was relentless. Before Sengoku could fully recover, another ship came hurtling towards them, propelled by Shiki's immense telekinetic force. Garp, knowing that his friend was unprepared for the second assault punched Shiki away sending him crashing into the Marineford walls, leaped into action, his body a blur as he intercepted the ship mid-air, redirecting its trajectory away from his comrade.


With a thunderous crash, the ship shattered against the ground, the impact sending shockwaves rippling through Marineford. But even as debris rained down around them, Garp and Sengoku remained undeterred, their focus unwavering as they prepared for the next onslaught.

Shiki, who had crashed into the walls, roared ferociously as he stood up, pushing away the debris using his devil fruit powers.

"Hahahaha, not bad..., Not bad at all..., You guys still have some balls. At least I won't be bored until I get my hands on Roger," Shiki cackled like a madman while the broken chunks of debris around him floated under the influence of his Devil Fruit powers.

Meanwhile, Garp closed the distance with incredible speed, his fists a blur as he unleashed a relentless barrage of punches at their adversary. With each strike, he sought to break through Shiki's defenses, his determination unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds.

"Shiki! Give up! You're alone and surrounded. There is no way out!" Sengoku roared as he prepared himself for his next attack, while Garp continued raining down punches on Shiki. Garp didn't even care how much damage his attacks were doing to the surroundings because holding back against someone like Golden Lion Shiki was not an option.

"Hehehe, you bastards think that you can hold me, the Great Golden Lion Shiki, back?" Shiki roared, mocking the two marine powerhouses who were throwing their all to keep him in check.

"Blue Hole!!!" Garp's fist lit up as he flickered right above Shiki, who was about to ascend to the sky. Shiki's observation: Haki picked up on the incoming threat, and he immediately launched his signature attack.

"Lion's Majesty!!" Both attacks clashed, sending shockwaves rippling throughout Marineford. But as the two clashed, Sengoku appeared behind Shiki, who was locked in combat.

"Ten Thousand Hands!!!" Sengoku used the opening created by Garp and rained down thousands of devastating punches on Shiki's exposed flank, sending Shiki crashing into the ground and creating a massive crater.

As dawn broke over Marineford, the aftermath of the battle scene unfolded in a scene of devastation. More than half of Marineford lay in ruins, with over two dozen battleships splintered and broken. Golden Lion Shiki, the Overlord of the New World, lay battered and broken, his unconscious form nestled in the center of a massive crater. Surrounding him were two figures, both sporting massive injuries of their own.

Admiral Sengoku limped, his leg injured, and a gaping slash ran across his right arm. Garp, too, was covered in hundreds of slash wounds, both their Marine uniforms tattered and shredded from the fierce battle. Despite their injuries, both stood majestically in front of the fallen form of Shiki, their presence a testament to their strength and determination.

As the cheers of victory erupted throughout Marineford, Garp couldn't help but comment on Shiki's resilience. "He is one tough bastard," he remarked, exhaustion evident in his voice. Shiki had proven to be a formidable opponent, pushing Garp beyond his limits.

"We were lucky that he attacked us alone in Marineford. I'm not sure if we could have handled it if the entirety of the Golden Armada had descended upon us," Sengoku added, his voice strained from pain. Despite his injuries, he maintained his composure, knowing the gravity of the situation.

"I fear I might not be able to make it to Roger's execution in such a condition."

Garp expressed concern about his ability to attend Roger's execution in his current condition.

Though he masked it as a logistical issue, Sengoku understood the true reason behind Garp's reluctance. Garp's relationship with Roger went beyond mere rivalry; they were friends. Garp couldn't bear to witness his friend's execution.

Sengoku chose not to expose Garp's true feelings, respecting his friend's decision. With the World Government overseeing Roger's execution, there was no need to worry about any disturbances. As they stood amidst the rubble of Marineford, they knew that the battle against Shiki was just one chapter in the ongoing saga of the world's tumultuous seas.

The next morning, the world was rocked by shocking news: Golden Lion Shiki, one of the Overlords of the New World, had launched an audacious attack on Marineford. However, thanks to the heroic efforts of Marine legends Garp and Admiral Sengoku, the mighty pirate was subdued. The newspapers were abuzz with tales of Shiki's atrocities, painting him as the epitome of evil, while the Marines were hailed as champions of justice.

Doffy, disdain evident on his face, skimmed through the newspaper, scoffing at the portrayal of the World Government and Marines as paragons of virtue. "Such hypocrites, these bastards! Embodiment of justice? What a grand joke," he muttered, unimpressed by the propaganda being peddled.

"Say, Doffy, are you sure about Dressrosa? We may be strong enough to subdue the KIndgom, but we do not have enough personnel to manage it, and we must also think about how the World Government will react once they get to know that we have resurfaced."

As my brother flipped through the pages, searching for any other news of interest, I couldn't help but voice my concerns about our plans for Dressrosa while I eyed the bounty posters of myself and Doffy.

While we possessed the strength to subdue the kingdom, managing it would require the manpower we currently lacked. Plus, there was the looming threat of the World Government's reaction once they discovered our return.

