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Chapter 6: second task

Freezing was actually something like a time travel ability, but it was called freezing because it only fast-forwarded. And this was the first time Peter had used this ability for a long time.

Peter and Uzume reappeared in the same place exactly 545 days later.

When Peter opened his eyes, he felt a strong musty smell around him and covered his nose, sitting up from the bed.

Peter stood up to open the windows of his villa to let the room breathe. Meanwhile, Uzume came out of Peter, yawning as if she had woken up from a long sleep, and began to float next to Peter.

After opening the windows, Peter went and checked the kitchen cabinet to see if there was any spoiled food.

"There's nothing to eat at home, let's go shopping."

"I'll keep sleeping, you go get something, and don't forget I want a banana."

After looking at Uzume, who was floating and lost in herself, without feeling anything, Peter went down to the lower floor of his villa, got into his sports car, which was a miracle that it was still not working, and set off towards the city.

When Peter arrived at one of the outskirts of Tokyo, he got out of the car and bought something to eat at a small market.

"Where do we go now?"

Peter turned his head and looked at chibi Uzume, who was happily munching on the bigger banana.

After wiping the remaining banana nectar from the corner of her mouth with the back of her tiny hands, Uzume said that the place they needed to go was a small town called Takachiho.

After Peter enters the name of the town into the digital display of his sports car, he accelerates and drives off to where they need to go.

While passing through another town on the road, they continue their journey in this way, by purchasing a cheap car and new clothes in order not to attract too much attention, upon Uzume's offer. Peter bought the old car second-hand from someone else and managed to bypass the official business by paying a large amount of extra money.

After about 16 hours of driving, Peter finally drove through the red gate of Takachiho Town and booked himself at the hotel closest to the town Hospital.

"Peter, if you want, we can go to the hospital to see the girl I told you about. There are still 2 days until the mission is due."

"It's late, let's do this in the morning"

After rejecting Uzume with a flat tone, Peter went to bed and covered himself. Uzume, who had long ago gotten used to Peter's way of speaking, shrugged and fell into Peter's arms and fell asleep.

"After morning, Peter and Uzume got up and walked to the door of the hospital, breathing in the fresh air."

After entering the hospital, Peter went to the reception as per Uzume's instructions and said that you were looking for a friend who was about to give birth.

"What is the name of your friend who will give birth, sir?"

"Ai hoshino"

"Room 36 on the 5th floor"

" Thanks "

After Peter got into the elevator and pressed the 5th floor button, a pregnant girl with purple hair caught the elevator at the last minute and got in.

Peter looked at the girl without any reaction.

Shortly after the elevator started, Uzume came out and told Peter that this was the girl they were looking for.

"Is your name Ai Hoshino?"

With a mixture of curiosity and fear, the girl turned around to see Peter staring at her eerily, but she convinced herself to remain calm.

"Can I ask how you know me, sir, and most importantly, who are you?"

Peter automatically said his name to Ai as he watched in amazement the starry eyes of the girl who was obviously afraid of him.


A few minutes later, Ai entered his patient's room excitedly and showed the blond-haired middle-aged man waiting for him in the room, excitedly holding his hand and dragging him to her room.

The middle-aged man named Ichiro turned his head and looked at the man being dragged to the hospital room by Ai and sighed with relief.

"Ai, if your boyfriend was someone like Mr. Peter, why didn't you mention it before? If the news that you had a child with someone like him spread, even though you would lose a lot of fans in Japan, your fan base around the world would grow."

After Ai forcibly covered Ichiro's mouth, who was talking nonsense, she turned around and apologized to Peter.

"Please don't be stupid, ichiro-san. Mr. Peter heard that I was pregnant and came to visit me because he was nearby."

Realizing his guess was wrong, Ichiro apologized repeatedly in embarrassment. because of her prediction it was like she called peter a lolicon because ai is 16 now and almost about to give birth

"Mr. Peter, it's incredible how easily you find out a secret we've worked so hard to keep."

Peter changed the subject, knowing that this topic was not good for him.

"For me, learning such a simple secret is a simple thing. Coming to the main point, I want Ai to be the lead singer of the idol group that I will form in half a year."

When Ichiro heard Peter's words, he angrily rushed forward and stood between Ai and Peter.

"Hoy hoy, you don't want me to accept such a thing, do you? Ai is a young talent who was carefully nurtured after being discovered by me."

"Please be reasonable, Mr. Ichiro. As long as Ai is with me, she will be able to reach much higher places, and with the protection of my identity, she will not need to hide the fact that she is pregnant."

When Ichiro saw that Peter was completely right and Ai noticed this, he swallowed a large piece of saliva and continued talking.

"Still, you don't expect me to just accept this, do you, Mr. Peter?"

Uzume quickly moved in front of Peter and shouted, "It's time, Put him in his place , Peter!"

Peter took a check from his hoodie pocket, wrote 1,000,000,000 yen on it and handed it to Ichiro.

Ichiro couldn't stop shaking as he looked at the string of zeros on the check he was holding.

"I want strawberry production. What do you think about this, ichiro-san?"

