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Chapter 2: Prologue

In 2100, the world shut off. Nobody knows how or why. Honestly, we stopped asking long ago... Solar flares, earthquakes, and floods were just some of the various challenges we faced during the first five years after what we now call "D-Day." They happened instantaneously, no warning, no signs, nothing. No countries were ready, and the world fell into silence. Then chaos, utter chaos. Looting was commonplace; a water bottle was significant wealth and worth fighting over. During the first year, 50% died. Yes, roughly 6 billion people spread across the globe, dead. Some died due to natural disasters, but most died at the hands of fellow human beings. People in power, the ones that survived, that is, quickly took control over various shelters. And the few lucky shelters strong enough to make it became a beacon of light for humans across the world. And, it is here we meet for the first time. Well, you met me; I, uh, well, I don't really know who will listen to this. My story is not exactly bright. Well, I assume the ending of it all isn't all that bad. Hi, future... somebody. My name is Noah Straps, and I am, well I am the current ruler of mankind. Oh, shut up you, no... get the fuck out of here you dirty dog, can't you see I am in the middle of something? Oh no hah, not you... haha! I'm talking to my old friend Bard, nothing really makes sense to you, huh? Well, no matter, if not now. Maybe later. (Author's note: well, don't get your hopes up. Probably not, right?! Hah). Oh, looks like our time is up, well here goes nothing. Enjoy my story. This is how I conquered, ruled, and opened up the first human intergalactic empire, known and feared as "Strapsis".

"Ba-dum, Ba-Dum, Ba-Dum." What is happening to me?

"HELLO, CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?" I screamed, or at least tried to. I'm pretty sure nobody could hear me, nobody at all.

"PLEASE, I CAN'T TAKE IT MUCH LONGER," I pleaded, a sliver of hope still flickering deep within my heart.

"Someone, anyone... please," I whimpered, my voice weak and devoid of any hope that once excisted.

No matter how much I screamed, begged, and cried, there was nothing. No sound, no vision, only blackness, and the echo of my own thoughts. All I remember is being hit by a car and then nothingness, before suddenly my own heartbeat sounded unbearably loud, drowning out everything else. I just wanted it to stop, regardless of the cost.

"He is waking up," a voice called out, seemingly from nowhere.

"Now? It's too soon, isn't it?" another voice questioned.

"Wake him up, he has been freeloading for long enough," an authoritative voice commanded from behind. "Make sure he is presentable before we bring him before his father. Don't screw this up."

Movement surrounded me, and then I felt a sharp pinch, and...

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