Doffy, who had now become more shrewd due to his life experiences, reassured me with a cunning plan. "Oh, we're not going to conquer it outright, little brother," he countered, his mind already spinning with possibilities. He intended to leverage the impending upheaval I had foreseen to our advantage, using the chaos and desperation to secure Dressrosa without resorting to brute force.

His words intrigued me, sparking a sense of excitement for the plans ahead. With Doffy's strategic brilliance and my visions guiding us, Dressrosa would be the first step towards establishing our own territory in the New World. Despite the odds stacked against us, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence in our ability to succeed.

As we were ironing out the details for the Dressrosa takeover, my observation Haki picked up an intriguing conversation. With the lightning Logia enhancing my already formidable observation Haki, I could cover the entire island with my senses. With a smirk, I excused myself from our planning session and swiftly made my way towards the source of the conversation.

In Logue Town's port, a small dinghy approached the pier at the edge, carrying two somber teens—one with red hair and the other with a red nose. Their expressions betrayed the weight of the moment. They had come to witness their captain's final moments. It was none other than Shanks and Buggy.

As the dinghy reached land, the two teens quickly pulled it to shore. "Quick, Shanks, we must find a way to release the captain!" Buggy's voice was filled with determination. "I'm sure the rest of the crew are already on the island, ready to launch an attack to free the captain once the Marines bring him in." Buggy had been almost broken down when he received news of Roger's capture. Then he forced Shanks to embark on a trip to East Blue on a suicidal quest to rescue Roger.

Shanks nodded solemnly, his usually carefree demeanor replaced by a steely resolve, but he was growing impatient with his friend's insistence on their purpose. "Buggy, we're here to bid our final farewells to the captain. It was his choice," he asserted firmly, his gaze unwavering as he stared towards the Marine stronghold in the distance.

"Do you truly believe the Marines have the courage to capture our Captain, hailed as the Pirate King?" His tone was laced with disbelief and a hint of frustration. "We'll honor our captain's wishes, but causing a scene and stirring trouble won't serve any purpose." But even Shanks, in the corner of his heart, hoped that their crew would swoop in the final moment to rescue their captain.

Shanks, with a clear understanding of Roger's strength and character, knew that their captain had made a deliberate decision to face his fate. He was determined to respect Roger's choice. However, Buggy remained adamant about attempting to rescue Roger, despite acknowledging his own limitations. He pinned his hopes on their fellow crew members, who might have assembled to aid in Roger's rescue.

Contrary to Buggy's expectations, the rest of Roger's crew had chosen to honor their captain's final wishes. Even their most formidable ally, Rayleigh, was absent, unaware of Roger's imminent fate. Rayleigh was on a desperate quest through the uncharted islands of the New World, searching for a cure that might save Roger's life. Swimming through treacherous waters and braving the dangers of the sea, Rayleigh's sole focus was finding a way to save his friend.

Had Rayleigh been aware of Roger's impending execution, the outcome might have been vastly different. Despite Roger's wish to face his fate, the Dark King was a force to be reckoned with. His mere presence could have sparked chaos in Logue Town, and the other crew members, who remained hidden, were counting on Rayleigh to take action. Without news or updates from their firstmate, they too believed that Rayleigh had accepted Roger's final wish.

As Shanks and Buggy stood on the pier, preparing to bid farewell to their captain, the weight of the moment hung heavy in the air. Meanwhile, hidden in the shadows, I observed their conversation with keen interest. The arrival of Shanks and Buggy was something that I had anticipated, as the upcoming event would mark the turning point in both their lives, adding another layer of uncertainty to the already volatile situation surrounding Roger's execution.

In the next moment, I flickered right behind Buggy. "Well... well... if it isn't the members of the Great Roger Pirates," I rasped, the cloak concealing my form billowing around me, adding an air of mystery to my presence. With a calculated move, I placed my blade against Buggy's neck, aiming to instill a sense of fear and uncertainty.

"You... who are you? Let Buggy go!" Shanks roared, his voice tinged with both concern and anger, as he lunged forward in a desperate attempt to free his friend. But before he could take more than a couple of steps, I moved with blinding speed, materializing right in front of him and delivering a powerful punch to his gut.

"Smack!" The sound echoed through the air as Shanks doubled over in pain, his formidable stature momentarily faltering. Meanwhile, Buggy, recovering from the surprise of my sudden appearance, leaped at me from behind, a hidden dagger glinting in his hand. With a swift sidestep, I avoided his attack and, using the sheath of my blade, delivered a firm blow to the back of his head, sending him crashing to the ground.

Despite the pain and shock, Shanks managed to rise to his feet, his eyes fixed on me with a mixture of defiance and recognition. He understood that he was no match for me in his current state, but his spirit remained unbroken.

"You morons!" I chided, a hint of disappointment lacing my words. "Have you been slacking? You haven't grown strong at all since the last time we met."

With a casual flick, I lowered the hood that obscured my face, revealing features that Shanks and Buggy knew all too well. Instantly, recognition dawned in their eyes, memories of friendship and conflict flooding back from the days when Garp clashed with Roger.

Silent_stiele Silent_stiele

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