Knowing that his monthly earnings were only a few hundred thousand, Ichiro thought that this offer was too extreme and accepted it immediately.

With this money, Ichiro could retire for the rest of his life.

"Mr. Peter, please wait for me here, I will prepare the contract and come immediately."

Immediately after Ichiro left the room, a doctor with glasses entered the room. Before the doctor could ask what was going on, Ai told him what was going on.

"What, did that guy seriously sell you out without hesitation for a check? Sounds like something he would do."

After finishing gossiping with the doctor, he went to Peter, who was sitting in a corner of the room, and introduced himself.

"Hello Mr. Peter, I've heard a lot about you. You are literally like a legend. By the way, my name is Gorou Amamiya."

" Pleased to meet you "

Even though Gorou was secretly angry when he saw that the man he expected to say more was looking at him like an ant without saying anything, he convinced himself to remain calm as a professional doctor.

After a while, a man named Ichiro entered the room with some documents in his hand and gave them to Peter. After a short signing ceremony, strawberry production officially became Peter's property

"Peter, I think it would be good for AI if you took the cover photo of these documents and shared them on social media."

Peter crossed his legs on the armrest of the single seat and looked at Uzume, who was giving him advice, and decided that she was right.

I closed the important information on the first page of the documents and shared the cover photo of the document on my social media account, which I have not used for 1.5 years.

The other people in the room didn't even notice what I was doing and the 4 of us started chatting

The more Ai talked to Peter, the more he thought that maybe it would be better for him to have Peter as his new boss. While the conversation was continuing, Ichiro said that he had to return to Tokyo with the sound of his phone ringing and left the room.

"This money-grubbing guy will stay with me at least until the person gives birth. Hmmh, when I become the best idol in the world, I will ignore him too."

While Ai was sulking with a cheerful air as always, a ringtone echoed in the room. Everyone in the room fell silent for a while and waited for the owner of the phone to answer the phone.

Peter had even forgotten that he had a phone until Uzume said, "It's your phone that's ringing, you're confused." Peter took his phone out of his pocket and checked who was calling.

When Peter saw that the caller was the woman he had hired as his general secretary, he slowly picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

"Mr. Peter, we were finally able to reach you. We all started to think that you were dead, but suddenly I heard that you shared a post on social media. Can you believe it, while I was sitting at home having breakfast, I saw a news about you purchasing strawberry production?"

"Okay, you don't need to talk any more. You're fired."

The voice on the other end of the phone remained silent for a while and then asked why.

"Haven't you seen the news? I bought a new company, including the employees."

When the woman was about to object again, Peter hung up the phone on the woman and confronted her and the doctor, who watched him in surprise.

When Peter acted like everything was normal, Ai was the first to open his mouth hesitantly.

"Did you really fire him for this reason? You know, in our company, Ichiro-san's wife takes care of all such matters."

Uzume looked at Peter curiously, approving Ai's words.

"Actually, the reason you kicked him out is because I forgot his name."

Ai was not satisfied with this answer and continued questioning

"I'm serious. My memory is very good, but if I forget someone's name, it means I don't really care about that person."

When Ai was finally convinced, the conversation continued and after a while, the doctor left the room, saying he had to go home.

In order not to disturb Ai, who was pregnant, Peter left the room and decided to go to the roof of the hospital and take a breather.

As Peter stood on the roof looking at the slowly darkening sky, Uzume suddenly started screaming.

"Peter, look at the task. The assassination date has changed from tomorrow to today, only half an hour later."

Hearing Uzume's words, I opened the mission and looked at the mission duration, which had actually changed. Fortunately the difficulty level was still the same

Even though Peter didn't show it very clearly, he was feeling slightly nervous because it was his first time killing someone.

The roof door suddenly opened and a nurse came out, announced that Ai Hoshino had gone into labor, and quickly left.

"Peter, we already saw the place I told you about on our way here. Now we need to go there. Our goal is to push the doctor down the cliff there and then we will take action immediately."

" I understand "

After leaving the hospital with running steps, it took them 20 minutes to reach the place Uzume mentioned. Peter hid behind a tree, put on black leather gloves and covered his face with a hood.

A few minutes later, Peter came into view as the doctor was running towards the hospital. Immediately afterwards, he was running after another young doctor.

While the doctor and the young man were somewhere near Peter, he stopped the young doctor and asked him, "Are you the doctor responsible for the birth of Ai Hoshino?" The doctor looked at the man who stopped him strangely and asked, "How do you know his last name?"

Instead of answering the young doctor, he started running towards the adjacent forest area and the doctor followed him.

Uzume appeared and quietly said to Peter, "Follow them. Just like we talked about."

The chase, in which Peter was secretly involved, ended shortly, and Peter lurked behind a tree again and watched what was happening.

While the young man and the doctor were arguing, the young man suddenly pushed the doctor down the cliffs

"This is our chance, come on, push him down and our mission is over."

Peter quietly whispered to Uzume that it still wasn't the right time.

Uzume was still trying to convince Peter to take action as she looked at the young man slowly walking away, but Peter completely ignored Uzume.

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